A publication to mark the centenary of Mao's birth on December 26, 1993 Marxism-Leninislll- Mao Zedong Thought is our world outlook "By D.V. Rao (A compilation of articles) Proletarian Line Publications Hyderabad Long Live Marxism-Leninism- Mao Zedong Thought 26-12-L893 9-9-1976 Long live the memory of tke late Com.Mao Zedong, the immortal leader of the Chinese revolution and the great Marxist-Leninist teacher of the worldproletariat. A pubtication to mark the centenary of Mao's birth on December 26,1993 Marxism-Leninisrrr' Mao Zedong Thought is our world outlook By D.V. Rao (A compilation of articles) Proletalian Line Publications Hyderabad Date of publication CONTENTS December 1993 FOREWORD... ... .". ... ...ytr CORRECTIONS PART. I Please page ' read Fagelt as 54, andas page 54 as page 5l On Mao ZedongThought ... I l. Marxisrn-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought is Page Para Printed as Read as Our World Outlook ( l97l)... I inside the in;ide the revolutionary 2. Comrade Mao Tse-tung (1976) ... ... ... ... 13 revisionism ranks, not to speak of 3. Theoretical Problems (May 8, 1981) ... ... ... ... 24 revisionism. 145 t2 not her PART. II Some Questions relating to the application of Mao's Thought to Indian Revolution ... ... ... ... 33 l. Extracts from lxft Trend Antong Indian Price: Rs.20l- Revofutionaries (1970) ... ... ...33 2. An Exract from Note to the English 'Iranslation of Right Opportunist Trend Inside the Pany (1911) .. ... 5 t 3. An Extract from Fundantental Line and Question of Unity (Much,l913) ... ... ... ...54 4. Preface to the First English Edition, 79i4 of Telangana Armed Stntggle andThe Path of IndianRevolution ... ... ... ... ... 58 5. An Extract from Telangana Arrned Stuggle and The Path of Indian Revolution. Chapter IX ... ... 66 6. Preface to Refutation of Wrong Trends Advocating Withdrawal ofTelanganaArmedStruggle ... ......77 For details : PART. III Proletarian Line Publications On some problems of Indian Revolution 95 16-2-14616,Malakpet, l. Karl Marx's Death Centenary. Hyderabad-s00 036. To Make the Indian Revolution a Success is Our Best Tribute to Marx (March 12, 1983)... 95 Foreword 2 The Indian Revolution Will Succeed Only When the Revolutionary Proletariat Makes Marxism Its The 26th of December I 993 marks the birth centenary of the late Com.Mao Own (May 1, 1983).... r00 Trdong. great leader of the Chinese revolution and Marxist-Leninist teaclrer of the world proletariat. We are publishing a collection of writings of the late Com.D.V. Rao, in which he has summed up the essence of Mao's Thought CPI (M) Does not Cease to be Revisionist Simply along with applying the same to the problems facing Indian revolution. Because It Could Establish Relations With CPC (May 23,1983).... 105 PartI includes three articles dealing with the essence of Mao's Thought and explaining how it is necessary for communist revolutionaries to take Marxism- 4. CPI Leaders Continue Their Slanders Against CPC Leninism-Mao's Thoughtas theirworld-outlook in order to leadthe Indian (June 14, 1983).... rt4 revolution to a success. In the third article (an extract 'theoretical problems') of tlris part the author makes it clear that communist revolutionaries never 5 Renouncing the Revolution at Home and regarded Marxism-Leninism-Mao's Thought as a dogma and had always Demanding Unity of International Communist treated it as a living ideology undergoing continuous development. In the same Movement Cannot Go Together (June 2l, 1983).... t2l article the author explains the communist revolutionaries' views regarding Indian Revolution and Proletarian Internationalism certain controversial questions like the cultural revolution, three world theory etc. He critically reviews the experience of the relations between the (September 20, I 983).... 129 intemational communist movement and the Indian commuuist movement and explains how PART.IV the communist revolutionaries are advancing by drawing proper lessons from them. In the same article he also explains why it is necessary for Indian Mao's Thought and Some Problems Relating to revolutionaries to have a con'ect attitude towards China. FIe also makes it clear Socialist Revolution in China.... 140 that the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) is upholding Mao Zedong Thought India and China's Continuing Revolution and the policy being follorved by the leadership is basically correct. Hence he (October, 1978).... r40 rejects the contention of those who say that it has turned revisionist and points out that the activities of such peoplc are contary to proletarian intemationalism. 2 October and Chinese Revolutions Show the Path of Revolutions to the People of the World We have included in Part II extracts from some documents dealing with the application of Mao's Thought to Indian revolution. In the first extract, the (October 15, 19'1 9).... 153 author refutes the false assertions of the CPI(ML) led by Charu Mazumdar J On Developments Inside China (July 18, 1980).... 