![Arxiv:Gr-Qc/9912116V1 29 Dec 1999 H Ugse Htλcnvr 7.I H E.[]Acos- a [8] State Ref](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The algebraic structure of a cosmological term in spherically symmetric solutions I. G. Dymnikova Institute of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics, University of Olsztyn, 10-561 Olsztyn, Poland We propose to describe the dynamics of a cosmological term in the spherically symmetric case by an r-dependent second rank symmetric tensor Λµν invariant under boosts in the radial direction. This proposal is based on the Petrov classification scheme and Einstein field equations in the spherically symmetric case. The inflationary equation of state p = −ρ is satisfied by the radial pressure, Λ Λ Λ µ pr = −ρ . The tangential pressure p⊥ is calculated from the conservation equation Λν;µ = 0. PACS numbers: 04.70.Bw, 04.20.Dw Developments in particles and quantum field theory, in itself. However, it is possible for a stress-energy tensor as well as the confrontation of models with observations other than Λgµν. in cosmology [1], compellingly favour treating the cosmo- The aim of this letter is to show what the algebraic logical constant Λ as a dynamical quantity. structure of a cosmological term can be in the spherically The Einstein equations with a cosmological term read symmetric case, as suggested by the Petrov classification scheme [10] and by the Einstein field equations. Gµν +Λgµν = −8πGTµν (1) In the spherically symmetric static case a line element can be written in the form [11] where Gµν is the Einstein tensor, Tµν is the stress-energy tensor of a matter, and Λ is the cosmological constant. ds2 = eµ(r)dt2 − eν(r)dr2 − r2dΩ2 (2) In the absence of matter described by Tµν , Λ must be constant, since the Bianchi identities guarantee vanishing where dΩ2 is the line element on the unit sphere. The µν covariant divergence of the Einstein tensor, G ;ν = 0. Einstein equations are In quantum field theory, the vacuum stress-energy ten- t −ν ′ − 2 2 sor has the form < Tµν >=< ρvac > gµν which behaves 8πGTt = e (ν /r 1/r )+1/r (3) like a cosmological term with Λ = 8πGρvac. − ′ The idea that Λ might be variable has been studied for 8πGT r = −e ν(µ /r +1/r2)+1/r2 (4) more than two decades (see [2,3] and references therein). r In a recent paper on Λ-variability, Overduin and Coop- erstock distinguish three approaches [4]. In the first ap- θ φ 8πGTθ =8πGTφ = proach Λgµν is shifted onto the right-hand side of the field equations (1) and treated as part of the matter content. − ′′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ This approach, characterized by Overduin and Cooper- −e ν(µ /2+ µ 2/4 + (µ − ν )/2r − µ ν /4) (5) stock as being connected to dialectic materialism, goes back to Gliner who interpreted Λgµν as corresponding to A prime denotes differentiation with respect to r. vacuum stress-energy tensor with the equation of state In the case of − arXiv:gr-qc/9912116v1 29 Dec 1999 p = ρ [5], to Zel’dovich who connected Λ with the grav- −1 itational interaction of virtual particles [6], and to Linde Tµν = (8πG) Λgµν = ρvacgµν (6) who suggested that Λ can vary [7]. In the ref. [8] a cos- the solution is the de Sitter geometry with constant pos- mological model was proposed with the equation of state itive curvature R = 4Λ. The line element is varying from p = −ρ to p = ρ/3. In contrast, idealistic − approach prefers to keep Λ on the left-hand side of the Λr2 Λr2 1 ds2 = 1 − dt2 − 1 − dr2 − r2dΩ2 (7) Eq.(1) and treat it as a constant of nature. The third 3 3 approach, allowing Λ to vary while keeping it on the left- hand side as a geometrical entity, was first applied by The algebraic structure of the stress-energy tensor (6), Dolgov in a model in which a classically unstable scalar corresponding to a cosmological term Λgµν , is field, non-minimally coupled to gravity, develops a neg- t r θ φ ative energy density cancelling the initial positive value Tt = Tr = Tθ = Tφ , (8) of a cosmological constant Λ [9]. Whenever variability of Λ is possible, it requires and the equation of state is the presence of some matter source other than Tµν = −1 µν p = −ρ (9) (8πG) Λgµν , since the conservation equation G ;ν =0 implies Λ = const in this case. This requirement makes In the Petrov classification scheme [10] stress-energy it impossible to introduce a cosmological term as variable tensors are classified on the basis of their algebraic 1 structure. When the elementary divisors of the matrix with ∞ Tµν − λgµν (i.e., the eigenvalues of Tµν ) are real, the M =4π ρ(r)r2dr < ∞ (16) eigenvectors of Tµν are nonisotropic and form a comoving Z0 reference frame. Its timelike vector represents a velocity. The classification of the possible algebraic structures of If we impose the boundary condition of de