• OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 3 · ~637 . I. Vol. 22-No. 3 SAN F.RANCISCO, CALIFORNIA ~ 151 March, 1963 Governor LaUds ·safety. Effort Local ·3 ·Safety • ·Hailed _Program EDMUND G. BROWN/ §btr ttf Q:alifotui~t . ~ ~QVtRNO~ . GOVERNOR'S OF"F"ICE: ' SACRAMENTO At State Parley· . Operating Engineers Local 3 delegates to ~he Governor's Industrial Safety Conference, held at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, February 7 and 8, reported on their return that Local3's wide-ranging Safety Education Progral!l was prais·ed at the conference and hailed as -a model for other organiza- tions ·to follow. ( Representing Local · 3 at the Febrl.!ary 4, 1963 ·annual sa.fety conference which • drew some 1,500 participants were ViCe Pres. Jerry· Dowd, _ Rec.-Corr. S~c. W. y. Minahan Mr. Al C1em, Business l<lanager . and· Safety Representative Dale · operatin~ Engineers ·Local Union- No. 3 474 Valencia Street, :.. · Marr. Marr was orie of the ·prin­ san Francisco 3, Ca_lifornia cipal speakers at the Friday . morning sessiqn of the Construe- . Dear Al: tion se.ction of the conference. Dowd said that George Sher­ Recent publicity given to your J,atest safety drive reminds fue man, Chief of the California Di­ of' tnc important work ·Local 3 .has been doing_in accident . vision of Industrial Safety, told prevention. I wish ~ to personally comp~i~ent you ~nd all of about the Local 3 Safety Edu­ your members, for your . ,v:tgorgus action in th~ · interest of cation Go·inmittee program in . safety • .. tt is through· t}fe widespr:ead activities of_labor and _. his address to the safety con- . - management in. this a·rea of acc~d~nt prevention that. much ,of our ference. f.uture progress will be made •.· You -may_be . a~sured tha~ I ,am a , .. vigorous- suppor~er of ac·cident prevention programs, in .all o_f . M,E~TING HIGHLIGHT 1 Califori)fa'sgreat industries. :, , , "It was generally -recognized , - '; in the main confereiice sessions • .· __.., <> .Y,ou l a;e;·. ~ -e ~, ' r~m~li~~ : ..of c~·~ .;ie) ·with the ~ annua_ l · Gov.erpor-'• s ,_; ,,;·_ - .·-:-: 1 ·-~."· and ..the ,'- di~cussio i:l: -p ime ls -. that . 'A.:( '·t ·-~ :a· ·..· ,- (; ,."s-:a"'·' ·l~ t..t-· y· '"Co 'L..n··~-e r·· e···n' ·c· e-•a·<n. .., ;;.:l:a tro oc---rs·•\v_· Yta:l: "i¥ol!'e*·:~g.re :l:n' .0 ~~-~"rW-i!~ · ··-~,,_, · ,. ;.:;:.~{.·• · · _ ,_~,. ·r· n ... us :r."" .~. -·. ·e;;: · · - ....... • .. • . · ;. • •• :~, ·. · ,. '•O.Peraiirig ·, Engirt. e efs ''·t't~af ' 3' is · '. .· ·· _; j: am . lo0l<ing ·:- :r-orw~rd -to .the -· Conference i'n ·February· and •hope . one: of · t~e ·leaders ~n - the ft~id ­ '. \ ~· th8t 1.~:c .-: may ·se~- y·o-u A;here · ~ ·, , ·, · · . of .·· construCtion _· saf~ty ," Do·wd·~- - ·.·. ~ r. !. J ! Sincerely · re~:t:~ded that Brother Marr's ' . Lowell 'tVelso·n. detailed rep.ort t~ the Construc­ tion Section on the Local 3 'Safe­ •. ty efforts was undoubtedly one . ·Moves .on to ..... ····· "'·. 19-J r~ · of the highlights of the . meet­ Governor .. - . ing. ED~~- . GOVERNOR SPEAKS New State Job Background fo:r the delibera­ tions on construction safety was Brother Lowell Nelson, a mem· this problem: although· lost-time ber o( Operating Engineers Local • Safety Gui-de injuries in construction work · 3, long-time leader . of labor in Safety E ucation were reduced from more than 90 the Vallejo area and prominent for each 1,000 workers several Published years ago, they have averaged in state labor circles as a vice about 80 per thousand' for the president of the California Labor ·For ~ u·rn-· ·:ons \ ·· etings in March past four years, and. efforts to­ Federation, has ·been ·appointed · ·· ·ward further reduction have not by Gove.rnor Edmund· G. Bi'own ·Local 3's Safety program will be in high g~ar in March, succeeded. to the California Unemployment GHICAGO- The first compre- · 18 Safety Education Committee meetings scheduled in Gov. Edmund G. "Pat" Brown, Insurance Appeals B'oar d. hensive book on accident preven­ with districts. 'l;'he activity is on . ~ . voluntary basis. tion for ~lab~r ·· organization per­ the- various -Continued on Page 5 Nels·on had previously held the -All members interested in the Safety program are 4rged Chief of the Division sonnel has been published b:y\ the ·position of ALL· lV:r.E-E.TINGS SCHEDULED FOR 8:00 P.M. post he N'ational Safety CounciL The re­ 'to· attend. of Housing. In his new Eureka- ,.. · succeeds Ernest B. Webb, re­ sult of six years of·work, the book March 4, 1963 - Operating Engineers Office Bouquet -fot· ·is titled, Safety Guide for Unions. cently appointed to head the Opei:ating Engineers Office 3121 E. Olive " Califo rnia Department of Em· ,. In its 240 pages, union officers, 2806 Broadway- Oakland- . · · E11gine~rs ployment 'committeemen and members will Redding- March 18, 1963 "Lowell Nelson has done an find material for use in promot- March 5; -1963 Labor Temple-Hall M The-following letter has been , outstanding job as head of the , ing both · on-the-Job and · off-the­ Lo.o:F. Hall ."'J>ffl'"' ,,,. 