(r/ ''l I -,,l \ * { R-4 $ Pr-\ ADVISORS TO RESPA Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar - (lnspector-General of Police) Tan SriAbu Zahar Anika Ujang - (President of the Senate) President Mohd lsmailChe Ri.ts Deputy President 'Mangsor bin lsmail i. '- tDatuk Mohd NawavVi lsmail Vice Presidents r :' iD"to'Ahr"d Tejuddin Abo Malded . , , :.:' l" En. Raynor Walker (Butch) ',4 En. Abd Aziz Mohd Yusof Hon. Gen. Secretary En. Mohd Jaafar lbrahim Hon. Gen..Trbasirrel En. Subramaniam fuL Mari ..: { En, Lai Kim klon (James) r' Harhzalll ,, |,r Dato' W6ng'PiJi Ldtn:: & ;, :f.- I rii En. Mctlllt ..lerdfl,.MohdJant ,r En. En. Wan MoharnedWAli,D6llah Pn. Eliza.lasniiif H:rinim' * 1' P;., Daitol, En. Shahrudin Abdullah Pn. En. Sallelfribfiadidd *; -.; .f Hon. Asst. Secretary En. D.Nadarajah Hon, Asst. Treasurer En. Cheah Boo Eng Commiftee Members En. Ng ln Kiek En. Tan Kim Chan Dato'Wira AYob Yaacob En. Mohd Arif Abd. Latif ':' : TNTERNAL AUDU9RS I En. Sammugam all VerasamaY Pn. Lee Yoke Lin En. A. Subramaniam RESPA TRUSTEES Dato'Yaacob Amin Dato' Ramli Yusof Dato' Meor Chek Hussein flil,fi MANAGEMENT SUB.GOMM ITTEES * PRESIDENTS COUNCIL Dato' Mohd lsmail Che Ru$ (Chairman) Two (2) Deputy Presidents Three (3) Vice Presidents Hon. General Secretary Hon. General Treasurer BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Dato Mangsor lsrnail (Chairman) En. Mohd. J,gran Mohd. Jani . ,,-:i.. en. Johgfi lfanafiah ' .. .,-- . INVESTMENT/REALTY ,T Dato' Mohd Nawawi lsmail (Chairman) En. Ng,ln Kiek .-..- -, i En. Saibh Mohamad ..,, , En. Mohd Arif Abdul Latif ', , MEMBER$HIP/BRANCHES DatolAhrnad Teju{,ing Abd, Majeed (Chairman) Pn, Helen LohKuen,Show," , t1 En. Sharudin Abdullah ' NEWSLETTER En" Raynoi Walker, . En. S. Divakaran En. AbdulAziz Mohd Vusof (Chainnan) En. Tan Kim Chan "t jl ,i' t ii coNgiflTu-TjoNTLf;GA En. Aaron Abraham (Chairman) Pn. El2a Jasnrkr bt Hashim ' En. Raynor Walker (Butcfr) Dato'Wong PuiLam ORGANISATIONAI. Dato' Wong Pui Lam (Chairman) RELATIONS En. Wan Mohamed b Wan Dollah Dato' lt/ohamad Fuad Talib WELFARE/NETWORKING' En $yed Abdul Aziz Syed Hamzah (Chairman) SOCIAL & WOMEN AFFAIRS Pn. Eliza Jasmin bt Hashim .t i Pn. Rosalind Ho SPORTS/RECREATION Dato''Sebmuddin Falizan (Chairman) En. Lai Kim Hon (James) RESPA COOPERATIVE En. Mohd Jaafar lbrahim (Chairrfian) En. D. Nadarajah SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS Dato'Wira Ayob Yaacob ieffi RESPA INDEX OF CONTENTS Page RESPA Management Committee 201 5-2017 1-2 lndex of Contents 3 RESPA President's Message 4 Re-Branding of RESPA 5-6 RESPA Diary of Events January - July 20't5 7-10 RESPA 3lstAnnual General Meeting 2015 11-12 RESPA 2nd Extra-Ordinary Meeting 2015 13-14 Bukit Kepong 55th Remembrance DaY 15 RESPA Lends A Helping Hand 16 RESPA Appreciation For Support Rendered 17 RMP & Veterans Affairs (Retiree Benefits) 18-21 RESPA Sub-Committee Notes 22-25 RESPA Management Committee 201 5-2017 26 Membership - New Members & Orbituary 27-33 Light & EaEy 34 Membership - Missing! Where Are They? 35 Application For MembershiP Forms 36 Amendments to Members' Particulars 37 RESPA NEWSLETTER . THE BLUE LAMP Co-Editors - Raynor Walker (Butch) Tel: 603-78864971 / 603-78034971 HIP: 012-2006545 Email: [email protected] S.Divakaran Tel: 603-92846199 