1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 4853 scale, the adulterated product, and the ex· The Clerk read as follows: As the President has now stated, our ploitation of violence as entertainment. MARcH 25, 1963. immediate policy is the isolation of Cuba. In our national effort not to seem gullible, I hereby designate the Honorable CARL It is gratifying to see that one of the not to seem vulnerable to criticism from .ALBERT to act as Speaker pro tempore today. any quarter, to avoid controversy, and to topics discussed at Costa Rica included JoHN w. McCoRMACK, measures I have long recommended as prove that we are "realists" who do not Speaker of the House of Representatives. "go oft half-cocked," we have developed a r.ecessary to place Cuba in solitary con­ moral gap between the beliefs to which we finement--namely the ban on movement subscribe and our actual day-to-day per· PRAYER of Castro agents and propaganda, and formance. This moral gap can become an the restriction of Cuban Government increasing danger to our survival as a free The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, funds. society. D.D., offered the following prayer: It is in this context that I see a special Mr. Speaker, I urge that the United responsibility and opportunity for American I John 2: 17: He that doeth the will States assume the first step of leader­ Negroes. For in the course of removing our of God abideth forever. ship by closing U.S. ports to nations national curse of racial discrimination, the Eternal God, our Father, grant that which engage in sea trade with Cuba, Negro can force all Americans of good con· the motives, which daily impel our then make the following proposals to science to reexamine their own sense of thoughts and actions and the aims and the OAS for adoption by the nations of values. aspirations, which dominate our lives, this hemisphere: And so the leaders in the civil rights strug­ First, close hemispheric seaports to gle can help to bridge the dangerous gap may not be at variance with Thy will which increasingly exists between beliefs and and the true, the beautiful, and the good. nations engaged in sea trade with Cuba, actions. They can reawaken in their fel­ Inspire us with a passionate desire to Second, close hemispheric airports to low Americans a commitment to the moral devote and dedicate our strength of body, airlines :flying into Cuba, objectives on which our society was mind, and heart to every worthy enter­ Third, ban movement of Castro agents founded-and this reawakening can give a prise and forward movement that will and propaganda throughout Latin new tone, a new vigor, and a new honesty minister to the health and happiness of America, to the American Nation. all mankind. Fourth, ban relay of unomcial tele­ Regardless of color, most Americans now know in their hearts that the time for ex· May we never seek to avoid and es· communications messages to and from planations is over and that the time for cape our responsibilities to have a share Cuba, and action is here on the great frontier of civil in promoting not only the material and Fifth, freeze Cuban Government funds rights. physical welfare of humanity but in ele­ now on deposit in Latin American finan­ The challenge to the American Negro is vating and enforcing its moral and spir­ cial institutions. enormous. itual well-being. Mr. Speaker, adoption of this plan by Today we see him increasingly accept that To Thy Name, through Christ Jesus, the Organization of American States challenge, and in so doing set a standard our Lord, we shall give all the praise and would effectively place Cuba in solitary for all Americans to follow .. glory. Amen. confinement. Isolation of Cuba is now a matter of omcial u.s. policy, and the ADJOURNMENT UNTffi THURSDAY above steps are our only immediate re­ THE JOURNAL course to the Cuban problem short of an Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, if The Journal of the proceedings of act of war. there is no further business to come be­ Thursday, March 21, 1963, was read and If we are serious about fighting com­ fore the Senate, I move that the Senate approved. munism in this hemisphere, we will act adjourn, under the previous order, until quickly in the coming days with a con­ noon on Thursday of this week. centrated, hard-driving campaign to The motion was agreed to; and <at COSTA RICAN CONFERENCE SHOWS place the policy of isolating Cuba into 3 o'clock and 2 minutes p.m.