THIS IS THEEND OF NF 4.2 Date Filmed li1I11Camera No. 2 LfC4~ Cameraman d.p 8i The above-described material was removed from this file pursuant to the following exemption provided .in the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. Section 55,2(b) : (1) Classified Information (6) Personal privacy (2). In~ternal r-ples .and. - (7).Xvq tgAtOy practices files (3) Exempted by other (8) Banking statute Information (4) Trade secrets and (9) Well Information commercial or (geographic or financial information geophysical) 'I Ii~7 nternal Documents Signed -- date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F EC 9-21-77 ,- - Joep .r forisa ) IV9~68' (AAF 3,ALlen fBlum for Nnzus)0 75 (Alaska Bill Nck )NF 93 (Ohio) 21st ~esc~1Ointe for BilliMck Y Ares for NFges0 95 (Cdifpxnia), Harold Y NP'S 95, 124, 161 (Cal ifornia) B. E. (Happ)y eahe NP' 95, 124 (Cal Ifornia.) my P.rincipal" l Qiunittee (wdl Nicholas 124~,sf Nicholas ~ fr~irs )- - .4(a~oia Ortiz for Qrgress NE's 95,p 124 (California) Irv NFly95 (California) I40bert K. Watson )NF 95 (California) Water~rde NF 106 (o~wussee) Doc~Cnag GeeBs)lg NF 114 (Pennsylvania) GeneBas~-g-aCmuntt) Sfor Congress )NF 124 (California) :Fev;:in C1:asey Peter NF 124 (Caiforidia) Irv Sulyfor Congress )NP's 124,, 161 (California) -Ccsiiuittee to Elect George Waldron.) NF 124 (California) Watson for Congress )NP's 124, 161 (California) Doald Wylie Hobbs )NF 158 (Alaska) NorsworthY for Congress )NF 1.65 (Georgia) (Continued ) Malvin Perkins 171 '1 ums P. Simnk ') 172 NF Conlin for cnrs 173 NF Larry Pener 179 olie Yrk) NF People for PothOuite ) 179 (New York) James A. Plumr forQngs) NF 181 (Ohio) Jessie Dennis Knip WF182 (Ok&aI=) ftrilyn Coyle Eoff NF 183 for Congress) AnthoKny Pannuccio) NF' 184 (South Carol Ina) fRnald C. Arline, NF' 185 People Wozr1~fiTTor Ron Aline) Peter DianKondstdnre (cite) N6 188 (Vegt)- Cbmuittee to Elect Debie ) NF' 218 (Haaii) Amelia Lew Fritts NF'218 (Hawaii) Amelia Lew TEEEt for) Congress TaiiI~tee Nicholas Wacil Kudrovzeff NF' 222 (California) I, Marjor ie -W. Diirrmns, Fcorxzd -Secretary for the -Federal Election- Cairission's Executive Session on October 10, 1979, do hereby certify that the above-captioned matter: 1. File a civil action against the Conlin for Congress (WF 173) for failure to file required reports in violation of 2 U.S.C. 5434; (Continued) 2. Close the file and resclr4-. the aiil action with -to~~ Hoard for Corqres Joseph H. Paisi an CongressionalCipa& Allen Blume for Cnrs 3. Close thefiewtrgadto Bill MaCk (NF 93) 21st Congressional (WF 93), Chmrdttee for Bill Mack Ares for Congress(a 5 Harold Boylan ("t~95, 124, 161) irB. E. (Happy) Heschel, (li~s 95, 124) my Principal Capin(HFs 95, 124). * ~cmnittiee aHnchl Nicholas Kufrvzef f (NFs 95, 124)- O Nicholas Kudrovzeff fc~rCongess- -- -(s Ortiz for Congyress (HFs 95, 124) Irv Sutley (NF 95) Robert K. Watson (NF 95) Walter Bradley (HF 106) I),Dc Bradley Carr.ain (HF 106) Gene Basalyga, (HF -4) 1rrGene Baseayga, OCiuittee (HF 114) Hughes for Congress (HF'124) oKevin Casey Peters (HF 124) Irv.Sutley