Sitter be- haviour (7) at r → 0, the form of the mass function stress-energy tensors satisfying the above conditions con- M(r) in the limit of small r must be [13–15] tains five possible types: [IIII],[I(III)], [II(II)], [(II)(II)], 3 3 [(IIII)]. The first symbol denotes the eigenvalue related M(r)=(Λ/6G)r = (4π/3)ρvacr (17) to the timelike eigenvector. Parentheses combine equal For any density profile satisfying conditions (16)-(17), (degenerate) eigenvalues. A comoving reference frame is the metric (14) describes a globally regular de Sitter- defined uniquely if and only if none of the spacelike eigen- Schwarzschild geometry, asymptotically Schwarzschild as values λ (α =1, 2, 3) coincides with a timelike eigenvalue α r → ∞ and asymptotically de Sitter as r → 0 [15,16]. λ . Otherwise there exists an infinite set of comoving ref- 0 The fundamental difference from the Schwarzschild erence frames. case is that there are two horizons, a black hole hori- In this scheme the de Sitter stress-energy tensor (6) is zon r and an internal Cauchy horizon r− [13,14,12]. A represented by [(IIII)] (all eigenvalues being equal) and + critical value of the mass M exists, at which the hori- classified as a vacuum tensor due to the absence of a crit zons come together. This gives a lower limit for the black preferred comoving reference frame. An observer mov- hole mass. ing through the de Sitter vacuum (6) cannot in principle Depending on the value of the mass M, there exist measure his velocity with respect to it, since his comoving three types of configurations in which a Schwarzschild reference frame is also comoving for (6) [5]. singularity is replaced with Λ core [15,16]: 1) A Λ black In the spherically symmetric case it is possible, by hole (ΛBH) for M >M [17]; 2) An extreme ΛBH for the same definition, to introduce an r-dependent vacuum crit M = M ; 3) A ”Λ particle” (ΛP) - a particle-like struc- stress-energy tensor with the algebraic structure [12] crit ture without horizons ”made up” of a self-gravitating φ t r θ spherically symmetric vacuum (10) - for M <Mcrit. Tt = Tr ; Tθ = Tφ (10) In the course of Hawking evaporation, a ΛBH loses its In the Petrov classification scheme this stress-energy ten- mass and the configuration evolves towards a ΛP [15]. sor is denoted by [(II)(II)]. It has an infinite set of comov- De Sitter-Schwarzschild configurations are plotted in ing reference frames, since it is invariant under rotations Fig.1 for the case of the density profile [12,15] in the (r, t) plane. Therefore an observer moving through Λ 3 4π ρvac 3 it cannot in principle measure the radial component of his ρ(r)=8πGΛexp − r = ρvac exp − r velocity. The stress-energy tensor (10) describes a spher- 6GM 3 M ically symmetric anisotropic vacuum invariant under the (18) boosts in the radial direction [12]. The mass function in the metric (14) then takes the form The conservation equation T µν = 0 gives the r- Λ ;ν M(r)= M 1 − exp − r3 (19) dependent equation of state [13,12] 6GM pr = −ρ; p⊥ = pr + (r/2)(dpr/dr) (11) t − r where ρ = Tt is the density, pr = Tr is the radial pres- − θ − φ sure, and p⊥ = Tθ = Tφ is the tangential pressure. In this case equations (3)-(4) reduce to the equation − ′ 8πGρ = e ν(r)(ν /r − 1/r2)+1/r2 (12) whose solution is M r −ν(r) 2G (r) 2 g00 = e =1 − ; M(r)= ρ(x)x dx r Z0 (13) and the line element is − ds2 = (1−2GM(r)/r)dt2 −(1−2GM(r)/r) 1dr2 −r2dΩ2 (14) If we require the density ρ(r) to vanish as r → ∞ − quicker then r 3, then the metric (14) for large r has FIG. 1. The metric coefficient g00(r) for de Sit- the Schwarzschild form ter-Schwarzschild configurations in the case of the density profile (18). The parameter m is the mass M normalized 1/2 g00(r)=1 − 2GM/r (15) to Mcrit ≃ 0.3MPl(ρPl/ρΛ) . 2 The stress-energy tensor (10) responsible for the ΛBH The conformal diagram shown in Fig.2 represents the and ΛP solutions connects in a smooth way two vacuum global structure of de Sitter-Schwarzschild spacetime in states: de Sitter vacuum (6) at the origin and Minkowski the case of any smooth density profile ρ(r) satisfying vacuum Tµν = 0 at infinity. The vacuum equation of conditions (16)-(17). In the case of discontinuous den- state (9) remains valid for the radial component of a pres- sity profile ρ(r) = ρPlΘ(rm − r) corresponding to di- sure. This makes it possible to treat the stress-energy rect matching of de Sitter to Schwarzschild metric at the tensor (10) as corresponding to an r-dependent cosmo- junction surface r = rm [13,14], the asymptotically flat logical term Λµν , varying from Λµν = Λgµν as r → 0 to regions are connected through a black hole interior to a Λµν = 0 as r → ∞, and satisfying the equation of state baby universe arising inside a black hole [14].
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