4 Morechoice 8 Town crier 10 Wisdom Kenyon'smaintain vowR3's to Take This Town Vintage comic is musical range visitsCroydon the streets active Marketsurprise Preview star of ■ ^ • H itmsKweek For Everyone in the Business of Music 1 MAY 1993 £2.65 iiistargetCO mftl17 Adestroy forced the eut foundationsin CD prices ofcould the half-hourtives were grillinggiven a lastone-and-a- week. wholeliamentary music selectindustry, committee the par- MalcolmManaging Field, director repeating hisSir toldexaraining this week. CD pricing will be reducecall for dealer manufacturers prices by £2,to twoSenior largest executives and two from of the "cosy"denied relationshipthat his group with had sup- a thesmallest UK will record argue companies that pricing in pliera and defended its support investingchanges willin theprevent new talentthem RichardOur Price Handover managing conceded director thatleader has in mademusic. the UK a world Kaufman adjudicates (centre) as Perry (left) and Ames (right) head EMI and PolyGram délégations atelythat his passed chain hadon thenot immedi-reduced claimsTheir alreadyarguments made will at echolast businesspeople rather without see athose classical fine Tradingmoned. has also been sum- industryPrivately profitability. witnesses who Warnerdealer Musicprice inintroduced 1988. by Goulden,week's hearing. managing Retailer director Alan of recordingsdards for years that ?" set the stan- RobinTemple Morton, managing whose director label othershave alreadyyet to appearedappear admit and managingIn the nextdirector session BrianHMV Discountclassical Centre,specialist warned Music the tionThe was record strengthened companies' posi-last says,spécialisés "We're intrying Scottish to put folk, out teedeep members concem thatalready the commit-believe lowerMcLaughlin prices saidbut addedhe favoured HMV thecommittee music against industry singling for outa independentsweek with the late inclusionHyperion of erwise.music that l'm won't putting be heard oth-out CDsLast to beweek overpriced, committee chair- hadly high" experienced CD sales. "spectacular- "witch-hunt".There are basic costs of pro- atRecords this andThursday's Temple Recordshearing forScottish rock - music it will butail disappear it's as true if "It'sman prettyGerald évident Kaufman someone said, KenTower Sockolov managing dismissed director com- ducingfew hundred goods whichwhich onlyyou sellcan't a alongsideEMI, headed délégations by Rupert Perry,from theseThe myths record continue." companies will customersomewhere - we'reis ripping here offto findthe pricesparisons because belween of différences US and UK in higherget back cost," without he said. charging "Would a andRoger PolyGram,Ames. The Officeheaded of Pairby piledprésent figures independently showing levels com- of WH Smith's four représenta- andthe costthe ofvalue living, of the market pound. forces Giants iocked su publishing Outsider gets sbare stryggSe V RG N RAD O Warnerof arch rivalChappell EMI edged in the ahead indi- PRS hot-seaî betweenviduel publishingJanuary and category March, Tedand operatingMcLean, chiefofficer financial of film ingMeanwhile to sue PRS U2after the society shareaccording figures to thefrom latest GIN. market tionaldistributor Pictures, United has Interna- been grouprefused to tocollect allow its theown Irishlive shareWarner in the ChappeU's individuel combined catego- rightsappointed body chiefPRS. executive of performanceMcLean admits royalties. he has much whilery was EMI 21.1% dropped for the backperiod, to appointmentMcLean, who on Maytakes 10, up joins the musicto learn industry about PRSbut saysand thehis 20.6%.The gap between the two raostthe Society difficult during periods one in itsof the79- oldnew job position in that is both similar are toabout his rowedpublishing in the giants corporate also league. nar- yearMichael history. Freegard, He whoreplaces quit tyexploiting rights. "l'm intellectual looking forwardproper- EMI21.3% clung but toWarner the top spotChappell with inlast the November post over afterproblems 23 years with to Priorthe challenge," to joining he says.UIP he 21.1%.was hard on its heels with sation'sthe introduction Proms computer of the organi- mem- cerworked at rival as distributorchief financial CIC. offi- thePolyGram's individual categorytotal share almost in bershipLast month and royalties an independent system. BickertonPRS chairmansays, "Ted McLeanWayne 8%,tripled while quarter MCA moreon quarter than dou- to hadreport been into "spent Proms unneeessari- said £8m timearrives for at PRS, a particularly but I believe trying his /r. bledsame itstotal. share to record the mostlyly" on abe system abandoned. which should putmanagement to good use." expertise will be MICHAEL SLAMS SONY OVER AIDS LP STANCE - SEE PAGE 3 . 