Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16615-8 — Guillaume Du Fay 2 Volume Hardback Set Alejandro Planchart Index More Information Index Ackerman, Alexander, 316 Anserin, Guillaume, 106, 107 Adimari, Alamanno, 98 Anthony Abbot, Saint Adzemar, Lambert, 15 liturgy for, 622–623 Agerulo, Marinus Nauclerius de, 70 polyphonic propers for, 624–627 Agricola. See Ackerman, Alexander antiphoners, physical properties of, 193 Ailly, Pierre d’, 18, 21, 23–24, 53, 54–55, 288, Antoine (count of Estampes), 280 338 Antonia (maiden), 31 Tractatus de Reformatione Ecclesiae,24 Antonin des Prez, 287 Alanus, Johannes, 10 Antonio da Cividale, 116, 648 Albergati, Niccolò, 71, 91–92, 97 Apfel, Ernst, 374 Albert of Bavaria, 36 Apostles, propers for, 564–565 Alcuin, 170 Aquinas, Thomas, 481 Alençon, Louis d’ (cardinal), 14 Arnold de Halle, 5, 286n131 Alençon, Philippe d’, 116 Aron, Pietro, 178, 320, 576 Alexander V (pope), 16, 18, 22, 116 Ars subtilior, 5, 561 Alexandre de Villedieu, Doctrinale, 21, 43, Aschbach, Joseph, 365 337–338 Assise du Cambrésis, 289–290 Aleyn, Johannes. See Alanus, Johannes Assumption of the Virgin, at Cambrai, 297 Alleluias, plainsong, 566–567 Atlas, Allan, 669 Alleluia V. Hic praecursor, 538–539 Aubron, Firmin, 111 Allemand, Louis, 15, 16, 24, 53, 73, 75, 81–87, Auclou, Paul, 295, 312 91, 93, 96–97, 99, 123, 149, 150, 181, Auclou, Robert, 24, 42, 75, 81–82, 83, 89, 97, 244, 339, 344, 569–570 140, 149–150, 181, 184, 185, 189, 197, Allsen, Michael, 68, 78, 353, 356, 374, 387, 476 236, 265, 332, 358, 565 Amadeus IX (duke of Savoy), 247, 285 Augustin, Jehan (“Dupassage”), 29, 113 Amadeus VIII (duke of Savoy), 107, 123, Aurelian of Réôme, 331 125–126, 134, 148, 156, 169, 181, 202, Ave verum corpus natum, 481 228, 341, 344, 368, 497, 501. See also Avignon, 12, 22, 115–116. See also schism Felix V (pope) Avril, François, 95, 209 Ambros, August Wilhelm, 321 Aynard, Jehan, 105, 107 Amerval, Éloy d’ Le livre de la deablerie, 245 Baillie, Hugh, 636 M. Dixerunt discipuli, 245 Baini, Giuseppe, 321 Amici, Nicolas. See L’Ami [Lami], Nicole Baix, François, 323 Amiens, Jehan d’, 211n263 ballade, as genre, 633, 639, 640 Amiet, Robert, 544 Baptistry of St. John, Florence, 3 Anderson, Michael, 428, 434 Bari, 356 Andrieu, François Bartolomei, Jacopo Antonio (“Ranuzio”), 16, Armes, amours, 639 123, 134 De Narcisus, 639 Basilica del Santo, Padua, 578 Angelico, Fra, 135 Basilica of St. Anthony, Padua, 232–233 Anne of Lusignan, 125, 246, 285, 368, 479–480 Battista Alberti, Leon, 135 Anonymous IV, 9 Baudoin, Buissart, 287 909 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16615-8 — Guillaume Du Fay 2 Volume Hardback Set Alejandro Planchart Index More Information 910 Index Beata es Maria (antiphon), 604 Bone, Thomas, 32 Beaufort, Jacques de, 113 Boniface IX (pope), 115 Bedyngham, John, 499, 666 Boniface VIII (pope), 115 M. Dueil angoisseux, 575 Boone, Graeme, 335, 561, 629, 645, 658 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 334, 497 Bordon, Pierre, 274 Beldomandis, Prosdocimus de, 403 Borghezio, Gino, 126, 323 Belledame, Guillaume, 31–32, 152, 196, 198 Bouchel, Guillaume, 287, 296, 302, 305 Bellengues, Cardot de, 18 Bouillart, Alexandre, 267, 283, 305, 306, 310, Bellengues, Richard