St. Anne’s Catholic Church 215 W. Walnut St., Lodi, CA 95240 | P.O. Box 480, Lodi, CA 95241 Phone: (209) 369-1907 | Fax: (209) 369-1971 E-Mail: [email protected] | Parish Website: www.stanneslodi.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/stannesparish | Instagram: @stannesparish TH 16 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | JULY 23, 2017 PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER FOR ALEX ESTRELLA th Proceeds to go toward helping Alex Estrella raise Sunday, August 6 money for his year of service with the National 7:00AM - 12:00PM Evangelization Teams (N.E.T. Ministries). In St. Anne’s Hall For more information, or to purchase tickets, please Cost: contact Alex Estrella at 663-5072 or the Office of Youth $10 for adults & Young Adult Ministries at 369-1907. $5 for kids 12 and under This event is Co-Sponsored by The Knights of Columbus DESAYUNO DE PANQUEQUES: RECAUDACIÓN DE FONDOS PARA ALEX ESTRELLA Los fondos recaudados ayudarán a Alex Estrella en su año de servicio con el Equipo de Evangelización Nacional Domingo, 6 de Agosto (N.E.T. Ministries). 7:00AM - 12:00PM Para más información, o para comprar boletos, por favor llame En el Salón Santa Ana a la Oficina de Ministerio Juvenil al 369-1907. Costo: To learn more about NET Ministries visit / Si le gustaría saber $10 para adultos mas sobre NET Ministries visite: www.netusa.org $5 para niños menores de 12 años PARISH CLERGY CONFESSIONS SCHEDULE MARRIAGES Saturdays 4:00pm - 5:00pm in the Church A six-month advance notice is Fr. Brandon Ware, Pastor Fr. Hung Joseph Nguyen, Parochial Vicar (Other times available by appointment.) required. By appointment only. Please contact the Parish Office to begin the Fr. Jorge Arboleda, Parochial Vicar DAILY MASSES Deacon Porfi Cisneros process. Ceremony times available on Deacon Karl Welsbacher Monday - Friday: Saturdays at 11:30am & 2:00pm 8:00am & 5:30pm in the Church Deacon Tom Driscoll Saturday 8:00am Church ST. ANNE’S PARISH OFFICE HOURS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 5:00pm ADORATION CHAPEL Closed everyday from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday: Kindergarten - 8th Grade 11:45am - 1:00pm for Prayer and Lunch 9:00am - 5:30pm 200 S. Pleasant Ave. Thursday: 9:00am—9:00pm Lodi, CA 95240 WEEKEND MASSES BAPTISMS Principal: Mrs. Rose Herold SATURDAY: 1st , 2nd & 3rd Saturdays in Spanish. Vice-Principal: Mrs. Elizabeth Mar 5:30pm English, 7:30pm Spanish 4th Saturday in English. Phone: (209) 333-7580 SUNDAY: 7:00am & 12:30pm Spanish By appointment only. Baptismal classes 8:30am, 10:30am, & 6:00pm English required. Please call Parish Office to register. www.stanneslodi.org/school Or visit www.stanneslodi.org/baptism (6:00pm Life Teen Mass) Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Church OUR MISSION CHURCH: 26500 Sacramento Blvd., Thornton, CA | Church Hours: Monday – Friday: 12:30pm - 5:00pm Sunday Masses: 9:30am Spanish | 11:00am English | Confessions: On Request Mass Intentions & Readings St. Anne’s Weekly Calendar To request a Mass Intention, please A complete calendar of all of our activities can be found contact the Parish Office at 369-1907. | on our website at www.stanneslodi.org/all-calendars Para reservar una Intención de Misa, comuníquese con la Monday, July 24 Oficina Parroquial al 369-1907. 6:00 pm Estudios Bíblicos - Dining Room 7:00 pm Young Adult’s Ministry Meeting— Mon 7/24 Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 Skillin Building 8:00 AM Elizabeth & Cornelius Warmerdam+ 5:30 PM Special Intention Tuesday, July 25 Tue 7/25 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 1:30 pm Legion of Mary– Dining Room James Thomas Swartz+; Robert Baysinger+; 7:00 pm Grupo de Oración—Church 8:00 AM Ron Cromer+ Wednesday, July 26 5:30 PM Special Intention Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28; Thursday, July 27 Wed 7/26 Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 10:00 am Prayer Group —Youth Room 8:00 AM Graziano Tocchini+ 7:00 pm AA Meeting (SPANISH) - St. Anne’s Place Cynthia Torres+; 5:30 PM Magdaleno & Turibio Becerra+ Friday, July 28 Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Summer Hours Thu 7/27 Mt 13:10-17 Parish Office closes at 12:00pm 8:00 AM Ryan Walker+ 8:30 am Dust Angels—Church 5:30 PM Special Intention 6:30pm Bingo—St. Anne’s Hall Fri 7/28 Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23 AA Meeting (SPANISH) - 7:00 pm 8:00 AM Christine Zamora+ St. Anne’s Place 5:30 PM Special Intention Saturday, July 29 Ex 24:3-8; Ps 34:2-11; Jn 11:19-27 or 4:00 pm Confessions—Church Sat 7/29 Lk 10:38-42 7:00 pm AA Meeting (SPANISH) - For the Intentions of Zelda; Henry Vogler+; St. Anne’s Place 8:00 AM Lisetta & Cosimo Germinario+ Sunday, July 30 Thomas Sprake+; Marge Degenstein+; 5:30 PM Addie Cattuzzo+ 7:00 pm Life Teen—Skilllin Building 7:30 PM Intención Especial 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12; Ps 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130; Sun 7/30 Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52 [44-46] Parish Office Summer Hours Feliz Cumpleaños David Mejia; 7:00 AM Maurilio Cruz+ During the summer, the Parish Office will In Gratitude to Daughters of Isabella Regent close Fridays at 12:00pm 8:30 AM Margaret Foley; Vincent Pennisi; The regular hours will resume on For A Personal Intention Friday, August 4th. 10:30 AM Parishioners; Jeff Kooyman+ Ines Martinez Ramos+; Horas de Verano de 12:30 PM Luis Angel Echevarria+; La Oficina Parroquial Maria Guadalupe Martinez Ramirez+ Durante el verano, la Oficina Parroquial 6:00 PM For Vocations to Religious Life cerrará a las 12:00 pm cada Viernes. Mater Ecclesiae Church—Thornton 9:30 AM Las horas regulares resumirán Jose Luis Jimenez+; Sergio Garcia+ el Viernes, 4 de Agosto. 