A HISTQRY 01' THB LATER ROMAN EMPIRE ~~. s y;.~~• .A HISTORY 0 .. TllE LATER ROMAN EMPIRE FROM ARCADIUS TO IRENE (395 A.D. TO 800 A.D.) BY J. B. BURY, M.A. VOL. II 'Jl.onbon MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NBW YORE. 1889 ..u ...... _ \j S-L ~ J) ~'L~ 13 c,', L {(; 3? LIST OF CALIPHS (632-800 A.D.) A.D. Abu Bekr 632 Omar I 634 Othman .644 Muaviah I } 656 Ali Muaviah I 661 Yezid I 680 Muaviah II 683 Mervan I 683 AM Almalik 685 Welid I 705 8uleiman 715 Omar II 717 YezidII 720 Hischam 724 WelidII 743 Yezid III 744 Morvan II 744 End of Omeyyad dyll8llty in 750. ABBASID DniASTl". Abd Allah (Abu.l-Abbas) 750 Abu Djafar Manssur 754 Mahdi. 7n HaW • 785 Haruu Arraochid 'i86 GENEALOGICAL TABLE OF THE HOUSE OF HERACLIUS 1 Epiphaniit = Heraclius 1 (Fabia). 1 (general). Gregorius. Rogas , 1 . 1 I 1 (or RortuS).. Maria, m. (1) Martm; Theodorus. Gregorius. Nicetas. 1 (2) Eutropius. I Theodorus. 1 1 , Martina = HERACLIUS. Gregoria = CONSTANTINE III. (1) Eudocia = HERACLIUS, = (2) Martina. ""'I _______....:.I---,d. 640. 1 Epiphania (or Eudocia). ''---.-1. ---'-----1. --1;------;--.-1---;-1-. ----;1 Gregoria = CONSTANTINE III Heraclius, FlavlUs. Theodosius=Nice David Marinus. Augustma. Marina. (daughter 1 (also called called (daughter (Tiberius). of NicetaS)., Heraclius), HERACLONAS. of Sarbar). d. 641. 1 1 x=Constantine Heraclius, Theodosius. called CONSTANS II, d.668. I 1 1 Anastasia = CONSTANTINE IV, Tiberius. Heraclius. 1 d.685. ' JUSTINIAN II = Theodora. 1 I I daughter. Tiberius, d. 711. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE FROM THE ACCESSION OF JUSTIN II, 565, TO THE DEATH OF IRENE, 802 '.11. hlPEBlAL EvtotTo. ····1,.. ,.,,0··1 Aoo1C8810)l'8. 565 18-14 6057-8 JU8tin II. Embassy of Avars arrives a.t Constantinople. 567 18-1 6059-60 Lombards and Avars ov~row Gepid kingdom. 568 1-2 6060-1 Lombardo entor Italy. 569 2-8 6061-2 Embassr. of Turks to Conatan- tinop e. 571 4-5 6068-4 DuchyofBenevenaunfound~ 572 5-8 606i-5 War with Persia begins. Cam- paign of Marcian. 578 6-7 6068-6 ROman victo'"l' at Sargathon. Persians mvsde Syria. Deeth of Alboin. 5U 7-8 6066-7 Daraa taken by Persians. Tiberius defeated by Avars. Tiberius made Caesar and regent. 575 6-9 6067-8 Peace for three ye&1"B with Persia (except in Pel'88J''' menial. 576 9-10 6066-9 Chosroea defeated near Meli- tone. 577 10-11 6069-70 Slaves invade lllyricum and Thrace, and settle in Boman territory. Maurice invades Araanene and Cordy.. e (dato nncertain~ 578 11-12 6070-1 TibariuslL 579 Ii-IS 60U,..2 Death of Choaroea Nushirvan. 581 14-15 6078-4 Sirmium lost to the A. vara. Treaty with Avara. Roman victory at CoDStau.tina. 582 18-1 6074-5 :Maurice. viii CHRONOLOGICAL AND GENEALOGICAL TABLES IlfnRIAL INDlCI'lO•• It....... "D. .. ... AOC'I!88lONl. 583 1-2 6075-6 Avars Beize 'Singdnnum, etc. Battle of the ymphiWl. 