2 YEARS INSTITUTE FOR POLITICAL STUDIES UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA PORTUGUESA 20 YEARS IN PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE 1996/97 – 2016/17 4 “A University is a place where inquiry is pushed forward, and discoveries verified and perfected, and rashness rendered innocuous, and error exposed, by the collision of mind with mind, and knowledge with knowledge.” John Henry Cardinal Newman THE IDEA OF A UNIVERSITY, 1854 20 YEARS INSTITUTE FOR POLITICAL INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES 20 YEARS CONTENTS 5 INSTITUTO DE ESTUDOS POLÍTICOS 06 PRESENTATION 09 ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES IEP is proud of preserving the study of the Great Books of the Western Tradition of Liberty under Law • BA in Political Science and International Relations • MA in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defence • MA in Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies • PhD in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defence • International Seminars 31 CENTRE FOR EUROPEAN STUDIES (CEE) 37 RESEARCH CENTRE (CIEP) 43 INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS • Double Degrees • Oxford Visiting Programme • Semester-Abroad Programme • EUROPAEUM • Master Programme with the Catholic University of Mozambique • International Forum for Democratic Studies • European Partnership for Democracy • ERASMUS • IMPACT Atlantis 53 WINSTON CHURCHILL MEMORIAL LECTURE / OPENING OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR 57 ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE ANNUAL LECTURE 67 INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL / ESTORIL POLITICAL FORUM 79 SUMMIT OF DEMOCRACIES / OPEN DAY 83 LECTURES, COLLOQUIA & DEBATES 103 THESES & PUBLICATIONS 131 NOVA CIDADANIA 143 ADVANCED PROGRAMMES 147 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES 151 CAREER DAY AND INTERNSHIPS 155 ALUMNI 163 IEP: THE DREAM TEAM & SPONSORS 6 PRESENTATION he spirit of the famous 15th century Portu- guese Sagres School, headed by Prince Henry the Navigator, – where interna- T tional scholars, explorers and navigators gathered together to push human knowledge forward and explore the open seas of liberty – is the main ins- piration of the Instituto de Estudos Políticos da Univer- sidade Católica Portuguesa, IEP-UCP (Institute for Politi- cal Studies of the Catholic University of Portugal) , which was the result of Professor Mário Pinto’s initiative.. Since its foundation in 1996-97, the Institute has ga- thered together most of the best Portuguese senior scholars and professionals in Political Science and In- ternational Relations, Security and Defence. Its BA, MA and PhD Programmes have aimed at fostering an international atmosphere where longing for know- ledge and the excitement of ideas are open to all – provided one is prepared to work hard and engage in the critical examination of different lines of argument, tested byexperience . AN INTERNATIONAL NETWORK This international atmosphere has grown gradually, out of free interaction and trust. For this reason, we believe it is stronger and it has much more potential then it would, had it been de- signed only by central or administrative will. It now has several dimensions: > An International Meeting in Political Studies which is convened by an international committee of senior scholars and takes place annually in Estoril, near Lisbon — the Estoril Political Forum, which marks its 25th anniversary in 2017. These meetings have had the association of Harvard University and Boston College Summer Programs, among many other university institutions. > A MA programme, fully taught in English, - MA in Governance, Leadership and De- mocracy Studies – which is associated throu- gh a “Double Degree” protocol with the the Jagiellonian University, Krakow (founded To be bred in a place of estimation; to see in 1364), and with Pazmany Peter Catho- nothing low and sordid from one’s infancy; lic University, Budapest (founded in 1635). to be taught to respect one’s self; to be > A Centre for European Studies, headed by habituated to the censorial inspection of the former President of the European Commis- the public eye; (...) to have leisure to read, sion, José Manuel Durão Barroso, which is to reflect, to converse; (...) to be taught to developing and expanding the seminal work on despise danger in the pursuit of honor and European studies first launched in Portugal by duty; (...) to possess the virtues of diligence, the late Ernâni Lopes, in the 1980s. order, constancy, and regularity, and to have cultivated an habitual regard to com- > An ongoing programme of seminars and lectures mutative justice: these are the circumstan- given by some of the best scholars in Political Science ces of men that form what I should call a and International Relations coming from overseas. natural [as opposed to feudal] aristocracy. 