ENGAGING WITH OUR HOST COMMUNITIES FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE IN THIS POLOKWANE ISSUE TIMES ISSUE 1 2020 HONOURING WOMEN NALEDI CLINIC PAGE 2 OPENS DOORS Accessible health care became a reality as the newly-built Naledi Clinic opened its doors on 3 February. Anglo American Platinum handed the clinic over to the Limpopo Department of Health (DoH) in November last year. Polokwane Metallurgical Complex community relations officer Morongoa Thaba; DoH Capricorn District primary health care assistant manager Albertina Olyphant; DoH Capricorn District primary health care acting director BUMPER Esther Chuene; and Platinum project manager Phenyo Raphekwane DIVIDENTS attended the completion handover. Full story on page 3. BENEFITS COMMUNITIES! PAGES 4 AND 5 NO MORE VIOLENCE PAGE 8 2 OPINION ISSUE 1 2020 POLOKWANE TIMES WE WANT TO HEAR HONOURING FROM YOU! The purpose of Anglo American Platinum's WOMEN Polokwane Times is Much awareness was raised around to engage with its host gender-based violence (GBV) during the communities. We love 16 Days of Activisim, which ran from hearing what you want 25 November to 10 December. We asked to read about in the readers how we can protect women newspaper. against GBV. As women, we wake up in the morning, lease tell us what you'd like prepare the kids for school, make sure to read about and what you they take a bath and prepare breakfast for think of this newspaper. P We need to respect them. Only then do we get ourselves ready With your help, we can fill the newspaper with articles that women and the impact for the day. In the evening, we rush home interest you. Let us know what's they have on creating a from work to prepare dinner and assist happening in your community better society. Women with their homework. It is essential to take and who you would like to see never only think of responsibility for our own lives too. We recognised for their achievements. themselves, but also sometimes need to celebrate how far we We'll also cover updates on focus on generations to have come, even in our busy lives. events and developments that affect come. The whole world MATUMA MPHELO (40), SESHEGO you and are driven by Platinum's needs to acknowledge Polokwane Metallurgical Complex. women. They need to be Please tell us more about loved, taken care of and the kind of news you'd like us to appreciated. include. MMEYA MAMBOLO (23), POLOKWANE Women epitomise life itself. Previously, women had no SIMPLY EMAIL US power, but I’m glad they now have the freedom to Just email your comments and Women are so versatile empower themselves. ideas. We'll get back to you to get and creative. We It’s important because the story. should be honoured You may well find your article, or for everything we women need to be even your photograph, in upcoming boldly tackle in appreciated for all that issues! life. We should they do, especially the not hesitate to pivotal role they play in get involved the lives of our children. in tough RAYMOND RAMAFEMO (32), discussiouns. POLOKWANE TSHILIDZI MAKWARELA (26), MANKWENG Gender-based violence can make a woman feel polokwane.times@ worthless. Women need to angloamerican.com acknowledge that they have substance. The significance of a woman’s beauty should be celebrated every day. TERMS AND Every second of every day a woman cares, loves and CONDITIONS supports. Women are movers and shakers and I believe that Please provide us with your women should be honoured. name, surname, and the name VERONICA MOKGONYANA (28), of the community you belong to. POLOKWANE You may remain anonymous. Your name won't be published in the newspaper, but you still need to provide your details to the editor, Men build houses, but women make who will not reveal your identity. homes. We need to teach our children this. Women take care of the kids and the home, while they also Polokwane Times is published follow a career. Every community needs by Anglo American Platinum, 55 It's important to acknowledge the a woman’s love and warmth. Women are Marshall Street, Johannesburg, role that women played towards unique pillars of strength. They are often SA. This issue was our country’s freedom. I'm proud of overlooked, so it’s compulsory to stop produced printed and the fact that we can now and rethink their role in our communities, distributed by The celebrate equality. and honour them. SCAN ME Northern Media Group NAUM PHALANE (38), MOKETLA MAMABOLO (30), SESHEGO Caxton CTP. POLOKWANE POLOKWANE TIMES ISSUE 1 2020 NEWS 3 AngloAnglo AmericanAmerican PlatinumPlatinum chiefchief executiveexecutive officerofficer (CEO)(CEO) ChrisChris GriffithGriffith isis steppingstepping downdown asas chiefchief executiveexecutive officerofficer andand asas anan executiveexecutive directordirector ofof thethe CompanyCompany afterafter moremore