The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more four Page Colored 24 Pages Today Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Three Sections VOL. VIII. No. 27 CAKTKKKT, N. ,)., FRIDAY, MARCH lil, l'JHU PRICE THREE CENTS Catholic Women Attend | Social Guild To Present Medwick Leads State Burial Of Beloved Nun John Smith Wins j Children Of Today ; April 23 Assessment Dispute Several Carteret women, members Th« committee in active charge of I of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, went In Picture Contest th«« play, met last week for the pur In Scoring For Loop;to Philadelphia Saturday to attend pose of setting a tentative date for Is Finally Ended Ihe final serviced for Mother Mary Jack Rabbit Man Awards Her tilt' production which is to be given Jane, the (Jray Nun who died here Carteret Boy Ha* Beat Record In New Jersey In Basketball last week and whu had been acting First Prize — Many Young liy the Sociul Cuild. New Low Rate Of $69.19 Satisfactory To Property Owners Qt mother superior in St. Joseph's con- People Entered Contest This It v.un decided to set tha date of East Rahway — Borough To Purchase Roller Tourney — Wins Individual Honors In Contest With vent and school. The interment took April I!.'), I'.IWI, mid to stage the play 500 Boys of High School Age. place in Holy Cross cemetery, near Week. ill the Carteret High School. For Street Work. I Philadelphia. Till- committee Ims also definitely Joseph Medwick, the brightest star I In the party from Carteret were: The Jack Rabbit Mai. lu.lI!H> Ihi'l ilrP^lt'il to have ilmicing after the The long-drawn battle between J. sum anil will have to be lowered to I Mrs. Kred Shein, Mrs. Thomas Burke, busy week this week Then- \v a l).} play E. Donahue as leader of tin- Kast the ground in order to be repaired. In Csrteret High School's Basketball ! ,. history, leads the entire state in Mra. George Hradley, Mrs. J. J. Ruck- let up in the flood of picin s Hint I'll kets will he on sale very shortly Rahway district, on the one hand, The buildings and grounds commit- scoring for the tourney. The Carter reigel, Mrs. Louis Peterson, Mrs. ambitious young folk* sent 1 n li i nn<l tuny lie procured from any mem and the Borough Council and a «!><•• tec reported that leaders on the tame «t fl««i ha« found the net 25 times Henry J. Harrington, Mr«. George fact the, retunrs this week \V 1' t* a her of the (iniId cial assessment commiisnion on the fire house are rusted through and from the field and 8 timea from the (iaudette, Mrs. Edwin S. yuinn an I little heavier than lasl week ll.d tin The ni-fl is holding rehearsals re- other, came to an end Monday night that the roof of the building needs foul line for a total of f.K points. Mi«n Edwin Quinn. They made tlui .lark Uahhit Man K;IM lm• i' viy Kulurly under tlw direction of Dr. at the meeting of the council when extensive repairs. trip in day, Mirting them out WeiiHT »"d Martha Kospnblum. a newly revised (downward) assess- Joseph Young, chairman of the Considering the fait that then- BIT ! about BOO boyt who take part each It vva.H imr<i, Ji» it •. .11 , [v \f , i.i ment report was accepted and con-Buildings, snd Grounds ,committee year in the state tournament, Med- pick out the winners, •' in tin firmed by the council without objec- was instructed to obtain estimates wick's showing l» quite remarkable ciihe of the winner of the IIIKI priy.f. tion from Donahue and a delegation on the cost of a good repair job OB John Smith, ut(e<l I"', "f IX t'lirom* from Sast Rahway. the roof and also on the cost of aa in itself. It is the flrnt time in his- 1 Henry McCullough Is BiUboard Bill Whim Of (.iveriiu-, t arried ollf tin IIMI pn/.e. He tory that s Carteret High School boy The original assessment fixed the entire new roof. The fire and water has had the honor of leading the in wins a prize book. amount charged against each lot committee will have the siren repair- dividual race In the state tourney. Women, Says Karcher The winners of necond prizes, Head Of Scout Drive subject to the assessment at about ,, , DeYoung, Passaic's wonder, and (lasat's to the Ka.hway Theatre, Rah- $84. The fight which followed and . ". WM »>? pointed out that some way, are: Helen E, U«/.enska, 10, 93 loud signal is needed in ths Iieblg ]|«dwick's nearest competitor, tops Vice-President Of Rarittn was led by Donahue as representa- th« Class A High School ranks with Middlesex Assemblyman At- Pershinit avenue; Jo.wphine Sroka, tive of the district, and by John Ly- plant to warn the engineers then SI points. The leaders