PRRC Biannual Newsletter The Petroleum Recovery Research Center is a division of VolumePRRC 15, No. 2/Summer 2000 Rethe New Mexicov Instituteiew of Mining and Technology PRRC, NMT Honor Robert O. Anderson Engler, Chairman of Techs Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Depart- ment. Although he already holds two honorary doctoratesone in Humane Letters from UNM and another in Law from NMSUTech is the only school in New Mexico that offers the PhD in Petroleum Engineering. As a result of his distinguished career in petroleum and his long history of service to edu- cation and community, his nomination was enthusiastically supported by many individuals in New Mexico in- dustry and government. The following biography re- lates the activities of Andersons ca- reer that led to the awarding of this honor. Robert Orville Anderson A Lifetime of Achievement by Annette G. Carroll Born in Chicago on April 13, 1917, Robert Orville Anderson Robert O. Anderson in academic regalia, with Dr. Daniel López, New Mexico Tech has earned an impeccable repu- President, at the PRRC reception following commencement. tation both domestically and in- ternationally as a renowned pe- Robert O. Anderson, a New ored once again at a luncheon in troleum executive, rancher, and Mexico oilman since 1941 whose long Roswell hosted by Regent Ann civic leader who has served the career has won him many honors, Murphy Daily, husband William Daily, achieved another on Saturday, May 13, and her parents Burt and Martha oil and gas industry, academia, 2000 when the New Mexico Institute Murphy, attended by a former gover- and the community in various ca- of Mining and Technology awarded nor of Alaska and the Vice-Chairman pacities over the past 40 years. him an honorary doctorate in Petro- of Chevron, as well as family, friends, Mr. Anderson began his ca- leum Engineering. This event was the and New Mexico Tech officials. reer in the oil industry shortly af- highlight of three days of festivities Robert O. Anderson has been ter obtaining his Bachelor of Arts that started with a reception at Macey well known to New Mexico Tech since degree from the University of Chi- 1987, when he served on the Board of Center Friday night hosted by the cago in 1939. That same year President of New Mexico Tech. On Regents from that date until 1992. In (contd on page 2) Saturday afternoon, after commence- 1994, he was appointed a Distin- ment exercises, the new Doctor of Pe- guished Professor in the Department troleum Engineering celebrated at an- of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engi- other reception in the courtyard of the neering. PRRC attended by family, friends, and Anderson was nominated for Funded by the US DOE Office of Fossil associates. On Monday, he was hon- the honorary doctorate by Dr. Tom Energy, the NPTO, and the NETL PAGE 2 PRRC BIANNUAL NEWSLETTER Lifetime (contd from p. 1) Institute for Environment and Development in he landed his first full-time job in the oil busi- London, and the University of Chicago. ness with American Mineral Spirits Company, a He has received numerous awards for his subsidiary of Pure Oil Company in Chicago. In tireless efforts in support of public, charitable, 1941, after acquiring a substantial interest in a and political affairs. For example, he founded small oil refinery in Artesia, New Mexico, he the International Institute for Environment and and his family moved to New Mexico. Over the Development in London; he is Chairman of the next 15 years he bought and expanded several Lovelace-Anderson Endowment Foundation of refineries and purchased Wilshire Oil Company Albuquerque, New Mexico; and he has served of California, which was subsequently sold to as New Mexico Committeeman on the Republi- Gulf Oil Corporation. can National Committee. In 1978 he received Mr. Andersons long association with the the very prestigious honor of being the first re- prestigious Atlantic Richfield Company (formerly cipient of the Charles A. Lindbergh Award for known as Atlantic Refining Company) has in- Significant Achievement. A similar honor was cluded 17 years of leadership as the companys bestowed upon him in 1989 as the first recipi- Chief Executive Officer. He served as Chair- ent of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Medal of Ex- man of the Board for 21 years and was a mem- cellence. ber of the Board of Directors for 23 years. He In addition to this extraordinary list of retired from Atlantic Richfield in 1986 to form service and awards, Mr. Anderson has also been Hondo Oil & Gas Company, an independent lo- recognized with many other honors, including cated in Roswell, New Mexico, of which he was the American Petroleum Institute Gold Medal Chairman and Chief Executive Officer from Sep- Award and the Hearst Energy Award for Life- tember 1986 to February 1994. time Achievement. He holds two other honor- Besides