© Entomologica Fennica. 25 February 2011 Gonomyia (Gonomyia) Iucidula de Meijere and allies (Diptera: Limoniidae) Jaroslav Stary Stary, J. 2010: Gonomyia (Gonomyia) Iucidula de Meijere and allies (Diptera: Limoniidae). — Entomol. Fennica 21: 232—242. Gonomyia (Gonomyia) lucidula de Meijere, 1920 and G. (G.) abscondita Lackschewitz, 1935 are redescribed, and the lectotypes ofboth species are desig- nated. Desciptions ofanother two species are provided, viz. G. (G.) securiformis sp. n. (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy, Switzerland) and G. (G.) undiformis sp. n. (Slovakia). Male terminalia are illustrated and distributions are outlined for all the species. J. Stary, Department ofZoology and Laboratory ofOrnithology, Faculty ofSci— ence 0ftlze Palacky University, tr. Svobody 26, CZ—77146 Olomouc, Czech Re— public; E—mail.' stary@prfnw. up0l. cz Received 10 February 2010, accepted 19 April 2010 1. Introduction regarded as a somewhat doubtful taxon, although mentioned in the literature from time to time, es- Gonomyia (Gonomyia) lucidula de Meijere, pecially, recently, by British authors (e.g. Stubbs 1920 was recorded from many European coun- 2001, Boardman 2007). tries (Oosterbroek 2009). Lackschewitz (1935) As early as in the 1970’s, I had examined the described G. (G.) abscondita, with emphasis on a types ofboth G. (G.) Iucidula and G. (G.) abscon— close relationship to G. (G.) Iucidula, but without dita and found details in the structure ofthe male specially comparing their male terminalia. A dis- terminalia that distinguished the two as valid spe- tinct pattern on the pleuron was mentioned by cies. The pigmentation of the parameres proved him as the only character distinguishing G. (G.) to be one of several species-specific differences, abscondita from G. (G.) Iucidula. Yet the respec- perhaps the most conspicuous, but by far not the tive descriptions (de Meijere 1920: 83, Figs 82a— most significant taxonomically. Having exam- b; Lackschewitz 1935: 13—14, Figs 7a—e) and the ined additional material, however, I discovered a key by Lackschewitz (1940: 5 8) to the European few variant specimens, which destroyed the un- Gonomyia Meigen, 1818 suggested at least one perturbed taxonomic situation, as it had appeared genital difference between the two species, initially. As a result, an almost finished manu- namely that the parameres are both darkly pig- script was postponed for further study, and it, in mented in G. (G.) Iucidula, whereas, in G. (G.) fact, remained somewhat forgotten. abscondita, the right, shorter paramere is pale. The variants in my collection gradually in- The first time since its description, G. (G.) creased in number, and it eventually turned out abscondita was reported by Stary & Rozkosny that these represent two additional species closely (1970) from Slovakia, but its validity was related to G. (G.) Iucidula. Thus, in the present doubted because of possible synonymy with G. paper, I redescribe G. (G.) Iucidula and G. (G.) (G.) Iucidula. G. (G.) abscondita has since been abscondita and designate the lectotypes of both ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 21 ° Gonomyia (Gonomyia) lucidula and allies 233 species. I describe another two species, G. (G.) Gonomyia microdentata Bangerter 1947: 376 securiformis sp. n. and G. (G.) undz’formis sp. n. (description), Figs 19A—B (male terminalia). All the species are extremely similar in general appearance and variable in the pleural patterning, Redescription. Male. Small species within so external characters are only briefly mentioned Gonomyia. Wing length 4.3—5 .4 mm. Prescutum in the descriptions, and emphasis is laid on the brown, pleuron yellow with orange tinge, without structure of the male terminalia (see Figs 1—12). any distinct brown pattern, restrictedly patterned Females are so far indistinguishable and only with sulphur yellow. Central spot on pleuron, of- listed occasionally with syntopic and synchro- ten distinct in both G. (G.) abscondita and G. (G.) nous males in the Material examined sections. G. securz'formis sp. n., sometimes only indicated as (G.) securlformis sp. n. is confined to high alti- obscure yellow stain. In general resembling small tudes, and G. (G.) undz’formis sp. n. seems to oc- specimens of G. (G.) recta Tonnoir, 1920. cur on limestone substrates. Although ecological Male terminalia (Figs 1a—c). Outer gonosty- affinities of G. (G.) lucidula and G. (G.) abscon— lus pale, flattened laterally, comparatively short, dita were characterized as somewhat different only slightly exceeding inner gonostylus, gradu- (Boardman 2007), the two species are largely ally tapered to subacute tip. Inner gonostylus of syntopic based on the material available to me. It complex structure, in general divided into two is likely that additional species may belong to this parts: inner (medial) part pale, not especially complex. broad, with short beak-like projection tipped with The following acronyms ofmuseums and col- a few long setae; outer (lateral) part represented lections are used in the text: BMNH — The Natu- by irregularly bilobed blade, slightly darkened at ral History Museum [formerly British Museum tips ofboth lobes and tilted