ZEITSCHRIFT F?R PAPYROLOGIE UND EPIGRAPHIK herausgegeben von Werner Helmut Eck, Engelmann, Dieter Hagedorn, Rudolf Kassel Ludwig Koenen, Wolfgang Dieter Lebek und Reinhold Merkelbach AMICITIAE V^ ^J ^UXSsS BAND 93 1992 DR. RUDOLF HABELT GMBH BONN Manuskripte (inMaschinenschrift, und gegebenenfalls auch auf Diskette) sind zu senden an: Werner Eck, Helmut Engelmann, Rudolf Kassel, Wolfgang Dieter Lebek, Reinhold Merkelbach: Institut f?r Altertumskunde der Universit?t K?ln, Albertus Magnus Platz, D-5000 K?LN 41 Dieter Hagedorn: Universit?t Heidelberg, Institut f?r Papyrologie, Postfach 105760, D-6900 HEIDELBERG Ludwig Koenen: Dept. of Classical Studies, University of Michigan, USA-ANN ARBOR, Mich.48104 Printed inGermany ? 1992 by Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH Bonn Inhalt A. Abramenko, Zum Fehlen von cognomina in der Nomenklatur von Freigelassenen: Der Befund der Augustalit?t 91 A. Abramenko, Zu einem collegium insulae in einer unverstandenen lateinischen = Grabinschrift aus Ancyra (CILm 271 6769) 96 Ch.Bruun, The Spurious "Expeditio Ivdaeae" under Trajan 99 MX.Caldelli, Curia athletarum, iera xystike synodos e organizzazione delle terme a Roma 75 R.W.Daniel, Inscribed Toe-Nails and a delendum lexicis: PGM VH 390-393 149 J.D.Dillery-T.Gagos, P.Mich. Inv. 4922: Xenophon and an Unknown Christian Text with an Appendix of All Xenophon Papyri 171 X.Dupuis, Nouvelles promotions municipales de Trajan et d'Hadrien A propos de deux inscriptions r?cemment publi?es 123 Th.Fischer, Tryphons verfehlter Sieg von Dor? 29 V.Gabrielsen, The Date of IG H2 1604 Again 69 T.Gagos, The Aphrodito Murder Case (P.Mich. Xm 660 and 661) and the Ghost-epithet Kocicocic?^?voc 222 T.Gagos-J.D.Dillery, P.Mich. Inv. 4922: Xenophon and an Unknown Christian Text with anAppendix of All Xenophon Papyri 171 J.Gascou, Une nouvelle divinit? gallo-romaine d'apr?s une inscription de Coudoux (Bouches-du-Rh?ne) 133 J.Geiger, A Note on Pyadin 18 67 M.Giangiulio, La (piXorn? tra Sibariti e Serdaioi (Meiggs-Lewis, 10) 31 M.Gronewald, Bemerkungen zu Menander 17 M.Gronewald, Galen, De antidotis I in P.LitLond. 169 24 Chr.Habicht, Der Kyniker Teles und die Reform der athenischen Ephebie 47 Chr. Habicht, 'AvTi?%eia i\ npbc A?(pvr|i 50 Ph.Harding-H.Williams, Funerary Inscriptions from Stymphalos 57 R.A.Hazzard, Did Ptolemy I get his Surname from the Rhodians in 304? 52 A.S.Hollis, Attica inHellenistic Poetry 1 W. A. Johnson, Multiple Copies of Literary Papyri, Fiber Patterns, and P.Oxy. XLVm 3376 fr.44 153 W.D.Lebek, Textkritisches zur Lex Luitana 297 Y.Le Bohec, "Ti.Claudius Proculus Cornelianus, procurateur de la r?gion de Theveste" 107 B.Lorincz, Zu den Inschriften von Intercisa 117 W.Luppe, Unbekannte iambische Trimeter in einem Pergamentcodex-Fragment 155 W.Luppe, Hellenistische Hexameter 157 W.Luppe, Aus einer Rede bei einem Redner oder Historiker. Ein Fragment unbekannter Prosa 160 W.Luppe, Ein unbekannter Kommentar 162 W.Luppe, Homer-Erl?uterungen zu S 316-348 163 W.Luppe, Ein Fragment aus einer unbekannten Abhandlung ?ber Theaterauffuhrungen (mit neuem Kompositum h\\fienx\c ?) 166 W.Luppe, Aus einem unbekannten christlichen Kommentar oder Homilie 168 W.Luppe, Herodot 1178,3-179,1 170 A.Lajtar, Notes on Greek Christian Inscriptions from theNile Valley 137 A.Lajtar, LChrist. Urbis Romae 2564 (A Complementary Note toH.Solin, Varia Onom?stica IX) 142 EMantzoulinou-Richards, From Syros (H): Three More Stelae of the Hermoupolis Museum 88 D.G.Martinez, A Memorandum with ?iou??kiov and Camov 213 T.AJ.McGinn, The SC from Larinum and the Repression of Adultery at Rome 273 P.van Minnen, Gesuch um Bestellung eines Kyrios (P.Flor,m 318 + P.Lond. m 1164a) 191 P.van Minnen, P.Hawara 208 Revised 205 P. van Minnen, A Schooltablet in theUniversity ofMichigan Collection 209 P.van Minnen, L?ckenb?sser 212 S.E.Porter, Artemis Medeia Inscription Again 219 R.Sherk, The Eponymous Officials of Greek Cities IV The Register Part IQ. Thrace, Black Sea Area, Asia Minor (continued) 223 PJ.Sijpesteijn, P.Flor. HI 298 et les bateaux du monast?re de laM?tanoia 150 P. J.Sijpesteijn, Remarks on theData of Some Inscriptions 151 A.Stein, Gaius Julius, an Agoranomos from Tiberias 144 R.Wagman, Two Inscribed Sculptural Representations of Pan from Epidauros 45 M.L.West, An Alleged Musical Inscription 27 H.Williams-Ph.Harding, Funerary Inscriptions from Stymphalos 57 Corrigendum 26 Redaktion: E.Moln?r The "SC" from Larinum and the Repression of Adultery at Rome Author(s): T. A. J. McGinn Reviewed work(s): Source: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Bd. 93 (1992), pp. 273-295 Published by: Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn (Germany) Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20188771 . Accessed: 