CS Form No.9. Series af 2A17 Eleclranic copy ta be submitted ta the CSC FO musl he in MS Excelformat Republic of the Philippines Department of Health MARGOSATUBIG REGIONAL HOSPITAL Poblacion lviargosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur REQUEST FOR PUBLICATION OF VACANT POSITIONS Io: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) This is to request the publication of the following vacant positions ol Mardosatubig Reqional Hospital in the CSC website: DR. RICHARD B. , MHA, F HA Date: sEP 0 3 2018 (Head of A ncy) e1 Salary/ Qualification Standards I Job/ Place ot No Position Title Pla ntilla ltem No. Annual Salary Assignment Pay Competency Education Training Experience Eligibility Grade (if applicable) Doctor of l\,4edicine, MDSP2 57AO29 2014 Must have three (3) Graduate of a DOH 120 hours of technical lvledical Service Medical Specialist IvtDSP2-57C030 2014 years of experience as 1 23 P 787,248.00 recognized accredited /clin icai training in the RA 1 OBO - Clinical Medical Specialist or its 1\1DSP2-570031-2014 residency training last two (2) years Department equivalent N,1 DS P2-570032-2014 proqram At least forty (40) At least Three (3) Years lvledicai Service Hours of Relevant of Clinical Experience as 2 Medical Officer lV MDOF 4-57 AO28-2014 23 P 787 .248 0A Doctor of Medicine RA 1 080 - Clinical Technical / Cllnical l\.4edical Officer lll or its Department Train ing equivalent Bachelor of Science 24 hours of Relevant 3 Years Experience in Nursing Service in Nursing w th Training / Non- 3 Nurse Vl N UR56-570064-201 3 22 P 704,604.00 General Nu rsing RA 1 080 - Office of the Master's in Nursing Smoker / Non- Service Administration Chaef Nurse or its equivalent Alcoholic I\i DOF3,570006-2000 MDOF3-570007-2000 l\ilDOF3-570008-2000 tvtDoF3-570009-2000 l\iledical Service 4 Medical Officer lll lvrDoF3-570010-2000 21 P 630,648.00 Doctor of Medicine None Required None Required RA 1 080 - Clinical IVIDO F3-570255-201 3 Department rvlDoF3-570256-2013 MDOF3-57A257 -2013 rrrD oF3-570258,201 3 CS Form No.9. Series of 2017 Electonic copy lo be submitted to the CSC FO musl be in MS Excel formal Republic of the Philippines Department of Health MARGOSATUBIG REGIONAL HOSPITAL Poblacion Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur REQUEST FOR PUBLICATION OF VACANT POSITIONS Ior CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) This is to request the publication of the following vacant positions ol Maroosatubia Reqional Hospital in the CSC website DR. RICHARD B. SIS N, MHA, FPCHA Date siP 0 3 2018 (Head of Ag ncy) P e2 Salary/ Qualification Standards Job/ Place of No Position Title a ntilla ltem No. Annual Salary {, Assignment Pay Competency Education Tra in in g Experience Eligibility Grade (if applicable) I\4 DOF3-570259-201 3 t/tDoF3-570260-2013 l\4edical Service fUed ica I Officer lll t\,1DOF3-570031-2014 21 P 630,648.00 Doctor of l\,4edicine None Required None Requ ired RA 1 080 - Clinical Department tvtD oF 3-570032-2014 MDOF3-570034-2014 3 Years of Hospital Bachelor of Science in 16 Hours of Relevant Experience / preferably Nursing Service Nursing with lvlaster's Nurse lV N U RS4-57001 0-2000 '19 P s05.188 00 Training / Non-Smoker with experience in the RA 1080 - Obstetric in Nursing or its / Non-Alcoholic area of Obstetric and Complex equivalent Gynecology Department of Bachelor's Degree in 16 Hours of Relevant Pathology - Medical Medical Technology or Training / Computer 3 Years of Relevant 6 MDTK3-570001-201 3 18 P 457.020.00 RA 1080 Anatomic and Bachelor of Science in Literate Non-smoker / Experience Technologist lll Clinical Public Health Non-Alcoholic Laboratory 16 Hours of Relevant Radiologic Bachelor's Degree in Training / Computer 3 Years of Relevant Department of 7 Rr3-570124-2013 18 P 457,020.00 RA 1 080 Technologist lll Radiologic Technology Literate Non-smoker / Experience Radiology Non-Alcoholic CS Form No.9 Senes of 2017 Electrcnic copy to be submilted to the CSC FO most be in MS Excelfotmat Republic of the Philippines Department of Health MARGOSATUBIG REGIONAL HOSPITAL Poblacion Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur REQUEST FOR PUBLICATION OF VACANT POSITIONS Io; CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) This is to request the publication of the following vacant positions of Marqosatubiq Reqional Hospital in the CSC website: DR. RICHARD B. SI o , MHA, FPCHA Date sEP 0 3 201S (Head of A cy) e3 Salary/ Qualification Standards Job/ Place of No Pos ition Title lantilla ltem No An nual Salary Assignment Pay Competency Education Tra in in g Experience Eligibility Grade (l applicable) 16 hours of Relevant NURS3-570080-2013 3 Years of Relevant Train inq Clinical Experience as Bachelor of Science in Specialty Nursing NU RS3-570020-2014 Senior Nurse with 1 Year N u rsing Service Nursing with lvlaster's l\,/anagement Preferred 8 Nurse lll 17 P 417 ,372.04 Experience in Planning, RA 1 080 - Operating in Nursing or