over inner part of in- (Natural History)], London, England, UK; JSO — ner gonostylus. Sharp dark tooth at outer base of Collection ofJ . Stary, Olomouc, Czech Republic; inner gonostylus, provided with basal seta. Both MMBC — Moravské zemské muzeum, Brno, parameres darkly pigmented distally and pointed Czech Republic; NHMW — Naturhistorisches at tips. Aedeagus flattened laterally in distal part, Museum, Vienna, Austria; SDEI — Senckenberg forming rounded apical portion separated from Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Munche- rest of aedeagus by deep subapical excision ven- berg, Germany; SMOC — Slezské zemské mu- trally; obtuse low projection proximal to zeum, Opava, Czech Republic; ZMAN — Zoolo- subapical excision (less developed than in G. (G.) gisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam, abscondita). Distal part of aedeagal duct only Amsterdam, The Netherlands; ZMHB — Museum slightly arched, running along dorsal margin of fiir Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat, Ber- aedeagus and ending at posterodorsal edge ofapi- lin, Germany. cal portion. Female. Resembles male in general appear- ance, not reliably distinguished from females of 2. Descriptions other species. Type material examined. The species was de- 2.1. Gonomyia (Gonomyia) lucidula scribed from an unspecified number ofspecimens de Meijere, 1920 (Figs la—c) from Valkenburg (L.), Juni; Bunde, Juni; Oldenzaal, Juli; Nieuwersluis, Juni.” (de Meij ere Gonomyia lucidula de Meijere 1920: 83 (descrip- 1920: 83). I have examined four male syntypes tion), P1. 10, Figs 82a—b (male terminalia). from ZMAN, ofwhich only one, from the locality Valkenburg, here designated as lectotype, be- Gonomyia (Gonomyia) lucidula: Savchenko longs to G. (G.) lucidula. The other three speci- 1982: 290 (redescription) [not Figs 139/5, 140/5, mens (paralectotypes oflucidula), one from each copied from Edwards 1938]; Savchenko et al. remaining locality, proved to be G. (G.) abscon— 1992: 303 (Palaearctic catalogue); Stubbs 2001: 5 dita and are listed in the Other material examined (key), Fig. (male terminalia); Oosterbroek 2009 under the latter species. The lectotype was listed (electronic World catalogue). by de Jong (2000: 122). This, however, is not a ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 21 ° Gonomyia (Gonomyia) lucidula and allies 235 Winterswijk, 19.vi.1921, 2 6; Ommen, 11.vi. based on overall shape of the aedeagus, despite 1921, 1 6; Lochem, vii.1916, 1 6 (all J.C.H. de the fact that both parameres were depicted as Meijere leg.) (ZMAN). Slovakia: Sagan, darkly pigmented; the aedeagal complex was de- 16.vi.1978, 1 6; Belianske Tatry Mts, Tatranska scribed correctly in the text as having the shorter Kotlina, Bela valley (750 m a.s.l.), 27.vii. 1974, 1 paramere pale (Edwards 1938: 1 1 1). The illustra- 6, 26.vi.1975, 1 6, 19.vi.1977, 1 6, 21.vi.1977, tions under G. (G.) lucidula by Coe (1950, Fig. 4 a, 22.vi. 1977, 1 a; Pol’ana Mts, Oiemy Potok 22b) and Podenas et al. (2006, Figs 14.12—14.13) (700 m a.s.l.), 15.vi.2007, 1 6 (at light); Ocova are just copies of the drawings by Edwards nr. Zvolen, Hucava valley (500 m a.s.l.), (1938). Savchenko distinguished G. (G.) lucidula 22.vi.2004, 1 6; Hostovice, Udava shores, and G. (G.) abscondita, copying, however, Ed- 16.vi.1986, 3 6; Bukovské vrchy [hills], Rusky wards’s (1938) figures and those of Stary & Potok, valley, 11.vii.1993, 1 6; Bukovské vrchy Rozkosny (1970), respectively (Savchenko [hills], Zboj, Zbojsky brook, 8.vii.1993, 2 6, 1982, Figs 139/5, 140/5 and 139/6, 140/6), thus, 10.vii.1993, 1 6 [the latter three localities listed in fact, presenting in both cases, what I think is G. by Stary 1995] (all J. Stary leg.) (JSO). (G.) abscondita (see above and Discussion of Discussion. Externally, G. (G.) lucidula can abscondita). Yet his records from Ukraine proba- be distinguished from the other related species bly are correct for both species. Stubbs (2001: 5) (except for G. (G.) undiformis sp. n.) by a yellow illustrated some distinguishing characters be- pleuron without any distinct brown pattern. This tween G. (G.) lucidula and G. (G.) abscondita. character, however, is variable to a certain degree Based on the figures by Bangerter (1947, Figs and cannot serve as a reliable criterion. The struc- 19A—B), G. (G.) microdentata Bangerter, 1947 is ture of the male terminalia is essential for identi- here confirmed, in accordance with Savchenko et fying all the species treated here. The following al. (1992), as a junior synonym of G. (G). luci— combination of characters is species-specific for dula. G. (G.) lucidula (Figs 1a—c): outer gonostylus Distribution. Gonomyia (Gonomyia) lucidula short, only slightly exceeding inner gonostylus, is reported as widely distributed in Europe, rang- gradually tapered to subacute tip; inner gonosty- ing to Transcaucasia (Oosterbroek 2009). Based lus with distinct tooth at outer base; both on the material examined here, it is known from parameres darkly pigmented distally and pointed Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Nether- at tips; aedeagus with apical portion generally lands, and Slovakia.
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