Updated Source Water Assessment City of Sweet Home PWS #4100851 December 2018 Prepared for: City of Sweet Home Prepared by: Department of Environmental Quality Agency Headquarters 700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 600 Kate Brown, Governor Portland, OR 97232 (503) 229-5696 FAX (503) 229-6124 TTY 711 December 21, 2018 Steve Haney, Project Manager City of Sweet Home PO Box 750 Sweet Home, OR 97386 Greg Springman, Public Works Director City of Sweet Home 1140 12th Avenue Sweet Home, OR 97386 Re: Updated Source Water Assessment for PWS # 4100851 Dear Mr. Haney and Mr. Springman, On behalf of the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is pleased to provide your community with important information in this Updated Source Water Assessment. The updated assessment is intended to provide information and resources to assist you and your community to implement local drinking water protection efforts. Since the first source water assessments were completed in 2005, state agencies have significantly expanded analytical capabilities, including more detailed data for analyzing natural characteristics and potential pollutant sources. DEQ is currently completing the updated assessments for surface water systems and OHA is updating the groundwater system assessments. As you know, assuring safe drinking water depends on public water suppliers implementing multiple successful practices. First, protect the drinking water source. Second, practice effective water treatment. Third, conduct regular monitoring for contaminants to assure safety. Fourth, protect the distribution system piping and finished water storage from recontamination. Finally, practice competent water system operation, maintenance, and construction. These practices are collectively called “multiple barrier public health protection”. Source water protection is an important first step because starting with the best possible quality source water helps assure that water treatment can be effective at all times. Source water protection is accomplished by effective state public health programs, environmental protection, land use policies, pro-active land stewardship, and by implementation of local drinking water protection efforts. The susceptibility of the public drinking water system source depends on both the natural conditions in the watershed as well as the anthropogenic activities in the watershed. This letter, with attached figures and technical information, constitutes your Updated Source Water Assessment. It supplements your original Source Water Assessment (link here: http://www.deq.state.or.us/wq/dwp/swrpts.asp ). One of the most important assets a public water system can have is accurate source water area mapping and visual resources to share with the community citizens and officials. The figures include a new regional map view of your watershed, topographic basemap with the source area delineated, and maps with natural characteristics, anthropogenic land uses, potential sources of pollutants, and historic landslides. Information on anthropogenic land uses in a drinking water source area is important for evaluating potential pollutant sources and working with stakeholders upstream. Tables are provided that include a summary of the types of potential pollutant sources present in your drinking water source area. There are also a variety of resources included in this document to assist you with drinking water source protection efforts. Appendix #1 provides a summary of how to use the information provided in the assessment to move forward to develop and implement source water protection. Appendix #3 lists websites and resources available to public water systems and community members seeking technical assistance for work on watershed protection. Appendix #4 provides brief descriptions and contact information for grants and loans to fund both drinking water infrastructure and source protection projects. State agency resources are available to help you with mapping and information needs. Larger sizes of the source area maps and more details of landslide potential and other natural characteristics are available for you upon request (contact Julie Harvey at 503-229-5664). DEQ is currently developing “Resource Guides” with more extensive information to assist public water systems in protecting their source waters. The Surface Water Resource Guide is posted at http://www.oregon.gov/deq/wq/programs/Pages/dwp.aspx. For direct assistance and/or additional information regarding watershed protection, call Julie Harvey at DEQ (503-229-5664). For more information on drinking water policies and procedures, call Casey Lyon at OHA (541-726-2587). Sincerely, Julie Harvey, Drinking Water Protection Coordinator Water Quality Division Cc: Casey Lyon, Technical Services Manager, Oregon Health Authority Figure 1. Santiam Subbasin Public Water Systems (PWSs) Drinking Water Source Areas and Adjacent Source Areas 4100537 214 City of Monmouth ¬« Well #1 (Primary in Marrion County) 4100843 4100493 Stayton Water Supply Lyons Mehama Water District 4100954 §¨¦5 North Santiam River North