Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-11-1985 The BG News September 11, 1985 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 11, 1985" (1985). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4416. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4416 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. P«rtly cloudy locUy, high 65 70. Low lonlahl In the mW-40i. Vol. 68 Issue 10 THE BG NEWSWednesdsay September 11,1985 Reagan Alcohol links returns 40 arrests envoy Students cited over weekend U.S. urges apartheid by Teresa Tarantino conduct while intoxicated, car- staff reporter ries a maximum sentence of 30 negotiations days in jail and $50 fine. Students out to have a good Ash said the major problem JOHANNESBURG, South Af- time, combined with the warm with open containers arises rica (AP) - The American am- weather, made it a busy week- when people search for ways to bassador returned to South end for University and city po- dispose of them. Africa yesterday with a "very lice officers. Between Friday important message" from Pres- and Sunday more than 40 stu- "When open containers are ident Reagan, and this country's dents in Bowling Green were emptied they become missiles, leading business newspaper said cited for violations of Ohio's litter and a health hazard," be the new U.S. economic sanctions open container and disorderly said. "So often over the years we show the white-minority regime conduct laws. have had people hurt stepping has "pushed the world too far." The high number of such vio- on glass or having it get into an U.S. Ambassador Herman lations is causing concern automobile tire and causing it to Nickel told reporters at Jan among University and city po- blow out." Smuts Airport, "Negotiations lice officials. William Bess, di- According to Ash, most open have to be seen to be starting. rector of Public Safety, said container violations are spur of Some of the features of the students should make them- the moment crimes. apartheid system have to be selves aware of the conse- Dean Gerkens, manager of the seen to be abolished. I think that quences of their actions and University police division, said is absolutely necessary." make an effort to handle alcohol many students see the first President Reagan withdrew in a responsible manner. weeks of classes as a time to test Nickel nearly three months ago. The state law on open con- their wings. Under apartheid. South Afri- tainers reads that it is Illegal to ca's legal system of segregation, possess an open container of "MANY ARE away from 5 million whites rule 24 million beer or intoxicating liquor in home for the first time and they voteless blacks. A year of anti- any public place. Open con- think that because they're in a apartheid violence has killed 700 tainers can include bottles, cans college town they can do what people, mostly blacks. or cups of alcoholic beverages. they want," he said. Nickel said Reagan had given Violation of the state's open Charlotte Starnes, coordinator him "a very important mes- container law, a misdemeanor, of the University crime preven- sage" to deliver to South African can result in a maximum fine of tion division, said she spends President P.W. Botha, but he $100. much of the first weeks of would not say what it was. During the weekend several classes educating students on THE AMBASSADOR returned 18-vear-olds were cited for age the laws they are required to a day after Reagan announced violations, in addition to open obey as residents of both the city limited economic sanctions container violations. In Ohio, the and the University. against South Africa. legal drinking age is 19 for beer "There's no way we'll ever Business Day, an influential and 21 for wine and hard liquor. stop them from drinking, but I financial daily, said Reagan's AN AGE violation occurs wish they would give us their economic sanctions were "more when a person under the age of ideas on now we could cut down economically inconvenient than 19 buys or attempts to buy Deer on all the violations," she said. terminal." But it added, "1116 or liquor, or consumes beer or "There has been an upward most powerful leader in the liquor. The penalty for such a trend in alcohol related citations Western world is giving South violation is a maximum sen- since the beginning of the se- Africa a clear and unequivocal tence of six months in jail and a mester." political message: reform must maximum $1,000 fine. continue at a pace acceptable to Alcohol use often results in Gerkens said it is possible that the Western allies whether Pre- disorderly conduct offenses, some students come from states toria likes it or not." according to Bowling Green City where there are no open con- Anti-apartheid groups said the Police Chief Galen Ash. Disor- tainer laws and they are not sanctions were cosmetic and derly conduct charges, includ- aware of Ohio's law. inadequate. ing recklessly causing an Most of the students cited by Foreign Ministers from the 10 inconvenience or annoyance and University officers were walk- European Common Market loud parties can carry a 30-day ing around campus, returning countries, meeting in Luxem- jail term and a $250 fine. from weekend parties or off- It's a hit BG News/ Joe PheUn bourg, denounced apartheid and A related violation, disorderly campus bars, he said. With a mighty swing, Denlse Gretz, English and psychology major, connects during practice with the nine of the 10 member countries "Beef and Tuna" co-ed intramural Softball team near the B.A. Building yesterday. agreed to a package of mildly punitive measures. Phone problems City water project progresses not uncommon Finish expected in '86 "I don't have all the fea- by Phillip B. Wilson "I really appreciate the fact by Meg Tlerney staff reporter that the Board of Utilities has staff reporter tures that the new system taken a hold of this," Bellard offers at this point so I don't said. "It takes a lot of decision Now in its 21st day of opera- know if it's going to be bet- The city of Bowling Green's $3 ter," said Sharon Book, sec- million investment in two water making and soul searching." tion, the University's phone towers is showing noticable pro- "When I ran for mayor one of system is no lemon, accord- retary of Archival Collections my major platforms I proposed ing to Richard Stoner, direc- at the Library. gress if you've been near Carter Students are still having Park lately. at that time was to increase tor of Auxiliary Support By November 1986, the dry water storage," he said. Services. problems with the phone sys- The tower in Carter Park has The University is experi- tem, but they are devising will have over 3% million gal- ways to get around them. lons of treated water stored in 90 feet of construction finished encing the same type of prob- those towers in case of an emer- on the shell, and Barber expects lems with its new American "WE WERE all sitting gency shortage. contractors to finish the entire Telephone and Telegraph around watching 'Saturday That's the expected time the exterior within 16 weeks, (ATAT) system that one en- Night Live' and the phone just western water tower will be weather permitting. counters with any new prod- fell off the wall," said Tom operational, according to David The Western tower, which will uctStoner said. Huffman, freshman political be located on Sand Ridge Road science major, and Kerry Barber, city public works direc- "We haven't had any cata- tor. next to the Ohio Department of strophic problems; it will just Conrad, freshman pre-med The Carter Park tower isto be Transportation antenna, has vet take time," Stoner said. technology major, both living painted in May and should be to begin construction. Barber Meanwhile, complaints inLowryHall. operational in June, he said. said he will probably receive about the phone system con- Huffman and Conrad re- "We're implementing the two bids for the job on Sept. 24. tinue. solved the problem by putting master plan recommended in "We're still waiting for in their own phone. "It's 1975," Barber said. NA-CON Services Inc., of some of the phones to come much more attractive," Huf- The plan, which was updated Plainfield, 111., is expected to be in," Lynn Huber, assistant fman said. in 1983, highlighted the city's one of the bidders. They are in bursar, said. • See Phones page 6 need for more water storage. charge of construction on the If the 10-mile pipeline that now Carter Park tower. gives Bowling Green its water There will be three floors in from the Maumee River broke, the lower levels of the Carter Barber said, the city would be Park tower, Barber said, and 2 dead after British riot without water within hours. the city has plans to construct a The pipeline, which runs out multi-purpose theater in the BIRMINGHAM, England breakdown of law and order in Haskins Road, is 35 years old.
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