follow: tacks Measure That Would 12, 4 Hudson xtreet; Chester Krasin- Council Will Be General sek, fighting for his own interest in when a fire alarm ii turned in that ski, IK, 20 Chrome avenue; Helen the steam fire alarm located at the Cl... A High School Chairman Of Campaign the matter, as a property owner. At Throw 70O Out Of Work. Konikiewicz, 13, 692 Roosevelt ave- esch meeting of the assessment com- plant may be sounded. New turbine O P Tl. nue; Sophie Kurdyla, 10, of 118 DeYoun*. Passaic 18 16 51 mission, and at esch meeting of the engines that have been installed In Assemblyman Joseph T. Karcher Randolph street. Henry McCullough, vice president the plant make so much noise that Jlencuso, Trenton 11 6 28 of the Raritan Council, Boy Scouts council at which the report of the Power, Union Hill 10 6 26 of Sayreville, attacked the Billboard The book and the passes will be assessment was up for consideration, the engineers do not hear the tele* Bill on the floor of the house of As- sent out immediately. Another pic- of America is to be the genera pnone l>ell that has been in use. Cl«. B High School chairman of the Membership and Donahue appsared and protested sembly on Ust Monday night, as a ture appear* in this issue of the pa- that the charge was too high. Sever- Tha polloe committee will purchase lltdwick. Cs/t«ret 26 8 68 measure designed to destroy a legiti- per. The Jack Babbit Man wants all Financial Campaign for 19S0. This Lnta, Princeton 17 9 48 al reductions were made from time a new sedan for the use of round mate Industry in the State of New the little folks to try their hands as announcement was made from the sergeants. Some small make of car JUkowtkr, Boonton .... 19 6 48 Headquarter! of the Raritan Coun to time and the,East Rahway folks Jersey furnishing employment to ap-artists. Don't be discouraged, he demanded further reductions. will be selected. The large Paige be- CUM A i»rep Schoels proximately 700 skilled mechanics says, but keep right on trying. He cil today. Albert, Princeton Prep 16 longing to the department will be re- and artisans, a large majority of wants all his little friends to get L. L. Russell of the E. I. Du Pont, At Monday night's meeting the paired for usa in tramferring pris- Boson, Rgtyers Prs^.... 10 whom are ex-service men. In con- their pictures colored and in the mail DeNemours Co., and another vice- amount was announced as (69.19 oners to the workhouse and for as soon as peeaftsrtn ttat Ms en 9& the- flwloU-C *™* Class B dfsinntr iffiurti^wntttet it* have plenty of time.to make selec- will in additioditi n to serving as local a resolut dohntln the tee wilTalso put another member of Inch, St. Ceeslia passed the House, it would not do so tions carefully. chairman for Parlin, serve on the In-ment and the resolution was adopted on its merits but just because of po- the force on the motorcycle squad Wanning, Bajrley dustrial committee of the campaign without protest. Acting Mayor Her- and have motorcycle service twenty- Stabler, Kiapley litical expediency. He character!xed together with Henry W. Fisher, Con cules Ellis asked if there were any it as a measure prepared by a small {pir hours fc day. suiting Engineer of the Standard Un objections. Donahue, Lysek and a Petition! for walks, curb* and gut- group of wealthy women with noth- derground Cable Co. large delegation of Bast Rahway ing better to occupy their attention, Conflicting Stories ters in Haywood avenue and in Pas- The District chairmen who have property owners were present but saic street were received from res- who were attempting to advance the already signified their intention of none offered an objection. Democats Hear millennium by Inaugurating in this idents of those streets' and were in- serving are: Carteret, Harry G. Ba- A communication was received ferred to the engineer and attorney state, what might be referred to as Of Auto Accident ker; Fords, G. William Wood; Keas- from Louis B. Nagy, as agent for the another "noble experiment" — only to prepare the necessary ordinances. Brand Republicans bey, Frederick H. Deik. The cam-Carteret Cemetery Association ask- The Carteret Battery service ask- this time, the speaker declared, the Men Who Were Ipjured While M%« will start April 34th and ending the couneil's tenotion of a 100- scenery is the subject of the uplift ed permission to Install a 1000-gml- May 1st and the objective is $12,500, aore cemetery to be located near the lon gas tank in the grounds of a Senator It O— Of Speakers At movement.
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