24 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1896. Mrs. Elizabeth Mowry soprano, and Dr. entitled "Dr. Helßraff," of which Charles KEW TO-DAY.' NEW TO-DAY—AMUSEMENTS. D. A. Hodghead tenor, willproduce Verdi's Kiein,tbe librettist of "ElCapitan," is the "Ernani" at the New Bush-street Thea- author. ter on Thursday evening next, May 14. AL HAYMAN& CO/S THEATERS. The cast willbe as follows: Elvira, Mrs. Dr. Belgraff, like Svengali, is a hypno- Elizabeth Mowry; Giovanna, Mrs. Pauline tist, and he uses his power to conceal a NOLAN BROS. murder I Wand; Ernani, Dr. D. A. Hodghead; Don he has committed. Remorse f^f ICarlos (Kingof Spain), Alfred A. Borlini; seizes him, however, and he takes to ; -' Don Ruy Gomez de Silva, P. Lafranchi; drink. Weakened by dissipation, he gradu- CO. ALL WEEK, ally I SHOE TO-HIGHT and THE Don Ricardo, I.iJresciani; Jago, L. Lacaze. loses his hypnotic influence and his fr| ftofi&n The opera will be produced under the secret is betrayed. Rather than pay the penalty idirection of Maestro Fanstino Ziliaui, of hi9crime he swallowed a | who has already successfully produced draught of poison and the play ends as he j ''Martha" and "Crown Diamonds." The falls dead. ohorus is a laree one, and those people who Rather a grewsome affair, is itnot? But have attended the rehearsals speak en- Mr. Lackaye says it is a very strong play thusiastically of several of the principals. and that he feels of its success. He may possibly give it a trial production Coining JCvcnts inMusic. somewhere this sprintr, but he intends to BIG- !MIJXrST?3FLE3X J>S I Next Thursday evening Berniiard Mol- open his starring tour in the "West, and NNQ In lns THEATRES willnot brine his play into New York un- MBSBA?Wi HT. ENTIRE mm FROM START TO FINISH. ATTHE lenhauer willbe tendered a concert « benefit tilhe has iiinperfect working in Golden Gate Hall by the patrons and order. GRAND PRIZE CAKE WALK! members of the San Francisco Symphony AUGISTIN DALY. presented STYLE Exactly as at Madison Square Garden. N. V.f by FRIMBOSB and WEST on their Orchestra. The orchestra willrender sev- LATEST Twenty-fifth Anniversary. eral Career of a Man selections, and Mollcnhauer and "Who Has Done Much J\A rrtflPIFQ t\(l Will contest for cash and valuable prizes KA fiftliDTrc CA Homer Henly willbe the soloists. James for the Drama. Ov-tvLILLIJ-OV Alllocal talent can participate free of en try OV"vUIJILL!3"DU Hamilton Howe willconduct. Born at Plymouth, N. C, July 20, 1838. FIISTE Monday, May 18-HOYT'S "A TRIP TO CHINATOWN." and educated some Andrew Bogart, a barytone whohas sung in Norfolk, Va., with a good deal in concerts finishing touches put on in New York local for the last City, two years, will be tendered a farewell Auguistin Daly is claimed as a South- Deneht concert in Metropolitan Temple ern man, though New York and the Na- tion now claim him, and is proud of him Dfll/ijij![MM\h CARNIVALOF LAUGHTER! for what he the stage end l/irl has done for AND R dramatic literature. He became dramatic TO-NIQHT (SUNDAY), 7 5faHTS editor of the New York Sunday Courier in Arc (he 18(59, and successfully held positions on We Only House That Has THE STRANGE the Express, Citizen, Times and Sun un- EDDIE til he became a manager of theaters by Allthe Very Latest Tan Shoes. opening the old Fifth-avenue Theater. cvw To him was due the production of Henry r\JY OF MISS BR.OTA7-3STBR.O"W3ST Mosenthal's America, and Management of WM. A. BRADY. Ptranpe "Deborah" in OLD Adventures of Miss the brilliant success of Miss Kate Bate NO STYLESin ODESTORE Brown" is not exactly a M farce- man in the of Nothing but the very all comedy well-remembered character latest and EXTRA- y ADA REIIAN and AUGUSWH DALY'S that scintillates with Leah the Forsaken, thirty-two years right up the minute. D^r'l COMPANY" genius, but is bright to So when Repertoire First Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evenings and Saturday Matinee, The it and enter- \ ago. While yet youth adapted plays Thursday Friday, •' Saturday a he you want TAN SHOES send Countess Guckf." — and The Two Escutcheons."'