Department of Journalism and Mass Gommunication Jnana Sahyadri, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga - 577 451 Phone No:08282 -256324

Department of Journalism and Mass Gommunication Jnana Sahyadri, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga - 577 451 Phone No:08282 -256324

@ KUVEMPU @@ UNIVERSITY Department of Journalism and Mass Gommunication Jnana Sahyadri, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga - 577 451 Phone No:08282 -256324 KU/JMC/ 2018-19 ,r,S ' + Date:01-12-2018 To: Ph.D 2018-19 Applicants Pn.D ErurRerucE Ex.AM -2018 (Rescheduled) We have received your application for the Ph.D Programme - 2018. The Department will be conducting the entrance examination as part of the admission process. Details are given below. Date December 15, 2018 Exam Time 10.00 - 1.00 pm Duration 3 hrs Reporting Time 9.30 am, Collection of Hall Ticket Venue Dept of Journalism and MC, Kuvempu University. Ouestion r Pattern $\\\.\\\Xllli\\\\lt-$F;l+li.$istr,ilLLiil:rril.:is:':.1: gs..'!l -;.Cognate uarkEF"EI-i ....., '.,tsubiects :que$ton= =,.T.tIr' Objective I - l0 l0 I 20 multiple choice Short Notes t 2 T + 6 30 (Answer any five) a Essays (Answer J J 3 l0 40 anv four) Maximum Marks for Written entrance Exam is 90. Minimum pass marks is 45 (50%); and for SC/ST 40 (45%) except those fall under section 8.3 of Ph.D resulations. 4 Viva Voce l0 Total Marks 100 Note: l. Come with any Personal ID card, and a photocopy of the same 2. Successful completion of the entrance examination is a pre-requisite for the admission for the Ph.D Programme of the University as per regulations ..' 'a ' -- . t- , . Prof. Varghese P A i' '. r;' r : ; r': '*| Copy to: All Ph.D Applicants / Website administrator '. -"i. -; ,1,:._ 'r- r - ,, iil:..1., -iir..r,jl:;,! i,.j. ,:i, r; 1.j;,1',r.r1;ilrr i.,:, ,rt1rrr,,.:.: Jl!1: _l*tt\r.:,iii- i:: I . r!i. Kuvempu University Department of Journalism & Mass Communication Ph. D APPlicants List: 2018 NOre : PUOTOCOpY OF PENDING DOCI-iNlliNTS LISTED BELO\I SHOITLD BE sLrBN{trrED To rHE ORrtcn BEpoRE rHP EN1R,'rNCE EXA\IINATI9N NET / SET Candidate Cat Pending Documents Reg, No Name of the etc. JMC 18 01 AATISH il t-B JMC 18 02 ABDUL BAIS.P GM NET JMC 18 03 ABRAHAM GM SSLC, MA - Marks Cards JMC 18 04 ABY AUGUSTINE GM NET JMC 18 0s ANU MICHAEL GM SSLC, NET, MA - Marks Cards JMC 18 06 ANURAG VERMA GM SSLC, MA - Marks Cards JMC 18 07 ASHOK KUMAR M Cat-l SET JMC 18 08 ATHIRA.K GM SET JMC 18 09 AVINASH R SC SET JMC 1810 BANUPRASADA K N ilt-A SET a^+ | JMC 1811 BHEEMAPPA B LOL-I JMC 1812 CHANDAN M RAIKAR GM JMC 1813 DEEPA R ilt-A JMC 1814 DEVISHREE SHETTY il t-B SET JMC 1815 FAZIL AHAMED.N il-B JMC 18 16 JEETHA GM PHOTO, SSLC, MA - Marks Cards GM JMC 1817 JISHNU S Transaction details JMC 1818 KAVYA L il t-B JMC 1819 KOKILA M S il t-B SET JMC 18 20 MUHAMMED SHAFEECK.K GM NET SSLC JMC 18 21 NEEREJ DEV GM SSLC, MA - Marks Cards JMC1822 PRABHAKAR JMC 18 23 PRADEEP ANTHONY -B NET & SET SSLC JMC 18 24 PRASADA SHETTY .B JMC 18 25 PREMAVATHI M JMC 18 26 PREVIN P F NET + SET SSLC, MA - Marks Cards JMC 18 27 PRIYANKA G K SC JMC 18 28 RAJANIKANTH G SC JMC 18 29 RAMAKRUSHNA K il-A JMC 18 30 RASHAD.K GM JMC 18 31 RUDRAYYA.P.DONUR lil-B JMC 18 32 SADIQ PASHA il-B JMC 18 33 SANGEETHA GOPI GM NET JMC 18 34 SANGEETHA P S Everv document JMC 18 35 SHILPA MATHEW GM NET JMC 18 36 SHILPA SHETTY GM JMC 18 37 SHIVAKUMAR C SC JMC 18 38 SHRIGOURI S JOSHI GM Cat-l JMC 18 39 SIDDAIAH.B c r.r F Ntr)V