16/04/2012 17:12 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn (Germany) is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. http://www.jstor.org 273 The SC from Larinum and the Repression of Adultery at Rome1 Just over a decade ago, a bronze tablet was discovered near the ancient town of Larinum, in the Italian province of Molise. On one side there is part of a senatusconsultum from A.D. 19 containing measures designed to prevent the appearance of members of the senatorial and equestrian orders on stage and in the arena.2 11 want to thank Professors Robert Drews, Bruce Frier, Ludwig Koenen, Wolfgang Lebek, Jerzy Lin derski, Susan Treggiari andMiss Barbara Levick for having made innumerable contributions to this paper. Michael Crawford kindly provided a copy of the photograph. Librarians Floriana Bettini of the Istituto di di ritto romano at theUniversit? di Roma and Lucilla Marino of the American Academy in Rome and their staffs provided a helpful and pleasant environment for the research and writing of this article. Mr. James Toplon and his staff at the Vanderbilt University Interlibrary Loan Service merit a hearty expression of gratitude as well. Research was conducted with the generous support of theNational Endowment for theHumanities and theVan derbilt Research Council. This paper was originally scheduled for publication in the fall of 1990. This was delayed at the last minute so that Imight take into account the first of Lebek's two articles. 2 The initial oral presentation by A. La Regina was followed by a rich scholarly discussion; I here list a selected bibliography (see also the publication in AE 1978,145) and include other relevant works. I shall refer to these studies in abbreviations. Those that treat the Larinum decree are shown with an asterisk (*). *E. Baltrusch, Regimen Morum. Die Reglementierung des Privatlebens der Senatoren und der Ritter in der r? mischen Republik und fr?hen Kaiserzeit (1989). R. Bauman, "Some Remarks on the Structure and Survival of the Quaestio de Adulteriis", Antichthon 2 (1968) 68-93. *B. Biondi, Labeo 26 (1980) 227-228. P.E. Corbett, The Roman Law ofMarriage (1930). *D. Daube, "FraudNo. 3", inN. MacCormick and P. Birks eds., The Legal Mind: Essays for Tony Honor? (1986), 1-17. *S. Demougin, L'ordre ?questre sous les Julio-Claudiens, Collection de T ?cole Fran?aise ? Rome, 108 (1988) 555-585. *W. Formigoni Candini, "Ne lenones sint in ullo loco reipublicae Romanae", AFer., n.s. 4 (1990) 97-127. P. Garnsey, Social Status and Legal Privilege in the Roman Empire (1970). *V. Giufft?, "Un senatusconsulto ritrovato: Il Se. de matronarum lenocinio coercendo", AAN 91 (1980) 7-40. A. Guarino, "I gladiatores e Yauctoramentum"JLabeo 29 (1983) 7-24. *W.D. Lebek, ZPE 81 (1990) 37-96 and 85 (1991) 41-70. *M.A. Levi, Studi Biscardi I (1982) 69-74. B. Levick, "Poena Legis Maiestatis", Historia 28 (1979) 358-379. *B. Levick, JRS 73 (1983) 97-115. *M.Malavolta, Studi pubblicati dalllstituto italiano per la storia antica 27 (Sesta miscellanea greca e romana ) (1978)247-282. T.A.J. McGinn, Prostitution and Julio-Claudian Legislation. The Formation of Social Policy inEarly Im perial Rome (Diss. Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1986) 284f. and 345f. T. Mommsen, R?misches Staatsrecht* (1887; 3 vols.). T. Mommsen, R?misches Straf recht (1899). *P.Moreau, REL 61 (1981) 36-48. *M.-T. Raepsaet-Charlier, Prosopographie des femmes de Vordre s?natorial (I^-IF si?cles), 1 (1987) 3-6. G. Rizzelli, "Il crimen lenocinio, AG 210 (1990) 457-495. C. Sanfilippo, "GliAuctorati ",Studi Biscardi I (1982) 181-192. *L. Sensi, %%Praescriptiodel s.c. Larinate",Colloquio internazionale AIEGL su epigraf?a e ordine senatorio, 1 (1982) 515-520. R. Syme, "Personal Names inAnnales I-VT, in Ten Studies in Tacitus (1970) 58-78 (= JRS 39 [1949] 6-18). R. Syme, "Domitius Corbulo", Roman Papers 2 (1979) 805-824 (=JRS 60 [1970] 27-39). 274 T.A.J. McGinn The earlier commentators, prompted by the coincidence in chronology and inferences drawn from literary and legal sources, attempted to link this SC with a series of measures, also dated toA.D. 19, designed torepress adultery.3 Levick showed that the non-epigraphical evidence?which consists of a passage each from Tacitus, Suetonius, and Papinian in the Digest?is inconclusive for this view, while the extant parts of the decree offer no support for it at all.4 Recently, scholars have turned ever more decisively against the earlier view.5 Now that the close identification of the Larinum SC with themeasures taken in the same year to re press adultery has been rejected without qualification, evidence for both legislative items can be better understood.
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