for Congress W4-?r11 -ts -onte 124, 161 George Waldron (HF 124) Watson for Congress WHs 124, 161) Donald Wylie Hobbs (NF 158) Norsworthy for Congress (HF 165) Me!lvin Perkins--- _(HI171) ~ Tlxxnas P. Swank (HF 172) Larry Penner (HF 179) -:epl- fQ~#L~m tjJ Janes A. Plummrer for (HF 181) Congress Jessie ennis Knipp (NF 182) Marilyn Coyle Ecoff (HF 183) Congress Anthony Pannucci o (HF 184) Ronald C. Arline (17 185) People Wrking for (HF 185) Ron Arline Peter Diancndstone (NF 188) Ccznittee (Contirs~ed) Attest: Date MajreW. Emmonis L Ot the OCimissiori Joseph H. ~ Aw3 NF~hW 68 (F3rifa)' Allen Blizre foir NPs)F7 (Alaska) Bill Makck NF193 (Ohio) 21st ricalkxm Omlitte forBill MWc Ares for Qzgromms NF 95 (Chlifornia) Harold Balak) Ws 95, 124, 161 (Cali fonia) B. E. (HappyBns~l) NFs 95, 124 (California) My Principalc 1 r Coamidttee ( hedl) - Nalolast K1vz 6sf Ortiz for NmrsFs 95,, 124 (California) Irv SNly F 95 (California) Rtoert K. Watson NF 95 (California) C, Walter Bradley NF 106 (Tenessee) Gene NF 114 (Pennsylvania) Gene n~aj~~~ Qimuttee) Huhe for Cogress )N'F 124 (California) Kevin Casey Peters NF 124 (California) Irv Sulyfor Congress ) lWs 124, 161 (California) -Cciirnttee to Elect George Waidron NF 124 (California) Watson for Congress ) Fs 124, 161 (California) Donald Wylie Hobbs NF 158 (Alaska) No for Congress NF 165 (Georgia) (Contined 3iilt ) INV 172 ( 3 10 Conlin fo IoWiss)N173 (fd~ TArM Psmsr NV 179 (Newv Vbtk)' People for Poth Omitte )NF 179 (New Yoac) Jamres A. Pl~uer for I.nes). NF 181 (Ohio) Jessie Dennis Rd ) NV 182 (Oklah~rm), Nbrilyn Coyle Acf NV 183 (Pennsylvania) for Congiress NAntho~ny Pannuccio )NF 184 (South Carmlina), ftnald C. ArlineNP15(etse) o People Wor12MU"or Ron Arline). Peter Dianffi~tie Cuit~)N Vrct omumittee to Elect Debie )NF 218 (Hawaii) o Amelia Iew Fritts )NF 218 (Hawaii) Amlia Loew Fritt for Congress SWTUttee) Nicholas Wacil Kuxdrovzeff ). NV 222 (California) M~IFICATIMt ., I,, Marjdorie-W.- !]rttons, Icordir-g Secretaky for the Federal- Election COmnission' s Executive Session on October 10, 1979, do hereby certify that *~ 1~dok ssin detini b vt of -O--: -hIAke -the- followming ac:tionis in the above-captioned matter: 1. File a civil action against the Conlin for Congress (NF 173) for failure to file required reports in violation of 2 U.S.C. S434; (Continued) 3. Close the file with reqjd -to: Bill Mack (NF 93): 21st Congressional, (WF 93)1 Coumittee for Bill Mack Ares for ongress (HF 95) Harold Boylan (HFs 95, 124, 16:L) B. E. (Happy) Hnc1hal (NFs 95,f 124) MY Principahla pig (HFs 951, 124) Ocmnittee (eahl Nicholas Kixdrovzeff (HFs 95, 124) Nicholas Kixdrovrzef f fr-collgrew w -- ;--c--:-4H.95,-:-24).