GM SET JMC 18 40 GM SET JMC 18 41 42 il-A JMC 18 a N/l n NIerk< Cards GM - JMC 18 43 C,I IN/IT NASGI.JPTA SC JMC 18 44 sr rNll .s ST JMC 18 45 C.I INIKANNA T SC JMC 18 46 NET SSLC, MA - Marks Cards , GM JMC 18 47 TIA BABAN Transaction details SC JMC 18 48 I IMA F BHAVIKATTI GM NET JMC 18 49 \/^II AROSF SUVEENA PLKL IKA ST JMC 18 50 \/ARNASHREE R GM SET JMC 18 51 \/INVAqHRI C HALAKERIMA I H MARCEL RODRIGUT5 GM JMC 18 s2 WILLIAM ('- /-,, (tur' it \*:=* ' \!!a'fman ., r rqlc'r ii;'Jili' .', , r. !lt 1 g Kuvempu UniversitY COMMUNICATION DEPT. OF JOURNALISM AND MASS Syn.Leus FoR PnD ExrR'q'NcE Tnsr - 2018 50ToQuestionswillbefromResearchMethodology Subjects 50o/ Qu.rtions will be from Cognate SYllabus: Cognate PaPers Communication Theories functions; Types of communication: LJNIT I lntroduction to Communication: intrapersonal,inter-personal,group,masscommunication'Verbal'non-verbal Aristotle, Shannon and weaver' communication. Models of c-ommunication: HUBmodel,DavidBerlo,HaroldLasswell'CharlesOsgood'Wilbur Theodore Ner'vCombs' Schramm, Melvin D.Fltu', George Gerbner' lntroductiontoMassCommunicationTheory:Masssocietytheory. UNIT II communication theory' Hypodermic needle ittto'y' Paradigm shift in press: Authoritarian, libeftarian, Normative Theories: four iheori., oi the Developmental media theory social responsibility and Soviet media theoiy. and democratic participator) theory' step flow; multi-step flow; attitude change LII{IT III Limited Effects Theories: two theories;selective'p,"..'''infbrmationflowtheory;Functionalanalysis Phenornen i stic theory', D iffusion ih.o'y, K lapper' s gratifications, reception studies' framing IV Media and Audiences: Uses and UNIT the spiral of silence' cultivation analysis, knowteOge gup, Agtnda, setting' arralysis, catharsis, social learning theory' LNIT V Criticalculturalstudies:MarxistandNeo-Marxistapproaches,Frankfurt economy theory; Harold Innis; bias of School; Birminghari i;oot. political industries' communication, Marshall McLuhan' Cultural MA JMC SYllabus 2016' 1 of 13 RePorting Reportingformedia,Qualificationand^responsibilitiesofarepofier,organisationof UNIT I reporter' ;;-p;i;;t".tion in a newspaper - Role of a Chief LINIT II News.concept,deflnitions,ner,vsvalues.elements-Newswritingtechniques-News lead -TyPes of leads, bodY' III Newsgatheringskills,Newssources_.cultivationandprotectionofsources-offtheTypes of UNIT intervie,vs, Interviewing techniques, record. Preparations fo, .ondu.ting phone' interview - on the spot, planned and on UNIT IV Reporling.t.ypes-speech,po.litics.election,crime,court'accidents,educationhealth. scienceandtechnology,agriculture,economics'development,art,cuiture,spoftS' of Investigative repofting, Ethical aspects religion, environmenil?*a.? related irru"r. reporting. V Reporting,legislatureproceedings-Privilegesoflegislatures.Analysisofne\vs- UNIT Jurtain reporting for nervs agencres' lnterpretation skilts- Writini Uu.t"gtounders, :l,t:tt' for news agencles' oublished and online sources' Reporting Editing Structure and good writing. Nervs writing- principles, Ner,vs Writing: Fundamentals of UNIT I functions, types' techniques of headline methods of writing ,atyl Headlinesl "'".