•• •• • New Year Special Double Issue aCl lC C1 1Zen January 2-9, 1981 The National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League ISSN: 00JO-!l579 I Whole No. "120 I Vol. 92 NO.1 25c Postpaid - Newsstands l'i~ Nat'l JACL board to meet Feb. 6-8 SAN FRANCISCO-The. National JACL Board meeting announced for Pacific-Asian experts on Jan. .23-25 has been rescheduled to the Feb. 6-8 weekend at National Headquarters, it was announced by J.D. Hokoyama, acting national director, with the first session starting 1 p.m. Friday. aged called to S.F. parley The earl¥ afternoon starting time, it was expIained, would provide SAN FRANCISC~A panel of A<;ian American experts in the necessary nme for board members to appoint a national director as being field of aging, will participate in the national mini-conference recommended by the selection committee. Seven have applied and four are being invited for a final board interview, it was understood. Due to "Pacific-Asians: the Wisdom of Age", Jan 15-16 at the San ~ the financial constraints of the o~tion, candidates are expected to ciscan HoteL to prepare hundred delegates of Asian-Pacific appear at their own expense. However, any applicant who must travel backgrounds for the 1981 White House Conference on Aging. more than once will have their expenses covered. Speakers will include: . • 'I}le ~ition has been vacant since mid-July, when Karl Nobuyuki Dr. Sharon Fujii, regional director, Office of Refugee Resettlement, resigned Just before the JACL Convention. Associate national director Dept of Health and Hwnan Services, San Francisco; Dr. Sharon Mori­ Hokoyama, named acting director after the convention, is a candidate as w~ director, Older and Non-English Speaking Service Program, Ha­ well as John Tateishi, currently national chainnan of the rerlress com­ WaIl Dept of Uibor, Honolulu; K Patrick Okura, ass't director {or inter­ mittee and hailed last summer as the JACLer of the Bienniwn for his national programs, Nat'l Institute of Mental Health, HHS, Rockville, Md.; lead~rship on ~ «;ffort~; Chicago JAa.. chapter president John Dr. Sylvia Yuen Schwitters, acting chairperson, Dept of Hwnan Devel­ Tam; Ron Wakabayashi, onenme JAa.. youth director of Los Angeles opment, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu; Mike M Suzuki, deputy director AADAP and long affiliated with as director; Ron Shibata, Mountain Office of ~ Coordination and Review, Office of Hwnan Develop­ Plains district vice-governor, of Albuquerque; Anne Takemoto, a Hono­ ment Services, HHS, Washington. lulu JACLer; and Stanley Yamamoto. Jerome Waldie, executive director of the 1981 White House Conference, Washington, will also attend the conference, de­ signed to examine particular national issues from the Pacific­ Two ex-senators appOinted Asian perspective. The conference is being sponsored by: SAN FRANCISC~As Congress adjourned, it was recorded in Nat'l Pacific/Asian Resource Center on Aging, Alaska Bldg SUite 423, the Co~iona1 Record that the U.S. Senate had selected two 618 Second Ave., Seattle, Wa 98104; (206) 622-5 124. fonner colleagues to be Commission on Wartime Relocation and Intenunent of Civilians: Sen Edward W. Brooke of Massachu­ setts, who served from 1967 to 1979; and fonner Sen Hugh B . Ex-assemblyman Mori picked • Mitchell of Washington, who served as a member of the U.S. 1981 Rose Queen Leslie Kim Kawai smiles- and waves. Senate in the latter part of the 1940's. The Senate appointments to the Commission were made by to head new trade office Sen Warren Magnuson, President Pro Tempore. SACRAMF.Nro, Ca~ornia neighbors to the north and south. A past Rose Parade scene ... Gov. Edmund Brown announced Canada, Mexico, Central and the appoinnnent of former Assem­ South America have vast resourc­ • 'Hito Hata" wins gold award blyman S. Floyd Mori as director es and the pm;pects for increas­ of the new OffICe of International ing our trade with these areas are at Houston Int'I film festival Trade, which will be headq r­ tremendous," Mori asserted. tered in Los Angeles. A prominent Enomoto appeals LOS ANG~Visual Commu­ that our film is being acknow­ Asian-American leader, Mori's SAc:RAMF.NID-- The state appel­ nications' "Hito Hata: Rai<;e the ledged by the members of the film credentials include five years in late court Dec_ 17 heard ~ making community. the ~ornia State ~rnbly, Banner," which made its premiere ments on whether Jerry Enomoto here in late October, captured the A week long benefit showing of three years serving as mayor and "Hito Hata" to help augment the city councilman of Pleasanton, and was entitled to a formal ~ Gold Award in the Theatrical Fea­ over his as state director ture Films-lDw Budget Category production deficit is scheduled for dismissal ten years teaching economics at of corrections by Gov. Brown. 