thanthan sevenseven years.years. riffithriffith willwill stepstep downdown ThisThis hashas beenbeen thethe pinnaclepinnacle ofof atat thethe Company’sCompany’s mymy longlong andand fulfillingfulfilling careercareer GGannualannual generalgeneral meetingmeeting withwith AngloAnglo AmericanAmerican –– endingending onon 1616 AprilApril 20202020 andand hishis itit backback atat AngloAnglo AmericanAmerican successor,successor, NataschaNatascha Viljoen,Viljoen, Platinum,Platinum, whichwhich waswas wherewhere mymy willwill stepstep upup toto thethe positionposition careercareer startedstarted 3030 yearsyears ago.ago. ofof CEO.CEO. “We“We havehave mademade tremendoustremendous AngloAnglo AmericanAmerican PlatinumPlatinum progressprogress atat AngloAnglo AmericanAmerican chairmanchairman NormanNorman MbazimaMbazima PlatinumPlatinum onon manymany fronts,fronts, ThisThis isis nownow thethe said:said: “On“On behalfbehalf ofof thethe Board,Board, fromfrom safetysafety improvementsimprovements toto II wouldwould likelike toto thankthank ChrisChris successfullysuccessfully completingcompleting thethe naturalnatural timetime forfor forfor leadingleading AngloAnglo AmericanAmerican significantsignificant restructuringrestructuring andand PlatinumPlatinum duringduring thethe pastpast repositioningrepositioning ofof thethe portfolioportfolio thethe nextnext generationgeneration sevenseven years.years. HisHis exceptionalexceptional ofof assets,assets, whichwhich continuecontinue contributioncontribution toto improvingimproving toto deliverdeliver industryindustry leadingleading ofof leadershipleadership toto safetysafety andand thethe operationaloperational returns.returns. AfterAfter moremore thanthan andand financialfinancial turnaroundturnaround ofof sevenseven yearsyears atat thethe helmhelm and,and, taketake thisthis businessbusiness thethe businessbusiness hashas producedproduced givengiven allall thatthat wewe asas aa teamteam excellentexcellent results.results. havehave achieved,achieved, thisthis isis nownow forwardforward andand deliverdeliver “The“The focusfocus onon innovationinnovation thethe naturalnatural timetime forfor thethe nextnext andand developingdeveloping diversediverse generationgeneration ofof leadershipleadership toto furtherfurther value.value. marketsmarkets forfor ourour rangerange ofof taketake thisthis businessbusiness forwardforward metals,metals, seesee AngloAnglo AmericanAmerican andand deliverdeliver furtherfurther value.value. PlatinumPlatinum wellwell positionedpositioned toto “I“I wouldwould likelike toto thankthank Chris GriffithChris Griffith continuecontinue growinggrowing fromfrom itsits mymy executiveexecutive team,team, seniorsenior currentcurrent positionposition ofof strength.strength. managementmanagement andand allall ChrisChris hashas notchednotched upup manymany AngloAnglo AmericanAmerican PlatinumPlatinum significantsignificant achievementsachievements employeesemployees forfor theirtheir hardhard work,work, duringduring hishis 30-year30-year careercareer dedicationdedication andand supportsupport thatthat hashas withwith AngloAnglo AmericanAmerican andand wewe takentaken thisthis greatgreat CompanyCompany toto wishwish himhim thethe veryvery bestbest forfor thethe wherewhere itit isis today.”today.” future.”future.” MbazimaMbazima sayssays ofof SaysSays Griffith:Griffith: “I“I havehave Griffith’sGriffith’s successor:successor: “I“I amam enjoyedenjoyed thethe significantsignificant delighteddelighted toto welcomewelcome NataschaNatascha challengechallenge ofof leadingleading ViljoenViljoen asas CEOCEO ofof oneone ofof thethe world’sworld’s greatgreat AngloAnglo AmericanAmerican preciousprecious metalsmetals businesses.businesses. Platinum.Platinum. NataschaNatascha isis spanningspanning manymany differentdifferent reshapedreshaped ourour PGMsPGMs portfolioportfolio toto II believebelieve wewe aa seasonedseasoned countries,countries, metalsmetals andand mineralsminerals bebe fitfit forfor thethe futurefuture andand II believebelieve seniorsenior includingincluding PGMs.PGMs. SheShe knowsknows usus wewe nownow havehave anan opportunityopportunity nownow havehave anan executive,executive, andand ourour businessbusiness well,well, havinghaving toto re-imaginere-imagine howhow wewe opportunity bringingbringing workedworked withwith ourour executiveexecutive operateoperate inin ourour minesmines andand ourour opportunity 2828 yearsyears ofof teamteam overover thethe pastpast fivefive yearsyears inin hosthost communities.communities. to re-imagine operationaloperational leadingleading thethe changeschanges requiredrequired “It“It isis alsoalso ourour responsibilityresponsibility to re-imagine experienceexperience toto transformtransform thethe performanceperformance toto buildbuild
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