PIPER4/10 Issue 2 Q&A With Dan Barnett: Spring Carnival To Have a Twist 3 University Celebrates Campaign 1000plus in Singapore and India U NIVERSITY COMMUNITY CELEBRATES DAY OF SERVICE 9 Ken Chu Takes Center Stage in CFA’s Costume Shop 10 Staff See Development Day as Opportunity To Learn Fischbeck Honored As Elite Educator ■ Bruce Gerson For Professor Paul Fischbeck, an expert in decision analysis and determining chance and probability, being named this year’s recipient of the university-wide William H. and Frances S. Ryan Award for Meritorious Teaching was a decision PHOTOS BY GLENN BROOKES whose time had come. He will receive M ORE THAN 1,000 VOLUNTEERS PARTICIPATED IN THE “1000PLUS” ANNUAL DAY the award at the Celebration of Teach- OF SERVICE AT TWO DOZEN PITTSBURGH SITES ON SATURDAY, MARCH 27. AMONG ing at 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 21 in THE WORKERS AT HOSANNA HOUSE SHERWOOD CAMP IN WILKINSBURG WERE Rangos 1 & 2. SOPHOMORES FORREST GRINSTEAD (ABOVE, FROM LEFT), DAVID SOAMCHAND AND AMY ADETORO “TORO” ADEYEMI. SUZANNE LAURICH-MC I NTYRE (AT RIGHT), It’s a fi tting award for Fischbeck, an out- ASSISTANT VICE PROVOST FOR GRADUATE EDUCATION, JOINED THE STUDENTS AND standing teacher in two departments and OTHER FACULTY AND STAFF DURING THE DAY. “IT IS EXTREMELY AFFIRMING TO SEE two colleges who is praised by his peers SO MANY PEOPLE FROM CARNEGIE MELLON ENGAGE IN SERVICE AND SHOW THE and pupils for his mastery of the class- CITY OF PITTSBURGH HOW MUCH WE APPRECIATE BEING PART OF ITS COMMUNITY,” room and his astute expertise in leading SAID LUCAS CHRISTAIN, COORDINATOR OF STUDENT DEVELOPMENT. FOR MORE team project-oriented courses that teach PHOTOS FROM THE EVENT, VISIT HTTP://BIT. LY/CMUPIPER. C ONTINUED ON PAGE FIVE Census 2010: Nair To Retire After Decades of Teaching Innovations Making Sure ■ Heidi Opdyke Vice President and Provost Mark Kamlet a research associate and has served in a in an email to the university community. variety of roles in EPP including associ- For 32 years, Indira Nair has champi- “For her, the key question has always ate department head and professor. She oned change at the university. Respect- You Count been ‘how do we educate our students to was named vice provost of education in ed by students and colleagues alike, become aware, socially responsible global 1998. ■ Shilo Raube she has helped transform citizens of tomorrow’s world?’ Indira truly “I came here [the vice provost’s Carnegie Mellon from a regional uni- Once a decade, the government sets out has touched nearly every aspect of this offi ce] being exposed to a very inter- versity into a world-class institution. to fi gure out how many people there are university.” disciplinary kind of environment,” Nair Nair is ready for her own change. in the United States. The count, required Nair started at Carnegie Mellon in said. “I always had a tendency to think She is retiring in July. During her by the Constitution, is used to allocate 1978 in the newly created Department of broadly about the context of the seats in the House of Representatives, tenure, she has worked as a researcher, Engineering and Public Policy (EPP) as C ONTINUED ON PAGE SEVEN determine the boundaries of congres- professor and administrator, but those sional districts, decide where hospitals, titles do little to refl ect the stamp she among other things, are built and dis- has made on the university’s mission. tribute more than $400 billion in federal “As anyone who has had the funds — some of which have direct opportunity to interact with Indira implications for education and research. in any of her educational roles at the All households should have re- university will know, her approach to ceived Census Bureau forms on March education has always been as a means 15. By law, each household is required of refl ection, ethics, access, inclusion C ONTINUED ON PAGE TEN and understanding,” said Executive O NE Q&A With Dan Barnett: Spring Carnival To Have a Twist ■ Heidi Opdyke What’s new at Spring Carnival? set aside to celebrate many of The biggest addition and change for Dan Barnett is the director of On- the out-of-classroom successes this year’s Spring Carnival & Reunion Campus Programs for Alumni Rela- unique to Carnegie Mellon. Weekend is the reunion schedule, which tions. As part of his responsibilities, he ironically has the theme “History with Where can people go to oversees the coordination and planning a Twist.” fi nd more information about of Homecoming Weekend and Spring In past years, reunions had been cel- Spring Carnival? Carnival & Reunion Weekend April ebrated at both Homecoming and Spring There are two main Web sites 15-17. Barnett also supervises the On- Carnival. Last January, the Alumni www.cmu.edu/alumni/carnival Campus Programs team and advises the Association Board voted unanimously where you can register for Student Homecoming Committee. This