w AIRIAL w EUROCONTROL Air Navigation Inter-site Acronym List w w w AIRIAL lists abbreviations and acronyms used in EUROCONTROL documents and publications. This PDF version is generated automatically from the AIRIAL online database (hyperlink) as regularly updated. w User input is an important part of the AIRIAL system. Should you have any feedback (new acronyms for inclusion in the list or proposals for corrections or amendments), please use the 'Add New' function available on the AIRIAL webpage, or contact us at [email protected] w w The AIRIAL Editorial Board blanc Denis Deramaut (Central Flow Management Unit) Robin Deransy (EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre) Angela Friesen (Directorate Resources) Michel Nicolay (Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre) Rik Simoens (EUROCONTROL Institute of Air Navigation Services) Lut Stessens (Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre) Mark Whitely (Corporate Network Design) blanc Stephen Fairhurst (AIRIAL Project Manager) w w w w Browsing of the material available on the EUROCONTROL site (including the copying of such material in RAM or other temporary forms of storage necessary to facilitate such browsing) is authorised. ReproductionEUROCONTROL is authorised for personal use only provided AIRIAL the source is duly acknowledged.All other uses are prohibited. w Information on air navigation and air traffic control does not engage the responsibility of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation. While our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate, we cannot guarantee either. If errors are brought to our attention, we will endeavour to correct them. Page 2 Acronym list Acronym Full form 2-D Two Dimensional 2B1Q 2 Binary 1 Quaternary 2W 2wire 3-D 3-Dimensional 3A Mode 3 or Mode A (Classical SSR Reports) 3A/C Mode 3A and Mode C Classical SSR 3D three dimensional 4-MAST 4-MAST Group 4B3T 4 Binary 3 Ternary 4D four dimensional 4D-CARMA 4 Dimensional Cooperative Arrival Manager 4D-NAV 4-D (four dimensional) Navigation 4GL Fourth Generation Language 4W 4wire 5GSO Group of Senior Officials - Four States and Maastricht UAC ANSPs (5GSO) 5LNC unique five-letter pronounceable "name-code" 5Nm 5 Nautical Miles 5ST-RSG Five-States Route Structure Group 5YP 5 Year Plan 8.33 CP 8.33 Contact Person 8.33 PMC EUROCONTROL 8.33 Programme Management Cell AIRIAL 8.33 State A State initially implementing 8.33 kHz channel spacing 96RIF Radio Interface @PEOC Pan European Outsourcing Consortium (now replaced by @HELIOS) _ (rho) Symbol for Range A ampere A Austria A Analysis (SASS-C) A-AMGCS Advanced Air Movement Guidance and Control System A-CDM Airport Collaborative Decision Making (Prise de décision en collaboration aux aéroports) Page 3 Acronym Full form A-CLDL Acknowledged Connectionless Data Link A-DPI Airport-Departure Planning Information A-DPI ATC - DPI A-ENPRM Advanced - EUROCONTROL Notice of Proposed Rule-Making (Avis de proposition de réglementation d'EUROCONTROL - Préliminaire) A-G Air to Ground A-iCWP Advanced integrated Tower Controller Working Position A-law PCM companding algorithm used in Europe A-QPSK Aviation Quadrature Phase Shift Keying A-RNP 1 Advanced-RNP 1 A-S Anti-Spoofing Mode A-S Anti-Spoofing A-SMGCS Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (Système avancé de guidage et de contrôle des mouvements en surface) a.m. Anti Meridiem A/A Air-Air A/A Air to Air A/A Air/Air A/C Aircraft A/C Aircraft Call A/C Alpha/Charlie A/C/S Alpha / Charlie / Select A/D Analogue to Digital (converter) A/G Air to Ground A/G Air-Ground A/G EUROCONTROL Air/Ground AIRIAL A/GCS Air/Ground Communications Sublayer A/I Accident(s)/Incident(s) A/L Auto Land a/m Above-mentioned A/N Affirm/Negative (CPDLC Response Value) A/P Autopilot A/T Auto throttle A/V Aircraft/Vehicle A300 Network Identity of the Frankfurt AFTN switching centre (now=DAKOS) Page 4 Acronym Full form A319 Airbus 319 Aircraft A320 Airbus 320 Aircraft AA Autonomous Aircraft AA Approved Agencies (Agencies authorised to bid for TSAs) AA Active AA Approved Agency AA Address Announced AA Aircraft Address AAA Advanced ATC System Amsterdam / Contrôle régional avancé d'Amsterdam AAA Advanced Airborne Applications (6th FP Integrated Project) AAA AIP Audit Assistant AAAV Azienda Autonoma di Assistenza al Volo AAAVTAG Azienda Autonoma Assistenza al Volo per il Traffico Aereo Generale (IT) AAB AIM Advisory Board AAB Agency Advisory Body AABI Aviation Accreditation Board International AAC Airline Administrative Control AAC Airline Administrative Communication AAC Alpha Attenuation Coefficient AAC Aeronautical Administrative Communication AACE Airfield Approach Control Element AACI Airports Association Council International AACO Arab Air Carriers Organisation AAD Assigned Altitude Deviation AADP ATC Advanced Data Processing AAF EUROCONTROL ATM Added Functions