DRAFT FINAL TCAP 2011 SGCN LIST - STATEWIDE, SORTED BY ECOREGIONS Other Notes CHIH - GCPM Scientific Name Common Name Status Abundance Ranking HIPL SWTB TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB CGPL EDPT GCPM Mid GCPM lower STPL for rationale supporting additions, deletions and other changes, Endemic in Texas AZNM Upper see ADD/DEL document Dec 2010 Federal State Global State Additional References re Life History to be Added June - July 2011 MAMMALS (see also Marine Mammals) Ammospermophilus interpres Texas antelope squirrel G4G5 S4 CHIH N Antilocapra americana Pronghorn G5 S3 CHIH HIPL SWTB CGPL N Antrozous pallidus Pallid bat G5 S5 CHIH HIPL SWTB CGPL EDPT STPL N Bison bison Bison G4 SH HIPL SWTB added N Blarina carolinensis Southern short-tailed shrew G5N5 S4 ECPL WGCP N Blarina hylophaga plumblea Elliot’s short-tailed shrew G5T1Q S1 TBPR ECPL GCPM-UP GCPM-MID N Chaetodipus eremicus Chihuahuan Desert pocket mouse G5 S5 CHIH N Chaetodipus nelsoni Nelson's pocket mouse G5 S? CHIH STPL N Conepatus leuconotus Hog-nosed skunk G5 S4 CHIH HIPL SWTB CRTB CGPL EDPT GCPM-LWR STPL N Corynorhinus rafinesquii Rafinesque's big-eared bat T G3G4 S3 WGCP GCPM-UP added to GCPM Upper N Corynorhinus townsendii Townsend's big-eared bat G4T4 S3? S4? CHIH HIPL SWTB CGPL EDPT change: removed subspecies N Cratogeomys castanops Yellow-faced pocket gopher G5 S5 HIPL SWTB CGPL deleted from CHIH N Cynomys ludovicianus Black-tailed prairie dog G5T3 S3 CHIH HIPL SWTB CGPL EDPT N Dipodomys compactus compactus Padre Island kangaroo rat G4T3 S3 GCPM-MID Y Dipodomys elator Texas kangaroo rat T G1G2 S2 SWTB CRTB CGPL status in review; may change by Plan print date Y Dipodomys ordii parvabullatus Ord's kangaroo rat G5 S4 GCPM-LWR STPL added new to GCPM - LWR and STPL Dipodomys spectabilis Banner-tailed kangaroo rat G5 S4 CHIH HIPL N Eptesicus fuscus Big brown bat G5 S5 CHIH EDPT added Euderma maculatum Spotted bat T G4 S2 CHIH N Eumops perotis californicus Greater western bonneted bat G5T4 S3 CHIH N Geomys attwateri Attwater's pocket gopher G4 S4 TBPR ECPL GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR STPL Y Geomys aurenarius Desert pocket gopher G3 S2 CHIH N Geomys personatus davisi Texas (Davis') pocket gopher G4T2 S2 STPL N Geomys personatus maritimus Maritime pocket gopher G4 S4 GCPM-MID N Geomys personatus personatus Barrier island Texas pocket gopher G4TNR SNR GCPM-UP GCPM-MID Y Geomys streckeri Strecker's pocket gopher G4T1 S1 STPL Y Geomys texensis bakeri Frio pocket gopher G2QT2 S2 EDPT STPL N Geomys texensis texensis Llano pocket gopher G3T2 S2 EDPT Y Herpailurus yaguarondi Jaguarundi LE E G4 S1 GCPM-LWR STPL N Lasiurus ega Southern yellow bat T G5 S1 GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR (STPL) N Lasiurus xanthinus Western yellow bat G5 S1 CHIH N Leopardus pardalis Ocelot LE E G4 S1 CHIH GCPM-LWR STPL Listed Species with Recovery Plan, use in setting priority actions N Leptonycteris nivalis Mexican/Greater longnosed bat LE E G3 S1 CHIH Listed Species with Recovery Plan, use in setting priority actions N Lutra canadensis River otter G5 S4 TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB CGPL EDPT GCPM-UP GCPM-MID Appendix II, CITES N Mephitis macroura Hooded skunk G5 S4 CHIH N Microtus mogollonensis Mogollon vole G4G5Q SNR CHIH N Microtus ochrogaster Prairie vole G5 S1 HIPL SWTB N Mormoops