Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70073-3 - Introduction to Bryophytes Edited by Alain Vanderpoorten and Bernard Goffinet Index More information Index Entries in bold refer to figures abscisic acid (ABA) 194, 208 Barbilophozia floerkei 48 acclimitization 211 basidiomycete 61, 100 acidification 36 basipetaly 72 acropetaly 72 Bazzania 44, 46 Acroschisma wilsonii 76 Bazzania trilobata 45 adaptation to drought 185, 201 Betula 65 alga 42 biodiversity indicator species 226, 241 allopolyploidization 152 bioindicator 224 Alsia californica 28 biomonitoring-direct 225, 227 alternation of generation 3 indirect 225 aluminium (Al3þ) 205 Blasia 64 amber 142 Blasia pusilla 62 Amblystegiaceae 105 Blepharostoma trichophyllum 48 Ambuchanania leucobryoides 76 bog 37, 153 analogue 16 chemistry 39 Andreaea 71, 77, 88, 89, 90, 94, Brachythecium rutabulum 164, 179, 184, 105, 114 203, 207 Andreaea rupestris 76 Breutelia azorica 194 Andreaeobryopsida 91, 101, 102 Bryophyta 5 Andreaobryum 77, 94 bryophyte-annual production 30 Andreaeobryum macrosporum 77 biomass 29 Andreaeopsida 101, 102 cover 159 Anomodon rugelii 80 diversity 154, 160, 168 Anthoceros 24, 120, 121 economic value 32 Anthoceros neesii 122, 123 epiphyte 166 Anthocerotophyta 7, 15 epiphyte diversity 164 antibiotic properties 41 life cycle 3 Antitrichia californica 151 mineral content 34, 202 Aphanorrhegma serratum 88 monoicy 132 Arabidopsis thaliana 16 monophyly 2 arachidonic acid 42 soil crust 36 Archidiaceae 182 spore number 179 Archidium 89, 182 spore size 179 Archidium alternifolium 176, 179 Bryopsida 101 Ascomycete 61, 100 Bryoxiphium 81 Asterella 59 Bryum 176 Atrichum 83 Bryum argenteum 134, 230 Atrichum crispum 140 Bryum capillare 206 Atrichum undulatum 91, 134 Bryum dichotomum 178 Austrofossombronia 51 Bryum rubens 99, 178 Azolla 120 Bryum schleicheri var. latifolium 247, 248 294 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70073-3 - Introduction to Bryophytes Edited by Alain Vanderpoorten and Bernard Goffinet Index More information Index 295 Buxbaumia 78, 103, 136, 179 extinction 234, 237, 238–244 Buxbaumia viridis 135 focal species approach 245 fortress concept 245 calcicole 205 genetic diversity 244 calcifuge 204, 205 habitat destruction 238 Calliergon 41 horticulture 237 Calliergon obtusifolium 81 immigration 238–244, 249, 251 Calliergonaceae 104 indirect threats 238 Calliergonella cuspidata 222 invasive plants 238 Calluna vulgaris 38 legislation 234 calorific value 40 levels of threat 233 Calypogeia 51 management 244, 252 Calypogeia fissa 161 peatland 248, 251 calyptra 23 protected areas 244 Campylium stellatum 105 regeneration 252 Campylopodium allonense 143, 145 reintroduction 246 Campylopodium medium 145 restoration 248, 254 Campylopus introflexus 38, 140, 141, 238 Sphagnum 255 Campylopus pilifer 39, 80 strategies 244 Campylopus pyriformis 99, 100 threat categories 233, 235, 237 carbon cycling 26 threatened species 237 storage 27 unsuitable conditions 251 storage in ecosystem 30 continental drift 124 carnivory 47 coprophily 95 Catharomnion ciliatum 79 cost of reproduction 133 cation exchange capacity (CEC) 37, 204, 205 Crossidium crassinerve 187 Cavicularia densa 62 