MAYOR AND CABINET Date: WEDNESDAY, 26 FEBRUARY 2003 at 6.30 p.m. Committee Room 2 **Please note time of meeting** Civic Suite Lewisham Town Hall A London SE6 4RU A Enquiries to: Mike Brown Telephone: 020-8-314-8824 (direct line) G G MEMBERS The Mayor (Steve Bullock) (L) Chair E Councillor Moore (L) Vice-Chair and Deputy Mayor E Councillor Best (L) Cabinet Member for Environment Councillor Donnelly (L) Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning Councillor Garcha (L) Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion N Councillor Holder (L) Cabinet Member for Social Care & Health N Councillor McGarrigle (L) Cabinet Member for Culture Councillor Whiting (L) Cabinet Member for Resources Councillor Wise (L) Cabinet Member for Housing and Community D Safety D Members are summoned to attend this meeting Barry Quirk A A Chief Executive Lewisham Town Hall Catford London SE6 4RU Date: 18 February 2003 The public are welcome to attend our committee meetings, however, occasionally, committees may have to Consider some business in private. Copies of reports can be made available in additional formats on request. w:\comms web team\web\ongoing_work\myr_cab_ag_26feb03.doc ORDER OF BUSINESS - PART 1 AGENDA Item Page No. No. 1 Declarations of Interests 1 2 Exclusion of the Press and Public 1 3 Transport: Parking Works Programme 3 4 Secondary School Strategy - Consultation on New Secondary School 16 and Expansion of Deptford Green The public are welcome to attend our Committee meetings, however, occasionally committees may have to consider some business in private. Copies of reports can be made in additional formats on request. w:\comms web team\web\ongoing_work\myr_cab_ag_26feb03.doc MAYOR AND CABINET Report Title DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS Key Decision Item No. 1 Ward Contributors CHIEF EXECUTIVE Class Part 1 Date: 26 FEBRUARY 2003 Members are asked to make any declarations of pecuniary interests or other interests they may have in relation to items on this agenda (if any). Members are reminded to make any declaration at any stage throughout the meeting if it then becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is considered. MAYOR AND CABINET Report Title EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC Key Decision Item No. 2 Ward Contributors CHIEF EXECUTIVE Class Part 1 Date: 26 FEBRUARY 2003 Recommendation It is recommended that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3, 7 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act:- 101 The Future of the Bell Green Shopping Parade plus Residential Upper Part at Nos. 50-84 (even) Bell Green, Sydenham, SE26 w:\comms web team\web\ongoing_work\myr_cab_ag_26feb03.doc MAYOR AND CABINET Report Title TRANSPORT: PARKING WORKS PROGRAMME Key Decision YES Item No. 3 Ward All Contributors EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR REGENERATION Class Part 1 Date: 26 FEBRUARY 2003 1. Summary This report provides an update on the work being undertaken on proposed controlled parking schemes and suggests new guidelines for the consultation process for future schemes. 2. Purpose To review the progress on existing parking schemes; set out the options in relation to two contentious schemes. To agree new guidelines in relation to consultation/ decision process. 3. Recommendations It is recommended that: 3.1 the Priority list set out in paragraph (6) be approved as a basis for the works programme for 2003/04; 3.2 where practicable other types of controls other than full scale CPZ's be considered and offered during the consultation process on the possible introduction of parking controls; 3.3 should the overall response to a consultation on the detailed design of a parking scheme fall below 10% the consultation exercise be deemed inconclusive, 3.4 if a response rate of over 10% has been achieved on the detailed design of a scheme, the analysis of the results should indicate a clear mandate weighted at least 55/45. If a clear mandate is not achieved the scheme should not be progressed; w:\comms web team\web\ongoing_work\myr_cab_ag_26feb03.doc 3.5 apart from the consultation document, street notices should be placed within the boundary of the proposed area throughout the informal consultation period to ensure both residents and businesses are fully aware that the consultation is being undertaken; 3.6 Aislibie and Lenham roads are added to the Old Road/ Bankwell CPZ. That controls are not introduced in Lampmead, Brightfield, Murillo, Rembrandt and Abernethy roads. In addition, the northern end of Manor, Lane as far as numbers 20-22 and the northern end of Manor Lane Terrace as far as numbers 13-14 be added to the Old Road/ Bankwell CPZ; and 3.7 the proposed Rushey Green East CPZ be implemented with the exception of Thornford Road. 4 Background 4.1 The Parking Plan contains a list of areas (listed in order of priority) to be investigated to see if there is demand for some form of parking control. It is difficult to derive a straightforward data led ranking system for parking, therefore the ranking of areas has been carried out on the basis of qualitative assessments, requests from residents and local knowledge of access and other problems. 