United Nations Conference on International Travel and Touri~m Rome, 1/ Augu:" - J September 1963 Recommendations on International Travel and Tourism UNITED NATIONS '"", Part 0..., D~I'l,..,TIOt< OF ~ VlSll0J." ANI) "roU~T" m. 11l:< FUUOSl'3 or INlDNAno-"AI. "....nntc! ....•. ..• •. :5 • A. PI'RporIS (I) Abc>lili"" (2) 15''''' .. ,• (3) Validity. , (4) Ren~wd , (:5) Wilhdrawal , (6) Cool ... • , (1) Sla!>dardiuticm • • B. V".., 0) Entry vi$as , (1) bit visas . (3) Validity .. " I EiCO!<F.47:'II ) (4) Cost " , (5) Slandardiu.llon " C. Ol/w WIW"Oh Ql/tllonnalilla " (I) Polia: qim/lUon .• • .•... (2j OIl um:u mcI. llIII. dtpamIrc: . " (3) Relel:ti<m or impo=dins or puspons . " (4) Rdalimuhip bc:w.... forca!iw ...,:1. the ptUriDg"fstatiS".h " (S) Ch..,h al fl'OllltcT p""1 •.•.. " UNI11lD N..\TIOKS rUBUCATIOS (6) locome-ta. cloarbCe . " Sol" No.: 1ft. 1. 6 D. Slo~o""r mu! dir'CI Ir(DUir pauUlg,rs. " E. C...I<>mr " """": 5U:S. 0.7' (I) Fro'llJer ronnlli:iea fOI ~ mcI. their luuago (0< 0Cl_k$ .......... _ .......... (2) Spare partJ for !lie ~r or meam or UUipO<'t • " -0- ,~ F. C~,wlcy "',,' euJump J"'X~d1JTu, .... H c. CultUl1ll factors G. Tnu, dla!Ku,/~' rvrJI ,.lat.d ..qw;,.ntAu. '" H D. Facilities and .,,,,,= " 11. F"","",,'rfufin" _ItN" .../rirln, a!rc'afl t1TUl p'-'e bo<w Mcuu uf aooommodation. Trtnspott ..... " I. T<1J<rln publldly ~ <DUI mtll.rW . .... ,. " " " E. TtcluIic:aI m-<>pcnlion ami aWlaIltt, J. Accu#M UI .xislm, in_1oItIJl inslnmlalU .•.. " K. Haltll jMrtaJt'r/n (/nsp«IictJ. '1'-"",1>0< a1Id SMJUlII",,) " Nl.ote..,. - AGawA 0' TIlE Co~Cl!.... L. T""t1Jns ~..,...,. in ~. sdDt.lfr. aJ_t .. lporlittf " ",,'i';,iu .•..... •....••.. " I. <mtn"t fU<ltJ.tltJl< A. hnporunce of IOurisJ:o n B. o.pn....tion of I<>IlJ'i= C. T«hnjcl' <:oo<>per.ltiOIl . " D. OU:#r u~ m""'tlfn . " E. Freodolll of""",omenl ""d al>5<nce of dooim;nation " 1'. Genoral . ., .. .., '" '" A. Tourism aI i raclor of economio d••tlopment B. Organization and promotion " Panns of orSfl.'lil.ation Promotion " Establiihmcnt and impr,,..omenl of Iou,in. attraction< and 1'<:$00""" • •• • ••••• , ••••• Sllgstriag of hohw.}'lI and <:nomion oflouns, seaJOn< " Pohlil:lty. ... " Expt..a.mon of grI>"P 1nl,.... " Rol. of t.....vd ~. " HoopitJity proya=at:l_ " Two-way <:ofl~ of ia:c:matior.a! mvd " PlItilic: aPf"""ia.tion of tJ>. bedt. '" lOIrrism. " Fall' tnalJ:!:lall of toarim. ... '" -.- -"- lNTllODUcnON I. The Economic -.d Social CcWIciJ. of1tu: United N..icms. by r=>­ Illtioa 813 (XXXI) of 27 Apri/I%I, mr=-.al tk S«:ma..,.-o....I1lIlo call & t1>'II=tt OD. urUtu1>OClal ta_-d Uld 10wi5.m U IIOOCl as p"""'1:Ic: &ml ~o' bier <!an tbe nl_n of 196]. By re<ohlt!oo 81O(XXXIII) of 9 Apnl 19li2. ~ eo..ncil cc:m6nnal. iu. ~n fO call tk ccnC= ... an inte."1!3.UoDllI uehrrical conkr.::Doc 10 .III.Uc ,........" ...L<b.lions "" iatMll.tio...... aa,.,,1 -.d IOU...... The Co-.:nal. ~! an ilmlatJon ewo""" by the G<m:r.>nle1lf of Italy. deci<lal. tIoaf lbe COIlte."et1tt sbou:~d be held in ROJr.t: ill AUIllI1 alld Scp<crnbcr 1963. 