584 2-3 6076-7 Treaty with Aval"8. Autbaris, king of Lombard.. Death of ChiJperic. IIovolt of Hermenigild agoinst Leon. gild. 585 6-4 6077-8 Birth of the prince Th..,. do.nue. 586 4-5 6076-9 Vict0ij1 of Bomanl (under Ph· .p= .t Bolachon. Avan Moesia. 587 5-8 6079-80 Campaign of Comentioluo againat Avan. 588 6-7 6080-1 Disaffection in eutem army. 589 7-8 6081-2 Martyropoli8 taken by Permalll. Comentiolt1l winl • battle near N iaibis. 590 6-9 6082-3 Varahran rebels and becomee king of Persia. Monte Ca.a8ino rendered desolate. Agilolf king of Lombardo. • Gregory (the Groot) baeomeo Popa. 591 9-10 6086-4 Maurice reotoNo Chooroeo II to the Penian throne. P.... with Penis. Ann invade Thra<e. 592 10-11 6084-5 E,&,:ition of Priocus agoinst Slaves. 593 11-12 6085-8 Campaign of Peter. 596 14-15 608S-9 MiMlon of SI. Augustine to Britain. 597 15-1 6089-90 Peter. expedition __ Slove&. AVlIJIJ beoiege 1'h<o- .lonic&. 598 1-2 6090-1 Avara besiege Singidunum IlDd invade Dalmatia. 599 2-3 6091-2 Av ... invade Moeoia. P ..... between Lombardll and ex- archeI<>. 600 6-4 6092-3 Greet vietoritA! of Priocus over the An.n. 602 5-8 602~ Phoeu. Gudwin·. eempoign agaiuot Slave&. Revolu~ and overthrow of Ilaurice. 603 6-7 6025-8 I\ovolt of Ii.,..... 604 7-8 6096-7 Death of Pope Gngary. Treoty with Avan. 605 6-9 6097-8 ()ouopiraey ~ Phoeu. 606 9-10 6096-9 Doraa I<>ken p...w... In- vuion of Syria. 607 10-11 6099-100 PeniaDs wvade the ~ 608 11-12 6100-1 Peniam advance to 609 12-13 6101-2 I\ovolt of Afri<a and of Ales- sndria. CHRONOLOGICAL AND GENEALOGICAL TABLES ix ",""ur. IIlIUCTIOV. EVE>n1I. "D. .. ... AccB8S1OW8. 610 18-U 6102-8 Heracliua. Revolt of Jews in Antioch. Phocas overthrown by Hera- dina. 611 1'-15 6108-4 Birth of Epiph&nia. 612 15-1 6104-5 Birth of Constantine. 614 2-8 6105-7 Persians invade Syria &Ild take Damascus. Treaty of Hera- cliua with Sisibut of Spain. 615 8-4 6107-8 Palestine invaded; J enisalem taken. 616 4-5 6105-9 Egypt lost to thePenri&ns (date uncertain). 617 6-8 6109-10 Persians take ChalCedOD. 618 6-7 6110-11 Heracliu. thinks of migratiog to Carthage. 619 7-8 6111-12 Heraclius flees from Avars. 620 8-9 6112-18 . Peace with Aval'S. 622 10-11 611'-15 Heraclius seta out for the Persian war. (1) Campaign of Cappadocia and PODtUS. • (16th July. era of the Hegira.) . 623 11-12 6115-16 End of first campa.,;.. 624 12-18 6116-17 (2)Firatcampaigno Azerbiyan. Last im-r,rial towns in Spain taken y Svintbil.. (3) Campaign of Albania and Armenia. 625 18-U 6117-18 (4) Campaign ofCilicia. 626 1'-15 6118-19 (5) Seoond campaign of A,er- biyan. Grest siege of Con· stantinople by Avara and Persians. 627 15-1 6119-20 t6) Campaign of Azayria. 628 Mohammed writes to 1-2 6120-1 Heraclius. 629 2-8 6121-2 ttle of Muta. Beracliua re- 8tores cross to Jerusalem. 832 5-6 6124-5 Death of Mohammed. Abu Bekr firat caliph. 634 7-8 6126-7 Battle of Adjuadein (July). Omar beoomea caliph. Battle or Yermuk (Angnet). 