Australia: A S0 72 New Zealand: NZ S0 8:+ U K:39p U S A: S0 7E Red Rocks and Green Stream Set Ofl Each Other. l'raditional Cltirtt'yc puirtting ht Shi br PUBLISHED MONTHTY lll..FNG!!-S_!:1,_-FRENCH, SPAN_ISH,_ARABIC, GERMAN, PORTUGUESE AND cHrNEsE By THE CHINA WETFARE lNsflrurE isooNa' aHiNa"''riNd'-ti#\I[iriil, vot. xxx No.2 FEBRUARY T981 Articles of the Month Recolling One of Our Founders CONTENTS 5oon9 Ching Ling writes of lormer Politics/Low editoriol boord choirmon Jin .Zhong. huo, hounded Recalling One of Our Founders 2 to deqth by membeis of the gong ol 2 Historic Trial: lnside and Outside the Courtroom 4 four. Poge Notionolities Festival of Minority Song and Dance I Visitors' Views on the Festival 15 lnside ond Outside the Courtroom Economy Giant Project on the Changjiang (Yangtze) 20 At the triol lor Diversified Economy in 'Earthly Paradise' 30 mojor crimes ol Growing Rubber in Colder Climates 48 the ten princi. Pol members Society of the Lin Bioo- Employment and Unemployment 25 Jiong QinE cli- How One City Provided Jobs for All 28 ques. Poge I Salvaging Ships in the South China Sea 38 Foreign Commerce First U S. Trade Exhibition in China 35 Stort on Hornessing the Culture/Medio Chongjiong (Yongtze) River The Old Summer Palace, Yuan Ming Yu6n 40 China's Animated Cartoon Films 45 'Radio Peking' and lts Listeneis 57 Ihe lorgest woter conservotion Children's Books by the Hundred Million bb ond on Medicine Chino ted neor i ing Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicine 53 from uc. China's Traditional Medical Science 54 tion toword the second. Poge 20 Religion Famous Lamasery in Qinghai Province 60 Across the Lond Job Situotion tin Chino Best Lotus Seeds and Where They Grow 34 Mate for the White Monkey 47 The Narcissus in China 50 Employment ond unem. Columns ond Speciols ployment with r onslysis Chinese History XXIX ol the problems ond Lc. The Qing Dynasty:- 2. ConsQlidating and Defending count of meosures beiho poge the Multinational China 68 token. 25 Our Postbag 18 Wit and Barb 19 Photo Focus: The Httanghe, (yellow River) Estuary 36 Restoring the Yuon yuon Language Corner; Lesson 2 Ming On the Street 71 120 yeors ogo, one o Front Coyer: ensembles, the yuon National Minority Festival Artists at the Great Wall (see cet in Beijing, is bei article on p. 8). Editoriol officc: woi wen Building, Beii[n9 (37), chino, coble: ,'c]lrRECoN,, Beijing. Generol Distributor: GUOJI SHUOIAN, p.O. Box 399, Beijing, Chino. Recal ling One of Our Founders ..1"-r-r-l Ll-fiL9 T AM writing during the trial of I th" ten main members of the 'r Lin Biao and Jiang Qing cama- # ##* rilias. We have heard and seen # # confirmed in indisputable detail, by material evidence in oPen tr: ffi#w court, how close these cYnical cul- ffiffiw, prits came to destroying our state and our cause. We have heard '',*tffil also how in the process they fr framed and destroyed or grievous- sffi Iy hurt some of our finest revolu- tionary leaders and a whole host of other good people. So numer- ous are even the victims listed individually in the indictment that a foreign writer has spoken of it as a "forest of names". Better to have said a sea of blood and tears. In China, to almost everYone of (left) Premier names evoke a Jin Zhonghua with Zhou Enlai and Vice-Premier Chen Yi viewing us, so many of the a China Reconstructs exhibition on the magazine's tenih anniversary in January known voice, a face, a memory, a 1962. Zhang Shuicheng stab at the heart. Here, in China Reconstructs, 7 want to say a few words about ple and to commit them to the circumstances in Shanghai. Zhou just one of that legion, the first struggle- for the future of China, Enlai, later to become our Prem- chairman of our editorial board and against world fascism. ier, had regard for him personal- Jin Zhonghua. He was a man I From 1939 to 1941 he edited the ly, appreciated what he was doing, deeply respected. He had never Xingdao Ribao, a major daily in and wrote to encourage and failed to help me and mY as- Hongkong, where our China De- orient him. During that parlous sociated comrades in patriotic and fence League was temporarily time, Jin continued to help our progressive undertakings over the Iocated. The League, an organiza- China Welfare Fund (successor to years. tion international in membership, the China Defence League and helped and publicized China's predecessor of the present China D) EFORE the war that broke out fight against aggression. It as- Welfare Institute which publishes -LD in 193? Jin was a prominent sisted with medical and other this magazine) member