Display T 2 Displa y Early Years Primary Secondary Special All (Table3c) (Table3a) (T able3a) (Table3b) Add S chool Add Column Unit Value Block Additional Spend Block Other Pupil AEN - Early Years AEN- School- Led or Place Identified Site-specific Specific Learning specific Led Funding Special factors Factors (eg Early Years Pupils funded by the Early Years Single Funding Formula - base rates Funding Provided above the F E in Maintained Providers Primary : Funding for children admitted to school and in reception classes: pupils funded by year/age groups - age-weighted funding primary schools SECONDARY:Funding for children admitted to school and in reception classes: Pupils funded by year/age groups - age-weighted funding Secondary schools SPECIAL: Place-led funding Additional Pupil Led Funding Total Sixth form funding needs AEN - identified Special Educational Needs (pupil led) AEN - Other learning needs AEN -Social Need factors(in treated as pupil Educational (including Quality associated cluding led (eg for pupil led ) with EAL Needs (non and/or sufficiency or pupil led ) Difference in Pupil s Pupils pupil-led) Flexibility) KS1 Pupils Funding For Total Alternativ with or with or Total Total AEN Pupils Sixth YPLA Pupils with or Additional Total e Funding Other Total without without AEN - 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0 6808 11766 17,115.00 4684 0 7202 ######## 0 55618 0 0 00000038519 3386 511 0 0 10717 53133 4560 4560 9382 0 1294 5941 0 0 0 0 5853 0 0000000000000 Banks Lane Junior School 2006 0000000000000000000 0 000000084908690000000808515 350 000000 0 0 0000010991 2793 9607 7805 31196 0 0 - 0 10836 12502 17,115.00 9108 0 11703 ######## 0 72675 0 0 00000064670 6772 657 0 0 17199 89299 0 0 6435 0 1421 7654 0 0 0 0 7014 0 0000000000000 Bolshaw Primary School 2007 0000000000000000000 0 000030292931293131000000506477 210 000000 0 0 016570 0 0 0 3867 3460 3605 0 27502 0 0 1,418.00 1418 1844 3677 4,378.00 4684 0 2101 ######## 0 19414 0 0 00000026054 2877 438 0 0 8877 38245 0 0 5947 0 1046 4353 0 0 0 0 5008 0 0000000000000 Bridge Hall Primary School 2012 0 0 0 0 13110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53882 13110 524 0 000018212012151712000000279657 115 000000 0 0 0000020150 0 33816 0 53966 0 0 642.00 642 23592 22797 4,776.00 2524 0 23107 ######## 0 124160 0 0 00000032128 5515 511 0 0 7578 45731 1311 1311 4392 0 850 4442 0 0 0 0 3647 0 0000000000000 Broadstone Hall Primary School 2015 0 0 0 0 22800
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