157 which were opposed to Marxism-Leninism-Mao's Thought. He reasserts the historical truth that the Telangana armed struggle (1946-51) was the first 4 Hold High The Banner of Mao Tse-tung Thought! application of Mao's Thought to Indian revolution. He also explains how the (September 14, 1980).... r60 Ieadership of the CPI(ML) accepted Mao's Thought in words and reduc,pd it 5. October and November Revolutions: to mere chanting of Mao's name while actually practising revisionism by renouncing the task of building up revolutionary Some Problems Facing the International mass movement. The other extracts deal with the various arguments brought forward at various times Communist Movement (October 26, 1980).... 163 to reject or subvert the applicability of the path of peoples' war to India. The 6. Some Problems Relating to leadership of the CPI(M) brought forward such arguments as part of its neo- Socialist Revolution in China (October 17, 1981).... 173 revisionism. A section of CPI(ML) leadership represented by Chandra Pulla Reddy tricd to do the same while accepting Mao's Thought in words. The Congress of Communist Party of China 1. Twelfth various extracts are a refutation of such arguments while upholding the 190 (September 20, 1982).... peoples' war path. This is in essence the struggle to uphold and defend the applicability of Mao's Thought to Indian revolution. APPENDIX Lenin On Concessions... ... 194 Yiii Part III is a compilation of articles dealing with the problem of Indian PART . I interpre[ation of Marxism, relations with fratemal parties, unity of international communist movement and its relation to Indian revolution and the problem ofproletarian internationalism and its relation to Indian revolution. The author Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought has not confined himself to merely accepting Marxism-Leninism-Mao,s Thought. It should be noted that he has applied it to the practice of Indian is Our World Outlook revolution and has elaborated it by basing himselfon the experiences gained through revolutionary practice. [n these articles the author exposes the opportunism The Prosecution charges us in the following way: practised by the Ieaders of the cPI and the cPM along with refuting their slcnders. As such tbe articles form a part and parcel of the task of defending "fhey proclaimed that Mao Zedong Thought was tlxe Marxism- and elaborating Marxism-Leninism-Mao's Thought in India. Leninism of the present epoch, rejected the parliamentary path as and adopted a revolutionary, violent path as the only way Part IV deals with the problems relating to Socialist Revolution in china. futile, of achieving political power." The author makes it clear that the CPC leadership after Com.Mao,s death is upholding Mao's Thought and is following basically correct internal and There is nothing wrong in this. Every revolutionary has to do external policies. He also held that it was of special importance for communist this. Communist rcyolutionaries hayo also done the same. This revolutionaries in India to have a correct attitude towards china (see p.27, is not a crime. On the other hand, every comrnunist revolutionary 'Tasks being fulfilled by the leadership of the cPC-our attirude'). The articles thinks it his bounden duty, as well as his birth-right to have the included in this part are in defence of correct policies of the cpc which are in Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, and accordance with Marxism-Leninism-Maci s Thought. world outlook of to lead the Indian revolution in accordance with it. We know that The author was the leader of the Telangana arrred strug gle ( I 946-5 I ) right the revolutionaries have to sacrifice much, in order to cary out from its inception in 1940 till it was withdrawn by rhe then CpI leadership. this sacred task and to defend this right. We are prepared for this. Subsequently be summed up its revolutionary experiences as well as the We haye already sacrificed much. We will do so in future. experiencesof other revolutionarymovements in the country and developed and elaborated the programme and path of Indian revolution as the fundamental Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought is not just a line and theory of Indian Revolution. He, along with the late Tarimela Nagi collection of theories contained in books. If that were so, the ruling Reddy. founded the Unity centre of communist Revolutionaries of India classes would never have been afraid of it. More than 100 crores (Marxist-Leninist), to lead the Indian revolution to success. The articles of people of Russia, China and the East European countries have, included in this compilation are only a part of the author's extensive writings in accordance with the world outlook of Marxism-Leninism and which are an elaboration and defence of Marxism-Leninism-Mao,s Thought as Mao Zedong Thought, liberated themselves from the thousands applied to Indian revolution.
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