
3824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- SENATE March 12 repair, or construction; to the Committee on By Mr.AVERY: - By Mr. McDONOUGH: Banking and Currency. H.R. 10670. A bill to declare that certain H.R.10673. A bill for the relief-of Eng (Ng) By Mr. WILLIAMS: land of the United States is held by the Yook Gee; to the Committee on the Judi­ H.R. 10654. A bill to support the price of United States in trust for the Prairie Band ciary. soybeans; to the Committee on Agriculture. of Pottawatomie Indians In Kansas; to the H.R. 10674. A bill for the relief of Toshi­ H.R. 10655. A bill to amend section 402 of Conunittee on Interior and· Insular Affairs. nori Kondo; to the Committee on the Judi­ the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 to require By Mr. ARENDS: ciary. approval by the Civil Aeronautics Board of H.J. Res. 656. Joint resolution authoriz­ H.R. 10675. A bill for the relief of Mrs. certain schedules of foreign air carriers; ing the Secretary of the Navy to receive for Umeno Taga; to the Committee on the Judi­ to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign instruction at the U.S. Naval\ Academy at ciary. Commerce. Annapolis two citizens and subjects of the By Mr. MACGREGOR: H.R. 10656. A bill to prescribe the oath of Kingdom of Belgium; to the Committee on H.R. 10676. A bill for the relief of Dr. office of justices and judges of the United Armed Services. Shaoul G. S. Shashoua; to the Committee States; to the Committee on the Judicia~y. By Mr. WESTLAND: on the Judiciary. H.R. 10657. A bill to amend section 1002 of H.J. Res. 657. Joint resolution regarding By Mr. MILLER Of New York: the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 to author­ Indian fishing rights; to the Committee on H.R. 10677. A bill for the relief of the Al­ ize the Civil Aeronautics Board to susp_end Interior and Insular Affairs. bert Amato Electrical Contracting Corp.; to certain rates relating to fore~gn air trans­ the Committee on the Judiciary. portation, and for other purposes; to the By Mr. MORSE: Cammittee on Interstate and Foreign Com- H.R. 10678. A bill for the relief of Angelo merce. - MEMORIALS A. Russo; to the Committee on the Judici­ By Mr. GILBERT: Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memo­ ary. H.R. 10658. A bill to amend the act of rials were presented and referred as fol­ By Mr. RAINS: June 6, 1933, as amended, to authorize the H.R. 10679. A bill for the relief of Preston Secretary of Labor to provide improved pro­ lows: H. Haskell, Jr., and Ellis Taylor; to the Com­ grams of recruitment, transportation, and By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ mittee on the Judiciary. distribution of agricultural workers in the lature of the State of Alaska, memorializing By Mrs. WEIS: United States, and for other purposes; to the President and the Congress of the United · . H.R. 10680. A bill relating to the tax ex­ the Committee on Education and Labor. States relative to the initiation of Federal empt status of the pension plan of Local H.R. 10659. A b111 to provide for the estab­ studies and programs regarding the condi­ Union No. 435 of the International Hod Car­ lishment of a Council to be known as the tion and exploitation of the North Pacific riers' Building and Common Laborers' Union "National Citizens Council on Migratory and Bering Sea fisheries; to the Committee of America; to the Committee on the Judi­ Labor"; to the Committee on Education and on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. ciary. Labor. Also, memorial of the Legislature of the By Mr. YOUNGER: H.R. 10660. A bill to provide grants for State of Alaska, memorializing the President H.R. 10681. A bill for the relief of certain adult education for migrant agricultural and the Congress of the United States rela­ employees of the Department of the Navy employees; to the Committee on Education tive to the planning and construction of -at the San Francisco Naval Shipyard; to the and Labor. roads in Alaska, and urging the U.S. Con­ Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 10661. A bill to provide certain pay­ gress to approve Senate Joint Resolution No. ments to assist in providing improved 137; to the Committee on Public Works. educational opportunities for children of Also, memorial of the -Legislature of the PETITIONS, ETC. migrant agricultural employees; to the Com­ State of Pennsylvania, memorializing the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions mittee on Education and Labor. President and the Congress of the United H.R.10662. A bill to amend the Fair Labor States to enact legislation providing that and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Standards Act of 1938 to extend the child milk may not be sold until the fallout has and referred as follows: labor provisions thereof to certain children been extracted in order to make it safe for 248. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Cynthia employed in agriculture, and for other pur­ consumption; to the Committee on Agri­ Schofield, corresponding secretary, Westfield poses; to the Committee on Education and culture. Women's Republican Club, Wes.tfi.eld, N.J., Labor. Also, memorial of the Legislature of the petitioning consideration of their resolution H.R.10663. A bill to amend the Fair Labor State of Pennsylvania, memorializing the with reference to requesting that action on Standards Act, 1938, as am.ended, to provide President and the Congress of the United the $200 million United Nations bond issue for minimum wages for certain persons em­ States relative to making necessary amend­ be postponed until a careful study has been ployed in agriculture, and for other pur­ ments to the Federal highway law, in order made of the administration of United Na­ poses; to the Committee on Education and to permit the erection of public telephones tions revenues and its budgetary system, Labor. - within the rights-of-way of the Interstate etc.; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. H.R.10664. A bill to amend title V of the Highway System; to the Committee on Pub- 249. Also, petition of Eugene D. Willlams, Social Security Act to further assist States lic Works. · county clerk, county of Sonoma, Santa Rosa, in establishing and operating day-care fa­ Also, memorial ·of the Legislature of the Calif., relative to opposing any amendment cilities for the children of migrant agricul­ State of Pennsylvania, memorializing the to the Constitution of the United States tural workers; to the Committee on Ways President and the Congress of the United which would subject the income from State and Means. · States relative to supporting and enact­ and local bonds to a Federal tax or cause By Mr. CRAMER: ing into legislation antirecession public such tax to be increased because of such H.R. 10665. A bill to prohibit the ship­ works projects in depressed and distressed bondholdings; to the Committee on the ment in interstate or foreign commerce of economic areas, and further requesting sup­ Judiciary. articles imported into the United States port for the bill entitled "Stand-by Capital which consist in whole or in part of pr¢ucts Improvements Act of 1962"; to the Com­ ... .. ... •• of Cuba, and for other purposes; to the Com­ mittee on Public Works. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ Also, memorial of the Sixth Legislature of SENATE merce. Guam. memorializing the President and the By Mr. McSWEEN: Congress of the United States relative to re­ MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1962 H.R. 10666. A bill to limit the authority spectfully requesting the extension to Guam of the Commodity Credit Corporation to of Federal financial assistance for economic The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, sell any farm commodity owned or con­ development of the territory; to the Com­ and was called to order by the Vice trolled by it; to the Committee on Agricul­ mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. President. ture. By Mr. RAINS: The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown H.R. 10667. A bill to amend title II of the Harris, D.D., o:ff ered the ·following Housing Amendments of 1955 to provide PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS prayer: · grants for community facilities; to the Com­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private mittee on Banking and Currency. o, Thou Eternal Spirit, whose holy By Mr. TEAGUE of Texas: bills and resolutions were introduced and purposes are beyond defeat, at the be­ H.R. 10668. A bill to amend the act estab­ severally referred as follows: ginning of another week we come seek­ lishing the U.S. Study Commission on the By Mr. BALDWIN: ing Thy righteous will and craving Thine ·Neches, Trinity, Brazos, Colorado, Guadalupe, H.R. 10671. A bill for the relief of Klaus enabling strength to do it. San Antonio, Nueces, and San Jacinto River Dieter Jaensch; to the Committee on the Thou knowest that constantly we pray Basins; to the Committee on Public Works. Judiciary. By Mr. TEAGUE of Texas (by request): By Mr. KEARNS: "Thy kmgdom come"; but we confess H.R. 10669. A bill to liberalize the provi­ H.R. 10672. A bill for the relief of Dr. Chul that often the flaming hope of that king­ sions of title 38, United States Code, relating Nam Lee, his wife, Hae Kyong Han, and their dom . of understanding love has grown .to the assignment of national service life minor children, Myong Suk Lee, Ki Dong dim, as hatred and· selfishness and man's Insurance; to the Committee on Veterans' Lee, and Kyong Dong Lee; to the Committee inhumanity to man have desecrated the A1fatrs, on the Judiciary.
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