* trends' *riri"g, f.."dline wiiting for magazines' new news paper organization' Structure and Editorial deparlment structure: Structure of UNIT II and'roie of editor' nervs editor and sub- functions of editorial department. Qualifications ethical aspects, style sheet, typography. editor. Editing_ oelnitli, pri".ipr.r, inside pages' types of design: Principles of page design- Ot:1t1]"g-l",lt,lnd UNIT III Nervspaper trends in newspaper design' Page page designing. Vagazine page dt'ign' tontttpo'u'y making software. E,ditorialpage:Contentsofeditorialpage-Structureandpurpose,E,ditorials-functions. UNIT IV Special arlicles' Light leader' Op-Ed' types, Middles,"r, to the editoi' bot*n'' Translation.lmportance,need,techniques.Supplements-Weekendpullouts,targetaudience supplements. printing. 'l.ypes rotogravure, offset, Screen, digital methods: of printing. letterpress, UNIT V Printing uni n.* rnedia in newsrooms, Online Recent trends in printing. Use of .orpu1.rr online publications' newspapers- characteristitl, typtt' Editing MA .lMC SYllabtts 2016" 2 of 13 DeveloPment of Media of printing in lndia' Early Guttenberg,s contribution. Development I Invention of printing. UNIT Augustus Hickey' efforts in publishing newspapers' James LNIT II BirlhofthelndianLanguagepress,contributionofSeramporemissionaries.RajaRamin ihe 19'r'Century' First war of Roy. Birlh or Indian newspapers und ;;g;n.s Mohan uio gror"tn of journalism in Kannada' lndian independenc.'""J ,n. pr.rr. origio i nut't-tuiah.-D V Gundappa' T' T' Samyukta Karnataka. trt. v.nututur.rirnn'oiu1r,-F in the unification of Kamataka" Sharma. TSR. Role oifunnuOu;oumalism personalities of lndian press and the freedorn movement. important UNIT III The lndian ric Horniman' Annie Besant' S journalism: euf cunguOt.t* titutt' JS,B;;ki";'tu*' Historical development of impoftant Mahatma tunOtli. lunuuharlal Nehril' Sadanand, A;;l; Butu' Patrika' The Times of lndia' The newspapers and magazines: The Hindu' Indian Express. Media during emergency' IV Developmentofradioasamediumofmasscommunication,Publicserviceand UNIT nadio, viuiJh Bharathi, FM - public commercial broadcasring: All India 1I1 rY:::19rn as a medium of mass communrcatron community ,"0i". n.".i"il;f of tele,vision and cable television' India and Karnataka' Doordarshan' satellite of films in Films as mass media' Historical development V Early efforts in tllm making. UNIT Phalke award. Film Division' lndia. Film festivals unJuruior. Dada Saheb Feature Writing story' feature and afticle' Difference between feature and news I Feature Definition- Structure and LNIT - cut1r.ring und organising information; Techniques of writing r.uiur" stories: leads' r,yi., iiir., lead, bodi, conclusion: Types offeature features' how-to do backgr"'ld: personality'. scientific UNIT II Types of t'eatures-news, features' Sources of human l)l1:1ence'int.r.ri,-iliJtori.ur uno photo it f-eatures, traver, ousiness, reference oilnfort"*lon, use of libtutv and other features: primary lour.", ""d;;;;;;"rf resources' Feature Syndicates' material, newspapers and magazines as Writingarticles,profiles,obituaries'Columns-types'columnists'cattoons'cartoonists' LNIT III journalism .o*i. lnipr, freelance journalism' citizen UNIT IV Review-definition'Techniques.of'rev.iervingbook,film,theatre,art,music,TVprogrammes. Difference betrveen revierv and crtttctsm' V Magazine:Newspapersupplement.aldMagazines'Typesofmagazines:generalinterestteen' LNIT interest"mag-i":!-^-Y-"^Ten's' men's' children's' magazines, n.*, ,llu!u'in!!' scholarly 'p""iut consumer magazines; and academic or cine, scienc. uno t.Snnology,'business, of magazine scene and r,veb magazines.

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