OENSUS OBI INDIA, 1921. VOIJ [J /vJ E )(] x. eaCH IN PART II.-IMPERIAL TABLES. 13v P. GOYJiNDA MENON, B: A. SUPERINTEND}!;FT OJ.' UENSCS Ol'EflAll'lON{jl. Co.CHIN ST.4.'l'E. PRINTED Al' THE COCBIN GO\"El1.NIIlliiNT !'RESI5, 1922. p..-ice Rupees ThJ'ee (H/.,t[ ...4.mws Eiyht; DE'_rAILED 'rABLE OF CONT ENTS. PART L--REllORT. INTRODUCTION. PARA 1'...... 1 The Census 1 2 Census divisions lIond agency 1 3 House numbering and preliminary record 1 1 The final Census 2 5 First or provisional toLals 2 6 Special gather! ngs 2 G Demeanour of the people 2 b Abstraction unll tabulation 3 .t\ 1" • ", .,. 9 Cost or Cen :IUS ' ~ Acknowledgments ·3.. 10 I . l, 11 Report -., . Chapter I.-Distribution and Movemen~·th.~ Population. 12 Division of the State 5 .' . 13 Area ani! population ... ;j 14 Density 5 15 Variations in population at various Censuses ;') 16 The condition of the decade 1911-1921 6 17 Statistics of births and deaths 6 18 The-movemont of the popUlation 7 19 Houses and families 7 20 Unoccupied houses •.. 8 21 Pressure of population 8 ~2 Growth of population 9 SUBSIDIARY TABLES. No. r Density. water supply and cropl!! 10 II Distribution of the population classified according to deui5iliy 10 III Variation in relation to density sincs 11375 11 IV Variation in natural population 11 . V Comparison with Vital Statistics 11 VI Variation by Taluks classified according to density.-tA) Aetua,} variation (B) Proportional variation 12 VIn Persons per house and houses per squa.re mile 13 Chapter H.-Population of Cities, Towns and Villages. PAllA 23 lntroductory 14 24 Density by taluks H ~5 Towhs and villago,", 14 26 • Natural divisionH 14_ 27 Distribution of popul<1tiol1 SUBSIDJAR.Y TABLES No. I Distribution of the popUlation between towns ,mel villages Ui II Number per mille of the tota.l pOP'\ll~~ion and of each maip. religion who live in towns III Towne ola.ssified by population ... 113 U Chapter 111.--Birth Pla.ce. PARA 28 Statistics of lmtil pia(;( ' .. 11 2!) Typcs oi 1')igLlti(~I. 1'1 30 tmmi;:;l':ttion lllto COL:'II) 17 31 Ewi:-;r",nts fronl CllC!" '1 17 32 Loso 01' g~;ll hy m;ot',,- 1 )11 18 ,~U[j01DLi.RY T d3LE8 No. r IlHmigl'atioTl .. HI II Emigration 18 III PropOl'tiO]];l,l IJi;'2",d :Oll to ,j,lld rl<Jlll eaeh disLl'icL .. Hl IV Migration bet,\ •.":' j'\l" Cu.:hlJ1 ;)lall' >l!l(i ntbel' l,<uts of india t1,n~l other cOl.!tltli:..;':J HI Cha.pter IV.--Religion. PARA 33 Introductory ... 20 34 Distribution alid va;;:btioD sinco HH L ,tnd relative growth of different religions 20 35 Hindus ••• 20 36 Distribution of Hinuus 20 37 Muhamauans ... 21 38 Christians 21 39 Christian saets 21 40 Accuracy in the record of Cbristian sects 21 4-l Missionary rl[()p~gaIJ(l, .',IJd C(lI1\'CI tjions 21 42 .Tains 21 43 Jews 21 44 Animists 22 45 Places of won,jnp 22 SUBSIDIARY TABLES. No. I General distliblltion of tllll p"Llulation by religion 23 II Christi<1ns anu va,riations 24 III Religion':! of U:rh~\'l awl fUl'L.l population 24: Chapter V.