A list of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals California Edited By William F. Laudenslayer Jr. and William E. Grenfell Ir. This list is a product of the the basis of the reviewers' cor- must be emphasized that the list is California Wildlife Relationshim rections and comments. not static; it will change over time Program and the ~alifornia Scientific and English names as new information is acquired. Interagency Wildlife Task Group. also were- selected from various New species may be added, or listed Objectives of the effort were to: publications. Scientific names species may be deleted based on Establish a list of all selected were those which appear to new information. Names also may amphibians, reptiles, birds and be most correct at this time. be changed based on new mammals which occur in English names selected included information which suggests that a California for the purpose of those which were most appropriate species more accurately should be developing species-habitat rela- for California. For birds, this placed in a different genus, two tionships models (Marcot 1979, exercise required examination of species probably are two Airola 1980, Osaki 1980, Salwasser the American Ornithologists' subspecies of the same species, or et al. 1980, Verner and Boss 1980, Union Checklist (AOU 1957) and two subspecies probably are one Grenfell and Salwasser 1981, supplements (AOU 1973, 1976). species. As a result of such Grenfell et al. 1982, Laudenslayer The 1957 checklist is in the process fluctuations in vertebrate 1982, Loe and Keeney 1983) for use of being rewritten, so additional taxonomy, this list will have to be by management agencies, and material (Jones et al. 1981, AOU updated periodically. 1982) was considered so that the The status of certain species is Promote standardization in list would reflect the final version indicated by symbols designated in the use of scientific and English of the new American Ornitholo- ' the legend, and is intended to assist names within California. gists' Union Checklist. Where in the establishment of manage- Species were selected for inclu- changes in common names of birds ment priorities. Endangered sion on this list by reviewing the may be unrecognizable, the former species include those threatened literature for evidence of occur- common name, and the new names with extinction. Threatened rence of the animal in California. are shown at the end of the list. species are likely to become endan- Thus, the list includes transient Three publications (Stebbins gered in the foreseeable future. and accidental, as well as resident 1966, 1972, and Collins et al. 1978) Rare species are not necessarily species. This checklist include 47 were examined for amphibian and threatened with extinction, but amphibians, 77 reptiles, 542 birds reptile names and four publica- occur in such small numbers that and 214 mammals for a total of 880 tions were consulted for mammals they may become endangered if species. Thirty-three subspecies are (Jones et al. 1982, Williams 1979, their environment worsens. Sensi- also listed. Hall 1981, Hohacki et al. 1981). tive species are not officially listed, Literature reviewed for species The arrangement of the species but are under study for classifica- distribution in California included list and the higher taxonomic tion as threatened, endangered or one publication for amphibians nomenclature also were dependent rare, or have +low population and reptiles (Stebbins 1972), five on the same sources. The scientific densities, or a highly restricted publications for birds (Small 1974, and English names also were re- range. Fully protected animals or Luther et al. 1979, McCaskie et al. viewed by the same experts as was parts thereof may not be possessed 1979, Jones et al. 1981, the draft for distribution within or taken at any time. Harvested Laudenslayer et al. 1982),and three California. Numerous corrections species are subject to sport or publications for mammals (Ingles and comments were incorporated commercial harvest under regu- 1965, Williams 1979, Hall 1981). into the list. lations of the California Fish and Once the draft list was established, Although this checklist stand- Game Commission. Exotic it was reviewed by experts on each ardizes scientific and English animals include those which have of the four classes. A number of names for California amphibians, been introduced by humans and changes were made to the list on reptiles, birds and mammals, it have become established. