.-, All th~ Np.ws / of All the Pointes " • • • ,t Every Thursday rosse 'Pointe ! Morning e,ws Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes oj Ib6 News VOLUME 21-NO, 12 Entered as Second Class Malter at the Post Offlce at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, MARCH 24. !960 24 PAGES TWO SECTIONS SECTION I GPHS Science Fair Features 200 Exhibit5 ISnow Ren-wval, IBid Public 0/ the To Healing \"EI~K As Compiled by th~ Salt Costs Dig At Center Grosse Pointe News G.P. Garden Council to Thursday, MarCh 17 Into Pointe Budget SpOnSCii'Meeting on VICE PRESIDENT Nixbn will Insecticide Problem have the full support of Presi. Winter Expenses Total $36,036, Including the Cost of. dent Eisenhower for the Re- publican nomination for Presi- labor and the Use of The Grosse Pointe Garden C 0 u n c i 1, in cooperation dent and in the November Public Equipment with various public groups election; Eisenhower announced yesterday. In a news confer- . The heavy snowfalls and icy roads of a die-hard and private residents, is ence, Ike said that he would wmter, has dug deep into the five Pointes' budgeted planning to sponsor a pub- do anything 'he could to aid funds for snow removal 11nd salt purchases it was lie meeting at which time Nixon in his election campaign. officially disclosed. <'l ' the question of the use of 'He did say that he would not The total cost of snow remov- DDT S P ray will be dis- go so far as to appear "too a1 and spreading of salt on the W oo(,ls Okays cussed, much" a personal patron of the icy roads and streets throughout' The 'Garden Council, headed Vice President, He is willing to the Pointe, is $36,036; with the Add. · by Mrs. Horace Ray Will oC 283 campaign "in a perfeetly prop- Park. and Farms being the only ltlOlt Hillcrest rand, president, held a er and restricted" manner, If two communities exhausting ap- special meeting Tuesday morn- his services are needed, Mr. propriated funds for these ac- For Churclt ing. March 22, at the Gross~ Eisenhower's answer to a re- tivlties. Pointe War Memorial, to con- porter's question. did he hav~ The Pointes expended approx- sider .sponsoring this public any personal preference in the imately $24,477.72, for 2,789 C '/ A W d meeting. upcoming Presidential r ace, tons of salt, and $11,558.18, to OUnCl, pprov~s 00 S "The Council was very inter. was emphatically "yes." pay their respective Department Presbyterian Church Plan ested in the proposed meeting '" '" '" of Public Works personnel, and To Add Annex and Off and feels that it is In the best Friday, March 18 for the cost of gas and use of S P k- L Interests of the Grosse Point~ AN AIRCRASH near Tell eity-owned equipment. Each treet ar '"9 ot community that this controver- City. Ind., took' the lives of all community used its own person- sial subject be brought into the . 63 aboard, yes t e r day, The nel for snow remova I• an d th e The Grosse Pointe Woods open for public discussion," said Northwest Airlines turboprop payments received were the Presbyterian Church, 19950 Mrs, Will. plane exploded in mid-air and normal hourly rates for the time Mack avenue, was granted To EducatP. and Intorm crashed into the farm land just spent on the job, permission to build an addi. "The meeting is not for the north of th~ Ohio river. The Each communit~ pays $8,90 a !ion to their present build- purpose of stirring up trouble flight was bbund from Minne- ton for salt, and 1D cases when . , h it becomes' necessary to have. lng and c? n ~t r tJ. c t an In t is matter. Rather, In view apolis to Miami with, a stop in {t~~;>,~. the sait hauled by private off-street parkm.g lot, by of all of the talk on the subject Chicago. At first it was thought So outstanding were some of the exhibits in the School Board member' FRANKLIN' D. DOUGHERTY., trucks. an additional cost of the Woods CounCIl,Mouday of DDT and the controversy" as that the airliner had collided $1.50 a ton is added. night, March 21. to whether or not it is killing with another plane, Grosse Pointe High School'Science Fair that many of The Fair, sponsored by th~ school Science Clilb, bird and animal liCe in the * * '" them have been recommended ior thG Metropolitan opened Monday evening and continued through Tues- First Big Snowfall Feb. 26 The building permit was Pointe, the purpose is to edu. Saturday, l\larch 19 Scienc;e Fair. next month. BARRY ',rrSDALE, left, day. Over 200 