20 YEARS INSTITUTE FOR POLITICAL INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES 20 YEARS EDMUND BURKE, 1791 7 > A semester-abroad programme which allows the best IEP students to complete part of their studies at It is well to be a gentleman, it is well to have prestigious overseas Universities such as St. Antony’s a cultivated intellect, a delicate taste, a can- and Lincoln Colleges at the University of Oxford, did, equitable dispassionate mind, a noble King’s College, London, Georgetown University and courteous bearing in the conduct of and Boston College, among others. Students of the- life – these are the connatural qualities of se Universities are also welcome at IEP-UCP. a large knowledge, they are the objects of a > An association with other prestigious MA or University. PhD courses as a first step to reach joint-degree JOHN HENRY CARDINAL diplomas. This association now includes (1) the NEWMAN, 1854 EUROPAEUM MA Programme in European History and Civilization, a three quarter course based in Leiden, Sorbonne-Pantheon (Paris) and Oxford; and (2) the two-year MA in Democracy Studies at Georgetown University. A cooperation with the MA and PhD programmes in Political Science and International Relations offered by the Ca- tholic University of Mozambique. WESTERN TRADITION OF LIBERTY UNDER LAW Teaching and research at IEP-UCP is based on the most demanding standards of scholarship. Our pro- grammes cover all the standard branches of political studies and international affairs. Furthermore, we are proud of our strong emphasis on the study of the Western Tradition of Liberty under Law – a tra- dition which we perceive as a living conversation between generations and a living dialogue between faith and reason which goes back to Athens, Rome and Jerusalem. In Winston S. Churchill, we honour one of the greatest representatives of this tradition in the 20th century. We believe that the bulwark of this tradition lies on the transatlantic relationship between the nations of Europe and of the European Union and America. And we hold that the Portuguese- -speaking peoples are part and want to be part of this tradition. LIBERTY AND DUTY: EDUCATION FOR GENTLEMANSHIP IEP-UCP is proud of being inspired by the gentlemanly tradition of Oxbridge and Ivy League univer- sities. By this we mean a gentle and evolving combination of aristocratic, bourgeois and popular in- gredients. This, we believe, is the original idea of a University: open to the best talents, regardless of their social origins. Once one is admitted on the basis of merit, one will be educated in an understanding that the privilege of education generates a demanding sense of duty to the public, rather than a self-indulgent arrogance over the public. We enjoy calling this an education of free and responsible citizens -- gentlemen, in the fortunate English expression. As democracy cannot exist without democrats, we believe that liberty cannot survive without gentlemen. As Sir Karl Popper used to say, gentlemen do not take themselves too se- riously, but are prepared to take their duties very seriously – especially when others talk only about their rights. AN EXPERIENCE TO RECALL The happiest days in my life, so the saying goes about past times at Oxbridge or Ivy League univer- sities. Our aim is that our students at IEP-UCP can feel alike. And that they will want their children, and their grandchildren, to repeat their unforgettable experience. This is our idea of a University João Carlos Espada PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL STUDIES DIRECTOR | INSTITUTO DE ESTUDOS POLÍTICOS UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA PORTUGUESA 8 20 YEARS INSTITUTE FOR POLITICAL INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES 20 YEARS 9 ACADEMIC PROGRAMMESIN ASSOCIATION WITH EUROPAEUM & OXFORD VISITING PROGRAMME 10 ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES IEP is proud of preserving the study of the Great Books of the Western Tradition of Liberty under Law BA in Political Science and International Relations TRADITION OF THE GREAT BOOKS (TAUGHT IN PORTUGUESE) Platão, República, sec. IV a.c Aristóteles, Política, sec. IV a.c Cícero, Dos Deveres, 44 a.c Santo Agostinho, Cidade de Deus, c. 412-426 Magna Carta, 1215 São Tomás de Aquino, Suma Teológica, c. 1260 Tomás Moro, Utopia, 1516 Maquiavel, O Príncipe, 1532 Luís de Molina, Tratado da Justiça e do Direito, 1596 Francisco Suarez, De Legibus , 1612 Hugo Grotius, O Direito da Guerra e da Paz, 1625; Mare Liberum, 1609 Thomas Hobbes, Leviatã, 1651 Samuel Pufendorf, Deveres do Homem e do Cidadão de acordo com as Leis do Direito Natural, 1673 John Locke, Dois Tratados do Governo Civil, 1690 Montesquieu, Do Espírito das Leis, 1748 Adam Smith, A Teoria dos Sentimentos Morais, 1759 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Contrato Social, 1762 ‘Publius’, Os Federalistas, 1787-8 Edmund Burke, Reflexões sobre a Revolução em França, 1790 Immanuel Kant, Para a Paz Perpétua, 1795 Jane Austen, Orgulho e Preconceito, 1813 Alexis de Tocqueville, Da Democracia na América, 1835-40 John Stuart Mill, Sobre a Liberdade, 1859
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