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1983 Many subspecies of animals occur in California, but only those ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS with special status designations (FT, CE, etc.) are included on this A number of pecple were El&ric Ca, Southern California list. If all California subspecies of a involved in the rwiewa of the Edism Company, NASA-Ames species carry some special status variousdraftsofthiglief.Mambcre Research Center, and the (e.g., yellow-billed cuckoo and of the California interagency California Energy Commission. mountain sheep), then the species Wildlire Task Group gave ug We also asked experts on each name will also show those collec- imdnable upp port, cr?rnmented on vertekate clzss under considea- tive status designations. various portions of the list within tion to comment on the draft ht. arms of their expmtise, and.gave Valuable corrections and general dirzction on the format of comments wem xeceivad %om J. the list. Tne Task Group includea Brode, H. Grcene, M. Jennings, I<. Calilccruk Dep,&rnen $ of Fmesirjr, Nicd (amphibians and reptiles), A. William F. ~aud'ensla~erJr. is a wildlife Cdihmaia Departmefit of Fieb and C.raig. T, Howell, N,Johnson, J. ecologist with the U.S. Forest Service, Game, the Bureav. of Land Vwner (birds). J, Gustafson, .I. Pacific Southwest Region. William E. Management, the U.R. Farest Patton, J. Schonatvald, TI. Patten Grenfell Jr. is a wildlife management Service, the Soil Conservation and D, Miller (mammale), Any supervisor with the wildlife management Service, the University of- errors that remain are the branch of the California Department of Califusnie, Pacific Gas and xsponsibility of the editors. Fish and Game. -- -- - LITERATURE CITED Airola, D. A., ed. 1980. California Wildlife Honacki, J. H., K. E. Kinman, and J. W. Marcot, B. G., ed. 1979. California Wildlife Habitat Relationships Program: North- Koeppl. 1981. Mammal Species of the Habitat Relationships Program: North east Interior Zone. Vols. 11, 1x1, IV. USDA World. Assoc. Syst. Coll. and Allen Press, Coast/Cascades Zone. Vol. I-IV. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Lawrence, Kans. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Lassen Nat'l. Forest, Susanville, Calif. Six Rivers Nat'l. Forest, Eureka, Calif. Ingles, L. G. 1965. Mammals of the Pacific American Ornithologists' Union. 1957. States. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, McCaskie, G., P. DeBenedictis, R. Erickson, "Check-list of North American Birds." Calif. and J. Morlan. 1979. "Birds of Northern Fifth ed. Port City Press, Inc., Baltimore, California: an Annotated Field List." Md. Jones, Jr., J. K., D. C. Carter, H. H. Golden Gate Audubon Soc., Berkeley, Genoways, R. S. Hoffmann, and D. W. Calif. American Ornithologists' Union. 1973. Rice. 1982. "Revised Checklist of North "Thirty-second supplement to the American Mammals North of Mexico, American Ornithologists' Union Check- Osaki, S. K. 1980. WildlifeHabitat Relation- list of North American Birds." Auk 1982." Occas. Pap. Mus. Texas Tech. ships: Lake Tahoe Basin Management 90:411-419. Univ. No. 80. Unit. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Lake Tahoe Basin Jones, L., K. Garret, and A. Small. 1981. Manage. Unit, South Lake Tahoe, Calif. American Ornithologists' Union. 1976. "Checklist of the Birds of California." "Thirty-third supplement to the American West. Birds 12:S7-72. Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North Salwasser, H., J. C. Capp, H. Black, Jr., and American Birds." Auk 932375-879. Laudenslayer, Jr., W. F. 1982. California J. F. Hurley. 1980. "The California Wild- Wildlife Habitat Relationships Program: life Habitat Relationships Program: an American Ornithologists' Union. 1982. Northeast Interior Zone. Vol. I, Overview." In R. M. DeGraff,tech. coord., "Thirty-fourth supplement to the Introduction and Species-Habitat Matrix. Workshop Proceedings-Management of American Ornithologists' Union Check- USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Western Forests and Grasslands for Non- list of North American Birds." Auk Region, San Francisco, Calif. game Birds. USDA Forest Service, Gen. (Suppl.) 99 (3):lcc-16cc. Tech. Rep. INT-86. Collins, J. T., J. E. Huheey, J. L. Knight, Laudenslayer, Jr., W:F., S. W.Cardiff, and A. S. England. 1982. "Checklist of Birds Small, A. 1974. The Birds of California. and H. M. Smith. 1978. "Standard Winchester Press, New York, NY. Common and Current Scientific Names Known to Occur inthe California Desert." for North American Amphibians and In J. Latting, ed., The California Desert: An Introduction to Natural Resources and Stebbins, R. C. 1966. A Field Guide to Reptiles." hoc. Study Amphibians and Western Reptiles and Amphibians. Reptiles. Herp. Circ. 7. Man's Impacts. Calif. Native Plant Soc. Spec. Publ. No. 5: In press. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Mass. Grenfell,W., and H. Salwasser. 1981. "Wild- life Habitat Relationships Program: Loe, S. A., and T. W. Keeney (ed.). 1983. Stebbins, R. C. 1972. Amphibians and Quick Answers to Tough Wildlife California Wildlife Habitat Relationships Reptiles of California. Univ. Calif. Press, Questions." Outdoor Calif. 42(6). Program: Southern Zone. USDA Forest Berkeley, Calif. Service, Pacific Southwest Region, San Grenfell,W., H. Salwasser, and W.Lauden- Bernardino Nat'l Forest and Pacific Verner,J., and A. S. Boss, tech. coords. 1980. slayer. 1982. "The California Wildlife/ Southwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta. California Wildlife and Their Habitats: Fish Habitat Relationships System." Cal- Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW. In press. Western Sierra Nevada. USDA Forest Neva.Wild1. Trans. In press. Service, Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-37. Luther, J. S., G. McCaskie,and J. Dunn. Hall, E. R. 1981. The ~Ammalsof North 1979. "Third Report of the California Bird Williams, D.
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