4.2 In the past initial consultation in some areas has been carried out sooner rather than later due to external funding being available. However, it is very difficult for residents to form a view as to whether they will want parking controls before an expected problem arises. In particular, investigations into areas prior to the introduction of congestion charging by TfL have proved problematic. These problems stemming from the fact that at the time of consultation, parking problems did not necessarily exist and the likely impact of congestion charging was not yet known. 5. Implementation of Parking Controls 5.1 A substantial amount of work implementing parking controls has been carried out since the Parking Plan was agreed in 2001 and reviewed in January 2003. 5.2 The areas for investigation were selected from information collated on the traffic engineering database. This included requests from residents, businesses, etc. 5.3 It should be noted that the driver for the introduction of parking controls is the safeguarding of resident amenity in respect of ability to park relatively near to their place of residence during the day and permit the adequate servicing of properties for deliveries etc. There is also a beneficial impact on street scene, road safety and the general environment. Parking controls are not however introduced primarily to promote modal shift by car users. Most importantly it should be emphasized that schemes are not introduced to raise income, although all schemes should be self-financing. w:\comms web team\web\ongoing_work\myr_cab_ag_26feb03.doc Schemes are only introduced where there is a majority of people in favour and as such there is a clear mandate for their implementation. 6. The progress on current schemes is as follows: 6.1 Hither Green (West) CPZ Statutory Consultation period has finished. There were several objections to the scheme. These have been considered and it was agreed to proceed with the scheme. The implementation date is scheduled for March 2003. 6.2 Catford (West) CPZ Statutory Consultation period finished. No objections received. Decision to Proceed. Implementation date scheduled for March 2003. 6.3 Canadian Ave CPZ Statutory Consultation finished on 5th February 2003. No objections were received. 6.4 Grove Park CPZ (Extension) Statutory Consultation period finished. Two new roads have been added to the existing scheme. Implementation date March 2003. 6.5 Hatcham Area CPZ A consultation on a possible parking scheme is presently being carried out. This will give residents an opportunity to say if they want a parking scheme considered in order to address possible problems as a result of the Congestion Charging Scheme. 6.6 Evelyn Area CPZ A consultation on a possible parking scheme is presently being carried out. This will give residents an opportunity to say if they would want a parking scheme considered in order to address possible problems as a result of the Congestion Charging Scheme. 6.7 Rushey Green West CPZ This scheme was introduced in 2001. A review of the scheme has been carried out. Within the scheme better use of some of the available parking could be achieved by allowing more shared use bays. This will w:\comms web team\web\ongoing_work\myr_cab_ag_26feb03.doc provide more parking for visitors and shoppers to the area. Some space (50 permits) could also be made available for hospital staff. The proposed changes should not unduly effect the residential parking benefits of the scheme. The proposed changes will be subject to the statutory consultation process in the next few months. 6.8 Old Road/ Bankwell Road: 6.8.1 A consultation on area traffic calming was carried out in the Manor Lee Ward in 2001. As part of this consultation residents and businesses in the area were asked if they would welcome a Controlled Parking Zone for their area. Most roads in the area voted against the idea of a parking scheme and therefore it was agreed that a scheme should not be implemented in the area. However, in Old Road and Bankwell Road there was a majority of residents in favour of controlled parking and a significant amount of lobbying in favour of a parking scheme was received. It was therefore agreed to carry out a further consultation in these two roads. For this consultation an outline design of a scheme was prepared. A consultation letter/questionnaire together with a plan of the proposals was sent to all the properties in these two roads and on the adjacent section of Lee High Road.
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