de (“Cardot”), 114 313 Belle voliés (Cameracy), 44 Boulengier, Jehan, 17 Benedict XIII (pope), 5, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 111 Bourdon, Pieter, 662 Benerflins, Gilles de, 198 Bourgogne, David de, 199 Bent, Margaret, 89, 118, 245, 334, 335, 397, 402, Bourgogne, Jehan de, 151, 204, 236 428, 470, 478, 479, 481, 563, 569, 571, Bracciolini, Poggio, 365 627, 630, 631, 636, 638, 642, 658 Braecle, Mathieu de, 200 Berger, Karol, 407 Brahms, Johannes, 688 bergerettes, 648 Brassart, 18, 218, 346 Beringhen, Michiel van, 42, 183, 184, 238, Brothers, Thomas, 335 248–250, 265, 278, 313, 459, 546 Brown, Samuel, 386 Bernardi, Lodovico, 145 Bruille, Fursy de, 207 Bersele, 28, 37, 290, 293 Brunelleschi, Filippo, 135, 368 Besançon, 251–252, 349 Buc, Bernard, 56–58 Besseler, Heinrich, 96, 261n147, 277n72, 323, Bukofzer, Manfred, 513, 515 326, 351–352, 355–356, 365, 374, 376, Burgundy, court and chapel of, 13n44, 392, 403, 419, 425, 445, 480, 481, 482, 169–170, 230, 232, 235, 244, 343, 496, 499, 509, 513, 514, 575–576, 581, 344, 376–377, 453, 524, 605, 623, 625, 592, 599, 622, 630, 636, 638, 665, 680, 629 682, 685 Burkholder, Peter, 291 Bourdon und Fauxbourdon, 324, 336 Burney, Charles, 320 Opera Omnia, 324–325, 413, 456, 465, 471, Busnoys, Antoine, 282, 314, 594, 595, 629, 665, 484, 613 684 Béthune, Pierre de. See du Castel, Pierre Busse Berger, Anna Maria, 403, 519 Beulancourt, Jacques de (“Hardi”), 268 Byrd, William, 224, 426 Beye, Henri, 238, 254 Bysenhay, Gilles, 70, 71–72 Beye, Paul, 183, 184 Beye, Pierre, 183 Cabezón, Antonio, 4 Binchois, Gilles, 13, 30, 31, 47, 95, 99, 127–129, Calais, Jehan de, 45n152 130, 197, 198, 199, 200, Calixtus III (pope), 272 209, 218, 235, 245, 277, 368, 403, Cambe, Nicole de le, 42–43 496–497, 499, 666, 668, 679, Cambrai 683 ecclesiastical administration, 157–158 Comme femme desconfortée, 669, 684 geopolitics, 23 Dueil angoisseux, 649, 683 plan-relief, 167–168 Filles a marier, 257 Cambrai cathedral Je ne vis onques la pareille, 241 antiphoner, thirteenth-century, 453–454 Triste plaisir, 649, 683 Assize, 161 Blackburn, Bonnie, 307n247, 661n151 aumosne, 161, 188 Bloxam, M. Jennifer, 610 cantors, 236 Bockholdt, Rudolf, 325, 426, 482–483, 581 cathedral school, 159 Boidin, Nicole, 199, 309 choristers, 20, 25n30 Boileux, Aimé, 163 choristers of, 20, 38–41 Bologna, 81–82, 85, 339–340, 356, 480 Commune sanctorum movements of Trent Bomel, Pierre de, 145 88, 223–224, 225 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16615-8 — Guillaume Du Fay 2 Volume Hardback Set Alejandro Planchart Index More Information Index 911 community of chaplains, 161 Caron, Philippe, 337 copying and repair of chant books, 192–194, Carondelet, Albert de, 162 229, 452–453, 501, 502 Carrillo, Alfonso, 81, 83 copying of polyphony, 190–191, 213–217, Castan, Auguste, 321 271, 297–298, 315–316, 316t7.1, 349, Castoris, Johannes Guillermus, 70 381, 385, 501–503, 505 Cesaris, Jehan, 43 dedication of, 295–298 Chambéry, 125, 126–128 fabric, 161 chansonniers, 629 financial apparatus of, 160–161 chant paraphrase motet, 394 general description of, 162–163 Chapel of St. Stephen, Cambrai, 166, 167, 211, grammar school, 41, 159 235, 281, 298, 301, 304, 306–307, 309, grand