being an active wildcatter for oil ary doctorates from New Mexico schools in and gas exploration, production, refining and addition to that awarded by New Mexico Tech. marketing, Mr. Andersons other business in- (see story, p.1) terests over the past 55 years have included cattle raising and feeding operations, mining and PRRC Researchers Win Awards milling, and general manufacturing. His broad Two projects submitted by PRRC researchers experience in the oil industry, his success as a were among 23 oil technology projects chosen for business man, and his leadership qualities earned funding by the DOE for its petroleum program, over- him the position of Chairman of the Board of seen by the National Petroleum Technology Office in the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (1961 Tulsa. The awards were announced on June 28, 2000 1964), and earned him seats on the Board of for projects chosen from the first round of a broad- Directors for Chase Manhattan Bank, New York; based solicitation issued by the Department last De- cember. Columbia Broadcasting System New York; First Conformance Improvement Using Gels will iden- National Bank of Chicago; Weyerhaeuser Com- tify gel compositions that substantially reduce flow pany, Tacoma, Washington; and Carter Hawley through rock fractures to reduce excess water produc- Hale Stores, Inc. of Los Angeles. tion and optimize gelant treatment that reduces per- Mr. Anderson has served on the Board meability to water much more than that to oil to in- of Directors of the National Petroleum Council crease waterflood sweep efficiency. New Mexico since 1951. He is a long-standing member of Tech will provide $613,000 in cost-sharing for the 36- month project, and DOE will provide federal funding the National Advisory Board of the University of $1.2 million. Project contact is Randall S. Seright. of New Mexico Anderson Schools of Manage- Modified Reverse Osmosis System for Treatment ment and he is a former member of the Board of Produced Water will develop two water treatment of Regents of the New Mexico Institute of Min- systems that will process water produced with oil into ing and Technology where he served from 1987 water with reusable potential, reducing current dis- to 1992. In 1994 he was awarded the honor of posal costs by as much as 90%. New Mexico Tech Distinguished Professor in the Department of will provide $285,000 in cost-sharing for the 36-month Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering at New project, and DOE will provide federal funding of $916,000. Project contact is Robert Lee. Mexico Tech. He is a Life Trustee of the Cali- fornia Institute of Technology, The International A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY PRRC BIANNUAL NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 newsletters are now available either ered a number of talks and made on- as single long pages, or in smaller sec- site visits last spring, encouraging pro- tions that are more quickly down- ducers to try the new electronic format Funded by the US DOE Office of Fossil Energy, the NPTO, and the NETL loaded. for C115 Production Data Reporting Workshops and Electronic Filing. New GO-TECH features The first workshop of the year on Coming Up We have added more new features April 6 in Hobbs, Technology Up- The next PTTC event will be in Sep- to the GO-TECH web site. Although dates for the Permian Basin, offered tember at the Rocky Mountain Section most of these changes are unseen updates on several of the latest tech- AAPG meeting in Albuquerque. We improvements to the codes and data- niques in logging, fracture stimulation will be sponsoring and chairing the base that underlie our production data and design, and drilling. A mini-work- session on Fractured Reservoirs. An in- sectionthere are other changes that shop was also presented by the Texas ternational conference, Evaluation of users will appreciate right away. Im- PTTC on advances in mud-logging Reservoir Wettability and Its Effect on provements in our data section that technology. Copies of this workshops Oil Recovery, is scheduled for Sep- have been requested by our users in- Proceedings may be obtained from the tember 2728, 2000. Look on our GO- clude the ability to search by pool name PRRC for $15.00. TECH website (http://octane. nmt.edu) or lease name. Another new feature is The second workshop held May later this summer for more information in the interactive map, where users can 910 at the Four Corners Oil and Gas on both these meetings. We will also now download production data not Symposium, entitled Tight Gas Sand participate in the annual December CO2 only for a certain well, but for the field Infill Drilling Development (GRI), meeting in Midland. or pool to which that well belongs. We presented results from a DOE-spon- In national PTTC news, Donald F.
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