Index Abkhazia 211, 218 Ankara Declaration (1998) 179 Academy of Sciences 413 Annadurai, C. N. 249 Adamov, Yevgeny 261, 458 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty (1972) Admiral Gorshkov aircraft-carrier 68, 464 170, 485 Aeroflot 60 ANZUS Treaty (1951) 490 Afghanistan: Arab–Israeli Peace Process: Russia and 219, conflict in 25, 107, 166, 171, 197 220–21, 226 drug trafficking 25, 93, 167, 202–3 Arafat, Yasser 221 ethnic conflict 166–67 Aral Sea 95 gas/oil transport 167 Arbatov, Alexei 125, 183–84, 431 Geneva Accords (1988) 198 Ardzinov, Mikhail 129 history 197 armed forces: Iran and 23, 195 condition of 431 Islamic radicals and 2, 142, 167, 197, 200, corruption 61 201, 205, 213–14, 243 foreign policy and 62–63 Mujahideen 167, 198, 199 funding of 431 Pakistan and 88, 213, 230, 263 reduction in 2, 433 Russia and 25, 166–67, 170, 171, 195–96, reform 61, 433 197–206, 246, 301 Armenia: social divisions in 213–14 arms imports from Russia 211 Tajikistan and 25, 86, 87, 113, 117, 118, Azerbaijan and 137, 188 120, 133, 205, 503 Russia and 170, 211 Taleban: Russian presence in 22 Iranian diplomats killed by 195–96 arms industry: military advances of 25, 88, 167, 200, 205 arms exports and 255, 303, 311, 382, 385, threat posed by 91 460 USSR’s invasion 181, 197 conversion 65 Agency for the Restructuring of Credit decline in 22 Organizations 78 foreign policy and 65–67 Agip 170 illegal exports 56 Agni missile 238 reforms 56–57 Agreement on the Legal Status of the Russian restructuring 70, 79 Border Forces in Tajikistan (Russia– Rosvooruzheniye and 64 Tajikistan, 1993) 115fn., 117 state defence orders 65 Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual arms trade, illegal 2, 16, 62 Assistance (Russia–Tajikistan, 1995) 111, ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian 119 Nations): agreement on mutual notification of missile China and 417, 418, 424 launches (USA–Russia, 1998) 369 ‘ASEAN style’ 421–22 Agreement on the Sino-Russian Border Japan and 418 Management System (1994) 501 membership 497 Airspace Technology Corporation 69 Russia and 411–26 Akayev, President Askar 105, 137, 141, 142, USA and 417, 418 151 see also following entries Aksakov, Ivan 35 ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference (PMC) Aksakov, Konstantin 35 412, 416, 418, 419, 476, 491, 497 Albright, Madeleine 380 ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF): 476 Aliyev, President Heidar 164, 215, 218, 504 description 497–98 Alligator helicopter 70 formation of 424 Ananyev, Yevgeny 67 members 497 520 RUSSIA AND ASIA Russia and 418, 419, 491 territorial disputes 27 security structures and 31 Theater Missile Defense (TMD) system Asia: 380, 381 arms imports from Russia 67–71, 488, 489 USA and 353–72, 389–90, 391–92, 434, economic growth 16 448, 451–52, 455–56 financial crisis 1997–98 26, 69, 322, 380, Asia–Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) 420–22 50, 280, 290, 346, 416, 419, 429, 442, importance increasing 1, 11, 50 490–91, 497, 505 instability 11, 449 Asia, Central: multilateral organizations 497–99 assets 17–18 multilateral security 435–36, 453, 490–92 authoritarianism 129 multipolarity 480–90 border CBMs 308, 357, 432, 481, 492, 502, nuclear issues 15 503 Russia, and: China and 87, 107–8, 269 economic interest in 3 CIS and 86 foreign policy and 1–4, 48–50, 455–68, conservatism of regimes 83 472–96 corruption 141, 142 integration in 17 definition 16, 82 neglect of 46 democracy and 140 USA’s attitude to 29–30 drug trafficking 18, 92–94 security challenges 11–32, 449, 453–55 economic security 98–99 security institutions, absence of 16, 366 economies 145–48, 149 security risks from 16 emigrants 202 US policy and 374–83 environmental degradation 94–95 weapons of mass destruction, spread of 15, ethnic complexities 84–85 229–30, 239, 240, 241, 257, 283, 387, 495 exports, transport of 19 see also following entries foreign investment 141, 147 Asia–Pacific: gas 85, 88, 104 arms imports from Russia 282, 488 geopolitical forces 83–88 China and 284–85, 358 instability 18, 19–20, 137 conflict in 281 integration 85, 102, 104, 106–7, 125 definition 16 internal conflicts 92 economic community 274 international community and 145–48 economic development 26 Islamic world and 46, 84, 87, 91, 107, 108, economic integration 354 129–30, 142, 201–2 instability 27, 281 leaders’ personal contacts 105 military expenditure 27 major power rivalry in 99 multilateral security 453–55, 490–92 major powers, cooperation with 20–21 Russia and: map 82 bilateral relations 283–86 Middle East and 87 CBMs 491–92 minorities abroad 84 constraints 26–31, 278 NATO, manoeuvres with 85 developing relations 274, 275–76, nuclear-weapon-free zone proposed 92, 505 278–86, 485 oil 85, 88, 104, 130, 131, 153 economic relations 280–81 peacekeeping battalion 85 future role 278–86 population change 95–98 goals 383–87 Russia