MJ V .\U* «v Number 1 September — October 1977 Volume 16 GRANDMA'S COMING HOME! b y Sherw i n Podolsky, Assoc iate Ed itor On July 13, 1938 Lithuania issued a four-stamp semi-postal set for a local Olympiad held in that country from July 15—20 that year. Michel states the set honors the First Baltic Olympiad, however, Scott attributes it to the Lithuanian National Olympiad. The name of the host city is not given in either catalog. Releases in connection with the event was a picture postcard apparently show­ ing a trophy. The example illustrated bears Scott B45 tied by a Kaunas double- circle bridged handcancel dated July 26, 1938 shortly after the close of the Games. The message to Mr. and Mrs. Maciones of Philadelphia reads: PIRMOJi UETUVOSTAUTINE OLIMPIJADA Dear Folks, I Grandma is definitely coming with me. Expect to be in NY September 9. Please bring my topcoat. Make sure it's mine. Let's pray Grandma won't have to go to Ellis Island. I will wire home two days before we hit home. Right now I am in Kaunas finishing business such as ticket, money, trophy (looks bad), etc. I will go back for a few more days in Kelme and then home. Don't worry about Grandma's entry into US (It?) should be here in Lith by the time I get home. As ever, Lee ~f£2tm+±AjLul LIETUVA * LIT'HUNiA A T V I R U K A Si.', A <r>- The card raises some interesting questions. Was Lee a contestant in the "Olympiad"? Was Lee a man or women? Could Lee have been an American citizen participating in a foreign sport event? Dividing the message and address side on the card reverse is: "Pirmosios Lietuvos Tautines limpijados Leidinys' Can anyone translate this and also the wording on the card? This card is rich with sentiment. Lee is shown as a person with much foresight and ability to plan especially in the gathering storm just before World War II. Lee must have been a young person in 1938- Where is he or she now? NAD lA'S POSTAL CARD by Joe Lacko Fourteen year old queen of gymnastics, winner of 3 gold, 1 silver, and 2 bronze medals at the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games was honored by her country, Romania, with a special postal stationery card. 51 ' 8 £ < 5 2 r~ 1 E7 O o. J o IS "2 0> o E .-o Uf K -I •O I o c * * « .!.E£» c c E a II-- o i «> - •" D c D n f o I .o 2 -o "" o I S S.T, c 0-0 "g < " S s OoJ'o O.S ' u o - X <* } = < - o-n z^5 Z'JE Nadia Comaneci's photo, in multi-color, is on the face of the 40 bani postal card. Her signature and emblem with the Olympic Five Rings and "Romania" over with an illustration of the flag. The address side shows 40 bani embossed and a female gymnast (not Nadia). At bottom left in Romanian and French text tells of her achievements. On Aug. 7, 1976 in Oradea a special cancel was used at the local Stamp Collectors Association Exhibition. 400 cards were alloted for this occasion and the cancel in the upper right shows Nadia in action, the Olympic Rings, her name, 5 medals, Montreal 1976, with the date and city. The cancel is in black ink. It is reported that there were 160,000 cards issued, but shortly after the government had withdrawn these cards from sale. No explanation was given. SPORTS PHILATELISTS INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT: John La Porta, 3604 S. Home Ave., Berwyn, IL 60402 VICE-PRESIDENT: Leonard K. Eichom, 4331 Baintree Rd., University Hghts., Ohio 44118 SEC -TREASURER: William F. Brown, 1408 N. Fenton Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46219 DIRECTORS: Robert M. Bruce, 1457 Cleveland Rd., Wooster, Ohio 44691 Rex Haggett, 27 Meadow Close, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, ENG. George C Kobylka, P.O. Box 159, Berwyn, EL 60402 Sherwin D. Podolsky, 16035 Tupper St., Sepulveda, CA 91343 AUCTIONS: Olech W. Wyslotsky, 55 Glenwood Ave., East Orange, NJ 07017 MEMBERSHIP: Helen E Long, 1133 Bryce Way, Ventura, CA 93003 SALES DEPT.: Arlo Scoggin, 1345 Sleepy Hollow, Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Sports Philatelists Internation is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the study and collecting of postage stamps and related collateral material dealing with sports (including Olympics) and recreation and to the promotion of international understanding and good-will through mutual interest in philately and sports. Its activities are planned and carried on entirely by the unpaid, volunteer services of its members. All members in good standing receive the bi-monthly issue of Journal of Sports Philately. The dues for regular membership are $5.00 per year with a one time admission fee of $1.00. Membership applications may be obtained from Helen E Long, 1133 Bryce Way, Ventura, CA 