exhibits were arranged for students, The heaviest expenditures for originally denied because the eate and inform .the public of A NORTHWEST Alrlines Boe- with chemistry teacher GEORGE HOLMAN, shows parents and the public to inspect. the 1959-60 winter, started (rom number of new parking spac,es aU sides of, the question" Ing Stratocruiser, carrying 73 his telephone dialer and amplifier to Grosse Pointe the time of the first big snow- planned by the church (40) did l\{rs, WlIl added. ' persons. made a "diving right fali, Thursday. February 25, and not meet the requirements of A definite time [or this meet. t=' to avoid what cwere.,be,- the total cost figures given, are the existing city ordinance. ing.has not been set, :.s yet. due lieved to be two military type as'.ofThursday, l'ofarch17.. The, ol'dlnance.requlres one to the/act that to have a good jets flying in c1o'se .formation," City., Budget 175' Jumo!" High Students Farms Asked' The Park budgeted $9.400 for parking space for every four meeting, it is necessary to havs Friday nIght,. over Lansing. A its. winter program, and ex- persons the sanctuary will seat. speakers who are experts in tile , spokesman for Boeing said that pended $10,194.68. necessitating The new addition will seat an various fields In question. Reviewed Visit Capital at Lansing To.Alleviate transfer of the difference from additional 238 persons. There- The Coun 'I h t h the pilot stated that the two .the Contingent Fund. The total fore, sixty parking spaces would attendance emI opehs 0 ave, II~ jets were coming straight at the , t' 1 d d fl' , en \V 0 are qua I~ ~s, mc u e pa: or pex:sonnet' be. needed t0th.fulflli . the re- fled in the fIelds of agriculture, airliner at the same altitude. At Hearing Meet Gbverillnerit Qfficia'ls .;'.Earthquake'" f u d The weather was clear and visi- e use 0 pu c eqwpmen, qwrements of e or !Dance. chemistry and bird and animal :~itPurchase of 497Y.! tons of COUllEUHears Appeal life, as well as' city officiIs, bility was good at the time. of Mayor. Kenneth Berqman Chartered Buses Take Ninfh ,Grade Civic Classes .from Two Residents Claim That I the incident. The plane dived Parc~lIs, .Brownell 'and Pierce to Study. The City stayed within Its The ~uneil, sitting as a In order to hear all sides of 300 feet, causing one passenger Presents $688,950, for M k Passing Buses Cause Their budget of $5,800. It spent $4,905, Board of Appeals, heard the the question on the use of the to suffer a strained neck and a 1960-61 Total LaY( a ing jn Dais Tour Homes to Shake for labor, for use of its own argume~ts of the church rep- DDT spr~y. stewardess. a wrenched back. The state capitol in Lansmg is the destination of equipment, and for 577 tons o[ r.esentatlves who ~sked for re- Now DOT Used The plane was a nonstop flight The City, of Grosse Pointe . h h h d h Two Farms res ide n t s salt including bauling hef under the ordinance on the At present, a DDT spray Is from New York to Minn'eapolis held a public hearing Monday many Grosse Poipte jUDlor ig sc Dol stu ents t ese petitioned the Farms coun~ , .'. basis of hardship. The area to being used by all five Grosse and was carrying as a passenger morning. March 21, to reviEW days, their visit coinciding with a'study of government ell to take measures to eli- . The Far~s dId n?t. have be used. for parking, on the Pointe communities in an ef- the husband and father of fou~ the proposed budget of $688,- in 9th grade civics classes. 0 . ~Igures avaIlable pertammg to south side of the church bor- fort to ('ombat the Dutch Elm of the victims of the Northwest. 950.00 for the 1960-61 fiscal Approximately 175 students dent.s tour is a visit to the two minate, tremors that shake the payment ?f perso~nel a~d dering on Torry road, is only disease that is fatal to the many , 1 h' f th thr I I' . hi h . their h 0 m e s "like small tbe cost of. USIng public eqUlp- large enough for 40 spaces. beautiful elm trees tbat line crash in Indiana ear ier t IS year. beginning Apl1il 1. rGm e ee oea JunIor g legislative chambers in sesslon. ment, but It became necessary the streets and d f week, Morris C. Chalfen. schools will have made the trip An hour is divided between the earthquakes" when buses for the city council to transfer They also stressed the fact yar s 0 the * * * This is the first budget to by the end of next wee~.
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