i" A South African show·piece match between their "While Hope" Gerri Coetzee and U.S. Black heavy·weight John Tate is scheduled for 20 October in Pretoria, S.A.! We Americans must stop this phony apartheid "sport" scheme! We must strengthen · the United Nations boycott of racist South Africa! Racism isn't a game! It has already cost untold thousands of lives! Apartheid's Propaganda "Sporting" Image Sport has always been an integral part of South Africa's overseas propaganda. Now isolated in almost all major sports, professional boxing offers one of the few arenas still available to it. Boxing in South Africa is directly controlled by that scandal-ridden government. The South African National Boxing Board of Control (SANBBC) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Sport, which pretends that its boxing program is integrated despite the fact that it requires separate categories of "champion" for whites and Blacks. The financing of all recent fights in South Africa has been provided by the Southern Suns Hotels fronting for the Ministry of Information, says the non­ racial South African Council on Sport (SACOS). SACOS estimates that in the last year alone more than $1 million has been spent in the U.S. to promote South African boxing. Bob Arum, America's Major Promoter of South African Sport Ii was Arum who arranged the so-called "title eliminator matches" between Spinks and Tate and the South Africans. (He made special trips to South Africa to arrange the details.) It was Arum who selected the so-called "independent state" of BophuthaTswana as the site for the recent Knoetze-Tate fight and got CBS to call it "the inde­ pendent African Nation of . .. " on TV even though South Africa is the only nation that recognizes it as such. Arum has, by manipulation, compelled Black American boxers to agree to fight the apartheid contenders. Arum had claimed that the Bophutha- Tswana fight would have non-segre­ gated seating, yet in a "country" that is 98% Black, fewer than l.000 of the 51.000 spectators were Black. Arum now again claims that the October bout will be integrated. (Like the last one?) From the SOUTH AFRICAN DIGEST,anofflclal government publlcatlon. NBC·TV Again Intends to Spotlight the Propaganda Spectacle for Millions of Americans! NBC-TV televised Coetzee's massacre of Spinks in June, r179, and would televise the Coetzee-Tate fight in October and thus give credibility to the apartheid regime. CBS-TV, which televised the first two South African fights, has declined showing this fight because of mass pressure. NBC-TV may do the same if there is enough pressure from the public. World Boxing Association (WBA) is Dominated by South Africans Kneotze c: · '":oetzee climbed to 2nd and 5th plm .. 0s in WBA rankings after Mike Mortimer, a South African, became head of the WBA Rankings Committee. The Vice-President of WBA is also a South African. PROTEST! Write to: Bob Arum protesting his promotion of South Afric a and his manipulation of Black American boxers; Top Rank, Inc. 450 Park Ave. New York, N.Y.10022 Art Watson, President NBC-TV Sports, protesting his plan to televise the South African propaganda scheme; NBC TV-Sports 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, N.Y.10020 John Tate, U.S. fighter. urging his refusal to participate in this endorsement of apartheid; c/o Col. Jerry Miller Golden Gloves Arena P.O. Box 6230 Knoxville, TN 37914 Editor of your local newspaper, expressing your feelings on the matter; Stay In touch with the "Stop the Fight Campaign" (STFC) Committee for further information. Fill out the coupon below · and mail immediately. (Also, please send us copies of your letters.) .------------------I STFC/ ACCESS ·-..I I P.O.Box518 I I NewYork,N.Y.10025 I I I I Nome(PleosePrint Cleorly) I I Address I I I . City Sta te Zip I I D Please put me on your mailing list I \I D I can do volunteer work for ACCESS I ii D I enclose a donation of S I ~---·------------~ Whal Black Boxing Leaders Say About the Fight: MUHAMMAD ALI: "What I don't like is the government of South Africa being able to boast that they have the champion of the world. I think he (Gerrie Coetzee) should be stopped from getting this opportunity because of the country he represents" JET, 19 July, 19N LARRY HOLMES, WBC Heavyweight Champion: ''I'd quit boxing before I'd fight for him (Arum) . .. If he were the only promoter on earth I'd quit boxing. He's leading poor John Tate into the middle of racism and politics for only one thing: m-o-n-e-y! ... I'll never fight for him as long as I'm black .. I won't be humiliated and fight in South Africa, not the way they discrim­ inate against black people. I ain't going to denounce my color". New York Times, 13 July, 1979 DON KING, the top Black boxing promoter: "Arum's unconscionable actions and his insensitivity to the plight of Black people and of all people of good will demands your public out-cry and censure. "Apartheid is genocide, and it is deplor­ able that Bob Arum is trying to perpetuate it under the guise of bringing people together ... this unscrupulous promoter. who is a pawn of the white South African government, is handing them the possiblity of a heavy-weight championship, a title that will be used for propaganda to further their cause of white supremacy and apartheid. I implore you not to let this happen". Letter from Don King, 9 July, r?79 STFC is being organized by ACCESS, the American Coordinating Committee tor Equality In Sport and Society, and the NAACP. ACCESS coalition members Include: Coalition Members American Committee on Africa Americans for Democratic Action American Friends Service Committee ARENA the Institute for Sport and Social Analysis Clergy and Laity Concerned Coalition of Concerned Black Americans Coalition for Human rights in Southern Africa Episcopal Churchmen for South Africa Gray Panthers Methodist Federation for Social Action National Council of Biack Churchmen National Conference of Black Lawyers National Council of Negro Women Operation PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee South African Students Movement Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Sports for the People United Methodist Church. Women's Division United Methodist Church. Board of Global Ministries. World Division United Methodist Church Conference Task Force on Southern Africa STFC/ ACCESS P.0.Box518 NewYork,N.Y.10025 (212) 665-6°1~ .
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