11:00 AM Special Intention THE MERCY, POWER, AND LOVE OF GOD The first reading today, from the book of Wisdom, makes its point over and over, at least five times in five verses! God is mighty, but lenient to all. God’s power is shown in kindness and clemency, not in harshness and condemnation, and those who govern God’s people must govern in the same way, with kindness. This loving kindness and gentleness is not contrary to God’s might, but is a direct result of God’s primacy over all. Who are we, then, to judge what is in the hearts of our fellow Christians and all people, when God commands justice with love and clemency? Likewise, the Holy Spirit makes up for our ignorance of what we need, speaking in a language we do not yet understand. But God knows our needs before we do, understands the intercessions of the Spirit, and helps us in our weakness. This is our hope: God’s mercy, power, and love. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. LA MISERICORDIA, EL PODER Y EL AMOR DE DIOS La primera lectura de hoy, del libro de la Sabiduría, va al punto una y otra vez, ¡al menos cinco veces en cinco versículos! Dios es poderoso, pero compasivo con todos. La fuerza de Dios se muestra en la bondad y la clemencia, no en la aspereza o la condenación, y quienes gobiernan al pueblo de Dios deben gobernar de igual manera, con bondad. Esta amorosa bondad y delicadeza no son contrarios al poder de Dios, sino directo resultado de la primacía de Dios sobre todo. ¿Quiénes somos nosotros, entonces, para juzgar el corazón de nuestros hermanos cristianos y a toda la gente, cuando Dios ordena justicia con amor y clemencia? De igual manera, el Espíritu Santo suple nuestra ignorancia de lo que necesitamos, hablando en un lenguaje que no comprendemos todavía. Pero Dios conoce nuestras necesidades antes que nosotros, entiende las intercesiones del Espíritu, y nos ayuda en nuestra necesidad. Esta es nuestra esperanza: la misericordia, el poder y el amor de Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. PLEASE PRAY FOR: Maria Fernanda Aceves, Thelma Ahn, Dan Alaria, Maricarmen Arechiga, July 15 & 16, 2017 Dianne Barney, Julia Barros, Sera Baysinger, Elena Camarena, Joe Cardenas, Katie Rose Clark, Toni Clark, Sandra Angelica Contreras, First Collection: Matias Davila, Arlene Deal, Dr. Gerald Dorff, Rina Escalante, St. Anne's: $ 17,039.90 Gloria Escalante, Joe Fernandes, D. Fernandez, Mark Fernandez, Mater Ecclesiae: $ 921.00 Anthony Filipas, Ramon Fuentes, Jose Fuentes, Tom Garcia, St. Anne’s School Jennifer Garcia, Luis Garza, Jose Gauna, Beryl Georguson, Ed Goin, St. Anne’s: $ 2,003.00 Brennan Grady, Julie Hanks Krader, Teena Havzrilla, Paul Heckenlaible, Mater Ecclesiae: $ 324.00 Jim Hickcox, Servillano Hortizuela, Randy James, Armando Jimenez, Donna Johnston, Linda Kapic, Fletcher Kapic, Tabitha Kapic, Bill Kenney, Stephen Koteles, Glenn Lewis, Dick Ling, Margaret Lobo, Olivia Lopez, Next Week’s Second Collection: Amanda Lopez, Lesley Lostracco, Cindy Louie, Robert Lydon, St. Vincent de Paul Your contributions allow the St. Vincent de Paul ministry to Teresa Medina, Anthony Mello, Joanne Miller, Darla Mitchell, help those in need within our community. This collection is Steve Morrissey, Peggy Morrissey, Sean Morrissey, Sydney Morrissey, taken once a quarter on the fifth weekend of the Month. Jerre Murphy, Peter Nava, Rosario Navarro, Hope Newton, Maria Nunez, https://www.osvonlinegiving.com/503/DirectDonate/8219 Joseph Orgon, Ignacio Ortiz, Laura Pereira, Walter Perry, Janet Perry, Robert R. Perry, Rick Pineda, Jose Quevedo, Jaime Quezada, Would you like to use your credit or Lorena Ramirez, Amanda Ramirez, David Roberts, Pam Rodriguez, debit card to give to support the Adela Rosas, Marisol Ruiz, Annie Marie Santos, Felix Sauseda, Parish financially? You can through Frances Silva, Tina Soliz, Wendy Stafford, Marge Stokes, George Tometti, online giving! Just visit our website at Rick Tomlinson, Francisco Tovar Jr., Perlita Tumbaga, Christine Tyler, www.stanneslodi.org and click on the Online Giving icon! Marc Ulricksen, Hannah Walker, Ewa Warren, Thelma Welsbacher, ¿Quieres utilizar tu tarjeta de crédito o débito para Ross Westbrook, Perry Westbrook, Carol Williams, Teresa Zander, apoyar económicamente a la Parroquia? Usted puede a Rodolfo Zuniga and all sick members of St.
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