11 lllso Rqw.W;d the Scael&t)o.Gece:<li 10 fnv;te an StaltO Mc"'ben <:If the Uni..d Nalier". err mcmben oC the special~ opcics 10 particlpau in tile conference aod 10 inclDde among IhciT rqll'e'SW.lali'cs individual ellpenl competenl in lbe lpe<:iil mbjecll 10 be diKUlSCd .t the confeteoce, to invite ll>c lpcdali.td a~ndc, and interested inl<r-goVctnmental otgani.ations 10 !"""ucipotc wllhoUI vole in the deliberation' of lhe ."nr.rcrtce, and to ,n.ite the intcu,tcd 110n·go••nlJnelltol organintion. ha.ing cOlIsultati'le ,latlls with tl1. Council 10 Ill.ke parI without vote in lhe confef"ellce. 2. The United NalioN C:lnCCf'C1l<e on Intemalional Travel and TO"~rit;ID!<>okpI;u;c from 21 Augulll., 5 ScpteJnbcT 1963 It the Palauo dei COllpssi (F.IJR). Rome. 3. By "'vito.tio:> of the ~cnl, lbe rollowiDS ~ty.......,n States, n-." spc:rialiaod ~, KVCJ1 ",u::r~llll o:pn~ Uld fo-.IJ1rc:<I. """-go'I'eftIlI:ental otpci<a!i=J were rept'*""'<l .. !bI: Conf"""",,", : Suua: Aflhanistan. AJterio.. ~u..'" AmtnIio., Austria, Belgnnn, Bolivia, Brazil, 8uI,!2ria, B~n So...a Socialist Ilq>ubllc, Ounbodia, Ca<Dc­ rooll, CaIwla. CcyIon. Owl, Ckilc, China, Col<>mbia, Coqo (Leopold. 'Iille), Costa Ric:>. C\.Iba, Cyprus, e-:twsl<>vakia, DelLcrwti:, Dcm;"ian Republic. El Sal'.'llldo!, Federal Rep..hJic .,C Germany, Fmlartd. Frl!lICt, G,=, Guatemala, H.,ly Sc:o:. Hungary, India, lndmu:ai:I, Iran, 1",,'1, lrelalld, hracI, Italy, Japlll, Jo,da.o, Ku.....it. lcb:mon, Liberia, I.ilrya, LtllCmbo"rg, Ma.ugaJCIf, Mali, Me"i"", Mor<>IXO, Nepal, :Kethcrhuab, New Z""laJtd, Niget, NIgeria. N.,rway, PakisUltl, Patal:\lay, Pc'u, Pbilipo­ pine., p.,land, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, SaIl Mlltino, Saudi Arabia. Seuegal, SOTTllllia, Republic of South Mm, Spain, S"da.o, Sweden, SWItzerland. S)'ria, TbaiilUla, Trinidad and T.,baS." Tu"is;a, Turkty, Upnda, lJ~rainia.. S.,vicl S<>ciali't RopublJc, Union .,f S.,"';"I Sodilin Republics, U"i!c<l A!tI.b Republic:, Ullite<! K.iJlsd.,m of O.....l I!ritain...,d Norlbem IreLmd, United Siatet of Amcria, Vcn<:r.Utla, YU!""lavia. -,- Sptclallztd a;;enci... : ViCI-C/w;N>lOl" Mr. R. C<It1\'O (Mexico); Fooo and Agriculture Orpnizatlon or the UlIited l"otial1l (I'AO). Uniled Mr. N. Sow (senegal). NatiOlll tdUC3li"",a1, Scientiflo llld Cllltur:oJ Olgu>llalieo (U~ESCO). 1. The Fonnaliliet CottUcittee prepared pro!"""'l. Ilf'O" "hkI! !be Inll:malional 0}iI A~ialion Orpnil,nioll (lCAD), wood Health Organ­ ,.....".. ,""'datioc.J iD. PUll Ooe and Two of this p"blict.li011 ...... ba>c<!. iz.I.lMm (WHO), fute~-GovcntJt:entlll Maritime eo"....IL.ti"" Orpniz3tio11 (lMCO). 8. n:c De-.-clOJmlC"l eo:..mi:.lc<:, ...h:c!I. ..... set up by lbc C~fc:r.o:: ro J'~hrnit propoah .... ol1lcT SO~"gJ _res aIM! !Cd<:IiIil c0­ ~arf4N: hl'O'-f:O_lIJtJ operation. eI<:ctallbc folkror;i:lI oma:nt: Can1>ban Orpnira!;Oll. Cldtoon:I ~i<lll Co,,",ci1 (CCC), b,"""" 00aU_: Mt. S. l'l. Chib (India); 1!coI>Dra.'c CollIlalllO!ty {EI!C}, .l:!urop:an Cot>f=acc MinMcn of Tram­ or ~: (A~); pert {ECMl}. Lar;uc cl' Anb Sl&1.CI. Olp"izmon of AJI:.eri<an Slale'; Mr. 1. D. BJ.tes (OAS), o.