www.ukrweekly.com СВ0БШІ5У0В0М Ж Я УЖМ?МСМИИ щскінннл ^ШШР' иявлі N1AH 0АП1 UkrainiaENGLISH-LANGUAOnE WEEKL Y EDITIOWeeN k Y vOL. LXXXYl. No. 258 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. NOVEMBER І І. 1979 25 CENTS Patriarch agrees Karavansky accepts offer to lecture at Harvard CAMBR1DGE. Mass. - Sviatoslav if Karavansky is allowed by the to attend consecration Karavansky. a Ukrainian dissident now Soviet government to accept Harvard's living in internal exile, has accepted offer, he would be the third former of Msgr. Lubachivsky Harvard University's invitation to Ukrainian political prisoner to lecture deliver two guest lectures, reported the at that university. NadiaSvitlychnaand PHILADELPHIA. Pa. -The Met– Harvard Crimson on October 25. valentyn Moroz were the first two ropolitun Chancery announced on The offer was made by Donald Ukrainian dissidents to accept Har– November 5 that Patriarch JosyfSlipyj. yard's invitations. the head of the "Pomisna" Ukrainian Fanger. chairman of the department of Officials at Harvard said that they Catholic Church, has agreed to attend Slavic languages and literatures, in a contacted the Soviet Embassy and the the consecration of the Rtr-Rcv,Pfelate letter to Karavansky in 1977. Harvard's Cultural Exchange office of the Ameri– Myroslav Lubachivsky. - offer was repeated twice since then. can Embassy in Moscow in hopes of in a telegram to the archbishop- Prof. Fanger received Karavansky's reply dated September 20 during the gaining Karavansky's release. Kara– designate. Patriarch Josyf wrote: vansky asked the university in his letter "Thank you for your telegram, in third week of October. Karavansky agreed to deliver two lectures on "pro– to renew its efforts and cautions that accordance with canon law. І will take "my departure may be delayed." part in your consecration as bishop." blems in the translation of classical English texts into Ukrainian." Karavansky, who was released' from The telegram was signed "Josyf Car– his second imprisonment on September dinal Slipyj. Patriarch." Translated from Ukrainian, Kara– ' 13 and now resides in Tarusa. a town 75 The consecration is scheduled to take vansky's letter reads:"For reasons not kilometers south of Moscow, said that if place at 5:30 p.m., on November 12. at under my control 1 did not read your he is not allowed to deliver the lectures the'Sistine ChapefrPope John Paul 11 letter until today...in principle 1 accept in person, lie would mail them "in order - г^і^Шфі^cay."neky ," had' announced earlier that he would your invitation and am willing to satisfy to share my ideas and experiences in the Stephen Chemych, president of the conduct the consecration. your request." area of translation with colleagues." The Crimson reported that the de– Ukrainian Studies Fund, said he partment has authorized a S300honor- thought there would be "no problem" Ulas Samchuk, Andrij Dobriansky, arium for Karavansky as well as his financing Karvansky's salary and ex– travel and living expenses for two penses should he decide to stay in the weeks, if Karavansky is allowed to visit United States. He said this arrangement William Shustto headline UNA Harvard, the Crimson reported that would cover Karavansky's wife. Nina sources at the University will probably Strokata. a microbiologist who was 85th anniversary program in New York offer him a position in the Ukrainian imprisoned from May 1972 to Research institute. December 1975. NEW YORK. N.Y. - The 85th Prof. Omeljan Pritsak, director of the Karavansky. a 59-year-old poet, anniversary program of the Ukrainian Ukrainian Research institute, said: "1 translatorahd literary critic, was origin- National Association, which will be doubt the Soviets will put approving his ally imprisoned by Soviet authorities in held in New York on November 24, will departure on their list of priorities." (Continued on page 3) feature three well-known Ukrainians from literature, music and drama, announced the New York District Committee. Ulas Samchuk. a noted Ukrainian NATO Assembly presses writer from Toronto. Ont.. the author of "in the Footsteps of the Pioneers." will deliver the keynote address. for human rights Mr. Samchuk's bqok. which he de- OTTAWA. Ont. During the week The work of the assembly was carried scribes as the history of Ukrainian of October 22. Canada was (he host to out at the sessions ol several standing America, will be released that day and the 25th annual meeting of the North committees and finalized at plenary orders for it will be accepted during the Atlantic Assembly, the parliamentary sessions lasting two days. The numer– banquet. arm of the 15 democratic countries ous resolutions and recommendations Andrij Dobriansky. bass-baritone allied in NATO; directed to the allied governments with the Metropolitan Opera Company The 25th anniversary of this intcrna– served to strengthen the military, eco– in New York, who has performed across tional parliament and the 30th