of the National Salvation supplies the spearhead force in that Movement that called for re- fight, the peopie's armies and A FTER the liberation, Jin sistance to imperialist Japan's ag- areas led by the Communist Party, A Zno.rgf,ua, as an outstanding gression and for democracY within and increasingly under Kuomin- and tested progressive intellectual, China. An indefatigable writer, tang blockade. Jin, a member of was made a vice-mayor of Shang- editor and social activist, he the executive committee of the hai. Concurrently he continued to headed several' publications to League, had charge of our Chinese journalism, editing the grouPs work in which broad of Patriots language newsletter putting in popular Xinusen Ribao, and did Iooked for inspiration in the face as much energy after- hours as much for the people-to-peoPle in- of the capitulationism and Pes- many people do in their entire contacts the new simism sown by the Chiang working day. ternational of Kai-shek regime, and in defiance Then and later he helped bring China (he was a frequent delegate abroad). of its terior against the PeoPle. into active sympathy and support His loyalty to our national and for the goal of China's liberation He was concerned with China popular cause never faltered. Life many foreign friends as well. His Reconstructs from its planning Weekly and World Knoul,edge warmth, optimism and quiet stage and became the first head of were only two of the papers in persuasiveness came through also our board after 1952. which he then played a leading in English, which he knew well. In 1966, when the ten Years of part. They helped enlighten an During the War of Liberation in turmoil began, our China Welfare entire generation of young peo- 1946-49 Jin worked under difficult Institute's work in Shanghai came 2 CHINA BECONSTBUCTS to a virtual stop. There were no ally known journalist and com- issues of irc children's magazine. mentator on world affairs, vice- I had no reports from its hospital, mayor of China's largest city where children's theater and other units he had once upheld the torch of their leaders were - under in- truth under reactionary persecu- creasing pressure or attack. I ap- tion, a man whose whole life was proached Jin, as vice-mayor, for iabor for progress, a man kind and help. Conscientious as always, he good. visited each unit, encouraging it How his old mother must have to carry on. suffered when he was hounded to Subsequently, returning to death, one can but imagine. She Shanghai, I was told that Jin him- survived Jin for some years, dying self had been put under constant at age 98, not long before his re- surveiliance and prevented from habilitation at a memorial rneet- contacting anyone outside by A photo of his mother and grand- ing, when senior leaders of otir adherents of the gang of four; daughter taken by Jin Zhonghua in country, 1960 for his ryrother's 80th birthday, some of our most notd they held him incommunicado in writers and a host of others sent a small room. I tried to reach him wreaths or came to mourn. She but What was accusgd failed. he A N endearing aspect of Jin was denied the solace of witness- of ? I could get no answer. Years fl- 75sng5ua's character that I ing this restitution and these later I learned everything keep recalling was his love for his that honors to her son's memory. good he. had done in his life was aged mother. Often he would take Of the countless victims of that being distorted and thrown at his her to a play or concert, dressed as iime, as have said, was only face to besmirch him in repeated she always was in the simplest of I Jin one. Even questicnings and "struggle meet- Chinese country garb, her hair in our magaZine there were oth€rs. ings" over a period of months. He tied back in a bun. Gently settling Here had been an admirer for decades, her in a seat close to the stage, he I write of Jin to commem- as all his friends know. of Mao Ze- 'rould sit directly behind and hetp orate an old friend and to give dong's leaciership in the Chinese her with explanations. Once. tr saw our readers more understanding through this close-up of the- revolution; he was accused of be- Marshal Chen Yi, liberator of - ing against Chairman Mao. He Shanghai and its first peopl.e's harsh storm we have weatherd. had met ancl worked with many mayor get up from his own place And to help them comprehend our f oreigners in building worl.d to shake old Mrs. Jin's hand and consequent resolve to build so- friendship f or China's liberation talk to her.
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