TARIFF SCHEDULES OF THE UNITED STATES ALPHABETICAL INDEX 447 TARIFF SCHEDULES OF THE UNITED STATES 449 References to References to Tariff Schedules Tariff Schedules A ABACA 30U.02-0U ACID(S) —Continued ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE ARTICEES Sch 5 Ft IG fatty, of animal or vegetable origin—Con. abrasive wheels mounted on frameworks, salts of— hand or pedal operated 6i<9.39 quaternary ammonium 1+65.15-20 nspf 519.81-86 sodium and potassium 1+65.25-30 ACCESSORIES (see PARTS, specific article of other 1+90.30-50 which accessory, or name of accessory) gluconic, and its compounds 1+37-51-52 ACCORDIONS 725.1U-16 glycerophosphoric, and its compounds 1+37.51+ ACCOUNTING MACHINES incorporating calculating inorganic 1+16.05-1+0 mechanism 676.1S-25 organic, including halogenated, hydroxy, ACENAPHTHENE li01.02 sulfonated and other substituted and ACETALDEHIDE U27.U0 unsubstituted acids 1+25-70-98 ACETALS ii29.00 monohydric alcohol esters of 1+28+50-72 ACETANILIDE— polyhydric alcohol esters of 1+28.30-1+6 suitable for medicinal use U07.02 salts of I+26.IO-I+27.28 other k03.60 salicylic— ACETATE(S) — suitable for medicinal use 1+07.12 amyl lt28.SO other 1+03-60 benzyl 1+08.05 tannic, containing of tannic acid— butyl 1+28.52 under 50 percent 1+25.98 calcium 1+26.10 50 percent or more 1+37-68-69 cellulose 1+1+5.20 ACONITE 1+35-05-10 copper 1+26.28 ACRIDINE 1+01.01+ ethyl 1+28.58 ACRTLATES AND METHACRTLATES 1+28.62-66 lead 1+26.36 ACRYIIC RESINS 1+1+5.05 nickel 1+26.58 ACRTLONITRILE— 1+25.00 sodium 1+26.86 resins l+i+5.10 vinyl 1+28.68 ACTIVATED CLAY 521.87 Other (classifiable according to cation ACYL HALIDES 1+27-30 constituent under "Salts of organic ADDING MACHINES 676.23 acids" 1+26.10-1+27.28 ADDRESSING MACHINES 676.10-12 and under "Esters of acids and ADHESIVES (see CEMENTS) monohydrio alcohols") • 1+28.50-72 ADZES 61+8.67 ACETIC ACID J+25.70 AERATING machinery for beverages 662.10-20 ACETIC ANHIDRIDE 1+26.00 AEROSOL THERAPT APPARATUS 709-1+5 ACETONE 1+27.60 AGAR AGAR i+55.02 ACETPHENETIDINE (Phenacetin) 1+07.20 AGGLOMERATING MACHINEEI— ACETYLENE GAS GENERATORS, with or without for solid mineral fuels, ceramic paste, purifiers '• 660.20-22 unhardened cements, plastering materials, ACETn,SALICTLIC ACID (Aspirin) 1+07-25 or other mineral products in powder or ACID ANHYDRIDE(S) — paste form 678.20 phthalic 1+03.08 AGRICULTURAL— other 1+26.00-01+ hand tools Sch 6 Pt 3E ACID(S) — implements 666.00 aminoacetic 1+25.01+ tractors 692.30 barbituric, and its compounds 1+37.36-1+0 AIR— benzoic— compressors 661.10-15 suitable for medicinal use 1+07.06 conditioning machines 661.20 other 1+03.50 pistols, rifles, and arms 730.85-86 carbolic 1+03 -1+0 pumps 66I.IO-I5 color, benzenoid I+O6.60 AIRCRAFT AND SPACECRAFT Sch 6 Ft 6C cresylic 1+01.2l+j 1+03-1+2 airplanes, model 737-05-15 dibasic— under bond, for races and contests 861+.35 amides, amines, esters, and ethers of, ALABASTER, articles of 513.91+ sulfonated or sulfated 1+65-90 ALARMS, electrical 685.70 diethylbarbituric, and its compounds 1*37-38 ALBUMEN— fatty, of animal or vegetable