megalophylla Ghost-faced bat G4 S2 CHIH EDPT STPL N Mustela frenata Long-tailed weasel G5 S5 CHIH HIPL SWTB TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB CGPL EDPT GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR STPL Statewide N Mustela nigripes Black-footed ferret LE G1 SH CHIH HIPL SWTB CGPL EDPT Deleted in CRTB ecoregion. Not listed endangered for TX; however if experimental N Neovison vison Mink G5 S4 CRTB CGPL GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR STPL added Myotis austroriparius Southeastern myotis G3G4 S3 TBPR ECPL WGCP GCPM-UP added to GCPM-UP N Myotis californicus California myotis G5 S4 CHIH added N Myotis ciliolabrum Western small-footed myotis G5 S3 CHIH added N Myotis velifer Cave myotis G5 S4 CHIH HIPL SWTB TBPR ECPL CRTB CGPL EDPT STPL N Myotis volans Long-legged myotis G5 S4 CHIH added N Myotis yumanensis Yuma myotis G5 S4 CHIH deleted in EDPT N Mytois thysanodes Fringed myotis G5 S3 CHIH N Nasua narica White-nosed coati T G5 S2? CHIH EDPT GCPM-LWR STPL N Notisorex crawfordii Desert shrew G5 S4 CHIH HIPL STPL deleted from SWTB N Nyctinomops femorosaccus Pocketed free-tailed bat G4 S3 CHIH N Nyctinomops macrotis Big free-tailed bat G5 S3 CHIH HIPL SWTB CGPL GCPM-LWR STPL added to CHIH N Onychomys arenicola Mearn's grasshopper mouse G4G5 S4S5 CHIH N Oryzomys couesi aquaticus Coues rice rat T G5T3? S2 GCPM-LWR (STPL) N Panthera onca Jaguar LE E G3 SH CHIH added to CHIH N Parastrellus hesperus Canyon Bat (western pipistrelle) G5 S5 CHIH EDPT added for EDPT Perimyotis subflavus Tricolored Bat (eastern pipistrelle) G5 S5 CHIH EDPT added for EDPT Peromyscus nasutus Northern rock mouse G5 S4 CHIH N Peromyscus truei comanche Palo Duro mouse T G5T3Q S2 SWTB N Puma concolor Mountain lion G5 S2 CHIH HIPL SWTB TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB CGPL EDPT GCPM-UP GCPM-MID (GCPM-LWR) STPL Statewide N Scalopus aquaticus Eastern mole G5 S5 GCPM-UP GCPM-MID (GCPM-LWR) (STPL) added Scalopus aquaticus texanus Presidio mole G5T1Q S1 CHIH N Sigmodon fulviventer dalquesti Tawny-bellied cotton rat G5 S1 CHIH N Spilogale gracilis Western spotted skunk G5 S5 CHIH HIPL SWTB CGPL EDPT STPL N Spilogale putorius Eastern spotted skunk G4T S4 HIPL SWTB TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB CGPL EDPT GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR STPL N Sylvilagus aquaticus Swamp rabbit G5 S5 TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB EDPT GCPM-UP GCPM-MID N Sylvilagus robustus Davis Mountain cottontail G5TU S3 CHIH N Tadarida brasiliensis Brazilian free-tailed bat G5 S5 CHIH HIPL SWTB TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB CGPL EDPT GCPM-UP GCPM-MID (GCPM-LWR) STPL Statewide N Tamias canipes Gray-footed chipmunk G3 S2S3 CHIH N Taxidea taxus American badger G5 S5 CHIH HIPL SWTB TBPR ECPL CRTB CGPL EDPT GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR STPL N Thomomys bottae guadalupensis Southern pocket gopher G5T2 S2 CHIH N compiled Dec 2010 - May 2011; printed 5/19/2011 4:33 PM Page 1 of 19 DRAFT FINAL TCAP 2011 SGCN LIST - STATEWIDE, SORTED BY ECOREGIONS Other Notes CHIH - GCPM Scientific Name Common Name Status Abundance Ranking HIPL SWTB TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB CGPL EDPT GCPM Mid GCPM lower STPL for rationale supporting additions, deletions and other changes, Endemic in Texas AZNM