H/P: 019-3352618 Email: [email protected] RESPA Office - Retired Senior Police Officers Association (RESPA) i d/a Bahagian Latihan '| lbu Pejabat Polis Di Raja MalaYsia Bukit Aman 50560 Kuala Lumpur. @ Gur:'-yurum'.o THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE I Syawal 1463H, Hari Raya day, was on Friday l7th. Julv.20l5. Mav I take the privilege to wish all our Muslim members SiI-eue.I' HARI RAVA IDUa_ FITRI, maaf zahir dan batin ; On Sunday l3th. June, 2015, five days before the besinnins of Ramadhan 1436H. the 3l st. RESPA Annual Generil Meeting was h6ld at KL Intemationai Hotel, the first ever AGM at a hotel and outside tfie Dremises beloneins to poti.i Diraja Malaysia. Being an election year for new offiie bearers, the atenoanie oi RL,SPA members was an all-time record; 184 members were recorded in the register but as the voting process took place in the late afternoon. ;"t, 6t members remained to cast their votes. Another all-time record was the iotal expenditure which came close to RM20,000.00 with hospitality cha.eeJ b\.Kt International and the door gifu in the form ofRESpA blazer 6adse 5.oe.6lrv the Ex-President amo*nting to RM9,500.00 and RM6,250.00-Atli,i;'ffi' resi;tiveit. A;;il observation, we €an have-a record att.naani" auri'n; ;.i ;;;i continue to spend beyond the budget; lest our bank acc-ount will run dry. ]Ff.^:t:.rll gflgg offrge bearers was very keenly contested; a1 upset for.some and a victory for many. For the new office bearers, I offer my congratulations. Howe'ier, ygu t-^igtd.Jh ;i"didi;;""y G;"ffiiii;ies placed upon each and€veryan!.et1erlan{.er1er1one one of y6u.you. YouYo.-u are placed in a Hobio'n'sHobson'sHobsoh's 9a9f in clroicqiituition;choiceclroice situationlsituation; i;;ilshavinghavins no ihoidihoic'e buibut thJfiJtirthe trustr is f"tfifi;afulfilled to the satist-action of the -:19:l: yltg elected you into offrce. To those whohav-e "oto reliqqlish their positions, you have to accepl the choices.,made by the memberi. It does.not mean.yo"icont luuii"iitir-iiii3p,,fd;;d;;;ffi',jril you can continue to contribute ancl your contributions will be muc6 appreciated. (?) f*o ygars i1 office (2015.-20J 7) is a.short period-of time_and the newly elected Management Committee must lmmedlately put lnto actlon all plans without the slightest indication of taliing a slow strol-I. Lackadaisical attitude nas no Dart ln our orsanrsatlorr bxactly 7 days. after the 3 I st. AGIvI, the I st. Management Committee Meeting was held on Saturday 20i1. June,20l5 it tfie riiinlnsril;;h,'i{;i;iM;r.y.i. i;;ii;., E*ifa-iii. At the abovesi{e megting,l reiterated the Vision and Mission which I read when I delivered mv first speech on beins elected into office. The vision : "our vision is nothing _less than realizing the full potenrials .if o"i ni"-u"ii und i3 drive a new era of development, services, epwth. an'd produ_ctiviry." T; e"itte itt" visi* tb G niiiiiiJ, ari trri sub-commiffees were reorgan-ized with the-introductioir of 3 ne# ruU-io--itt".r na-.iy ri.ria;;ittd;.i], Business Development an-d_organizational Relation. All the zs committei the -imu"ir-,-ii"ildifi-alommittee l9fi9tl *ppornted.by President under Rule l0 (b) of RESPA Constitutional Rules, were app"ointed into the varlous sub-committees most suited to their respective backgrounds and experiences. The changeof paradigm is taking place.at a fast pace. To quote an example, the welfare, networkins. social and t""'ilil'i:'fliiJ:'',8#stf i"j1"J"1ii,r'5(i.