origin 1(90.10-26 blood, dried I9O.IO sulfonated or sulfated and salts egg 119-65-70 thereof 1+65 -35-1+0 nspf 190.15 amides and amines of 1+65.15-20 ALBUMS 256.60 sulfonated or sulfated 1+65.55-60 ALCOHOL MANTLES 755.30 esters of 1+90.90-91+ ALCOHOL(S) — polyhydric alcohol 1+65.05-10 ethyl— sulfonated or sulfated 1+65.55-60 for beverage purposes I68.30-31 ethers of— not for beverage purposes 1+27-88 polyhydric alcohol 1+65.05-10 fatty, of animal or vegetable origin 1+90.65-75 sulfonated or sulfated 1+65.55-60 sulfonated or sulfated and salts ether-esters of, polyhydric alcohol 1+65.05-10 thereof 1+65.1+5-50 TARIFF SCHEDULES OF THE UNITED STATES 450 References to References to Tariff Schedules Tariff Schedules ALCOHOL(S) —Continued ANATOMY— monohydric, unsubstituted l4.27.70-U28.12 anatomical parts, human, prepared for ethers of I428.9O-96 diagnostic or therapeutic purposes I437.76 phenethyl IjOS.iiO preparations of 190.80 polyhydric (including glycols, polyglycols, ANCHOR(S) 652.03 diols and polyols) lj28.30-146 chain 652.21 of polysaccharides and rare ANCHOVIES (see FISH) saccharides ij.93.68 ANEMOMETERS— esters, ethers and ester-ethers and electrical 712.25-27 substituted derivatives of— non-electrical— fatty acids UeS.Og-lO meteorological 710.26-27 organic acids l428.30-li6 non-meteorologic 711.82-83 ALDEHYDE AMMONIA J425.O2 ANETHOL I46O.15 ALDEHYDES 1427.140-58 ANGLES (see SECTIONS) ALDOL OR ACETALDOL 1427.242 ANILINE RESINS . I4O5.25 ALE 167.05 ANIMAL— ginger 166.20 feeds Sch 1, Pt 15C ALGINATE, sodium I426.88 glue r I455.140-142 ALIZARIN, natural I4O6.6O oils, fats, and greases (see OILS, FATS, ALKALOIDS and their compounds I437.OO-2I4 AND GREASES) ALKANOLAMINES 1425.00-52 substances— ALfCYB RESINS— crude, nspf 191.15 nonbenzenoid I4I45.50 crude or advanced, having therapeutic phthalic I4O5.25 or medicinal properties Sch I4, Pt 3 ALL-OVERS, textile Sch 3, Pt I4B Hdnte 1 fatty Sch I4 Pts 8A, 13A ALLOYS (see also METALS) — waxes I49I4.02-08 ferroceriurn and other pyrophoric 755-35 ANIMALS— ALLIL— domesticated, straying or pastured across alcohol 1*27.70 border 100.03-014 resins I4i45.l5 entered under bond for breeding, ALMOND(S) (see also NUTS) 1145.12; lUS.UO-Ul exhibition, or competition for prizes 86I4.6O oil- game— bitter I452.02 for stocking purposes 100.05 sweet 176.58 killed abroad by U.S. residents 813.20 paste 1145.14! live Sch 1 Pt 1 ALOES I435.05-10 or parts thereof, mounted or stuffed 190.68 ALTARS— pure bred, for breeding purposes 100.01 miniature, of rubber or plastics . 772.97 wild, for scientific public collection 852.20 for religious institutions 850.70 ANISE— ALUMINA I4I7.I2 oil I452.OI4 ALUMINUM (see also METALS) — spice 161.01 compounds— ANNATO, dyeing and tanning preparations I47O.05 salts of organic acids I426.O8 ANODE COPPER 612.03 other I4I7.10-18 ANODES— foil or leaf 6I4I4.06-12; 6I4I4.6I4-76 metal, unwrought Sch 6 Pt 2 Hdnte 3(a) ore (bauxite) 60I.O6 nickel, electroplating 620.50 AMBER AND AMBEROID I88.3O zinc, for cathodic protection or for AMBERGRIS I460.10 electroplating 653.25 AMERICAN FISHERIES, products of