MILITARY TRIBUNAL NO. Case No.10 The United States of America against Alfreid Krupp et al, Defendants BASIC INFORMATION SUMMARY Submitted by the CH IEF OF COUNSEL FOR WAR CRIMES Nurnberg; Germany INDEX Preface . I. GLOSSARY Part I.. Abbreviations Part II. Terms with Translations . 16 II. Organization of German Economic Controls- With Particular Reference to the Iron and Steel and the Coal Industries A. Private and Semi-Public Bodies. 1. Pre-Hitler Germany. a. Industrial Associations 25 b. Market Regulating Associations , 26 Changes under the Third Reich a. Industrial Associations 0 0 28 b. Market Regulating Associations • • B. Government Economic Agencies 1. Military Economic Agencies o the Wehrmacht . 4 • 2. The Ministry of Economics Economic RWM 37 3. The Office o f the Four Year Plan (Vierjahresplan) . 39 4. Central Planning Board Plan(Zentraleung) 5. The Speer Ministry . 4O 6. Reich Ministr y of Labor (Reichsarbeits- ministerium. - RAM) . 43 The Plenipotentiary for Labor Allocation (Generalbevollmaechtigtor fuer den Arbeitseinsatz) III. Forms of German Business Enterprises A. Comparisons with American Forms and American Law 1.Persons2.B. Gesellschaft GermanAktiengesellschaft Enterprisesmit beschrankter which Haftung are (C.m.b.H.) (A.G.)Juristic 49 3. Bergrechtliche Gewerkschaft .. 50 C. German Enterprises which are not Juristic Persons 1. The Einzelhamdelsfirma3.2. OffeneKommanditgesellschaft Handelsgesellschaft (Private (c.H.G.)(K.G.)Firm) D. Combinations of German Business Enterprises 1. "Konzern" (Concern) . , 4 . 2. "Interessen Gemeinschaft" 9 e . e 52 "Ka rtell" (Cartel) . k G c f . 53 "Syndikat" (Syndicate). * * 4 53 Special Statutory Cartels . i + 53 Corporate Affiliations under Gorman Tax Law- (the "Schachtel -PrivilLege") . ^ 5.4 History, Structure and Organization of Fried, Krupp A. Historical Outline of the Krupp Family and Enterprise to 1914 . 4, y. ♦ l5 Corporate and Plant Structure 1. Changes. in Form . 4 59 -ii -- ■ 2. Relationship of the Governing Bodies Structure of the Complex Plant Section of Fried Krupp 0, Daughter Companies . 63 C. Smaller Subsidiaries .. . . 63 64 d. Mines . a 04 e. Plants in Occupied Territories f. Foreign Agencies and Subsidiaries 611 C. Management Organization 1. General Organization . 66 2. Vorstand 67 3 Deputies and Dezernents , 68 L Minor Departments * 69 5. Gruppenvorstand . • • • \ • • • • 69 6. Parallel Organization . o * • • • I 69 Abwehrbeauftragter (Counter-Intelligence Agent) . .. ... 0 a 0 0 ... 70 70 Fuehrer des Betriebes and Batriebs- fuehrer . 70 70 9. Plants outside Essen .. • • • . 72 10. Plants in Occupied Territory . 72 V, Map, Charts and Tables A. Reich Plants. .75 79 B. Principal Companies . • • . • • .. , • 76 C. Management, 1934-36 .. • 77 77i D, Management, 1936-37 . 78 E. Management, 1937-38 • • . 79 F. Management, 1938-41 G. Management, 1941-42 H. Management, Apr. 1945- Dec. 1943 J. Management, 1943-45 K. Memberships in Some Governing Bodies Menbership Aufsichtsrat, Fried, Krupp A,G. Essen Membership-, Vorstand, Fried; Krupp A,G., Essen Membership, Vorstand Fried., Krupp Grus onwerkc A.G.., Magdeburg 4. Membership, Aufsichtsrat, ;uer Unternehmungen der Eisen und Stall- industrie, Berlin 5. Membershj.p, Aufoiohtsrat, Fried. Krupp, Germaniawerft A.G., Kiel . • • 91 6, Membership Vorstand, Fried.. Krupp, Germaniawer3ft., G.., Kiel . • 7., Membership, Aufsichtsrat, Fried, Grusonwerke, A.G., Magdeburg 8. Membership, Vorstand, A.G. fuer Unter- nehmungen der Eisen und Stahlindustrie This Basic Information. Summary is submitted as a ready reference manual of background and organizational materiale Some of the items, i.e. the charts, will be offered in evidence at the proper tine, as will, also, documents and testimony sup- porting all matters relevant to the issues to be tried. It is not intended that the Basic information Summary itself be considered as evidence. There were constant changes in the economic structure of Nazi Germany. New bodies and agencies were created to meet new problems, and functions were shifted from one to another, often without clear lines of demarcation or authority. The part Organization of German Economic Controls contains b rief descriptions of the more important private and semi-public bodies and government agencies concerned with the control of military and war economy in Germany before and during the period of the Third Reich. A number of bodies and agencies have been omittied, since they are not directly involved in the present proceedings. However,so de- b y no means all of those which are so involved or cribed herein and the secti on on Government is confined almost entirel y to the period of the Third Reich. Forms of German Business Enterprise is based upon several sources, including the teachings and and practice of G erman law, and on standa r d