AIRIAL AAF Advanced Added Functions AAF Auxiliary Airfield AAFCE Allied Air Forces Central Europe AAFG ATM Added Functionality Sub-Group AAFT ATM Added Functionality Sub-Group AAG AIS Automation Group AAG AIS Automation Group (Groupe de travail sur l'automatisation de l'AIS) (EANPG) AAGDI Automated Air/Ground Data Interchange Page 5 Acronym Full form AAH Autonomous Aircraft Hybrid AAI Average Arrival Interval AAI Airports Authority of India AAIB Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) AAIM Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring AAIS Automated AIS AAIU Air Accident Investigation Unit AAL ATM Adaptation Layer AAL Above Aerodrome Level AALS Advanced Approach and Landing System AAM Airline Administration Message AAM Airport Airside Model (Airport Airside Management High-Level Model) (Modèle de haut niveau de gestion des aéroports côté piste) AAMS Airport Airside Management Systems (Système de gestion des aéroports côté piste) AAMS Advanced Airspace Management System AAP Advanced Automation Program (US) AAR Airport Acceptance Rate or Airport Arrival Rate AAR Air-to-Air Refuelling AAS Advanced Automation System (USA) AAS Airborne Approach Spacing AAS Advanced Airspace Scheme (Schéma évolué de l'espace aérien) AAS Aerodrome Advisory Service AASI Aeronautical Applications Service Interface AASR Airways and Airport Surveillance Radar AAT Active Aircraft Table AAT EUROCONTROL Assigned Arrival Time AIRIAL AAT Alpha Attenuation Test AATMS Advanced Air Traffic Management System AATOT Anticipated Actual Take-Off Time AATT Advanced Air Transportation Technologies AAUI Aeronautical Applications User Interface AB Airblock AB Action Button (Mouse / Trackball) AB Audit Board Page 6 Acronym Full form AB TF Audit Board Task Force / Équipe spéciale "Mission d'audit" ABAS Aircraft-Based Augmentation System (EGNOS) - système de renforcement embarqué ABB Activity-Based Budget ABC ATC Bypass Complex (MADAP) ABC Advanced Booking Charter ABCD Aircraft-Based Concept Development ABD Agency Board of the Directors ABEND ABnormal END (of system operation) ABFG ATM Basic Functionality Sub-Group (Sous-groupe "Fonctions ATM de base") ABI Advance Boundary Information (OLDI message) ABI Advance Boundary Information (Message Type Designator) ABM ABeaM ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode ABN Aerodrome BeacoN ABO Accrued Benefits Obligation ABPSK Aviation Binary Phase Shift Keying ABPWG ANSB Business Planning Working Group (Groupe de travail de l'ANSB sur la planification stratégique) ABR Available Bit Rate ABRD Automatic Baud Rate Detection ABT ABouT AC Assistant Controller AC Aircraft Characteristics (aircraft type + performance, ENV entity type, used in all CHMI) AC Association Control AC Altitude Code (field) AC Aircraft AC EUROCONTROL Access Control AIRIAL AC Attack Computer (Eurofighter) AC Airworthiness codes AC Assessment Centre AC Aircraft Commander AC All-Call AC Advisory Circular AC Alternating Current AC Alto Cumulus Page 7 Acronym Full form AC/NAC AirCraft, Non-AirCraft (ARTAS) ACA Air Traffic Centre Architecture (RADNET) ACA Airspace Control Activity ACA Alternate Controller Attachment (feature) ACA AUP / UUP Message Composition Application ACA Airport Coordinators Association ACA AUP/UUP Compilation Application (Software) ACA Airport Carbon Accreditation ACA Address Compression Algorithm ACA ATC Centre Communication Architecture ACAC Arab Civil Aviation Commission (Commission arabe de l'aviation civile) ACAC African Aviation Commission Acad Academic establishments ACAD Auto Computer Aided Design (Operator-Input + Display System) ACAF ATM Common Assessment Framework ACAG Airspace Coordination Agencies ACAM Airport Capacity Airside Modelling ACAM Airport Capacity Modelling Task Force ACAP Airport capacity and runway utilisation (Exploitation de la capacité des aéroports et utilisation des pistes) ACARE Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (Conseil consultatif pour la recherche aéronautique en Europe) ACARS Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System (Système embarqué de communications, d'adressage et de compte rendu) ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance System (Système anticollision embarqué) ACAS I Aircraft Collision Avoidance System Version 1 ACAS II EUROCONTROL Aircraft Collision Avoidance System Version 2 AIRIAL ACAS III Aircraft Collision Avoidance System Version 3 ACAS RA ACAS Resolution Advisory (Avis de résolution ACAS) ACASA ACAS Analysis (Analyse ACAS) ACATF ATC Centre Communications Architecture Task Force ACB Address Check Boundary ACC Group of Experts on Accident Investigation (ICAO) ACC ACCeptance phase ACC Approach Control Centre (Centre de contrôle d'approche) ACC Area Control Centre / Centre de Contrôle Régional (=CCR) Page 8 Acronym Full form ACC Area Control
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