Sch 1, Pt 15A ANTHRACENE— AMIDES AND AMINES— having a purity by weight of— dibasic-acid, sulfonated or sulfated 1465.90 less than 30^ I4OI.O6 fatty, of animal or vegetable origin 1465.15-20 30^ or more I4O3.O2 sulfonated or sulfated 1465.55-60 oil I4OI .08 other I425.00-52 ANTIBIOTICS I437.30-32 AMINES (see AMIDES AND AMINES) ANTIFRICTION BALLS AND ROLLERS 680.30 AMINOACETIC ACID 1*25.0I4 ANTIMACASSARS— AMINO RESINS 1(145.35 of rubber or plastics 772.35 AMINOTRIAZOLE I425.O6 of textile materials Sch 3 Pt 5C AMMONIA— ANTIMONY (see also METALS) — aldehyde 1425.02 compounds— alum I4I7.IO potassium tartrate I426.72 aqua and liquid anhydrous I4I7.20-22 salts of organic acids I427.28 compounds I4I7. 2O-I4I4 other l4l7.50-5il AMMUMITION 730.90-93 metal 632.02; 632.60-62 AMPERE-HOUR METERS 713.05-15 needle or liquated 603.IO AMPLIFIERS, audio-frequency electric 68I4.7O ore 601.03 AMPOULES, glass 5147.51 ANTIPASTO 182.05 . AMYL— ANTIPYRINE I4O7.30 acetate 1428.50 ANTIQUES 766.20-25 alcohol I427.72 determined not to be authentic 766.30 TARIFF SCHEDULES OF THE UNITED STATES 451 References to References to Tariff Schedules Tariff Schedules ANTITOXINS li37.76 ANVILS 6U9.33-35 ARTICLES—Continued APATITE li80.15 construction, ceramic 532.11-61 APPARATUS (see MACHINES) of copal, nspf 771+.20 APPAREL (see 'WEARING APPAREL) of copper 657.30-35 APPLES (see also ERUITS) ll;6.10-ll| of cork 220.35-50 APPLIANCES (see ELECTRIC(AL)) for exhibition 851.5O5 852.10-20 APRICOT AND PEACH KERNELS 175.03 permanently, under bond 862.10-20 APRICOT PASTE I52.1i2 temporarily, under bond 861+.60-75 APRICOTS (see also FRUITS) 116.20-2U exported and returned— AQUAVIT , 168.05 advanced or improved abroad 805.00-807.00 ARCHERI EQUIPMENT 73U.U5 not advanced or improved abroad 8OO.00-801+.00 ARCHIL, dyeing and tanning preparations Ii70.05 substantial containers or holders 8O8.OO ARC LAMPS 687.20 of feathers, nspf 7I+8.I+O ARCTICS (footwear) Soh 7 Pt lA of felts, bonded fabrics, and other ARMORED MILITARI VEHICLES, self propelled 692.U5 nonwoven fabrics 355-05-25 ARMS AND AMMUNITION Sch 7 Pt 5A of flowers, foliage, fruits, vegetables, AROMATIC OR ODORIFEROUS SUBSTANCES, not grasses, or grains, artificial or marketable as cosmetics, perfumery, or natural 71+8.20-35 toilet preparations— of fur on the skin, nspf 791-05-19 benzenoid compounds, not mixed and not furnishings, textile 360.05-367.65 containing alcohol U08.05-80 of gelatine, nspf 792.10 other U60.10-90 of gemstones— ARRACK 168.10 Imitation 71+1.50 ARSENATE(S) — jewelry and related articles 7l+0.05-60 calcium 1*18.10 natural or synthetic 520.51-75 lead hl9.00 of glass— sodium li20.70 of flat glass 51+1+.11-61+ zinc ll22.70 of glass fibers (nontextile) 51+0.71 other (classifiable according to cation of glass fibers (textile) Sch 3 Pt IE Hdnte 2(c) constituent) l4i7.l8-U23.OO of glass prisms (nonoptical) 51+5.57 ARSENIC (see also METALS) — nspf 51+8.01-05 acid 1+16.05 of glue, nspf 792.10 compounds (see also ARSENATES) • U17.60-6U for government agencies— metal 632 .OU U.S.
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