and: influence diminished 356 attitude to 19, 143 international posture and 472–96 declining influence of 106, 108–9 policy recommended 286–87 defence cooperation 479–80 security conclusions 471–72 economic links with 130–31 security threats 453–55, 449 economic policy 477 stability 281–83 importance of to 176 trade 356 intention to exclude 480 security future 447–73 investments in 102, 130 security institutions, absence of 16, 366, military cooperation with 135–36 435 mutual interests 106–9 INDEX 521 stakes in 17 Russia and 25–26, 229–70 subsidies 101 socio-economic problems 231–32 trade 101, 102, 106, 131 Asia, South-East: 411–26 withdrawal from 83, 101, 104, 131, 153, China and 31 477 definition 16 Russian emigration 95, 96 instability 31 Russian foreign policy and 47–48, 123–36, map 412 477–80: Russia and 31 Kazakh view of 100–9 US presence 417 stages of 100–6 Asia, South-West: Tajik view of 110–22 characteristics of 207–8 Russian language in 129 definition 16, 156 Russians in 19, 101, 102 instability 159 security 18, 88–99, 107–8, 132–36 Islam and 208, 209 USA and 135, 139–40, 152, 153 Islamic fundamentalism in 213 USSR and 46 map 156 see also under China; Iran; Turkey; and NATO threat 215 Saudi Arabia near abroad and 217–18 Asia, East: Russia and: bilateral security treaties 403 assets and liabilities 157–71 China and 406–7 fears of 212 economic integration 354 importance of to 159, 218–19 financial crisis 2, 322, 415, 420–22, 449: region’s view of 207–26 Russia and 280–81 as stabilizer 209 Pax Americana 403, 404–5, 407 subregions 208 Pax Ameriponica 405–6 Turkish threat 214–15 Pax Consortis 404, 405, 406 USA and 207, 209–10, 216–17 Pax Nipponica 405 Assad, President Hafez 223 security institutions 433–37: Astana 105 absence of 16, 366, 403, 435 Astrakhan khanate 38, 39fn. US policy in 377–78 Ataturk, Mustapha Kemal 173 USSR, troops 355 ‘Atlantic model’ 41, 49, 217 Asia, North-East 320–22: Atlantic Richfield 131 definition 16, 272 Atomenergoexport 309 map 272 authoritarianism 37, 43–44, 53, 55 omnidirectional friendliness 326–29 Azerbaijan: Russia, strategic options 323–24 Armenia and 137, 188 Russian–US relations 373–93 Caspian Sea and 165 USA and 321–22, 324, 378–83 oil 161, 163, 216 Asia, South: Russia and 225 arms, illegal 250 US bases 170 China and 263 USA and 140 conflict potential 236–38 Azimov, Yakhyo 112 definition 16, 228 drugs 250 Baikonur space launch facility 501 economies 231 Baker, James 198 ethnic problems 249–50 Baltic states: NATO and 126 geopolitical situation 229–46 Baluevskiy, Yury 371 Indian view 247–70 Bambasuren, Dyushiin 313, 314 instability, sources of 229–33 Bangladesh: integration 233 conflict in 231 map 228 democracy 248 military expenditure 263 India and 254 nuclear dangers 248, 256–58 secession 249 nuclear-weapon-free zone proposed 252 banks 56, 59, 67, 73, 74, 78 poverty 231–32 Baranov, General Yury 116 religion 249–50 Bashkirs 38, 494 522 RUSSIA AND ASIA Bashkortostan 42 NATO and 215–16 Baturin, Yury 361 Russia and 225 Bechtel 171 security threat 209 Belavezh Agreements (1991) 41, 126, 182 Caucasus–Chechen Solidarity Foundation 179 Berezovsky, Boris 60, 75, 76, 77, 191, 348 Central Asian Battalion 135, 152, 190, 215 Bhutto, Benazir 195, 255 Central Asian Union 85, 103, 104, 105, 125, Black Sea Straits 164fn., 177 498 Russian passage through 22, 177–78 Central Bank 78 tanker shipping through 163, 177–78fn. Central and East European states: NATO and Black Shark helicopter 70 126 BM-21 multiple rocket-launchers 193 Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES) 161 BMP infantry fighting vehicles 193 CFE (Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle 70 in Europe, 1990) 212 Bolshoy Ussuriyskiy Island 438 Chechnya: Bosporus see Black Sea Straits illegal arms transfers 62 Brezhnev, General Secretary Leonid 339, 435, Iran and 188 474 Islam and 38–39, 213 British Petroleum 348 lives lost 38 Brunei 422, 424 oil and 177, 178 Brzezinski, Zbigniew 100, 217fn., 495fn. Turkey and 21, 162, 179, 214 BTR troop transporters 193 Chernomyrdin, Viktor: budget deficit: financing 75 bureaucratic capitalism and 55 Burbulis, Gennady 252 China and 291, 312, 441, 501 bureaucratic capitalism: defence industry and 66 factional struggle 58 government opponents replaced 59 formation of 54–61 industry and 57, 58 Moscow and 73 nomenklatura and 53 regional level 73 removed from office 60, 75, 432 weakening of 79 Tajikistan and 112, 119 Buryats 38 Viet Nam and 423, 501 Bush, President George 159, 437 Chernyshev, Albert 268 Butler, Richard 168 Chevron 131, 138 Chi Haotian 359, 501 Cam Ranh Bay 68, 425, 485 China: Cambodia 353, 412, 416, 420, 506 anxiety about 357 Cargotrans 64 armed forces modernization 311–12, 359, Caspian Pipeline Consortium 167 364, 378, 379, 439, 460 Caspian Sea: arms imports from Russia 68, 284, 298–99, economic
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