French Grammar Basics and Beyond Easy explanations in English of French Grammar with more than 200 exercises, and solutions! This grammar book is for students of the A1 levels (total beginners) to B1 level (intermediate level). Click here to order this e-book at Special Price Only $24.50/ 21.90 € / £18.99! Paperback and Kindle version also available – Details here French Grammar Basics and Beyond ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ©ȱ2020ȱbyȱLearn French at Home.ȱAllȱrightsȱreserved.ȱ NoȱpartȱofȱthisȱeȬbookȱmayȱbeȱreproducedȱinȱanyȱwriĴen,ȱelectronic,ȱrecording,ȱorȱphotocopyingȱwithȬ outȱwriĴenȱpermissionȱofȱtheȱpublisherȱorȱauthors.ȱȱ ȱ Publishedȱby:ȱLearn French at Home www.learnfrenchathome.comȱ Authors:ȱCélineȱVanȱLoanȱandȱAnnickȱStevensonȱ 3rdȱedition.ȱ1stȱeditionȱpublishedȱinȱ2011.ȱ ȱ DateȱofȱPublication:ȱ2020.ȱ ISBN:ȱ9798664830743ȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ Coverȱphoto:ȱȱ Paris,ȱtheȱRodinȱMuseumȱ©ȱCélineȱVanȱLoanȱ Backȱcoverȱphoto:ȱ CélineȱVanȱLoanȱ©ȱMartyȱVanȱLoanȱ 2 French Grammar Basics and Beyond AboutLearn French at Home Learn French at Home,ȱ createdȱ inȱ 2004ȱ byȱ Célineȱ andȱ Vincentȱ Anthonioz, hasȱ helpedȱ thousandsȱ ofȱ Frenchȱlearners,ȱeachȱwithȱveryȱdiěerentȱlearningȱgoals.ȱTheȱmainȱingredientȱofȱourȱsuccessȱliesȱinȱourȱ teamȱofȱprofessionalȱandȱfriendlyȱnativeȱFrenchȱteachersȱwhoȱtakeȱtheȱtimeȱtoȱpersonalizeȱeveryȱsingle lessonȱaccordingȱtoȱtheȱstudentȇsȱpersonalȱandȱprofessionalȱgoal.ȱOurȱmainȱpurposeȱisȱtoȱdeliverȱtrueȱ qualityȱserviceȱtoȱeachȱstudent.ȱ ȱ Sinceȱtheȱlessonsȱtakeȱplaceȱinȱtheȱstudentȇsȱhomeȱorȱworkplace,ȱitȱdoesnȇtȱmaĴerȱwhereȱyouȱlive.ȱ TheȱteachersȱareȱlocatedȱinȱEuropeȱandȱinȱNorth,ȱCentralȱandȱSouthȱAmerica. ȱȱȱȱWhenȱyouȇreȱreadyȱtoȱtakeȱyourȱFrenchȱlearningȱtoȱanotherȱlevel,ȱLearn French at Home canȱsetȱyouȱ upȱwithȱoneȬonȬoneȱpersonalizedȱFrenchȱlessonsȱwithȱaȱprofessionalȱandȱencouragingȱFrenchȱnativeȱ teacher.ȱȱ ȱ EveryȱlessonȱisȱgivenȱonȱSkypeȱorȱZoom.ȱWhetherȱyouȱneedȱtoȱlearnȱtheȱlanguageȱtoȱprepareȱforȱ yourȱupcomingȱtripȱtoȱaȱFrenchȱspeakingȱcountry,ȱorȱwhetherȱyouȱneedȱitȱtoȱworkȱonȱanyȱprofessionalȱ objectives,ȱorȱyouȱsimplyȱwishȱtoȱenjoyȱcommunicatingȱinȱFrench,ȱyouȇllȱęndȱtheȱappropriateȱprogramȱ onȱourȱwebsite.ȱWeȱalsoȱoěerȱFrenchȱlessonsȱforȱkids,ȱwhichȱareȱaȱbigȱsuccessȱamongȱparentsȱwishingȱ thatȱtheirȱchildrenȱbecomeȱĚuentȱinȱaȱforeignȱlanguage.ȱȱ ȱ DuringȱtheȱsessionȱonȱSkypeȱorȱZoom,ȱtheȱteacherȱprivilegesȱthatȱtimeȱtoȱstimulateȱtheȱlearnerȱtoȱ speakȱinȱFrench,ȱandȱexplainsȱgrammaticalȱpoints.ȱYouȇllȱgetȱrealȱpracticeȱasȱthoughȱyouȱwereȱtravelȬ ingȱorȱlivingȱinȱFrance!ȱWeȱoěerȱ9ȱdiěerentȱlessonȱformats,ȱyouȱcanȱreadȱaboutȱthemȱon:ȱ www.learnfrenchathome.comȱ ȱ ToȱęndȱoutȱifȱlearningȱFrenchȱonȱSkypeȱorȱZoomȱisȱrightȱforȱyou,ȱscheduleȱaȱfree oneȬonȬone evaluȬ ation:ȱwww.learnfrenchathome.com/freeȬfrenchȬlessonsȱ ȱ AȱlanguageȱadvisorȱwillȱbeȱhappyȱtoȱevaluateȱyourȱFrenchȱlearningȱneedsȱandȱsuggestȱtheȱrightȱ lessonȱformatȱforȱyou. Bienvenue à Learn French at Home ! Every teacher at Learn French at Home teaches French with pas- sion and establishes a caring and friendly relationship with each student. Learning from home in a relaxed atmosphere inevitably leads to positive results. Having fun learning while experiencing real progress is our main objective for each lesson.