I .;.:i'trr.rr' .il :9.-i.:||,?:|..:. ;r i. ,..::::......, .: '.. l !ffi,, jwr -, Jf j& 'j#lr ii: jt: 6W &4*y &, ?$?* i I Our greot leoder Choirmon Mso ond his close comrode-in-orms Vice-Choirmon Lin Pioo Choirmon Mso snd Yice-Chsirrnon Lin Join Peking Workeffs, Arnnymen snd Civilions in Celebrqting Moy I ln excellent heslth ond high spirits, Chairmcn Mao wcrrnly woved to the rev. olutionory mosses os the people cheered from the bottom of their heorb: "Long live Chcirmon Moo! A long, long life to ChoirmEn Mco!" With Choirmcn Moo ond Vice-Choirmon Lin on the Tien An Men rostrum were Samdech Norodom Sihsnouk, Heod of Stste of Cornbodio, ond Som- dech Penn Nouth. Comrsdes Chou En-loi, Chen Po-to qnd Kong Sheng ond other Mernbers ond Alternote Members of Sre Politico! Bureou of the Porty Centrql Com- mittee now in Peting rere ot the evening eetrebrations. nUR most respected and beloved great leader Chair- the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. They \-/ man Nlao, the revolutionary teacher of the prole- heartily wished our great leader Chairman Mao a long, tariat, and his close comrade-in-arms Vice-Chairman long life! Lin Piao on the evening of May L mounted the Tien An At 9 p.m., the happiest moment came when our Nllen rostrum and joined the Pel<ing workers, armymen great leader Chairman Mao and his close comrade-in- and civilians in celebrating the first May Day - fnter- arnx Vice-Chairman Lin Piao walked up the Tien An national Labour Day - of the ?0s. The celebrations Men rostrum rvith firm strides amidst the majestic took place in the midst of an excellent situation at home strains of Dongf anghong (The East Is Red). In excellent aad abroad and amidst the triumphant march from health and high spirits, Chairman Mao greeted respcrt- victory to victor;i of the hundreds of milli.ons of revolu- sibie Chinese comrades from different circles anci dis- tionary people throughout China along the course point- tinguished guests and diplomatic en';oys from various ed out by the Ninth Party Congress. countries, cordially shaking hands and chatting with With Chairrnan Mao and Vice-Chairman Lin on the them. Ti.en An Men rostrum were: Samdech Norodom Chairman Mao then came to the middle of the Sihanouk, Head of State of Cambodia and Chairman cf rostrum and warmly waved to the revolutionary masses the National Uniied Front of Kampuchea, and Samdech in the square. knmediately the whole square burst into Penn Nouth, Frivate Adviser to the Head of Staie and acclaim. Their faces wreathed in smiles, the crowds Reprcscntative of the N,U.F.K. looked up at the rostrum and their hearts soared to our Cirina-'s rvorking class anC otherworking people gleat leader Chainnan Mao. Waving their copies of the festival u.rhered in this brilliant the {estival of unity reri-covei'ed Quotations From Chairmtln Mao Tsetxrtg, proletariat - people ir: -qtr",rggk of the and other r,vorking they cheered zrgain and again: "Long live the great, glo- .,vorId of the rvhcle at a tirne w'hen thev had made rious and correct Communist Party of China!" "Long ne-w achievements in- the living study and appiication of live Chairman 1\,1ao! A long, long life to Chairman l,,iao Tsetui-ig Thought, seored tremendous successes in Mao!" and "We wish Chairman Mao a long, long life!" deepening the struggle-criticism-transformation in the With Chairman NIao and Vice-Chairman Lin on the Gleat Prolet;'u:ian Cul'rurai Revoiution anri in further Tien An Men rostrum at the celebration rvere: consoildating the dictatorship of the proietaria-t, won victcry in successfully launching China's first man- Chou En-lai, Chen Po-ta and Kang Sheng, Mem- made earth satellite and accomplished ma.ny nelv feats bers of the Standing Committee of the Poli.iical Bureau in gra.sping rerrolution and prcmoting production. of the Cei-rtral Cornmiitee of the Conemunist Party of fli2f qriening, Peking's workers, poor and loll,er- China; r.niddle pes-s:Lnts, comrnanders and fighters of the Peo- Ivlembers of the Politieal Btlreau of the Party Cen- pie's Liberation .Army, revolutionary cadres, you.ng Red trai Committee norv in Peking (listed in the order of the Gu.ards and revolutionary intellectuals, in triurnchant number of strokes in their surnames): Yeh Chun, jo-u-, converged on Tien An Men Square from all direc- Chiang Ching, Li Hsien-nien, Li Tso-peng, Wu Fa-hsien; iions to celebrate their festival of victory. They rvent Chiu Hui-tso, Yao Wen-;ruan and Huang Yung-sheng;. there to report the good new-s of their achievements to and cur great leader Chairman lVlao, and to acelaim the Alternate Members of the Political Bureau of ihe tremendous victories of Mao Tsetung Thought, of Party Central Committee norv in Peking: Chi Teng- Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line and of kuei, Li Teh-sheng and Wang Tung-hsing. May 8, 7970 AIso present w-ere \rice-Chairmen of the Standing the Monument to the Heroes of the People were Committee of the National People's Congress: Kuo Mo- large illuminated slogans reading "Long live May 1, !o, Ngatrrc Ngarvang-Jigme and Chou Chien-jen; and International Labour Day!" "Long live Marxism!" Vice-Chairmen of the National Committee of the "Long live Leninism!" "Long live Mao Tsetung greater victories." Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Li Thought!" and "Unite to win still De- Ssu-kuang, Fu Tso-yi, Hsu Teh-heng and Li Teh-chuan. The strains of The Eosf Is Red., Sailing the Seas pends on the Helm.sman, We Wish Chairman Mao a Among ihe guests on' the Tien An Men rostlum Long, Long Life, Battle March, Workers and Peasants were: Are o! One Fam,ily and other revolutionary songs re- Thakin Ba Thein Tin, Head of the Delegation of the sounded over the capital. C€ntral Committee of the Communist Party of Burma At 19:05 hours, China's first man-made earth satel- and Vice-Chairman of the Centrai Committee of the lite ringing u,ith the music of Dongfanghong (The East Communist Party of Burma; Thakin Pe Tint, member Is Red) once again flew over the capital, adding to the of the delegation and Member of the Central Committee lustre of the festive night. The masses of workers, peas- of the Communist Party of Burma; ants and soldiers proudly declared: "The successful Jusuf Adjitorop, Head of the Deiegation of the Cen- launching of China's man-made earth satellite once tral Comrnittee of the Communist Party of Indonesia again eloquently proves that great Mao Tsetung and Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Thought has infinite power. Armed with Mao Tsetung Committee of the Communist Party of Indonesia. Thought, the brave, industrious and intelligent Chinese Among the distinguished guests from various coun- people have the ability and high aspirations to perform tries on the rostrum rvere also: an ever-increasing number of wonders and make their Madarne Norodom Sihanouk; Madame Penn Nouth; due contributions to humanity." Princess Norodom Ket Kanya, aunt of Samdech When the evening festivities began, all rose to their Norodom Sihanouk; Princess Norodom Soriya Roeungsy, feet and sal:g The Internationale. daughter of Samdech Norodom Sihanouk; Prince Our great leader Chairman N{ao and Vice-Chair- Norodom Sihanoni, son of Samdech Norodom man Lin Piao viewed the display of fireworks together Sihanouk; Lieutenant-General Ngo Hou, Technical with Samdech Norodom Sihanouk and his wife, Adviser to the Head of State, and his rvife; Huot Samdech Penn Nouth and his wife, and other distin- Sambath, Ambassador Extraordinary and Pienipotenti- guished guests from various countries as well as with ary and Representative of the N.U.F.K., and his r,vife; armymen and civilians in the capital. Tien An Men Sarin Chhak, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipo- Square was a moving scene of jubilation. The night tentiary and Representative of the N.U.F.K.; Chan sky was brilliantly lit by the bu.rst of fireworks. The Youran, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotenti- square resounded with cheers and singing as the ary and Representative cf the N.U.F.K.; General Duong assembled workers, peasants and soldiers sang revolu- Sam Ol, General Inspector of the Armed Forces of the tionary songs and danced. People sang the praises of Kingdom of Cambodia, and his wife; Thiounn Mumm, the rvise leadership of our great leader Chairman Mao Representative of the N.U.F.K.; Roeurng Mach, Repre- and of the Party Central Committee ';zith Chairman sentative of the N.U.F.K.; Mao as its leader and Vice-Chaitman Lin as its deputy Xhorxhi Robo, Albanian Ambassador to China, and leader. They enthusiastically hailed the tremendous his wife; achievements in China's socialist revolution and social- great victories won by the peo- Ngo Thuyen, Ambassador of the Democratic Re- ist construction and the public of Viet Nam to Ctrina; ple of all countries in opposing U.S. imperialism, social- in-rperialism and all reaction! Nguyen Van Quang, Ambassador of the Republic of South Viet Nam to China; The masses of rn'orkers and peasants in the capital, the beginning Hyun Joon Keuk, Ambassador of the Democratic rvho had scored additional victories since People's Republic of Korea to China, and his wife; of the 1970s, were overjoyed at having the honour of seeing our great leader Chairman Mao. As they recalled Ton Quang Phiet, Vice-President of the Viet Nam- the militant course they had traversed, they came to China Friendship Association; Pham Dinh Sau, leader the profound understanding that they would be ever- of the Amateur Art Ensemble of the 4th Zone of the victorious as long as they closely followed our great Democratic Republic of Viet Nam; and Ho Thi Lien and leader Chairman Mao and acted according to his Vinh An, deputy leaders of the ensemble.
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