-f Ortiz for Congress HFs 95, 124) Irv Sutley (NF 95) Robert K. Watson (NF 95) Walter Bradley (?F 106) A0 Doc Bradley Ca~in(HF 106) Gene Basalyga, (HF 114) Gene Basalyga, Committee (HF 114)' Hughes for Congress (NF'124) Kevin Casey Peters (HF 124) -Imv Su1t.y -f Cpxgresp (HFs 124p 161). Camittee to Elect- George Waldron (HF 124) Watson for Congress (HF 124, 161) Donald Wylie. Hobbis (NF 158) Norsworthy for Congress - (HF 165) Melvin Perkins (HF 171) Thomnas P. Swank (HF 172) Larry Penner (HF 179) People. -for. Roth Cmittee_.... (MF 179) James A. Plummer for (NF 181) Congress Jessie Dennis Knipp (NF 182) Marilyn Coyle Ecnff (HF 183) Congress Anthony Pannuccio (HF 184) Ronald C. Arline (NF 185) People. .'brking for (NF 185) Ron Arline Peter Dianxxidstone (NF 188) OCirnittee (Continued) Attest: Date tay to the Ccimissicn C) Tq V7 - -~ -~- .. -. -. -- -. - 2. ~bww~ina'4D*w R: DUR 6 34 00"r Mr. M4ack z on May 9,7~9p 'the Commaission detw t ju th was roasia1 "t-6 'bo loe thIat yov ~ 4w~4o Of 2 U. S.C. 144(I~)()* ?e l' Act of 19 7I', as ae. Spe.oi f i~aly r the C *sion 000 reasonable 'clause to believe *.hat'you violated Section 434(fi) (2)(A) -Ci) by failing to, file a ten day pre-primaty" election rePort prior to the June ~ 1970 Ohio: primary electAn tow, a seat in the OAS, Mouse of Representative froo tb6 11' i~trict of Ohio-, The Commnission has a duty to attempt to correct such violations for a period of 3,0 days by informal methods of' conference, conciliation and persuasion and by entering into a conciliation ag,reement. If we are unable to reach an agree- iment during that period,, the Cozumission may,, upon * finding of probable cause to believe a violation has occurred, institute civil suit in the United States District Court and sehk payment of a civil penalty not in excess of $5,000. we enclose a conciliathon agreement that this office is prepared to recommuend to the Couzuission in settlement of this matter. if you agree with the pr4~visions of the enclosed conciliation agreement, pleadwesign and return it along with the civil penalty 64 the Covaission within ten days.' I will then recommend that the Commission approve the agreement. If you have any questions or suggestions for changes in the enclosed conciliation agreement, please contact Christopher Trow, the attorney assigned to this matter at (202) 523-4073. Sincemely, William C. 0ldaker General Counsel Entcosure Q k IWO: MR634, Dear Mr. str~iklaod; Onb May 31le 78 the Cosmiasion do 4t*4be 2tbat tboe was. reasonable caul*.to believe that you a q ted a Violation of '2 U.S.C. S434(*)(l)(A)(i) of the Federal1I Jt4bC~a Act of 1971, 'as amendd,, Specifically, the Cn~Ma found roasoamable, caue to. beliove that -you and yaui, 'at w t2ae tection 4 34 (k).() (A) (i) by fai linigl to. fkile a te" d pre-primary election report prior to the June 6, 1978 Ohio primary 6lection for a seat in the U.S. House of Representative fron the 6th district of Ohio.' The Coumission has a duty to attempt to correct such violations for a period of 30 days by informal methods of conference conciliation and persuasion and by enterirbg into a conciliation agreement. If we are unable to roach an agreement during that period, the Commission may, upon a finding of probable cause to believe a violation has occurred, institute civil suit in the United States District Court and seek payment of a civil penalty not in excess of $5,000.
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