ȱȱ ȱ À bientôt ! Céline 4 French Grammar Basics and Beyond ȱ ȱ FrenchȱGrammarȱ BasicsȱandȱBeyondȱ ȱ ȱ EasyȱExplanationsȱinȱEnglishȱofȱFrenchȱGrammarȱ withȱ200ȱExercisesȱandȱSolutionsȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ CélineȱVanȱLoanȱ andȱAnnickȱStevensonȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱȱAȱPublicationȱofȱLearnȱFrenchȱatȱHome 5 French Grammar Basics and Beyond OTHER BOOKS OF LEARN FRENCH AT HOME —Say It with a French Accent. French Grammar in Context: 40 ęllȬin scenarios with audio. PaȬ perback and eBook (pdf). 2020. —Learning French? How to Make it Happen. A selfȬhelp book that addresses the questions that most people who want to learn French feel the need to ask when they start. With a multitude of tips, tricks and tools. Paperback, Kindle and eBook (pdf). 2020. —Traveling in France: Essential Communication for the Smart Tourist. An easy guide of everyȬ day French expressions and vocabulary indispensable for foreigners traveling in France. PaperȬ back and eBook (pdf) with audio links. New edition 2020. —12 Short suspense Stories in French for French Learners: Le bruit des vagues (Nr. 1, 2017); Le pays de lȇamour (Nr. 2, 2018); Le trésor (Nr 3, 2019); Le chat qui parle (Nr 4, 2020). Glossaries, grammar tips, cultural notes, exercises with solutions and full audio for each story. Paperback and eBooks (pdf) with audio links. —Learn French with Fun Activities. A Workbook for kids and teenagers, with songs, poems, exercises and games. For parents or French teachers who will guide the children through the suggested means of studying. Paperback and eBook (pdf) with audio links. New edition 2020. —EnglishȬFrench Glossary of the United Nations, NGOs and International Relations. 12,000 words and expressions about the new challenges of todayȇs world. Paperback and eBook (pdf). 2020. www.learnfrenchathome.com/frenchȬaudioȬbooks All these books are also available on Amazon: amazon.com/author/annickstevenson Our Magazine French Accent Magazine: The unique and FREE eȬmagazine (pdf) for French learners, with a cenȬ tral theme, articles on topics such as politics, culture, grammar, etc. Scenarios and vocabulary with audio links are included as well. www.learnfrenchathome.com/frenchȬaccentȬmagazine 6 French Grammar Basics and Beyond By learning a new language I discover mine, I analyse it more, I understand much beĴer my own grammar. ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱNancyȱHustonȱ isȱaȱCanadianȱnovelistȱwhoȱwritesȱȱ primarilyȱinȱFrenchȱandȱtranslatesȱȱ herȱownȱworksȱintoȱEnglishȱ ȱȱ 7 French Grammar Basics and Beyond TABLEOFCONTENTS FOREWORD Page15 1.Bonjour ! Page17 EXERCISEPage18 2.SpellingandthealphabetPage19 EXERCISESPage19 3.