Deliverable D1.12 Final report on quality control and data homogenization measures applied per country, including QC protocols and measures to determine the achieved increase in data quality Contract number: OJEU 2010/S 110-166082 Deliverable: D1.12 Author: Tamás Szentimrey et al. Date: 5-06-2012 Version: final CARPATCLIM Date Version Page Report 02/10/2012 final 2 List of authors per country Hungarian Meteorological Service: Tamás Szentimrey, Mónika Lakatos, Zita Bihari, Tamás Kovács Szent Istvan University (Hungary): Sándor Szalai Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics (Austria): Ingeborg Auer, Johann Hiebl Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia: Janja Milković Czech Hydrometeorological Institute: Petr Štěpánek, Pavel Zahradníček, Radim Tolasz Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (Poland): Piotr Kilar, Robert Pyrc, Danuta Limanowka Ministry for Environment National Research and Development Institute for Environmental Protection (Romania): Sorin Cheval, Monica Matei Slovak Hydrometeorological Service: Peter Kajaba, Gabriela Ivanakova, Oliver Bochnicek, Pavol Nejedlik, Pavel Štastný Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia: Dragan Mihic, Predrag Petrovic, Tatjana Savic Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute: Oleg Skrynyk, Yurii Nabyvanets, Natalia Gnatiuk CARPATCLIM Date Version Page Report 02/10/2012 final 3 INTRODUCTION The homogenization, the data quality control and the data completion were implemented by common software on national level. According to the service contract and the accepted deliverables D1.7, D1.8, D1.11 the common method was MASH (Multiple Analysis of Series for Homogenization; Szentimrey, 1999, 2008, 2011). Between the neighbouring countries there was an exchange of the near border station data series in order to cross-border harmonization. 1. THE SOFTWARE MASHV3.03 The MASH software, which was developed for homogenization of monthly and daily data series, includes also quality control and missing data completion units for the daily as well as the monthly data. Depending on the climate elements, additive or multiplicative model can be used. The new version of the software is MASHv3.03 that includes new developments for automation. These automatic ‘user friendly’ procedures make the homogenization easier for the users. The participants of the project have received this software with the manual (Szentimrey, 2011). 1.1 The procedure for homogenization of daily series by MASHv3.03 The most important properties of the method MASH were described in the deliverables D1.7, D1.8 submitted to the JRC. The main steps of homogenization of daily series with quality control and missing data completion are as follows. 1. Monthly series from daily series. 2. MASH homogenization procedure for monthly series, estimation of monthly inhomogeneities. Meta data can be used automatically. 3. On the basis of estimated monthly inhomogeneities, smooth estimation for daily inhomogeneities. 4. Automatic correction of daily series. 5. Automatic quality control (QC) for homogenized daily data. 6. Automatic missing daily data completion. 7. Monthly series from homogenized, controlled, completed daily data. 8. Test of homogeneity for the new monthly series by MASH. During the procedure the results as detected break points and errors, estimated corrections and certain verification test results are documented in automatically generated tables. CARPATCLIM Date Version Page Report 02/10/2012 final 4 1.2 The result files of the MASH procedure Two types of the results can be differentiated. A, The first type is, output files of the homogenized, controlled and completed series, inhomogeneity series, detected breaks, detected errors. These output files are possessed by the implementing countries. B, The second type is, output files of test results, verification tables in order to evaluate the homogenization procedure: • In the verification tables: test statistics before and after homogenization, statistics to characterize the modification of series, the spatial representativity of the station network etc. • Tables of quality control results for daily data. Information of quality control and homogenization procedure performed can be tracked on these tables. The summary of them can be added to the homogenized series as the newly created metadata 2. WORKING PLAN IN MODULE 1.3 FOR HOMOGENIZATION BY MASH The main steps for creation of station data series of meteorological variables listed in Table 1. (Annex I – Technical Specifications, Contract Notice 2010/S 110-166082 dated 9 June 2010) The homogenization, the data quality control and the data completion was made on national level, implemented by the common software MASH. Between the neighbouring countries the near border station data series was exchanged in order to cross-border harmonization. I. Compilation of the raw station data series. 1. Selection of the stations (with the spherical coordinates: φ, λ), determination of the time period (1961-2010). 