métier, 161, 182–183 346, 574–575, 579, 615, 622–624, 625, great vicars, 161 626 hierarchy, 158–159 Chareton, Pierre, 94–95 images of, 164–167, 166f4.4, 167f4.5 Charles d’Orléans, 240, 349, 628, 681 magistri puerorum,40–41, 159, 276–279 Charles the Bold, 276, 277, 280, 285, 623 masters of the small vicars, 269–271, 270t6.1 Charles V, 159 music and liturgy, 1440s, 188–189, 191–192, Charles VII (king of France), 12, 181, 239, 273 194 Charlotte of Savoy, 239, 247 plan of, 163–164, 164f4.2, 165f4.3 Chartier, Alain, 684 polyphonic Mass ordinaries, 297–298 Choron, 320 polyphonic Mass propers, 215–216, 218, Chouet, Barthélemy, 244 345–346, 504–506 Christological symbolism, 595–596, 597, 601 polyphony, propriety of, 452 Christus, Petrus, 235 polyphony after Du Fay’s death, 218, Ciconia, Johannes, 47, 59, 115–116, 120, 349, 318–319, 346 354, 357–358, 394, 399, 470, 473, 632 polyphony before Du Fay, 44–45, 46 O felix templum iubila, 68, 357 rectors, 42 O rosa bella, 633 rota collationis, 159, 160f4.1 Padu...serenans, 476 scholastici,41–42 Ut per te omnes, 67, 357 small vicars, 7–8, 19, 45–46, 62, 161, 269, Circumdederunt me viri mendaces (respon- 275–276, 281, 316–317 sory), 138, 361 statutes of, 38 Clarke, Henry Leland, 26, 204 Cameracy (composer), 44 Clementini, Cesare, 69 Caminet, Marie, 206, 268 Clement VII (pope), 13, 115 Canedoli family, 96, 570 Cleppé, 239, 348 Canner, Laurent, 267n18, 267–268, 337 Clibano, Jacobus de. See Dufour, Jacques canonicate, qualifications for, 12 Cohier, Hotin, 305 cantare supra librum,6 Collemanque, Jehan, 149 cantor,7–8, 18, 331 Cologne, university at, 71 cantus-firmus compositions, 137, 256–257, Colonna, Giovanni, 103 258t5.2, 262, 275, 348, 366, 390, 412, Colonna, Ludovico, 79, 356 593 Colonna, Oddo. See Martin V (pope) cantus fractus, 61, 472 combinative chanson, 656 Carité, Jacques, 286 Comitis, Johannes. See Lecomte, Jehan Carlier, Gilles, 7, 29, 149, 189, 237, 249, 265, Compendium de discantu mensurabili (Petrus 278, 287, 288, 289, 292, 306, 312–313, Frater), 47 337, 342, 459, 460, 462, 463, 540, Compère, Loyset, Omnium bonorum plena, 543–546 285–286 Carnin, Jehan de, 17 composer, as idea, 332 Caron, Firmin, 594 compositional process, 334–335 Caron, Jehan, 287 Concordat of Vienna, 229 Caron, Jehan (1), 337 Concupivit rex decorem tuum (gradual), 68 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16615-8 — Guillaume Du Fay 2 Volume Hardback Set Alejandro Planchart Index More Information 912 Index Condulmaro, Gabriele, 81, 339. See also De la Croix, Jehan (“Monamy”), 134, 187, 189, Eugenius IV (pope) 231, 236, 268–269, 276, 309, 332 Congress of Mantua, 272 De la Rouelle, Toussaint, 113 Conseil, Jehan (“Le Jeune”), 207 Delattre, Victor, 298, 321 Constantinople, fall of, 240 Del Castagno, Andrea, 135 Conzié, François de, 81 De Ligno Quercu. See van Eeckhoute, Rogier Coquillart, Rogier, 63 Del Lago, Giovanni, 320, 506, 510 Corbie. See Jorland, Jehan Della Robbia, Luca, 135 Cordero di Pamparato, Stanislao, 323 Denis (of Sens), 76 Cordier, Baude, 5 De Orto, Marbriano, 428, 435 Cordier, Jehan, 283n117 Des Chevals, Jehan, 113 Córdoba, Juan de, 5, 127 Des Lyons, Reignault, 278, 289 Cordoval, Jehan de.
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