NURS3-570021-2014 Non-smoker / Non- Organizing, Directing, Room equivalent 'ts alcoholic / Computer Coordinating and NURS3 570022,2014 Literate Su pervising Bachelor's Degree in 16 Hours of Relevant Department of q Medical lvledlcal Technology or Training / Computer 2 Years of Relevant M DTK2-570088-201 3 15 P 348,120 00 RA 1080 Pathology - ll Bachelor of Science in Literate Non-smoker / Experience Technologist Blood Bank Public Health Non-Alcoholic I hours of Relevant Training i Preferably NUR52-570013-2000 2 Years of Relevant with training in Clinical Experience / Department of Bachelor of Science in Phlebotomy 10 Nurse ll 15 P 348,120.00 Preferably with RA 1080 Pathology - N u rsing Non-smoker / Non- experience as Blood Bank N U RS2,570140 2013 alcoholic / Computer Phlebotomist Literate hours of Relevant NURS 1-570186-2013 I Train ing Nursing Service '1 Year of Relevant 11 Nurse I 11 P 242 148.00 Bachelor of Science Non-smoker / Non- RA 1 080 - Clin ical N URSl -570188-2013 Clin ical Experience alcoholic / Computer Nursing Units NURSl 570191,2013 Literate cS Form No. 9. Series of 2017 Eleclrcnic capy to be submilted to the CSC FO must be in MS Excelformal Republic of the Philippines Department of Health MARGOSATUBIG REGIONAL HOSPITAL Poblac on lvlargosatubig. Zamboanga de Sur REQUEST FOR PUBLICATION OF VACANT POSITIONS Io; CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) This is to request the publication of the following vacant positions of Marqosatubiq Reqional Hospital in the CSC website: DR. RICHARD B IS N, MH F CHA Date sEP 0 3 2018 (Head of A ncy) e4 Salary/ Qualification Standards / Job/ Place of No. Position Title lantilla ltem No, Annual Salary P Pay Assignment Competency Grade E d ucatio n Train ing Expe rien ce Eligibility (if applicable) NURSl -570196-2013 NU RS 1-570199-2013 NU RS 1-570200-2013 8 hou rs of Relevant NURS 1-570054-2014 Train ing NURSl -570055-2014 Nursing Service 1 Year of Relevant Nurse I NURSl -570056-2014 11 P 242148.00 Bachelor of Science RA 1 080 - Clin ical Clinical Experience Nursing Un its NU RS 1,570058-2014 NURS't 570059 2014 Non-smoker / Non- NURSl -570062,2014 alcoholic / Computer Literate NURS 1-570067-2014 NU RS 1-570068-2014 8 Hours of Relevant Career Service Office of the Administrative Bachelor's Degree Training / Computer 1 Year of Relevant (Professional) 12 AOOF2-570021-2013 11 P 242.148.O0 Human Officer ll Relevant lo the Job Llterate Non-smoker / Experience Second Level Resource Non-Alcoholic Eligibility RSTH 1-570026-2014 Relevant Training Nursing Service Respiratory Bachelor's Degree in Relevant Clinical IJ 10 P 224,616.00 Computer Literate Non- RA 1 080 - Pulmonary / Therapist I Respiratory Therapy Experience RSTH 1-570027-2014 smoker / Non-Alcoholic Respiratory Unit CS Form No. 9 Series of 2017 Electronic copy ta be submitted to lhe CSC FO must be in MS Excelformat Republic of the Philippines Department of Health MARGOSATUBIG REGIONAL HOSPITAL Poblacion Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur REQUEST FOR PUBLICATION OF VACANT POSITIONS ro. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) This s to request the publlcation of the foilowlng vacant posit ons of Maroosatubia Reqional Hosoital in the CSC website DR- RICHARD B. SIS N, MHA FPCHA Date sEP 0 3 201S (Head of A ncy) Pa 5 Salary/ Oualification Standards Job/ Place of No Position Title antilla ltem No An n ual Salary Pay Assignment Competency Grade E d uc ation Train ing Experience Eligibility (if applicable) Bachelor's Degree Relevant Train ing Adm inistrative l\/ajor in Accounting / 1 Year of Relevant Career Service Finance Service 14 ADAS2,570030-2014 8 P 195,384 00 Computer L terate Non- Assistant ll Finance / Related Experience (S u b-P rofessional) - Accounting smoker / Non-Alcoholic Course NATT2 570018 2000 NATT2-570208-201 3 Relevant Training At least 72 Units in Preferably with 1 Year of Nursing Service N u rsing Attendant NATT2-57021 0-201 3 15 6 P 172,080 00 Midwifery Course / Relevant Clinical None Required - Clinical NATT2-57021 1-2013 Nursing Course Non-smoker / Non- Experience Nursing Units NATT2-570056,2014 alcoholic / Computer NATT2 -570059,201 4 Literate lnterested and qualified applicants shouid signify their rnterest in writing Attach the following QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are advised to hand in therr application to documents to the application letter and send to the address below not later than September 17. 2018 1. Fully accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with recent passport-sized picture (CS Form No DR. RICHARD B. SISON, MHA, FPCHA 212, Revised 2017) which can be downloaded at www.csc.gov.ph; Medical Center Chief ll 2. Performance rating in the present position for one ('1) year (if applicable), M a rgosatu b ig Reg ion a I Hospital 3 Photocopy of certificate of eligibility/rating/license, and Poblacion Margosatubig.
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