~ rot Eco3omic ~ u.d De\dopor,on' Mr. W. R=k (Powd). (OECD). 9. The IkvcloJ>mc'II Cot:lfcitleo 1=P"r,ed .P'''.-'' upon ..hie!! IlI.e N_~Ia1 ~titmJ, recomrncr.dl.tions ia Pan 1'1lree af tIuI p-..Ihb<::>1,an ..~ hfitd. InUrroatior.... A..........mQi Ftdenllioo (IAF), IntematlcrW Air TBnopnrt 10. The C<rnf"""'cc lIudied ~ p:oposals ofits!WO eo"'",'Il<n and, A&1OCia1loo (lATA). Int=1a.tlonal Cha.mbtt of ComlDtroe (lCe), In~· ~ft~r amendmll or IUpplemecoog l.be!!> an "":tain pom.\,. approvtrl, and lUltioflal Chamber ofShippi"l (ICS), 11Ite<....tion..o.l Criminal Po\iQe Ocgan· <lcc:id<:U I" '''bmil to the EconomJc: and S"",aJ Council, Ih. ~1llII:"'" ;...ti<m (ICl'O) (INTERPOL), fnl.l:rnlltional Federation of JOLUTlalill'$ and dniolll coll.\tirotiJlg 1'IlU On~ and T..'o uf thiI publieatloD, togetller "''1tll Wriltn ;n Ihe Field of Tourism (FUET), Internalional FC<!orl<l;on of lbe re'IOlution and the: con,ide!"ltion. IlDd reeoo:unend~tionl eon,tiluling Sewor Folie<: Office" (IFSPO), lllle,ntt;onal Road Federation (rR!'), PUl Thre•. Interllationnl Road Tr..",port Union (lRU), International Union of Offi_ cial Travel Organization. (IUOTO), Intem.lional Uni"" of RlliIway. 11. Tb. Eeoo",";o un<! Social CotJncil 01116 December 1963 adopt«! (UIC'), World Touring lnd A~lomoh;1e Organization (OTA), repnMf\tin~ te!00lution 995 (XXXVI), which i, a, folloWl' Ihe Inler-American Fcder3tion of AUl.mnobile Clum, !be Inl.."ltiooal T1tl: £comJmi< ""J Sot;,,1 COW/cU, AUlomohile: Fcdcrnlion and tile In!cnulli''nal T"uriIlS Al1laJl1X (AI1). BItfI1rg UlkOl rnpUlIIfI« of the report of tbr t:aited )lationlc""f",cn<:c 4 The Co!Ifc."Cccc elc<:ted Mr. A. rolehi (Italy) as President. It al'lO Olllctetnationa.1 T"'vcllJld Tou......... ~ held inAu~ artd Scptcn:tl><:t 1'063, deercd lhe fotlowir::g V__Pres.ideal.>: in acc<>rtIaJ:<:<: wil!l CcUDciI moluCoo 870 (XXXIII), dated 9 Apil 1962, Mr. Tale!> Boulharout (Alpa) ; R=Jim'Ur& lhe: im~11&DCe of the role pb.]cd by. touriom ~ :Wio:laI H. n. Sultan Hamcn,klZ BIIWOlto (T.adoncsia); ......'iOm"" ttd iD.1ft'JlI.1I03U tnde, as "..,11 .. ,1$ aocia.l, edt;I:aliaul w Mt. T. J. O'Drioc<>ll (ln~d) ; ".Itolr&! ""Ft, u.d its «lIItribution to tbc procooo:a af in1erratio£al. M•. B. A.. Bori<oT (Uaica of Somt Socialm Rqlulllia): .JOOCI ...-iIl ...6 ul'ldonw>ding. QilIDor- Sl&u:s Mr. V. (Uaited of A..crX:a). , e-b'+"i/W tIw wumm CUI pla,. Il:> iIl:;>D!'Wlt role Itt furtheti!:r; tboo S. FoIlowil>& t!>t dccisioD of the Ec:onc=ic and Social Council m almI of the Unitc:d K.uiOlll DewJop<:>c:b-t Dca6c:, pIJtl;nlph 5 of its raol:nloa 870 (XXXIII). "- pnni.io:W .~ wu N"liJlg Clat the dI:<doprnt:lll of lonri= deiJC'll!! 10 a ~ C1t<;"1 "'" dta"'llcp On Lhe buil oft!le dra."t = ......cxJ...1 10 the ~ cb Ktian of (i"..",.meDtI ID tbc fran:ework of tlu:ir e",onOn"e policy, by lbe ~bcr Gro~p of EJlJ)'rtI 00 Ioter08.tional Tra,,,l aod Tour­ !kill? fully ,,""'"' of the difficnltie< CIIOOUOlered in lhe <kvd<>p"'-0!I1 of i&m ....hich he hAd se( Ill' and.
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