anniyer– nomic. cultural, social, moral and the United States, will be the headline humanitarian aspects of the alliance. Ulas Samchuk sary of NATO were celebrated at a gala attraction during the concert. concert at the National Arts Center on Open to the public were the two-day lvan "lker? Kemylsky is also sche– also a UNA Supreme Advisor. Eusta– October 22. sponsored by the Canadian sessions of the Subcommittee on the duled to appear during the program chia Milanytch. lwan Wynnyk. Wolo– secretary of state and the Canadian Free Flow of information and People. with his speciallywritten feuilletons dymyr Lewenetz. Dr. Walter Du– -! uik Arts Council. The concert was an integral part of the Committee on about the UNA. shnyck. Stephen Chuma. Lesia Goy. attended by Governor-General Ed Education. Cultural Affairs and lnfor– The master of ceremonies will be star OTena Hentisz. William Chupa. Marian Schreyer. Prime Minister Joe Clark, mation. These meetings were attended of stage and screen. William ShusL" t Klymyshyn. І van Choma. Michael cabinet ministers, senators and Mi's, by members of the media, the Canadian During the program. UNA'ers from Saldan, lyan Pryhoda. Michael Ju– delegates and 2.000 invited guests. Section of the Captive European Na– tions and other observers. the tri-state area, who have been mem– zeniw and Stephanie Pronchik. bers of the UNA for over 40 years, will Featured were the Canadian Brass. receive special plaques. UNA Supreme President Dr. John O. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Band Of special interest to the public were F!is is a special adivsor to the commit– the appearances of several dissidents The jubilee banquet and concert are and leading Canadian talent. The finale. tce. who had been expelled by the Soviet being organised by the New York which captivated the audience, was a Union and were invited by the sub- District Committee, headed by Mykola The program will be held in the massive, colorful, swift-moving spec– committee to present their testimonies. Chomanc7uk. with the assistance of the Cirand Ballroom of the Roosevelt tacle of the folk dances, music and songs On October 22, a panel discussion was UNA Home Office and area district Hotel. 45th Stree and Madison Avenue, of the 15 nations, it was produced bv held with these now Western repre– committees. The program committee at 6 p.m. Leon Kossar and Guy l.andry of the consists of Mr. Chomanczuk. who is (Continued on pafc 14) Canadian Folk Arts Council. l( ontinued on pafe 7) ....– ' .. .:–. –, . - - " p--'ff–" . 2 ' :--r:--::..-:-; - -'.'THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER II. 1979 No. 258 Primate of Hiingary visits USSR 200 in camps hold hunger strike KESTON. England. - Cardinal shows that this was recognized, in a NEW YORK. N.Y. - Some 200 dissident groups in September and was Laszlo Lekai. primate of Hungary, was telegram sent to the pope soon after his political prisoners in the Perm and informed of their plans to issue simul– greeted by large crowds of Lithuanian accession, Lithuanian priests had pro- Mordovian concentration camps taneously lists of political prisoners on Catholics in vilnius, Kaunas and Pa– claimed: "Lithuania is ever faithful to marked the fifth anniversary of Political Political Prisoners Day. nevezys, during his visit to the USSR at the Apostolic See." Prisoners Day on October 30. with a the beginning of October, reported the Cardinal Lekai is said to have met hunger strike, reported the Helsinki "Our failure to receive any of the Keston News Service. representatives of the proscribed Eas– Watch Committee a New York-based information promised us in Moscow According to French and Polish tern Rite Catholic Church while visiting organization that monitors compliance and Prague would lead us to believe that sources ("Le Monde," October 22, and Kiev and Zhytomyr. in Moscow he was with the 197S Helsinki Accords. their efforts to make these lists public "Dziennik Polski," October 17), over also received by v.A. Kuroedov, chair- have been thwarted," said Ms. Laber. 10,000 people stood outside the cathe– man of the Council for Religious Yuri Orlov, founder of the Moscow dral in Kaunas where the cardinal was Affairs, the government body linked to Public Group to Promote the imple– Helen Sen of the committtee said that celebrating Mass, while in vilnius the the USSR Council of Ministers. The mentation of the Helsinki Accords, and the Helsinki Watch Committee has not numbers present at Mass may have cardinal returned home on October 17. Anatoly Shcharansky were reported to yet received the names of the 200 reached 23,000. in the diocesan center This is only the third visit to the have participated in the action. strikers. The only information that the of Panevezys, Cardinal Lekai was USSR by the head of an East European committee released in connection with greeted by a crowd estimated by some at Catholic. Church.
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