$b'*"'i'TiL?#ff5'ffiJtihii#ii$,n"aXtu'*i,i.',i;'i Hj.lsmail!. Hj.-ldris Q]20J Giospltat'sg.nritbhi total collection of Rviit,ooo.oo was successtullv made to subsldtse L,ato' Hamzah b. Samsuddin DEMC medical bill.. On 6_ July 201 5, the same sub-comminee t5aming up with YBhg.^Dato'Seri-Wira Ayqb b Yaacob [L6271], and DIMA f,.estu*ini of Oasis Squarejeiu Du-unturu co-hosted Iftar.(break fast)-[or 65 residents of Rumah'Kasih Darul Hasanah e-pi"e ."d s""!ir.'w.iuu. tt. honour of meetings, both official atd_Tpi-9fficiql, with the Inspector General of Poliie, rhe-olieCtoi of srenr llogn^"Iry,L9gistrcs Department PDRM), The Head of Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pesara'polis and Commandant fllllryL. Kuala Lumpur. From lher.responses, we are expectingpositive outcomes. Thank you in anticipation. lhe other sub-committees are equally vibrant in their respectives aclivities. I will give a more c'oncise refort in ttre next issue of THE BLUE LAMP. All of us must work in unison - RESPA new era must be areality not a dream. Bersatu teguh bercerai roboh. With kind regards, Haji Mohd Ismail Bin Che Rus 20lS.Volu#6 {fi REBRANDING OF RESPA ' E 1. A NEW RESPA - THE WAY FORWARD i The Retired Senior Police Officers' Association of Malaysia (RESPA) was registered in 1984 as a society vide regisfiation number PPM 013-14-17051984. It was then known as ttre Sri Venning Club. In 1994 the Sri Verming Club was renamed The Retired Senior Police Officers' Association ofMalay- sia and has been known by the acronym RESPA since then. 31ST AIINUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) OF'RESPA RESPA held its 3lst Annual General Meeting (AGIO on 13 June 2015 at the Kuala Lumpur Intema- tional Hotel (KLII!, Kuala Lumpur. At the AGM new RESPA office - bearers were elected for the yeas 2015-2017. Within a short span of one weelq the newly-elected office-bearers held the lst Management Committee Meeting (MCIO on 20 Jurie 2015 at the meeting room of the Training Branch, Royal Malaysia Police Headquarters, Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur. The lst MCM duly established the following Comcil and Bureaus as the positive way forward to building an effective RESPA: l. PresidentialCouncil; 2. BusinessDevelopmentGeneralAdministration; 3. Investnant Realty; 4. Membership,Branches; 5. Newsletter; 6 Medi4 Publicity; 7. Constitution,Legal; 8 Organisational Relations; 9. Welfare, Networking, Social, Women's Affairs; 10. Sports,Recreation; I l. RESPA Cooperatives; and 12. SpecialAssignment. The new Management Committee, comprising the Presidential Council and the various Bureaus, is focused to serve with enthusiasm for the longterm development of RESPA. This is the new beginning ofRESPA. THE NEW BEGINNING OF RESPA The new begiruring augurs well for RESPA. This new beginning is reflected in the good team work of the Management Committee, with each and everyone supporting each other as a Team and moving forward in unison to work for a better RESPA.
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