1be at the 13th annual Festival of the Feb. 6 - 13, at the Kokusai Theater, Chabot College. 3020 Crenshaw Blvd, at 7 and 9 superior court Apr. 2S upheld Americas/Houston International Brown said, ''Floyd Mori's back­ Brown's right A decision is ex­ Film Festival on Nov. 18-23, in p.rn. and weekends at 1,3,5, 7, and ground in economics and his high pected in 90 days. The same COW1 Houston. 9 p.m_ Tickets will be $-I donation level experience in government rejected Enomoto's request to It succeeded "magnificently as for general admission and $2.50 make him wliquely qualified for force the state to hold an immedi­ the only film to come through the seniors and students. this position" cinematic mill that captures the Mori authored the legislation ate hearing on his dis~ vitality and endurance of Japa: Filipino celebration creating the Office of Internation­ al Trade and has been a strong Latino complaints nese American's founding fathers, HONOLULU-Filipinos in Hawaii depicting them as a spirited and Dec. 20 kicked off a year-long cel­ advocate in the Legislature for SACRA..\1ENTO, Ca----Gov. Ed­ tenacious breed; a generation to be ebration marking the 75th anni­ improving ~ornia's export-im­ mund G. Brown Jr. met Dec. 10 respected and admired," the Festi­ versary of the arrival of 15 immi­ port market with representatives of 17 Uitioo val noted. grnnts from the Philippines. Their "I envision an expanded State groups to hear their complaints "Hito Hata:" is the f&r.>t drama­ population today is about 1p,<XXl. effort to attrnct jOO-rich foreign that state prisons Director Ruth tic feature-length film written, investments. Being one of the ma­ Rushen is not ~ for the hir­ Cut courtesy: Kashu Mainichi produced and directed by Asian jor economies of the world, I sense ing and promotion of more Uitino Tournament of Roses queen Leslie Kawai was not the first in Americans. Visual Communica­ Furuse herbarium the need for California to develop employees. Rushen was appointed ~er family to appear in the famous New Year's Day parade. Seen tions, a non-profit production com­ WASlllNGTON - Amateur To­ a broader global economic per­ earlier this year as the fir.;t black In the Rose Parade float (above) is Kimi Sugiyama (left), now a pany based in Los Angeles, has a kyo botanist Miyoshi F\uuse's 40- spective. I have developed strong woman to head the state prison Long Beach resident and eldest of eight Kawai children, in the 10 year history of developing Asi­ year colloction of plant ~imens, ties with many Far Eastern c0un­ system "She's not doing her job," 1916 parade. She made three other appearances, once as Miss an Pacific educational media pro­ about 6O,<XXl different dried plants tries, including Japan, Taiwan, and Ed Sandoval, president of the Korea. 1hlse ties will be streng­ Mexican-American fulitiall Columbia. Other kimono-clad riders on the float sponsored by ducts. mounted on paper and filed, was Steven Tatsukawa, VC execu­ purclIaSRt by the National Arbo­ thened and I also intend to place a Assn, told reporters after the Grand Hotel of Yokohama were not identified. tive director, said: "It's good to see return here for about SW,<XXl. ~w emphasis on trade with our hour-long ~ meeting. ~ PC Chronology cisco neighborbJod legal aid char­ to Nat'l Advisory Council on Edu­ referring to Olinese Anmericans president ges elderly Asians being harasserl: cation of Disadvantaged Otildren as 'Thinks". Mar. 1~Fin;t ~ IlfXDIBIIJI., 1919 Seattle Central Community Col­ hearing tMse receiving Supplemental Sec­ Feb. I~B~ break into Mar. 11-Sen. SJ. Hayakawa on S 16-!7~ held by Dec. 12--Sen. Sparic Matsunaga lege. proposes interning Irnnian aliens -· U.S. Senate oommittee ~ by . ~ chair of Presidential Com­ urity Income traveling over.;eas New York Chinatown's Lincoln Sa­ Jan 2O--PSW-JAa.. Regional as "barwrining chips" for U.S. Henry J~ forfeiting SSI ovet fear of losing ~ Bank witrout tripping a1ann hos- Sen mission OIl P!u(n'lills for a Natio­ OffICe burg1arizlx1 over the week­ tages in Tehnln; statement shocks Mar. 21-ReJease order by Sac­ nal ~y of Peace; report to end, four mM SeIa:trics and an­ permarent residency status. dunng noisy New Year celebra­ Feb. 1-3--JAa.. EXECOM fore­ tion; bank reports $ I-million miss­ JACL; Hayakawa bill submitted rnmento Judge Lawrence KarlIon Congress due Oct 12, 1980. swer-pOOne equipment missing. Mar. 19 retreats concept to give (now federal judge) wiping our Dec. 1S--Selective immigration Jan. ;D.-Okinawans in Hawaii casts· higher dues, budget for 1981- ing. 82 biennium in face of 20% infla­ Feb. 2J-.Nat'1 JAa.. Credit Uni­ President authority to detain Ira- Chol Soo Lee's conviction of San ctaclcdown on Iranian students in observe 81th anniversary of their nian diplomats and certain Irnnian Francisco Olinatown murder in U.S.
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