23rd & Valdez Streets received from Charles F. Hanna, . division since 1959," the gover­ _and ap­ job saf~ty . De~eloped ·1417 Butte Street San Mateo­ Chief, California Division of Ap- nor- said. "I know he will bring proved by union safety and occu­ Marysville­ March 19, 1963 prenticeship. Standards: · further distinction · to himself pational health r.pecialists·- and March 7, 1963 Carpenters' Hall Feb. 27, 1!J63 . and the board in his new post" written in an inter-esting, non­ ·Elks' Hall 703 B Street Mr. Al Clem, Editor, Nelson's appointment to the technical ·style-the b<:iok is in­ 920 D Street San Rafae•- · "Engineers News," four-year, $18,743-a-year post re- tended to appeal to all levels of s'acramento­ March 20; 1963 Valencia qljires Sep.ate confirmation. union personnel. · . 474 st., March p, 1963 Operating Engineers Office San F.t;ancisco 3, ·Calif. Before assuming the division Among the 18 chapter headings ' Opei:ating Engineers Office 701 Mission Street Dear Mr. Clem: . post in 1959, Nelson, a plasterer · are "Labor's Stake in Safety," . 2525. Stockton Blvd., Hall 4 Vallejo_:__ of the "Occupational Accidents," "Con­ Congratulations on your Feb- by trade, was secretary Stockton....:... March 21, 1963 Labor ducting a Safety Program," "Pre­ ruary 1963 issue of' "Engineers .. Solano County Central 1 March 12, 1963 Labo1; Temple · vention ''of Off-the-Job Acidents" New~'' in -which you devote so Council and business manager Engineers' Building · · 316 Virginia Street . ..,. of the . Solano County Building and "Hoine Accidei1t · Preven-" m uc h space t o appren tIcesuxp, Auditorium Santa Rosa~ _ tion." with fine articles and pictures. Trades Council. Watsonville­ March 22, 1-963 3 Local 39 are He has been a vice president In a foreword t<i the book, AFL­ . , Both Local and March 13, ,1963 Veterans Memorial Bldg: on ~ their ex- from the 12th 'District (Nortb. • CIO Pres. George Meany says: to be cch~gratulated Veterans· Memorial Bldg. · Bennett Avenue cellent -progress in ~tJ,e training Bay) of the California State Fed- "From its earliest days, the 215 Third Street · Reno_; , . of ,?Pilreritices. · eratiqn of .Labor for 16 years and trade union movement has been Fresno- 'Mqrch 25, -1963 Sil\cerely, is a veteran member of the . =-Continued on Page 10 March 14, 1963 -Conti~ued on Page 2 CHAR:LES F. ~~NNA, Chief -Continued on Page 13 } E N.'(; I t-fE E R S . N EW S March, 1963 LOcal3 Profiles -Death. Takes Hir·ing HaU Headaches • ld_naTimer If You're Working, Heinie Foss · CDon't Keep It Secret One of the ·real old-timers of · Opei·ating Engineers Local 3, All is nqt gold that glitters, and not everyone registered as '"out former Vice ~resident Henry 0. of work" is idle. (Heinie) Foss; passed away Feb. This is a fact that gives our Dispatchers real headaches a;nd 20 at the age of 75 in a San Ra­ seriously hampers the operation of the Local 3 Hiring Hall. And, fael hospital after a long illness. Brothers, you can do something about it. Foss, a nativ·e of Cedarville, Modoc county, Calif., ·worked in A check with Dispatchers at some of our offices reveals that• his youth as a railroad man, then, it takes an average of five telephone calls to fill a fob order. ' . in the age of steam, became a In many cases, the first man on the list is located with the first phone call and is able to take the job. At other times, a succession . to te~·p it, a "shovel-run- of men whose names are on the list are called, and it turns. out they ..... -;,.4·. <eo have returned to their prevfous employer and neglected to report ::.~';; M . ~." ..... "'= .. , - that fact. :;joine<f the Ope1~ ating Engi~:· · JAYNEElEY HAROLD HUSTON neers ; in Ab g.tits L:(9~~ .and held ' "Sometimes you have to make calls over a period. of many · days j office in several of the' Bay' Ar'ea· , before:.You catch up with the man and learn that he is working," The CCC-Civilian Conserva- Harold Huston, District Reprc- said. one Dispatcher. tion Corps- of Depression days sentative in charge of theMar'ys­ locals which were later amalga­ in the '30s provided the spring- ville office, has been a member mated into Local 3. He held nu- "When you have to send out 50 to 75 people a day, as we of Operating Engineers Local 3 merous positions of responsibility . sometimes do, you can see that it -runs into.
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