--Age. PARA 46 The nature of tho return of ~ge ... 25 47 The mean age 25 48 Age distribut,ion by reli;';foP 25 49 Age statistics by ca.ste '" 25 50 It;lfancy and childhood 25 SUBSIDIARY TABLES. No. I Age distribution ot 100,000 Ot eJ,ch sex by annua,l periods 26 " II Age distribution 0~_ 10,000 of 6c.eh dC:lc in 1921 and 1911 27 III Ag9 distribution 0 1 10,000 of each sex 0" (,:10h main religion 28 IV Age distribution oj' ] ,000 of 6",oh 88" 111 L',l tam castes ... 29 IV A Proportion of chilure'1 lInc1m' 12 a.,nJ c.~ p"n, 'L1S over 40 to those aged 15·-40 in eel·tain CJ,:=.,tc , ,110-0 of married females aged 15-10 per 100 femal...,.:> ... 30 V Proportion of cluldreu under 10 and of pru:sons over 60 to those aged 15 -10; also of married females aged 15-40 per 100 [emuIc:: 31 VA Proportion of cllilc1wJl under 10 and of persons over 60 to those aged 15-40 in certain religions; also of ma.rried fema.loo u2eu 15-10 pel' 100 females 31 III VI 'VaPia.tion in popula.tion a.t certain age periods VII Reporbed birth rate by sex and natural divisions VIII Reported death ra,te by sex and natural divi'>ions X Reported deu.ths from certain dismtses per mille of the pof)ulation Chapter VI.-Sex. PARA. 51 General remarks 33 52 Proportion of sexes bv Taluks 33 53 Population of sexes hy religion 3J 54 Age and sex 33 SUBSIDIARY TABLES. No. I General Pl'opultions of the :sexes Ly natural divisions and districts 34 II Number of females for 1,000 walles::Lt different age periods by religions at each of the bSlt three Censuses 34 III Numher of females per 1,000 ma,les at different age periods by religions and natl1l'al a' vision;; 35 Number of females per 1,000 males for Qe,'tain selected castes 36 Actual number of hirths anu oeaLhs repottea for eacn sex during the periods 1896-1900, 1901-1910 and 1911-1921 37 Chapter Vll,-Civil Condition. PARA. 55 Introduction 38 56 Reference to st<1Listics 38 57 Main featme of the st-ati"tics 38 58 Variation by religion 38 59 Education and marriage 39 SUBSIDIARY TABLES. No. I Distribution by civil eOl 1ditioll of 1,000 of each sex, religion and main age period at ertch oI the htst three Censuses 40 II Distribution by civil com1itioll of 1,000 of each sex at certai.n ages in each religion and natl'ral llivision III Distribution by main age ppriod\:l and civil condition of 10,000 of each sex and xeligion 43 IV Proportion of the sexes by civil conditi.on at c81'tain ages for religions and natural divisions 43 v Distribution by civil condition of 1,000 oj each sex at certain ages for selected cast,es Chapter VIII.-Literacy. PARA. 60 The meaning of the statistics 46 61 Reference to statistios 46 62 Extent of literacy 46 63 Liter::wy by age and sex .. 