Cryphaea heteromalla 217 cavitation 19 cryptic speciation 144 cell water content 188 cryptogamic crusts 35 Cephalozia connivens 23 Cryptothallus 65, 66 Ceratodon purpureus 179 cuticle 19, 41, 186, 187, 196, 214, 227 Chandonanthus hirtellus 165 cyanobacterium 33 Charophyceae 12 Cyathophorum adianthum 79 Cheilolejeunea 165 cytoplasmic polarity 20 chemical composition 41 Chiloscyphus polyanthos 210, 217, 218 Dawsonia 19 chlorophyll content 215, 216 Dawsonia lativaginata 179 cladistic biogeography 146 Dawsonia superba 132 cleistocarpy 182 decomposition 27, 33 Climacium americanum 73 rate 37 Climacium dendroides 78 deficiency zone 203 climate change 214 Dendroceros 107, 109, 118, 120, 121 bryophyte diversity 223 desiccation resistance 19 Cololejeunea biddlecomiae 48 desiccation tolerance 16, 186, 189, 190, 193, Colura 47 239, 252 Colura zoophaga 49 bryophyte vs vascular plant 192 compensation point 197, 222 constitutive 194 competition 168 inductive 194 compression fossil 10 physiology 194 conducting cells 17–22 protective mechanism 191 Conocephalum 52 repair mechanism 192 Conocephalum conicum 45, 56, 179 trade-off 196 conservation-axenic cultures 247 variation 188 bryophyte diversity 232, 244 diaspore 132 colonization 243, 250 bank 180 commercial harvest 237 Dichodontium palustre 206 cryopreservation 247 Dicranaceae 86, 144, 145, 186, 217 deforestation 238, 241 Dicranella 75 direct threats 237 Dicranella cerviculata 145 dispersal limitation 249 Dicranella heteromalla 179 ex situ conservation 247 Dicranidae 94 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70073-3 - Introduction to Bryophytes Edited by Alain Vanderpoorten and Bernard Goffinet Index More information 296 Index Dicranum 42, 165, 169, 170 Erpodium biseriatum 126, 129 Dicranum flagellare 174, 175 Exormotheca pustulosa 68 Dicranum montanum 217 external water conduction 186, 194 Dicranum polysetum 170 extracellular water 193, 196 Dicranum tauricum 217 digestibility 41 favourability gradient 167 Dinckleria 54 fern 42 dioicy 52, 59 fertilization range 132 Diphyscium 103 Fissidens 81 Diphyscium foliosum 78 Fissidens bryoides 81 Diplophyllum albicans 179 Fissidens celticus 133 Diplophyllum obtusatum 48 Fissidens dubius 157, 160 disjunction 124 Fissidens serrulatus 197, 198 dispersal 126 Folioceros 121 distance 133, 134 Folioceros appendiculatus 117 mode 132, 133 Fontinalis 207, 211 distribution pattern 127, 156 Fontinalis antipyretica 213 evolutionary significance 141 Fontinalis dalecarlica 104 human influence 139 food conducting cell 20 origin 130 forest productivity 37 Ditrichum flexicaule 81 fossil 142 Douinia 46 amber 142 Douinia ovata 45 fossilization 10, 11 drought avoidance 186 Fossombronia 59 escape 186 freezing tolerance 208 resistance 192 Frullania 47, 163 dry deposition 203, 215 Frullania appalachiana 48 Frullania polysticta 49, 54 Echinodium prolixum 240 Funaria 11, 176 ecological amplitude 105 Funaria hygrometrica 79, 88, 93, 97, 135, 169, 178, index 225 179, 206, 230, 231 niche 162 Funariaceae 104, 186 role 40 Funariales 90, 103 role-invertebrate 40 fungal infection 41, 48 soil development 34 water erosion 35 gametophyte viability 188 weathering 34 Garovaglia 197 significance 