Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 223 / Wednesday, November 18, 2020 / Notices 73509 Policy and Management Division, 703– the United States after importation of Federal Register. Complainant may file 787–1325, [email protected]. certain sponge or foam products. The replies to any written submissions no Authority: 43 U.S.C. 1345 and 30 CFR complaint names as respondents: later than three calendar days after the 556.304(c). Guangzhou Rantion Technology Co., date on which any initial submissions Ltd. of China; Song Deqi of China; were due. Any submissions and replies Walter D. Cruickshank, Ya’nam Lin of China; and Yiwu filed in response to this Notice are Acting Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Thousand Shores E-Commerce Co. Ltd. Management. limited to five (5) pages in length, of China. The complainant requests that inclusive of attachments. [FR Doc. 2020–25518 Filed 11–17–20; 8:45 am] the Commission issue a general BILLING CODE 4310–MR–P exclusion order, cease and desist orders Persons filing written submissions and impose a bond upon respondents’ must file the original document alleged infringing articles during the 60- electronically on or before the deadlines INTERNATIONAL TRADE day Presidential review period pursuant stated above. Submissions should refer COMMISSION to 19 U.S.C. 1337(j). to the docket number (‘‘Docket No. Proposed respondents, other 3506’’) in a prominent place on the Notice of Receipt of Complaint; interested parties, and members of the cover page and/or the first page. (See Solicitation of Comments Relating to public are invited to file comments on Handbook for Electronic Filing the Public Interest any public interest issues raised by the Procedures, Electronic Filing AGENCY: International Trade complaint or § 210.8(b) filing. Procedures 1). Please note the Commission. Comments should address whether Secretary’s Office will accept only issuance of the relief specifically ACTION: Notice. electronic filings during this time. requested by the complainant in this Filings must be made through the SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that investigation would affect the public Commission’s Electronic Document the U.S. International Trade health and welfare in the United States, Information System (EDIS, https:// Commission has received a complaint competitive conditions in the United edis.usitc.gov.) No in-person paper- States economy, the production of like entitled Certain Sponge or Foam based filings or paper copies of any or directly competitive articles in the Products, DN 3506; the Commission is electronic filings will be accepted until soliciting comments on any public United States, or United States further notice. Persons with questions interest issues raised by the complaint consumers. regarding filing should contact the or complainant’s filing pursuant to the In particular, the Commission is Commission’s Rules of Practice and interested in comments that: Secretary at [email protected]. Procedure. (i) Explain how the articles Any person desiring to submit a potentially subject to the requested FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: document to the Commission in Lisa remedial orders are used in the United R. Barton, Secretary to the Commission, confidence must request confidential States; treatment. All such requests should be U.S. International Trade Commission, (ii) identify any public health, safety, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC directed to the Secretary to the or welfare concerns in the United States Commission and must include a full 20436, telephone (202) 205–2000. The relating to the requested remedial statement of the reasons why the public version of the complaint can be orders; accessed on the Commission’s (iii) identify like or directly Commission should grant such Electronic Document Information competitive articles that complainant, treatment. See 19 CFR 201.6. Documents System (EDIS) at https://edis.usitc.gov. its licensees, or third parties make in the for which confidential treatment by the For help accessing EDIS, please email United States which could replace the Commission is properly sought will be [email protected]. subject articles if they were to be treated accordingly. All information, General information concerning the excluded; including confidential business Commission may also be obtained by (iv) indicate whether complainant, information and documents for which accessing its internet server at United complainant’s licensees, and/or third confidential treatment is properly States International Trade Commission party suppliers have the capacity to sought, submitted to the Commission for (USITC) at https://www.usitc.gov . The replace the volume of articles purposes of this Investigation may be public record for this investigation may potentially subject to the requested disclosed to and used: (i) By the be viewed on the Commission’s exclusion order and/or a cease and Commission, its employees and Offices, Electronic Document Information desist order within a commercially and contract personnel (a) for System (EDIS) at https://edis.usitc.gov. reasonable time; and developing or maintaining the records Hearing-impaired persons are advised (v) explain how the requested of this or a related proceeding, or (b) in