2. Collecting the daily station data series (missing data are allowed) and the metadata per countries. Exchange of the near border station data series and the metadata between the neighbouring countries. II. Homogenization, quality control, data completion for the station data series by MASH on national level, with using the near border data. 1. Derivation of monthly station data series from the daily station data series collected in I.2. Homogenization, quality control, data completion of the monthly station data series. 2. Daily station data series (I.2): homogenization, quality control, data completion. This procedure is based on the results of II.1. 3. Exchange of the near border homogenized data for cross-border harmonization and for gridding (Module 2: modelling, interpolation). 4. Evaluation of the results of the homogenization and quality control. Controlling of the cross-border harmonization of the data series. The cross-border harmonization will be continued after modelling procedure of gridding in Module 2. CARPATCLIM Date Version Page Report 02/10/2012 final 5 3. THE METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES AND THE RESULT FILES According to Annex I – Technical Specifications, Contract Notice 2010/S 110-166082 dated 9 June 2010 – the minimum set of meteorological variables in daily temporal resolution to be provided is as follows: Ta : 2 m mean daily air temperature Tmin: Minimum air temperature Tmax: Maximum air temperature p: Accumulated total precipitation DD: 10 m wind direction, Degrees (0-360) VV: 10 m horizontal wind speed, m/s Sunshine: Sunshine duration, hours cc: Cloud cover, tenths Rglobal: Global radiation MJ/m2/day RH: Relative humidity, % pvapour: Surface vapour pressure, hPa pair: Surface air pressure, hPa Snow depth: Snow depth, mm The homogenization, the data quality control and the data completion procedures were applied for almost all the above variables. 3.1 Some remarks on the variables 3.1.1 Daily mean temperature The homogenized Ta is calculated as the arithmetic mean of homogenized Tmin and T max . 3.1.2 Daily mean wind speed and direction (VV, DD) The following algorithm was developed for homogenization of daily mean wind speed and wind vector direction: i, Calculation of the daily mean wind speed series, ( ) ( = = ) j tz t ,..,1 n; j ,...,1 N (t: day, j: station) ii, Calculation of the daily mean wind vector series, ( ) = [ ( ) ( )]T ( = = ) v j t u j t ,v j t t ,..,1 n; j 1,..., N ( ) ( ) ( ) The series j tz , u j , j tvt are homogenized together! CARPATCLIM Date Version Page Report 02/10/2012 final 6 ( ) ( = = ) iii, Homogenization of the wind speed series zj t t 1,..,n; j 1,..., N (MASH, multiplicative ( ) ( = = ) model). Let the homogenized series be: zH, j t t 1,..,n; j 1,..., N ( ) ( ) iv, Correction of the component series u j t ,v j t based on the homogenized wind speed series ( ) zH, j t : z (t) z (t) u ()t = H, j ⋅u ()t , v ()t = H, j ⋅ v() t (if z() t ≠ 0) zH , j () j zH , j () j zj t zj t v, Homogenization of corrected component series systems - u (t) (t = 1,..,n; j = 1,..., N ) (MASH, additive model), zH , j - v (t) (t = 1,..,n; j = 1,..., N ) (MASH, additive model). zH , j vi, Calculation of the homogenized daily “vectorial mean” meteorological wind direction series φ ( ) ( ) MET ,,H j ()t from the homogenized component series uH, j t , vH, j t . 3.1.3 Daily global radiation Homogenized Rglobal is calculated from homogenized sunshine duration mostly. However the verification statistics were produced for Rglobal before and after the homogenization alike. 3.1.4 Daily snow depth The related item from the “Minutes of the 5th meeting of CARPATCLIM project,Gödöllő, Hungary, 2-3 April”: “The discussion with the representative of ZAMG gave the conclusion, that as far as the harmonised and gridded temperature and precipitation data will be ready, based on these fields and snow depth data how they are (should not be homogenised for any case), the snow map calculation and verification (according to the existing snow depth data) can be started.” 3.2 The homogenized variables and the result files As a consequence of the former remarks we had altogether 12 variables to be homogenized. Results for the different variables are in Annex 1-12: maximum air temperature (1), minimum air temperature (2), precipitation sum (3), relative humidity (4), cloud cover (5), surface vapour pressure (6), surface air pressure (7), sunshine duration (8), global radiation (9), wind speed (10), wind direction, component U (11), wind direction, component V (12). The homogenization by MASH was performed per countries using near border data series. The homogenized, corrected, completed output daily data files are possessed by the implementing countries, but some important result tables are enclosed in Annex 1-12. There are three type of the tables: • Station parameters of the series systems. CARPATCLIM Date Version Page Report 02/10/2012 final 7 • Test statistics before (TSB) and after homogenization (TSA) together with certain statistics, which characterize the modification of the series. The statistics were calculated for the monthly, seasonal and annual series automatically during the procedures (II.1 in section 2). The statistics calculated for the annual series are presented in Annex 1-12.
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