> the sen­ SUPPORT FOR ACTION TO ISO­ practice. ate adjourned, under the order previ­ LATE COMMUNIST CUBA ously entered, until Thursday, March 28, Mr. ROGERS of Florida. Mr. Speak­ ADJOURNMENT OVER 1963, at 12 o'clock meridian. er, I ask unanimous consent to address the House for 1 minute and to revise Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask NOMINATION and extend my remarks. unanimous consent that when the House The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there adjourns today it adjourn to meet on Executive nomination received by the objection to the request of the gentleman Thursday next. Senate March 25, 1963: from Florida? The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there IN THE COAST GUARD There was no objection. objection to the request of the gentle­ Capt. Albert J. Carp.enter, U.S. Coast Mr. ROGERS of Florida. Mr. Speak­ man from Louisiana? Guard, for promotion to the permanent rank er, the conference of Central American There was no objection. of rear admiral in the U.S. Coast Guard. leaders meeting with the President and congressional representatives recently in SPECIAL ORDERS TRANSFERRED CONFIRMATIONS San Jose, Costa Rica, has produced evidence that a firm basis for hemi­ Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I further Executive nominations confirmed by spheric isolation of Communist Cuba not ask unanimous consent that all special the Senate March 25, 1963: only exists, but cries for leadership and orders heretofore entered into for to­ DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE action. morrow and Wednesday be carried over ' •Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., of New York, The exuberance and warmth which our until Thursday next. to be Under Secretary of Commerce. President and delegation received in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Richard H. Holton, of California, to be an Costa Rica dramatically proves that the objection to the request of the gentleman Assistant Secretary of Commerce. hopes and aspirations of our Latin from Louisiana? •• .... •• neighbors are riding with the United Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, reserv­ States, a fact which is given additional ing the right to object, would those that credence by the unanimous support were scheduled for tomorrow come first HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which this Nation received in the Orga­ then on Thursday? MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1963 nization of American States last October Mr. BOGGS. That would be my un­ during the Cuban missile crisis. derstanding, Mr. Speaker. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. But the Communists are organizing Mr. HALLECK. I withdraw my reser­ rapidly in Latin America, ironically they vation of objection, Mr. Speaker. plan to convene ir. Brazil shortly, a coun­ DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Mr. HARVEY of Indiana. Mr. Speak­ try which is at this moment pleading for er, further reserving t~e right to Qbject, TEMPORE . U.S. financial aid. In the face of this might I inquire of the ·majority whip The SPEAKER pro tempore. The threat to the freedom of this hemisphere, whether his request was to the effect Clerk will read the following communi­ we cannot withhold a solution to the that all special orders for today and cation. Cuban problem. tomorrow go over? · 4854 CONGRESSIONAL RECdRb- HOUSE March· 25 Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, if the gen:­ Public· Law 87~29, broadened considerably Congressman CoNTE referred to the differ­ ·tleman will yield, the request is for those the scope of t.he Service's .protective respon­ ence between the number of men assigned Bib111t1es which in turn requires additional to protect Vice President JoHNSON prior to special orders for Tuesday and Wednes­ personnel to carry out its provisions. the passage o'f the current law, and the num­ day. The present law ~ers markedly from the ber now being requested. In the light of my Mr. HARVEY of Indiana. Mr. Speak­ law under which the Secret Service protected ·experience over the past 24 years, and er, I withdraw my reservation. the Vice President during the previous dec­ through the accumulated experience of our The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ade. On July 16, 1951, spurred by such agents in protecting Presidents of the United objection to the request of the gentleman events as the a.s.sassination attempt upon States, I feel that I am in a position best from Louisiana? President Truman at the · Blair House, the suited to make such plans and prescribe the law which set forth the protective duties of manpower needed. There was no objection. the Secret Service was amended, to include Under the old law, the protection by the protection. of the Vice President at his re­ Secret Service was intermittent, and not PROTECTION OF THE VICE PRESI­ quest. around the clock. To provide the manpower The new law has three objectives: To needed, the Service drew upon its existing DENT OF THE UNITED STATES close loopholes that existed in the old law personnel, generally from the field offices. Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask with respect to threats against, and Secret Now that the law calls for adequate, full­ unanimous consent that the gentleman Service protection for, the person who is time protection, it is obvious that more in­ next in line for the Presidency.
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