26, 34–39, 232 gene flow 150 switch 36 recruitment 193 ecology-global 153 genetic structure 156 landscape 156 Gingko biloba 42 population 162 glaciation 156 species interaction 166 Glomales 120 economical significance 31 Glomerales 24 ecosystem engineer 35 glomeromycete 24, 61, 100 ectohydry 187 Glomus 24 elaiosome 39 Gondwana 130 embryophyte 2, 8, 15, 50 greenhouse effect 157 endemic radiation 152 Grimmia 212 endemism 127, 130 Grimmia pulvinata 176, 178, 188, 189 endohydric species 186 Grimmiaceae 104 endomycorrhizae 23 growth rate 169 endozoochory 40, 139 growth-form 171, 172, 195 entomophily 94, 95 cushion 171 Eopolytrichum antiquum 144 feathery mat 171 Ephemeropsis tjibodensis 4 mat 171 Ephemerum 103 pendent 171 epiphyll 162 turf 171 epiphyte 162 wet 171 zonation 164 Gymnostomiella orcutii 80 epizoochory 138 Gymnostomiella vernicosa 78 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70073-3 - Introduction to Bryophytes Edited by Alain Vanderpoorten and Bernard Goffinet Index More information Index 297 Haplomitrium 18, 25, 44, 46, 47, 52, 55, seta 7 61, 62, 64 sperm cell 111 Haplomitrium gibbsiae 45 spore 116, 117, 120 Hattorioceros striatisporus 117 sporocyte 114 Herbertus aduncus 48 sporophyte 7, 9 Herbertus dicranus 165 stoma 8, 22, 110–111, 115, 116, 120 herbivory 41 symbiosis 118, 119 defence 41, 51 tuber 118 Herzogobryum 125, 129 water retention 107 historical biogeography 146 water conducting cells 7 Homalothecium 146, 148 zygote 112 Homalothecium sericeum 164 hyalocyst 100 homologous recombination 32 hydroid 18, 21 homologue 16, 17 Hygroamblystegium 74 homoplasy 21 Hygroamblystegium fluviatile 74 Hookeriales 104 Hygroamblystegium tenax 74 hornwort 178 Hylocomium splendens 28, 79, 150, 169, 216 amphithecium 114 Hypnales 104 antheridium 111, 112, 114, 120 Hypnum imponens 79 apical cell 107, 108, 118 Hypnum lacunosum 80 archegonium 111, 113, 119 asexual reproduction 118 index of atmospheric purity (IAP) 225 basal meristem 8, 113, 115 intercontinental dispersal 124 biogeography 121 International Union for the Conservation of capillary space 107 Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) carbon-concentrating mechanism 106 233, 235 columella 8, 113, 115 IUCN categories 235 cuticle 110 criteria 234 cyanobacterium 106, 107, 119 introduced species 139, 140 dehiscence 8, 107, 117 invasive species 140, 141 desiccation 116 involucre 23 dioicy 111, 118 Isothecium stonoliferum 28 ecology 121 endothecium 113 Jamesoniella autnmnalis 48 evolution 120 Jenssenia wallisii 45 foot 7, 113 Jubula 58 gametophyte 7 Jungermannia 51, 53 gas exchange 110 Jungermannia vulcanicola 206 gemmae 118 Jungermanniales 63 germination 118 Jungermanniidae 63 haustorium 113 heterocyst 118, 119 Kiaeria starkei 219 homology 110 kingdom 127 homoplasy 121 Holantarctic 127, 129 involucre 114, 115 Holarctic 125, 127, 128, 153 leaf 106 Neotropic 127, 129 midrib 106 Paleotropic 127, 129 monoicy 111 South African 127 mucilage 107, 110, 116, 118, 120 mucilage cell 108, 119 land plant 8 mucilage cleft 109, 110 adaptation to land 16 nitrogen 118 archegonium 8, 9 Nostoc 110, 111, 118, 119 archegonium role 9 phylogeny
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