• niirht. "School For THEtaining. More than that, ittells 3 ; come or nights and Saturday Matinee, Night's I)ream." Scandal." Second Five Mldsumnu-r ' for Mrs. John Wood, Mme. Methua- '• " Saturday tangible tale indialogue, and is not merely direct to our store and buy them night," The Last Word." Third Week— Twelfth >.'ight." "The Hunchback,' "The Honeymoon' Scheller, Rose Eytinge and Avonia Jones. The Taming of The shrew." NOTE—Choice of seats willhe given to subscribers who purchase a string of clumsy v<-gs on hang 11, seats which to j He was the earliest adopter of Charles for every change of play, Subscribers' seat* will be ready Monday, .May and mim' be caller) for third and fourcii rate vaudeville perform- I that day. Regular sale of seats for the entire three weeks will commence Tuesday, Hiv" 12. Prices Reade's "Griffith Gaunt," and he had a lIKHa engagement 50, and 60 cents, ances. Strange say, public during the N will be $2, if1 »1 according to location. to the in this principal hand inconverting Henry Ward AT WHOLESALE <ity seems prefer " PRICES. to farce-comedies that Beecher's novel of Norwood" into a are mere excuses for vaudeville shows. It play, in days when the name of Beecher MOROSCO'S GRAND OPERA-HOUSE. is hard to say why this should be so, for was a watchword for the public enthu- We Are Making a Specialty The Handsomest Family Theater InAmerica. WALTER MOROSCO the Orpheum gives a better variety show siasm. As a writer of original dramas he of Tan Shoes and Can Sole Lessee an!Mana^ar than any farce-comedy organization can was very early in the field. His melo- - - - - - - - afford to offer. There are expenses drama of "Under the Gaslight," produced Suit Every One. TO-MORROW EVENING MONDAY, of in 1807, containing the rescue from death MAY 11 statre management, etc., con- upon track, proved pre- nected the railroad the SECOND WEEK OF AMERICA'S LEADING with a theatrical company, even if cursor of a long line of sensational plays AllStyles That Are Made in TRAGEDIAN. itis a theatrical company only in name, upon American subjects. His "Flasn of which makes unprofitable i lightning," 1868, was another success Black' Shoes We Have in Tan. EDiMITTHSTID KZ. COLLIER it to engage as in EHU3B Supported by a Select Cast from our Own Company, good all-round vaudeville stars as a regu- in the same field, and his play of "Pique" ' lar music-hall organization can present. still continues to be the best of American IN THE GREAT MELODRAMATIC SUCCESS, We have been so | domestic dramas. dosed with Dad singing During his first season as* a manager, WE SELL: and worse aancing, under the name of 1869-70, to Ladles' Finest Quality Tan Chrome KidButton, that of when he had contend band-turn soles, pointed toes and tips, at.. farce-comedy, that "The Strange Advent- against the rivalry of Booth's Theater and $2 50 per pair ures , WallacK's, twenty-three of Miss Brown" at the Baldwin comes George a next as of he produced Ladles' Fine Tan Oxfords, French heels, hand, pionship. Wilson has number of Wednesday evening, it is his in- plays, three were by Shakespeare, soles, .s•_' THE as a of which turn toes and at per CROSS-ROADS OF refreshing relief. programme. pursue pointed tips, pair LIFE! new things for this week's tention to his studies abroad. Mr. and every one of his revivals was consci- Ladies" Fine Tan Kid, Brown Cloth Top A STORY OF MOST INTENSE INTEREST. On Monday, the 18tn inst., Hoyt's Bogart will be assisted by the Saturday fords, Ox- SPECIALTIES, The modern stage-manager gets inmore entiously planned and sumptuously ac- or Southern Ties, hand-turn soles, MFWI^l-," I SONGS. DANCES. I MCU/ "Tripto Chinatown" will be presented at Morning Orchestra, and the Philomel, presented trage- pointed or square toes, at $150 per T| SOUL-STIRRING REALISM. l>CW of his deadly work every year. Plays are by Ly Cleff, Plymouth complished. He that fine pair J— the California the company selected Treble California and dian E. L. Davenport when at bis best. Ladies' Fine Russet Oxford Ties, turn soles, constantly becoming more spectacular Hoyt and McKee to appear in the piece quartets, as well as by Miss Sophia New- brought pointed or square toes, at $1 per pair OUR USUAL POPULAR during coming lands, Reed, con- He out Mrs. Scott-Siddons in PRICES. and realistic, tanks are bigger, machinery the Australian tour. soprano, and Mrs. Olive Shakespearean tragedy and comedy at a Ladles' White Canvas Oxford Ties, turn soles, is more complicated Among its members are: Harry Conor, tralto. pointed toes, at 91 50 per pair and millinery and McCann, time when that lovely woman was in the Geraliiine Georce Beane, Sadie prime of her beauty. He managed en- TIVOLI smart frocks are rapidly becoming ofmore McDonald, Frank Lawton, Patrice, Arthur Mrs. Eunice Westwater announces a OPERA-HOUSE importance than good p.'ays song gagements of John Brougham. Georpe L. MBit.hs.MiSTi.Nii Kbsxijjq.Proprietor &Alanajor and clever Pacie, Amelia Btoue, J. Aldnch Libby and recital in Native Sons Hall on the Fox, Booth, Joseph Jefferson, Children's and Misses' Tan Shoes. acting. But what a stage- 19th inst.
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