Transnationalization of Television Fiction in Ibero-American Countries The present OBITEL Yearbook is the sixth of a series Transnationalization of started in the year 2007, and it reflects the maturity of a methodological model that combines quantitative Television Fiction in study with the contextual analysis of television fiction, Ibero-American Countries its transmediation into other screens and the sociocultural dynamics that are circumscribed to each of the different member countries. OBITEL is made up of eleven national research groups general Guillermo Orozco Gómez Transnationalization of Television Fiction in Fiction of Television Transnationalization coordinators that throughout a year systematically monitor fiction Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes shows that are broadcast through open television channels in their respective countries. The results of national Morella Alvarado, Gustavo Aprea, Fernando Aranguren, this monitoring are presented through the singularities Countries Ibero-American coordinators Alexandra Ayala, Catarina Duff Burnay, Borys Bustamante, and tendencies of fiction in each country. In addition, Isabel Ferin Cunha, Valerio Fuenzalida, Francisco Hernández, every OBITEL yearbook has a comparative chapter that César Herrera, Pablo Julio Pohlhammer, Mónica Kirchheimer, provides a general panorama of the member countries. Charo Lacalle, Juan Piñón, Guillermo Orozco Gómez, Rosario Fiction, as industry and format, is one of the most Sánchez Vilela and Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes representative cultural and media products of television in Ibero-America. Its cultural, symbolic tradition is a place of agreement and disagreement that is now the setting not only of the main characters’ loves and intimate secrets in the telenovelas and series, but also that of public life, politics, the citizenship, since ever more fiction anchors its narrative on the multiple problems that affect us as a region and at the same time separate us as countries. The Obitel countries decided to make the theme of “transnationalization in the fiction television” the topic of the year for this 2012 Yearbook, with the objective of mapping the characteristics of the transnational flows among and outside the countries participating in this project. OBITEL 2012 reflected on the three spheres where the transnational element makes an impact or is reflected: the industry, the contents and the flows and audiences. IBERO-AMERICAN OBSERVATORY ON TELEVISION FICTION OBITEL 2012 IBERO-AMERICAN OBSERVATORY ON TELEVISION FICTION OBITEL 2012 TRANSNATIONALIZATION OF TELEVISION FICTION IN IBERO-AMERICAN COUNTRIES Guillermo Orozco Gómez and Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes General Coordinators Morella Alvarado, Gustavo Aprea, Fernando Aranguren, Alexandra Ayala, Catarina Duff Burnay, Borys Bustamante, Isabel Ferin Cunha, Valerio Fuenzalida, Francisco Hernández, César Herrera, Pablo Julio Pohlhammer, Mónica Kirchheimer, Charo Lacalle, Juan Piñón, Guill- ermo Orozco Gómez, Rosario Sánchez Vilela and Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes National Coordinators © Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A., 2012. Capa: Letícia Lampert Projeto gráfico: Niura Fernanda Souza Editoração: Vânia Möller Revisão: Felícia Xavier Volkweis Tradutores: Thais Deamici de Souza e Danaé Müller Franceschi Revisão gráfica: Miriam Gress Editor: Luis Gomes Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) Bibliotecária Responsável: Denise Mari de Andrade Souza – CRB 10/960 T772 Transnationalization of television fiction in ibero-american coutries: 2012 Obitel yearbook / organized by Guillermo Orozco Gómez and Maria Immacolata Vassallo. -- Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2012. 618 p.; il. ISBN: 978-85-205-0665-3 1. Television – Programs. 2. Fiction – Television. 3. Programs Television – Ibero-American. 4. Media. I. Lopes, Maria Immacolata Vassallo de. II. Gómez, Guillermo Orozco. CDU: 654.19 659.3 CDD: 301.161 91.445 Direitos desta edição adquiridos por Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A. Editora Meridional Ltda. Av. Osvaldo Aranha, 440 cj. 101 – Bom Fim Cep: 90035-190 – Porto Alegre/RS Fone: (0xx51) 3311.4082 Fax: (0xx51) 2364.4194 www.editorasulina.com.br e-mail: [email protected] Agosto/2012 This work is a result of a partnership between Globo Universidade and Ibero-American Television Fiction Observatory (Obitel). Such partnership, started in 2008, aims to present and discuss the analyses on production, audience and sociocultural response of the television fiction in Latin America and in the Iberian Peninsula. Publications produced: • Obitel Yearbook 2008: Global markets, local stories • Obitel Yearbook 2009: Television fiction in Ibero- America: narratives, formats and advertising • Obitel Yearbook 2010: Convergences and Transmediation of the Television Fiction • Obitel Yearbook 2011: Quality in television fiction and audience’ transmedia interactions About Globo Universidade: Globo Universidade, created in 1999, has as a mission the sharing of experiences in order to add knowledge. To accomplish it, a permanent partnership with the academia is established. Through debates, seminars, publications and research support, Globo Universidade contributes to the scientific production and dissemination, as well as the formation of personnel. Since 2008, Globo Universidade has been present in Rede Globo’s programming: every Saturday, at 7h, the program features information about the main universities in Brasil and in the world. In 2011, this program became part of Globo Cidadania, which also counts on the participation of the programs Globo Ciência, Globo Educação and Globo Ecologia e Ação. OBITEL NATIONAL RESEARCH TEAMS General Coordinators Guillermo Orozco Gómez (Universidad de Guadalajara) Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes (Universidade de São Paulo) ARGENTINA Maria Cristina Palma Mungioli Gustavo Aprea (Universidad (Universidade de São Paulo), Nacional de General Sarmiento Adjunt research; e Instituto Universitario Claudia Freire, Clarice Greco Nacional del Arte) y Mónica Alves, Helen Emy Nochi Kirchheimer (Universidad Suzuki, Issaaf Santos de Buenos Aires e Instituto Karhawi, Ligia Maria Prezia Universitario Nacional del Arte), Lemos, Neide Maria de National Coordinators; Arruda, Silvia Terezinha María Victoria Bourdieu Torreglossa de Jesus, (Universidad Nacional de (Universidade de São Paulo) General Sarmiento); Research Associates; Florencia Bacarin, María Lorena Milanesi Brettas, Belzunces, María Fernanda Gustavo Silva Barranco, Cappa, Victoria De Michele, Angelina Moreira de Souza, Marina Dragonetti, Silvia Isabela Cicalise Silberschmidt, Grinfas, Noelia Morales, Centro de Estudos de Telenovela Laura Oszust, Agustina – CETVN – da Escola de Pérez Rial, Ezequiel Rivero Comunicações e Artes da (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Universidade de São Paulo), Collaborators. Research Assistants. BRASIL CHILE Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Valerio Fuenzalida y Pablo Lopes Julio Pohlhammer (Pontificia (Universidade de São Paulo), Universidad Católica de Chile), National Coordinator; National Coordinators; Verónica Silva, Ignacio ESPAÑA Polidura, Independent Charo Lacalle (Universitat Researchers; Autònoma de Barcelona), Alejandro Caloguerea (Camara National Coordinator; de Exhibiciones Multisalas de Mariluz Sánchez, Lucía Trabajo Chile A.G.); (Universitat Autònoma Constanza Mujica, Alejandro de Barcelona), Research Bruna (Pontificia Universidad Associate; Católica de Chile), Research Berta Trullàs (Universitat Assistants. Autònoma de Barcelona), Research Assistant. COLOMBIA Borys Bustamante Bohórquez ESTADOS UNIDOS y Fernando Aranguren Díaz Juan Piñón (New York (Universidad Distrital University), National Francisco José de Caldas), Coordinator; Tanya Cornejo, Linnete National Coordinators; Manrique, Wendy Yuen Ting Hugo Sánchez, Alejandra (New York University), Research Rusinque, Diana Mendoza Assistant. (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas), MÉXICO Research Assistants. Guillermo Orozco Gómez y Francisco Hernández Lomeli ECUADOR (Universidad de Guadalajara), Alexandra Ayala Marín y César National Coordinators; Herrera (Centro Internacional Darwin Franco Migues, Adrien de Estudios Superiores de Charlois Allende (Universidad Comunicación para América de Guadalajara), Research Latina - CIESPAL), National Associates. Coordinators; Pamela Cruz, Cecilia Vergara, José Rivera (Centro PORTUGAL Internacional de Estúdios Isabel Ferin Cunha Superiores de Comunicación para (Universidade de Coimbra) y América Latina - CIESPAL), Catarina Duff Burnay Research Associates. (Universidade Católica Portuguesa), National VENEZUELA Coordinators; Morella Alvarado Miquilena Fernanda Castilho (Universidade (Universidad Central de de Coimbra), Research Associate. Venezuela), National Coordinator; URUGUAY Luisa Torrealba Mesa Rosario Sánchez Vilela (Uni- (Universidad Central de versidad Católica del Uruguay), Venezuela), Fernando National Coordinator; Vizcarra Schumm Paula Santos Vizcaíno, Lucia (Universidad Allegro, Eugenia Armúa, Autónoma de Baja California), Guillermo Sabella Research Associates; (Universidad Católica del Massimo Dotta Botto (productor Uruguay), Research Assistants. of Film and TV). TABLE OF CONTENTS AUthors’ NoTE .......................................................................... 15 METHODOLOGICAL NOTE ........................................................ 17 PART ONE FICTION IN THE Ibero-American Space IN 2011 Comparative synthesis of the Obitel countries in 2011 ................... 23 Guillermo Orozco Gómez and Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes 1. The audiovisual
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