to move all reunions to the spring. This Spring Carnival and www.cmu. year’s Carnival has a few new “twists,” decision was based on years of feedback edu/carnival, which features so we caught up with Barnett to hear from alumni and recent attendance trends information about Midway and what’s new. at both of the weekends. Now, all re- performances throughout the weekend. What is your role in Spring Carnival? unions are celebrated at Spring Carnival In partnership with Student Activities, & Reunion Weekend. The format of reunion celebrations Why is it important to regis- the Sweepstakes and Spring Carnival ter for Spring Carnival? has also changed. Each reception is open committees, Alumni Relations assists By registering, even for activi- to the entire decade and is hosted by PHOTO BY KEN ANDREYO with the coordination of the overall ties that don’t require a cost, it those classes celebrating their reunions. D AVID LEWIS, A STUDENT IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND schedule of events for alumni and stu- gives us an idea as to how many Because many alumni returning to ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING, PUSHES dents, specifi cally focusing on incor- people to expect and who is on campus were not in a reunion class, K AMIKAZE, ALPHA EPSILON PI ’ S BUGGY, DURING porating and planning opportunities for campus for the weekend. Some changing the format of the reunions now LAST YEAR’ S SWEEPSTAKES RACES. THE FRATERNITY interaction between students and alumni. of the activities have maximum gives every alumnus and alumna a home WAS AWARDED THE CHAIRMAN’ S CHOICE AWARD. Additionally, now that all reunions capacities so it’s best to register when they return for the weekend. are being celebrated at Spring Carnival early. & Reunion Weekend, we work with the Is there anything else new? class planning committees to create the What’s next for your team? volunteers for the classes ending in We’re recognizing our most engaged reunion experience for each decade. We have already begun the planning 1s and 6s who will be celebrating their alumni and students this year with a new Staff members within Alumni Relations process for Homecoming 2010 with reunion at next year’s Spring Carnival program called the Loyal Scots. To be also work with student organizations the Student Homecoming Committee, & Reunion Weekend. recognized as a Loyal Scot, there are four and alumni interest groups to organize and are actively recruiting our alumni simple steps. Members are people who reunions and receptions. have provided up-to-date information to stay connected with Carnegie Mellon, attended an event or volunteered for SPRING CARNIVAL EVENTS AT A GLANCE the university, made a cash gift of any PRIL amount and show their Tartan pride. A 15-17 [Please visit any of the alumni associa- Scotch’n’Soda Production: Final MOBOT Slalom Races tion welcome areas for more information “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” Noon, Friday, April 16 PIPER or www.cmu.edu/LoyalScot.] 4/10 Issue Thursday: 8 p.m. the Quad (outside of Wean Hall) P UBLISHER Friday: 3 p.m. and 11 p.m. Teresa Thomas What does Spring Carnival offer for Saturday: 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. President’s Address & Student staff and faculty? E DITOR Rangos Ballroom, Life Panel Spring Carnival & Sweepstakes Races, Bruce Gerson University Center (UC) 2-2:30 p.m., Friday, April 16 also known as Buggy, are an amazing op- M ANAGING EDITOR Tickets are available online at Connan Room, UC Heidi Opdyke portunity for faculty and staff to see how www.SNStheatre.org. W RITERS talented and gifted CMU students are Activities Board Spring Jocelyn Duffy Shilo Raube outside of the classroom environment. Carnival Concert Bruce Gerson Abby Ross Spring Carnival Midway Melanie Linn Gutowski Byron Spice These traditions are embedded in the Opening Ceremony 8 p.m., Friday, April 16 Abby Houck Chriss Swaney culture of Carnegie Mellon and the num- CFA Lawn (Rain location: Heidi Opdyke Andrea L. Zrimsek 3 p.m., Thursday, April 15 ber of students participating in events Wiegand Gym) D ESIGNER Spring Carnival Midway Melissa Stoebe surrounding Spring Carnival Weekend is Communications Design Group always impressive. Kiltie Band Concert Sweepstakes Final Races P HOTOGRAPHY Additionally during the Sweepstakes 4 p.m., Thursday, April 15 & KidZone Activity Area Ken Andreyo Tim Kaulen Races, there are family activities at the Spring Carnival Midway Tent 9 a.m. – Noon, Saturday, April 17 The Communications Design and KidZone tent, not to mention all of the Schenley Park (Course is on Tech Photography Group excitement of the rides, great food and Activities Board Spring Street, Frew Street and Schenley To contact The Piper staff, call 412-268- Carnival Comedy Show Drive.) 2900 or email [email protected].
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