Santiam River 4100257 City of Wilsonville §¨¦5 4100731 4193461 Detroit Water System Willamette River 99E Salem Public Works Breitenbush Hot Springs «¬ Breitenbush River (Summer only) 4100408 North Santiam River (I.G.) Breitenbush River City of Jefferson 4100257 ¬«164 «¬226 Santiam River 4100317 Detroit Water System City of Gates Mackey Creek - Intake #1 99E 4100012 North Santiam River 99W «¬ 4100394 «¬ ¤£20 City of Albany «¬226 Idanha City Water ¤£20 Santiam River Spring (Rainbow Creek) «¬99E «¬99W Mud Puppy Creek ¤£20 «¬34 ¤£20 4100225 «¬34 ¤£20 4100851 «¬99W City of Corvallis City of Sweet Home Willamette River 4100473 Intake - Foster Lake Dam City of Lebanon 5 Santiam Canal (South Santiam River) 99W §¨¦ «¬ «¬99E «¬22 §¨¦5 126 «¬126 ¤£20 ¬« ¤£20 ¤£20 4100540 ¤£20 228 City of Monroe «¬ Long Tom River NWa o te: tershedarea for intakess upstrea mof ea c hPW intake S's are inc ludedindrinking its wasource ter area126 Activities . and impac in the ts sourcearea «¬forupstrea mwa usersalso ter ha ve 99W 4100839 «¬ 99E thepotential impacto do t wnstrea mwa users. ter «¬ Rainbow Water District W a system ter s in the sam e subb a sin a re 242 enc o uraged to wo rk together as they mo ve «¬ 99 Well #2_(Chase_Wellfield) «¬ forwawith rd developing protec tionstrategies. «¬99 Miles Thisda ana ta lysiswa co s nd uctedforstrategic planning purposes indrinking wa protec other ter tion.usesIf are co nsideredfotheda plear ta, seco ntacDEQ’s t 1:486,794 DrinkingWa Protec ter tionProgram fordetails on ho wthisquery wa performedimportantis s undtoIt erstand . thelimitations and qualifica tionsof queries ensureto 0 2.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 a ppropriateinterpretation ofdaNo this wa ta. rrantyexpressed impliedor mais d erega rdingtheac cThis urac utility. ydisclaimeror applies bo indto th ividualuseof Legend theda and ta aggrega usewith te other da ta. po Rivers(1:250,000) Interstate Orego nDeptof Environm entalQuality/Environm entalSolutions Division/Wa Quality ter Program Drinking Wa Protec ter tionProgram Projec /GIS. tion:Orego n SantiamSubb a sinIntake W a terbo d ies Lam(Lam b ert Co b ert nformaCo l nic)GCS_N o rth_America n_1983,Da D_No tum: rth_America n_1983File:\\deqhq1\dwp\SW Reports A Plan\Upda& SW te SW A RoutesU .S. 2016\PW SReports\GISW illam etteBasin\Subb a sin\GISN o rthSantiam \USW A_Fig1_No rthSantiam _LargeSca leBasinP W SV icinity.mxd !. Surfac eWa Intake ter U rba nGrowth Bound a(2010) ry P reparedby:cc h10OCT2018 Ground waDrinking ter Wa Source ter Area CountyBound a ry Orego nRoutes N oon te Base Layer: The hillsha d eco loreffec sho t wnhere theofisresult ad d itionaproc l essingofdigital eleva tionmo d elsmeter(DEM30 grid)- da from ta 1:24000 SantiamSubb a sinDrinking Wa Source ter Area topographicma"hillshaA ps. d e”wa prod s ucedand first then co lorad justedThe . origina DEM l files were developed by theOR ofDept.Add Forestry. itiona l proc essingof thehillsha d eda with ta Red Green, , Blue (RGB)co lorschem eresulted inthe "orsha d e.sid"da displayed taset here. The da providedisset ta foruseby N ea rbyDrinking Wa Source ter Area s theOrego nGeo spatialDa Center. ta W illamRiver ette Basin µ Figure 2a. City of Sweet Home (PWS 4100851) Drinking Water Source Areas with Erosion Potential for Management!. Activities with Soil Surface Disturbance (See Appendix 2 for Key to map details and metadata) For this For assessm ent,DEQ used three methods evafor lua tingsoil erosionpotential depending on the overall slope of the la nd !.!. Legend surface,extent ofsoil disturba nceand da taava ila bility.Strea m s !. a ndla kes/reservoirstha tha vem oderateto very severe soil po CitySweetof Hom eIntake erosionha za rdpotential within 300 feet of surface wa terare S urfa ceWa terIntake m a ppedtoprovide an estim a teareaof swhere la ndma na gem ent !. µ a ctivitiesma yim pa ctstrea mErosion s. control mea sures(BMPs) CitySweetof Hom Tim8hr e: eTravelof intaketo m a ybe necessa in rythese area Ma s. psand da taofsoil qua lities (10.8mBuffer) i withoutthe 300-foot strea mbuffer in loca area l sca nbe provided CitySweetof Hom eDrinking Wa terSource Area topublic wa tersystem sand com m unitiesif additiona detail l or Nea rbyDrinking Wa terSource Area s sca leisneeded plafor ceba sedpla nning.See Appendix Note 2, W illa m etteRiver Basin 4 for additionafor 4 informa l tion. S trea m snea soils r with significa nterosion potential. Erosioncontrol mea sures(BMPs) ma ybe necessalafor ry ndma na gem entactivites tha t disturblea or veba soils re inthese area s. S trea mLakes s& (NHD)with significa nterosion potentialfrom substantial soil(50-75%) surfa ce disturba nce(NRCS off-road/off-trail ratings; see AppendixNote 2, 4b). S trea mLakes s& (NHD)with significa nterosion potentialfrom intensive (>75%)soil surfa ce disturba nce(i.e.tilled ba or soils) re (NRCS - RUS LE2/ODA-EVI;see Appendix Note2 4a). S trea m s(NHD)with significa nterosion potential (slope>30%using US FSSRI da NRCS ta, S S URGOda tanot ava liable;see Appendix Note2 4c). W illa m etteBasin Strea m s(NHD) po!.
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