635 8-9 6127-8 Saracen. take Dam&IIC\1lIo 636 9-10 6128-9 Capturs or Em.... and HeU· 0l:lia. It Farewell "of Hera- e ·us. Conquest of Antioch, Chalcis, Beroea, Edessa, etc. Battle or Cadeaia. 637 10-11 8129-30 Jerusalem taken. Battle or Yalulah. 638 11-12 6130-1 Eetheais published. Coustan· tine .ttempt& to recover Syria. Uuaviah becomes emir of Syria. Couquest of M... potamia. " CHRONOLOGICAL AND GENEALOGICAL TABLES .... hmtCTIO•• ... ,......... B ...... .. AoclaJsIOliL - 689 12-13 6181-2 Amrn in.ad.. Egypt. 641 1~15 6133-4 Constantine III. Death of H.,...,UU& Death of HeracloD88. ConlltaDtine III. Fall of AleDl1dria. Battle of No- haveud. 642 15-1 613U Conatan.IL Fall of H.,...,lonas and Mar. tina. Battle of Scoltenna, and conqneat of Lignri& by Lombarda. 644 2-3 6136-7 Othman becom .. caliph. 646 U 6136-9 Fonndation of Cairo (Fostit). Manifesto of Africa againat monotheletimL 647 5-6 6183-40 Revolt in Africa. 648 6-7 6140-1 Type of eon.tana iasned. 649 7-8 6141-2 8ara<en expedition _mat eyp...... La....... Conncil condemDl the Type.. 650 6-9 6142-3 Arad1l8 conquered. 651 9-10 6143-4 Saracens invade Aaia Minor. 652 19-11 614U Armenia lost. 654 12-13 6146-7 8ara<en. take Rhode& Pope Martin at Now !lome. 655 13-14 6147-8 Naval battle of Phoenix. Pope Martin b&nished to Chenon. 656 14-15 6146-9 Murd... of Caliph Othman. Double caliphate. 658 1-2 6159-1 ~tion of ConBtaDa againat Ia.... 659 2-8 6151-2 Treaty with 8ara<ena. 660 3-4 6152-3 Sy lvanns fonnda • PanliciaD community. 661 ~5 6153-4 Death of Ali 662 5-6 6154-5 ConBtaDa ..to oot for Itall' 663 6-7 6155-6 Sa.racrenJ innde Romao .. in thU and following yean. 663 11-12 6166-1 ConlltaDtine IV. Constaos ,_..meted.. He- ...oll of Sabori. OD Armeuiau frontier. 669 IlI-13 6161-2 _ .. attaek Sicily. 670 13-14 6162-8 Fonndation of Kairowan. 673 1-2 6165-4 ~ition of IlnaYiah againat IltaDtinople. 674 2-8 6166-7 Siege of ConBtaDtinop\e ..... tinned uti! 677. 675 3-4 6167-8 SIan. ~ooicL 676 U 61tl8--t Cap""" of ...... by Cbn. tiau. but IOOD rew't:ied. 677 5-6 6169-70 Siege of Conotantinople raised. SlaVflIIagUn ~8&lon:ieL 678 6-7 6179-1 Peace with the ealjp Em- ba.:ie. of _«Stem _tiOaI to ConBtaDtinople. SI.. es beoi.ge IlalDnic&. 679 7-8 6171-2 ,.,..,..'tion 01 Bnlgoriaa kiDg. 110m. CHRONOLOGICAL AND GENEALOGICAL TABLES xi IXPERIAL INDIcrrOM. A..:II' • E,""""," .... ACCESSIONS. 680 8-9 6172-8 Death of MuaviBh. Sixth Ecumenical Council begins. 683 11-12 6175-6 Ka.irowan taken by Christians. 685 18-14 6177-8 Justinian II. l'reaty with Abd Alma.lik. Death of Constantine. 687 15-1 6179-80 Transmigration of )Iarda.ites. 688 1-2 6180-1 Slaves settled in Opsikion. 690 8-4 6182-8 EXEedition of Justinian against ulgarians and Slaves. 692 5-6 6184-5 Quinisext Council. 693 6-7 6185-6 Battle of Sebastopolis. Revolt of Symbatius. Armenia finally Bubjectad to the Arabs. 695 8-9 6187-8 Leontiua. Fall and banishment of Jus- tinian.
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