Être (tobe)Page20 –Tu andvous Page20 –On andnous Page21 –Les naƟonalités(NaƟonaliƟes)Page21 –Quelques adjecƟfs (AfewadjecƟves) Page21 –ThemoreusualnegaƟveconstrucƟon(ne...pas) Page22 EXERCISESPage23 –C'est vsIlest Page26 EXERCISESPage28 4.L'heure et la fréquence(ExpressionsofƟmeandfrequency)Page30 EXERCISESPage32 5.WordsgenderanddeĮnite/indeĮnitearƟcles:le,la,les,un,une,des Page33 EXERCICESPage36 6.Avoir (tohave)Page38 EXERCISESPage39 –Il y a Page44 EXERCISESPage44 –Être et avoir Page46 EXERCISESPage46 9 French Grammar Basics and Beyond 7. Les adjecƟfs possessifs (Possessive adjecƟves): mon, ma, mes, etc. Page 49 EXERCISES Page 50 8. Les préposiƟons (PreposiƟons) –I. En Page 51 –II. Pour, avec Page 52 –III. PreposiƟons of place (dans, sur, etc.) Page 52 EXERCISES Page 54 –IV. "À" vs "de" Page 58 Les arƟcles parƟƟfs (ParƟƟve arƟcles): de, du, de la, des, etc. Page 60 EXERCISES Page 62 9. Aller (to go) Page 64 –Chez Page 64 EXERCISES Page 66 10. Faire (to do/to make) Page 68 EXERCISES Page 71 11. Regular verbs ending in "er" in the present tense Page 74 EXERCISES Page 76 12. Si vs Oui Page 79 EXERCISES Page 80 13. Les adjecƟfs (The adjecƟves) Page 81 –Placement of the adjecƟves Page 84 EXERCISES Page 85 14. Poser des quesƟons (InterrogaƟves) –EstͲce que, qu’estͲce que, que, quoi, quel… Page 87 EXERCISES Page 89 AddiƟonal interrogaƟves –Qui, comment, pourquoi, quand, où, combien... Page 91 EXERCISES Page 94 15. Verbes pronominaux (ReŇexive verbs) Page 98 EXERCISES Page 100 10 French Grammar Basics and Beyond 16. La négaƟon (ThenegaƟveforms) Page102 EXERCISES Page104 17. Quelqu'un,quelque chose,etc.(Someone,something,etc.) Page106 EXERCISES Page108 18. Regularverbsendingin"ir" inthepresenttense Page109 EXERCISES Page111 19. Regularverbsendingin"re"and"oir"inthepresenttense Page113 EXERCISES Page115 20. Pouvoir (can/beableto),vouloir (towant),devoir (tohaveto/must) Page117 EXERCISES Page118 21. Falloir anddevoir (tohaveto) Page120 EXERCISES Page121 22. Voir (tosee),regarder (tolookat/towatchͿ Page122 EXERCISES Page123 23. Entendre (tohear),écouter (tolistento) Page124 EXERCISES Page125 24. SenƟr,ressenƟr (bothverbsmean:tofeel) Page126 EXERCISES Page127 25. Penser, croire (tothinkandtobelieve) Page128 EXERCISE Page128 26. Savoir vsconnaître (bothverbsmean:toknow) Page129 EXERCISES Page131 27. Le passé composé:Themostusualpasttense Page132 EXERCISES Page136 28. L’imparfait:Theotherwidelyusedpasttense Page139 EXERCISES Page142 11 French Grammar Basics and Beyond 29.Le passé composé vsl'imparfait Page145 EXERCISESPage145 30.Verbes de mouvement:Visiter,retourner,rentrer,sorƟr,venir,etc. (Tovisit,togoback,tocomeback,togoout,tocome,etc.)Page147 EXERCISES Page150 31.Tu m'aimes ? Non, mais je t'aime bien ! (Tolove/tolike) Page152 EXERCISESPage154 32.Manquer/rater (tomiss,tolack,tofail)Page155 EXERCISESPage157 33.Theverbpasser(Topass,tostopby,etc.) Page159 EXERCISESPage162 34.Les adverbes (Theadverbs)Page164 –Placementoftheadverbs Page165 EXERCISESPage166 35.La comparaison (Makingcomparisons)Page167 EXERCISESPage168 –LesuperlaƟf(themost/theleast) Page170 EXERCISESPage170 36.Être en train de,venir de,être sur le point de... (Inthemistofdoingsomething,etc.) Page171 EXERCISESPage172 37.Les pronoms directs et indirects (Directandindirectpronouns)Page173 EXERCISESPage175 38.Thepronouns"en"and"y"Page177 EXERCISESPage178 39.Les préposiƟons exprimant la durée (PreposiƟonsofƟme) Depuis,ça fait,il y a,pendant,durant,pour,dans,enPage179 EXERCISESPage182 12 French Grammar Basics and Beyond 40.An vsannée,jourvsjournée, etc.Page185 EXERCISESPage187 41.Le futur (Thefuture)Page188 EXERCISESPage190 42.L'impéraƟf (TheimperaƟvetense)
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