4-5-93 ri w n CD • MC • IP NEWS DESK: 071-921 5390 NEWS COMMENÎ AIRC wants BBC radio watchdog atabout" will inrepositioning response to changesstations commercialvery différent radio. service "That fromis a not provided by the commer- in AIRCthe independent director Brian secior. West Butgénéral only feeling a regulator in our across industry. the cial sector, according to the «• says an external body oversee- whole spectrum could ensure AssociationRadio Companies. of Independent ing ail radio could, for exam- (its differentiation)," he says. In its response to the Gov- sticksple, ensure to a promise Radio ofOne perfor- FM dismissesThe association's the Radio paper Author- also futureernment's of thegreen BBC, paper the onAIRC the non-stopmance that diet involves of Top 40avoiding music. a ingity's off recent One FMassertion could leadthat to sell- an ventedsays BBC fromradio should"marauding be pre- West: disputes One FM daim tionHe that disputes it already One FM's provides asser- a immédiate leap in radio adver- Virgin 1215 mewhich towards doesn't my exactly radio dial. spur No matter.s publicity Richard getsofftoa MichaeS sSams enough3s people will ei tune in to flying sîart pickingVirgin's album policy tracks of cherry- Virgin founder Richard Bran- playlistingrather than singles automatically could nationalson will launchcommercial the UK's rock firststa- ojncarimj Sony pluggingshake up process,the whole but (Apriltion at 30) lunchtime with a live on broadcast Friday exposureultimately for any album-selling new Megastore.from the Manchester Virgin EPGeorge Five Michael, Live is expectedwhose new to ords,er links the Disney-ownedwith Hollywood Compa- Rec- artistsAnd, ratherhas to be than a boon. merely Newcastle,Branson willCardiff also and visit Birm- the berstorm one into this the week, charts has at lashed num- Liveny which in the is US.putting Hollywood out Five is existingstealing stations,listeners itsfrom aingham sponsored Megastores 10-hour helicopteras part of publicout at Sonyinterview Music infor his three first opération.currently "Ifwinding Hollywood up its does UK a orientatedsmooth mix rock of album- and pop Sheltertrip in aid which of homeless begins in charity Edin- In a revealing discussion year'sgreat jobtime, with with this the hopeEP, inthat a newmay audienceactually tempt for music a huge partyburgh in and London. finishes at a launch andbroadcast due to onbe MTVrepeated on April on May 20 relationshipFm a free agent, with I mayHollywood have a Assuming Branson's launchBranson Virgin will1215, whichformally has his1 and record 2, the Company singer lambastedfor its pro- Records,"Michael he is said. expected to re- promiseslatest brainchild - no "fat keeps old its missionsbeen broadcasting for the past test month, trans- Andmotion Dance of last year'sAids Red,charity Hot Sonypeat somein a of one-hour his daims spécial about byrock", the twoend newof the acts year broken and, beforeprogramme handing director over Richardto joint "dismalalbum, which failure". he described as a beinterview broadcast with on Simon Radio BâtesOne FM to listenersmost crucially, - it's the those most 3.3m Skinner, who will host the new Still locked in a bitter légal Michael: future Hollywood link? at 9pm this Tuesday (April 27). exciting development in gramme.AM station's first officiai pro- criticiseddispute withhis recordSony, CompanyMichael released on another label," he featuringFive Live Michael is the first since release he pop radio for years. willThis reveal Wednesday a second the key station pro- charity",for its "lack and ofsuggested interest Sony'sin the gotsaid. my "Therefore, tracks and once they they'd had claimingsued Sony restraint last Novemberof trade. Astolensk any inlayretailer cards about and lowinggramme the sponsorship announcement deal twofol- Hotmotivations And Dance towards project, the Red, to ailpossession that mattered of them, tothat them. was corneThe action,to court which in the isautumn, set to watchEvery the year, steam those rise. weeksfor its ago Chart of a £750,000Information deal werewhich less he thandonated honourable. three songs, wellThey they didn't did." really care how releasingdoes not otherprevent people's him songsfrom rendersnaffled thousands slips of paper of withNetwork the albumsCanadian chart brewer show were"I thinkreally doingwhat wasthey trying (Sony) to of Lookingthe légal beyond action, the Michaelturmoil forSony charity. refuses to comment on' virtuallypounds worth unsaleable. of stock Labatt's. keep me from having anything hinted that he may forge dos- Michael's allégations. companies'Until recently response record to the toproblem get their was security to tell dealers in Winwood fëads Reading s future lobbying,gear. Thanks they to now Bard's realise OK,it's
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