that information on this matter can be remedial orders would impact United internal investigations, audits, reviews, obtained by contacting the States consumers. and evaluations relating to the Commission’s TDD terminal on (202) Written submissions on the public programs, personnel, and operations of 205–1810. interest must be filed no later than by the Commission including under 5 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The close of business, eight calendar days U.S.C. Appendix 3; or (ii) by U.S. Commission has received a complaint after the date of publication of this government employees and contract and a submission pursuant to § 210.8(b) notice in the Federal Register. There personnel 2, solely for cybersecurity of the Commission’s Rules of Practice will be further opportunities for and Procedure filed on behalf of comment on the public interest after the purposes. All nonconfidential written Abundant Freedom LLC on November issuance of any final initial submissions will be available for public 10, 2020. The complaint alleges determination in this investigation. Any violations of section 337 of the Tariff written submissions on other issues 1 Handbook for Electronic Filing Procedures: https://www.usitc.gov/documents/handbook_on_ Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1337) in the must also be filed by no later than the filing_procedures.pdf importation into the United States, the close of business, eight calendar days 2 All contract personnel will sign appropriate sale for importation, and the sale within after publication of this notice in the nondisclosure agreements. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:59 Nov 17, 2020 Jkt 253001 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\18NON1.SGM 18NON1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES 73510 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 223 / Wednesday, November 18, 2020 / Notices inspection at the Office of the Secretary contacting the Commission’s TDD Bald Shaver Inc., 540 King Street W, and on EDIS.3 terminal on (202) 205–1810. Persons Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5V 1M3 This action is taken under the with mobility impairments who will Suzhou Kaidiya Garments Trading Co., authority of section 337 of the Tariff Act need special assistance in gaining access Ltd., d.b.a. ‘‘Digimator’’, Room 50, of 1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), to the Commission should contact the Building 16–52, Shihui Fang and of §§ 201.10 and 210.8(c) of the Office of the Secretary at (202) 205– Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu, Commission’s Rules of Practice and 2000. General information concerning 215000, China Procedure (19 CFR 201.10, 210.8(c)). the Commission may also be obtained Shenzhen Aiweilai Trading Co., Ltd., Issued: November 12, 2020. by accessing its internet server at d.b.a. ‘‘Teamyo’’, Room 302, Building By order of the Commission. https://www.usitc.gov. 39, Shuiwei No.1, Minzhi Street, Lisa Barton, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Longhua New District, Shenzhen, Pathenia M. Proctor, The Office of Secretary to the Commission. Guangdong, 518000, China Unfair Import Investigations, U.S. [FR Doc. 2020–25378 Filed 11–17–20; 8:45 am] Wenzhou Wending Electric Appliance International Trade Commission, Co., Ltd., 502, Building 8, West Street, BILLING CODE 7020–02–P telephone (202) 205–2560. Lecheng Street, Yueqing City, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Zhejiang Province, 325600, China INTERNATIONAL TRADE Authority: The authority for Shenzhen Nukun Technology Co., Ltd., COMMISSION institution of this investigation is d.b.a. ‘‘OriHea’’, A2–405, contained in section 337 of the Tariff Zhongbaotong Technology Park, No. [Investigation No. 337–TA–1230] Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 34, Changfa West Road, Wuhe Metro Certain Electric Shavers and 1337, and in section 210.10 of the Station, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Components and Accessories Thereof; Commission’s Rules of Practice and Guangdong, 518000, China Institution of Investigation Procedure, 19 CFR 210.10 (2020). Yiwu Xingye Network Technology Co. Scope of Investigation: Having Ltd., d.b.a. ‘‘Roziapro’’, Choujiang AGENCY: International Trade considered the complaint, the U.S. Street, Chengzhongxilu No.93, Yiwu, Commission. International Trade Commission, on Zhejiang, 322000, China ACTION: Notice. November 12, 2020, Ordered that— Magicfly LLC, Room 1501, Grand (1) Pursuant to subsection (b) of SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that a Millennium Plaza, Lower Blk, 181 section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as Queen’s Road, Center Hong Kong complaint was filed with the U.S. amended, an investigation be instituted Yiwu City Qiaoyu Trading Co., Ltd., International Trade Commission on to determine whether there is a 401, 2 Hao, 33 Zhuang Duyuan Cun, October 13, 2020, under section 337 of violation of subsection (a)(1)(B) of Houzhai, Jiedao, Yiwu, Zhejiang, the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, on section 337 in the importation into the 322000, China behalf of Skull Shaver, LLC of United States, the sale for importation, Moorestown, New Jersey.
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