works, particularly: Erich Fechner , DIE TREUBINDUNGEN DES AKTIONAERS ,(Weimar: 1942). VerlagHermann Boehlaus Nachfolger Robert Liefmann, KARTELLE, KONZERNE- UND TRUSTS , (Stuttgart: Ernst Heinrich Moritz, 1930), Robert Teichmann und Walter Koehler-. AKTIENGESETZ, Konmentar (Berlin: Verlag Franz Vahlem, 1939)0 The information on which the Historical Outline is based was obtained chiefly from the following works: KRUPP, A CENTURY'S HISTORY OF THE KRUPP WORKS, 1812-1912 (English language edition of the Commemorative. Volume edited by the Krupp Works, 1912) Wilhelm Berdrow, THE KRUPPS (Berlin. Verlag fuer Sozialpolitik, Wirtschaft und Statistik, 1937). The German language editions, 1937 and 1943, are entitled ALFRED KRUPP The author was head of the historical department of Fried, Krupp, Essen. Bernhard Manne, BLOOD AND STEEL (Now York: Lee Furman, Inc " 1938); British ) English language edition, 1937, entitled KRUPP, THE LORDS OF ESSEN, The sections on Corporate and Plant Structure and , Map, Charts and Tables outline the structure and how the individual defendants fitted into it. The outline does not attempt to define the nature of the organization of KRUPP in relation to many of the subsidiary enterprises which were owned, controlled or influenced by it; nor does it attempt to describe all of the internal organizational arrangements within the parent enterprise, VI PART. I. ABBREVIATIONS with Explanations and Translations English) Einkauf Purchasing Department All Einkauf Allgemeine General Purchasing Department Abteilung Abt.V Abteilungsvorsteher Department Chief ADB Arbeitsgemeinschaft Working Community of deutscher Betriebsin- German Plant engineers genieure AEF Ausschuss fuer Ein- Committee for standards and heiten u. Formalgroessen formulas AEL Arbeitserziehungslager Disciplinary Labor Camp Artillerie Konstruktion Artillery Designing AKS Artillerie Konstruktion Artillery Designing Akten files AlMb Allgemeiner Maschinenbau General mechanical engineering Alna Allgemeiner Lokomotive-- General Locomotive. Standards Normenausschuss Committee Anltg. Anleitung Instructions APP I Apparatebau I Instrument workshop I. APPA Apparatebau Instrument Construction AR Abteilung f. Rechnungs- Accountancy and Statistics wesen und Statistik im Section of the Purchasing Einkauf Department ATL Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tech- Working Community for Techno- nik in der Landwirtschaft logy in Agriculture Ausf. Ausfertigung Copy AWF .Ausschuss fuer wirt- Committeemanufactiure for economical schaftliche Fertigung Abnahmezentrale Inspection department Works library Werksbuecherei BA Baggerbaur-KonstructionBankabteilung Banking Department BB1Bagko Dredger-Designing Department Baubuero Civil Engineering Office BBRBID h Betriebsbuchhalterei Plant Bookkeeping Office Bergbau und Bergbauroha Mining and raw materials stoffe for mining Beko Blechbearbeitungskon- Designing of Sheet Metal struktion Products Bem. Bemerkung Note BERG Fachnormen des Bergbaues Technical Standards for the Mining Industry Bet ab Betriebsabrechnungsbuero Plant accounting office Bewe Blechbearbeitungs-Werkstatt Sheet Metal Processing Workshop BfA Buero fuer-Arbeiter- Workers relations office angelegenheiten BfAv Buero fuer Angesteliten- Employees° insurance office versicherung Bft Brief telegramm Letter telegram BH Buecherhalle Library BHO Berg und Berg- und Huettengesell- HHuettengesellschaft Ost schaff Ost B1 Blechpresserei Sheet metal pressing shop BLN Berlin Abbr. for Krupp ' s Berlin office Blw Blechwalzwerk Sheet Metal Bolling Mill Blwst Blechwerkstaette Sheet Metal Workshop b .R. bitte Ruecksprache Consultation requested Buch BuchhaltungBetriebsbuchhalterei der Bookkeeping Office for Plant Accounts BW Besuchswesen Visitors Department - 3 - Datsch Deutscher Ausschuss German Committee for fuer technisches Schul— technical Education wesen Ddorf Duesseldorf Abbr. for "Duesseldorf" DENOG Fachnormen des Duetschen Technical Standards of the Gesellschaft fuer ehe— German Society for Chemi- misches Apparatewesen cal Apparatus DIN DNA Deutsche Industrie—Norm German industrial standards Deutscher Normen Aus— German Standards Committee schuss Dr A Druckluftanlagen Compressed Air Plants D. R. G. M. Deutsches Reichsge- German registered design brauchsmuster D.R.P. (angemeldet) German Reich patent Deutsches Reichspatent (applied for) (angemeldet) D.R.u. Deutsche Revisions- und Deutsche Revisions und. T.AG. Treuhand A. G. Treuhand A.G. Druekschriftenverwaltung Printed matter Administration DVM Fachnormen des Deutschen Standards of the German Verbandes fuer die Association for testing Ma-terialpruefungen der of technical materials Technik Drahtwalzwerk Wire—rolling mill DWM — AG Deutsche Waffen— und Deutsche Waffen- und - Munitions A.G.
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