46 64: Uteracy by religion 46 61i Literacy in English 47 66 Progress of education 47 67 Statistics of the Educational Department 47 68 Books and newsp<1pers 47 SUBSIDIARY TABI,ES- No. I Education by a,se, sex ",nd religion 48 II Literacy by age, sex ana locality 48 IV 1[1 LltUl"lWV by religion, sex and locality 4B IV 1 :Il;.;lhlt ;ij,e1'1cy by ago, se~ and locality •.• 49 V Progl(,Sf~ of !'t'ol',1CV sinco 1881. .. 49 VI Bduc,-ttroIJ i> \' Vd,' + c' 50 VII N1J.l~ti)Ol' of 11l~t;butlOt1, ,uhl pupils <1ccording to the returns of the BclucaLlOl1':] Department ... 51 VIn Mam teSHrt-: vr ~. 'liYtJL,.;ity E,umll1l1tions. 0 51 IX Number ,lDl1 ell "IILi~,ioll of J1ewc;papon:, 'otc. "'1 Chapter IX.-Lang:..lage. l'ARA 6fJ Languages s!,,,ken 52 70 Malayalam 52 71 Tamil 52 72 Other luchall llll,_;lIc'h\)d 0 52 73 Non-Indian ];l 'J;_;U l;;('~ 52 74 Literary activit, b3 SUBSIDIARY TABLES. No. I Distribution of Lotal pOPUhttlOU by hnguages 53 II Distributioll by lttn~U<1ges of the population of each Ta.luk 53 Chapter X.-Infirmities. PARA 75 Accuracy of the Totnru ..• 53 76 Leper and lunatio adsylum!l 54 77 Number::; ana proporticm erf <Jffiicted 55 78 Infirmitic;4 by T::duks 55 79 Infirmities bv age lLml sex 55 80 Infil'miticf' hy casto, etc. 55 SUBSIDIARY TABLES. No. I Numher af1lickd jill)' 100,000 of the population at each of the last five CenSl,;';C', ts6 II Distributiun of tllC iiliirm pOl' 10,000 of each sex ... 57 III Numlml' affhcteu jl3t lOO,OO:) persons of each age and number of femalos ajl1ict.oll per 1,00U males 58 Chapte14 XI.· - Caste, Tribe and Race. PARA 81 Geneml 59 82 The present conciltWlJ oi cu,stes 59 83 CompJ,I'ison Wltll lH L1 59 ROBSIDIARY TABLES. No. T Castes classified aCLurdmg to their traditional occupations 61 II Vmiation in cnNie, tribe, ete , "ince 18R1. 62 Glo;,.:::nry ul c" '010 " tnue:" and 1'ftces 64 Chapter XI 1.-· Occupation. PARA 84 Introduction 0" 68 85 Reference to stlLj,lsLies 68 86 Di,ision of occnJl~ttion 68 87 Strength of each 15b',d (Ji occupat.ion 68 8R OCCUIHttion of (Cill~ll(;,; 68 SB Agriculturl11 popalt,tim, 68 90 Subsidiary occGpJ,Llon of <1bl'icuiLurists 69 91 Industrial popnlutioll 59 92 Transport 69 93 Trade .. 69 91 Pullli(' ~\ 'llluui 3tJ'A.Lic ,) -tLEl liberal art'" '10 95 Thfi .... \ C'-~l , 1'_ F II v\..:eu }~l' i 1()11~ 70 90 E v_':\~1 L 111 '_' i( 1 11)]))< I \1 rr.\ob!~ :;-: L.\. HI 70 97 OL'or j l~Ul':' 1)..,.- l~tht~,U!l .tUI; Cll':)l~, 70 98 PIllCclH,::! \OW illostlVllto" 71 99 DcvL1t, J ,lh Il urn tl"~<litional ~mtl Ill~j'Gclit<1l''' o<,;(ju\kl.tiolJ-, 71 100 Speci"l [lldusl,l'ial Cunsus n SUBSIDL\RY TABLES. PART A,--Occupation' ,General, No. /'T" Gelli:f,Ll (11 sLl'ilmttulJ hy OC(;up,J.LIoll 72 II Di'!LlJ.)u~io 1 J)"/ or _'LlPLttioll ill 11a"w',11 :ilyi"iol1s 'l'4: III Disb'11mtiull cl the agli(;ulturni, illl1ust" Ltl, C01l11llC,'ciai <lJllll prole,;­ "iollal POlJuLltion in natunLl lil vi"iom; ;LllCl distli,;ts 74 IV OuUulMtioll"; (;olllbilled with dgl il~ultUle (,'.
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