93003. no SPORTS PHILOTELS EDITOR John La Porta, 3604 S. Home Ave., Berwyn, IL 60402 ASSOCIATE William F. Brown, 1408 N. Fenton Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46219 EDITORS: Robert M Bruce, 1457 Cleveland Rd., Wooster, Ohio 44691 Barbara W. de Violini, P.O. Box 5025, Oxnard, CA 93030 Edward B Epstein, Bd. of Education, 33 Church St., Paterson, NJ 07505 Joseph M Lacko, 1031 W. Chestnut St., Union, NJ 07083 Sherwin D. Podolsky, 16035 Tupper St., Sepulveda, CA 91343 Joseph E Schirmer, 7300 Blvd. East, North Bergen, NJ 07047 Olech W. Wyslotsky, 55 Glenwood Ave.. East Orange, NJ 07017 ART EDITOR: Olech W. Wyslotsky, 55 Glenwood Ave., East Orange, NJ 07017 CIRCULATION: William F. Brown, 1408 N. Fenton Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46219 PUBLISHER: K-Line Publishing Co., Inc., P.O. Box 159, Berwyn, IL 60402 PUBLICITY: Joseph E Schirmer, 7300 Blvd. East, North Bergen, NJ 07047 APS Affiliate Number 39 ADVERTISING RATES: FULL PAGE $10.00; HALF PAGE $6.00. A discount of 10% is allowed for six insertions of identical copy. Camera ready copy must be supplied by the advertiser. Publishing deadline is the first day of January, March, May, July, September and November. NOTE: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and they do not necessarily represent those of the editor, the officers of SPI or the position of SPI itself. All catalogue numbers quoted in this publication are from Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue unless specifically stated otherwise. SPI and JSP do not guaran­ tee advertisements, but accept copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material. SALES DEPARTMENT - MOTES- ARLO SCOGGIN, 1345 Sleepy Hollow, Coshocton, Ohio 43812 WANTED COLLECTORS Who need covers or cards with sport cancellat­ ions or themes. Special circuit selections can be arranged for specialized sports or countries. Want list service is still available for stamps issued before 1971. Blank sales books are available for ZS<p each, postpaid. ITALIAN SPORT HANDSTAMPS - JAN.-JUNE 1976 by Bruno Cataldi Tassoni 2-6.1 - 73100 LEGCE C.P. - torneo int. juniores 3 coppa 'Grassi' (ill.). 25.1 ~ 38035 MOENA (TN) - marcialonga di Fiemme e di Fassa/partenza (ill.). 25.1 - 38037 PREDAZZO (TN) - marcialonga di Fiemme e di Fassa/controllo. 25.1 - 38032 CANAZEI (TN) - marcialonga di Fiemme e di Fassa/controllo (ill.) . 2-7.2 - 39056 NOVA LEVANTE-WELSCHNOFEN (BZ) - vi campionati europei P.TT. ski - dopolavoro P.TT. Bolzano - P.T. Freizeitverein - 6. europ- aische P.T. skimeisterschaften (ill.)- 3.2 - CATANIA C.P. - xvi giro podistico int. S. Agata. 15.2 - 11012 COGNE (AO) — 2 marciagranparadiso - gara di gran fondo 45 km (ill). 6—7.3 - 26100 CREMONA C.P. - esposizione filatelica tematica italiana (ill.). 9.3 - 12088 LURISIA TERME ROCCAFORTE MONDOVI (CN) - giochi invernali della gioventu (ill). $& HEO4 7 Ser/'-'</„% r. v yy -IP- -<*\*1 %^# lA/\ \i " •>'A I' : fldb:;itn TS/6 1 «3 co \ *s /^a« \ ** ^ / a \*V i <s-* ^ ?*, i b ~ c' ~ I a '' 0 <&?"/ >=a KM** KOST! ff" ^Y, f ^Mse^ 13.3 - MILANO C.P. - M I A S '76. 14 3 - 36015 SCHIO (VI) - 4 marcia nazionale delle primule (ill). 27-28.3 - 38084 MADONNA DI CAMPIGLIO (TN) - finale trofeo Alfa Romeo - Fischer ski (ill). 27.3—4 4 — BARI C.P. - manifestazioni filat.numism.europee - Levante '76 (ill). 3.4 — 29100 PIACENZA C.P. - 8 nostra mercato nazionale/Vacanze tempo libero turismo sports. P V!" PiCfi P •%* 1*; I t u it 0. Ox: li ^•— i ~-^ ,<u Ui- .•^ -^—' a".: 1'.;» Q QQ ;c" c_^ 'S: 2-U-' 573 •+&.* <& d ct: //// $5 i ""'Serv'r . i tfelaccat S 3.4 — 56100 FISA C.P. - giochi della gioventu - corsa campestre (ill). 4.4 - 56018 TIRRENIA (PI) - giochi della gioventu - corsa campestre (ill). 8-10.4 - 57037 PORTOFERRAIO (LI) - campionato europeo conduttori/9 rallye Elba (ill). 9.4 - 38032 CANAZEI DI FASSA (TN)- 3 gigantissimo Marolada (ill). 11.4 - MILANO C.P. - 5 Stramilano (ill). 11.4 - 50038 SCARPERIA (FI) - 1 manifestaz./ciclistica/nell'autodromo del Mugello (ill). 11.4 _ 40017 SAN GIOVANNI IN PERSICETO - manif. celebr. centenario Soc. Ginnastica e Sport (ill). 53038 SCAWEHIAffl] REll'AUT(!383M0 « •fl£lMUGELLO V* 8-5 §>A^S 1375 * y-'v Servui rj's!ccc!ti _V/ /Cu -W &" N\^.< £ 24.4-4.5 - 55049 VIAREGGIO (LU) - camp.ti naz.li universitari 76 (ill). 27.4 — NAPOLI C.P. - olimpiade collegi barnabiti d'ltalia - Istituto Bianchi (ill). 8-9.5 — MILANO C.P. - Circolo filatelico - Alfa Romeo - 9 mostra filatelica (ill). 9.5 - 17019 VARAZZE (SV) - 5 marcia dell'amicizia (ill). 9.5 - 21046 MALNATE (VA) - 5 Pre Nimega (ill). 11 — 16.5 — 60100 ANCONA C.P. — 36 fiera int.
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