Upper see ADD/DEL document Dec 2010 Federal State Global State Additional References re Life History to be Added June - July 2011 Thomomys bottae limpia Limpia southern pocket gopher G5T2 S2 CHIH same as Thomomys bottae texensis? N Thomomys bottae texensis Limpia Creek pocket gopher G5T2 S2 CHIH same as Thomomys bottae limpia? N Ursus americanus Black bear SAT T G5 S3 CHIH TBPR ECPL EDPT added to TBPR, ECPL; see also Louisiana black bear; may overlap with Louisiana b N Ursus americanus luteolus Louisiana black bear LT T G5T3 SNA WGCP GCPM-UP see also Black Bear N Vulpes velox Swift fox G3 S3? CHIH HIPL SWTB CGPL EDPT common nomenclature change (2009) N BIRDS ONLY: instead of endemism these BIRDS numbers are for taxonomic sorting Anas fulvigula Mottled Duck G4 S4B GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR STPL Year-round 1 Anas acuta Northern Pintail G5 S3B,S5N HIPL SWTB TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB CGPL GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR STPL Winter 2 Callipepla squamata Scaled Quail G5 S4B CHIH HIPL SWTB CGPL GCPM-LWR STPL Year-round 3 Colinus virginianus Northern Bobwhite G5 S4B CHIH HIPL SWTB TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB CGPL EDPT GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR STPL deleted for CHIH 4 Cyrtonyx montezumae Montezuma Quail G4G5 S3B CHIH EDPT Year-round 5 Tympanuchus cupido Greater Prairie-Chicken (Interior) G4 S1B TBPR CRTB Year-round 6 Tympanuchus cupido attwateri Greater Prairie-Chicken (Attwater's) LE E G4T1 S1B GCPM-MID Year-round 6 Tympanuchus pallidicinctus Lesser Prairie-Chicken C2 G3 S2B HIPL SWTB CGPL Year-round 7 Meleagris gallopavo Wild Turkey G5 S5B CHIH SWTB TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB CGPL EDPT GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR STPL Year-round, added merriami for CHIH 8 Pelecanus erythrorhynchos American White Pelican G4 S2B,S3N GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR Breeding 9 Pelecanus occidentalis Brown Pelican E G4 S3B GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR Year-round 10 Ixobrychus exilis Least Bittern G5 S4B TBPR ECPL WGCP GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR Breeding 11 Egretta thula Snowy Egret G5 S5B TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR Breeding 12 Egretta caerulea Little Blue Heron G5 S5B TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR Breeding 13 Egretta tricolor Tricolored Heron G5 S5B WGCP GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR Breeding 14 Egretta rufescens Reddish Egret T G4 S3B GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR Year-round 15 Butorides virescens Green Heron G5 S5B TBPR ECPL WGCP CRTB GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR Breeding 16 Plegadis chihi White-faced Ibis T G5 S4B WGCP GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR Breeding 17 Mycteria americana Wood Stork T G4 SHB,S2N TBPR ECPL WGCP GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR Migrant 18 Elanoides forficatus Swallow-tailed Kite T G5 S2B WGCP GCPM-UP Breeding 19 Ictinia mississippiensis Mississippi Kite G5 S4B HIPL SWTB TBPR (ECPL) WGCP CRTB CGPL GCPM-UP GCPM-MID GCPM-LWR Breeding 20 Chondrohierax uncinatus Hook-billed Kite G4 S2 GCPM-LWR STPL Year-round, Hidalgo Co.
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