T/Code :12CNX_KC Free Almaty City Tour 航班时间 Flight details: Day1 KUL/ALA KC936 1055/1655 (Kazakhstan’s Largest Day1 ALA/URC KC987 2100/0040+1 Metropolis) Day12 URC/ALA KC988 0200/0145 赠送阿拉木图市区游 Day12 ALA/KUL KC935 2330/0940+1 (哈萨克斯坦第一大城市) 第 1 天 吉隆坡 阿拉木图 乌鲁木齐 (机上用餐) 今日乘搭班机飞往新疆维吾尔族自治区---乌鲁木齐 (于阿拉木图国际机场转机)。新疆维吾尔自治区是中国五个自治 区中面积最大 (占全中国面积六分之一), 少数民族最多 (共 47 族), 也是丝绸之路必游览城市。抵达后安排入住酒店。 酒店 (5*):海德酒店/ 同级 Day 1 Kuala Lumpur Almaty Urumqi (Meal on board) Today take your pleasant flight to Urumqi - the capital city of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region where is the home of 47 ethnic nationalities (change flight at Almaty International Airport). Upon arrival, transfer to check in hotel. Hotel (5*) : Hoi Tak Hotel Xinjiang/ similar 第 2 天 乌鲁木齐 6HRS 富蕴 (430km) (早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐) 早餐后, 前往【五彩城】。五彩城风景区是电影「卧虎藏龙」的拍摄地。此 地是侏罗纪地层, 经亿万年风蚀雨剥而形成了地质学上称为 “侵蚀台地” 的地貌。下午前往富蕴。途经黄金大道【火烧山】, 这里连绵起伏的山丘 是一片红色, 全是风蚀地貌构成, 每逢晨昏, 在朝日获夕阳的映照之下, 山 体彷佛在熊熊燃烧, 因而得名。途经【卡拉麦里有蹄类自然保护区】, 这里 属国家保护的珍稀动物区, 有蒙新野驴、普氏野马、鹅喉羚、黄羊等。而 蒙古野驴以发展到 700 余头, 鹅喉羚也有一万余头。今晚于富蕴夜宿。 酒店 (准 4*):黑金酒店/ 同级 Day 2 Urumqi 6HRS Fuyun (B/L/D) In the morning, transfer to Multicolored Bay - a colorful zone of rocky hills which formed by the wind erosion. It’s a paradise for photographers and film makers. Drive pass by the Fiery Hills, the continuous erosion red hills like the burning fire, so people called it fire hills. Then continue trip to Kalamaili Nature Reserve (drive pass). It’s China's largest nature reserve for wild ungulates such as Wild Ass and Platt’s Mustang which are under first-class protective. Hotel (local 4*) : Heijin Hotel/ similar 第 3 天 富蕴 1HR 可可托海国家地质公园 4.5HRS 布尔津 (早餐/ 午餐:大盘鸡/ 晚餐:冷水鱼) 清晨前往【可可托海国家地质公园】- 含区间车, 是 1931 年 8 月 11 日的 8 级大地震留下的遗迹, 全长 176 公里, 一 般宽度 10 米, 最大宽度达 4 公里。地震断裂带沿着裂口, 垂直绵延前行, 是世界上最壮观、最惊人、保存最完好的 地震遗迹, 素有 “地质博物馆” 之称。【可可苏里湖】, 又称野鸭湖。野鸭湖既有西湖的精致秀美, 又有白洋淀的苇荡 迷宫, 一派 “沙鸥翔集”、“鱼翔浅底” 的水乡泽国美景。途经【伊雷木湖】 蒙古语意为 “旋涡”, 是卡拉先格尔地震断裂带上形成的断陷洼地, 被誉为 “蓝色的河湾”。神秘的艺术画廊【额尔齐斯大峡谷】, 从可可托海镇溯额尔 齐斯河而上, 额尔齐斯大峡谷精彩画卷展现。奔流不息的额河水, 穿行于山 脉、草地、密林中, 画出了一幅幅精美绝伦的画面。后远眺【神钟山】, 又 称阿米尔萨拉峰。一座神奇绝妙状如倒扣的石钟花岗岩奇峰在额河南岸平 地而起, 相对高度 351 米, 孤峰傲立, 为阿尔泰山之最。下午前往布尔津! 晚餐后, 漫步【烤鱼夜市】。 酒店 (准 4*) : 友谊峰酒店/ 同级 Day3 Fuyun 1HR Keke Tuohai National Geological Park 4.5HRS Burqin (B/L/D) In the morning, transfer to Keke Tuohai National Geological Park (include green car), it is the historical remains of the 8.0-magnitude earthquake on 1931; also the most spectacular and best preserved earthquake remains. Visit Keke Suli Lake, also named Wild Duck Lake. You may enjoy the exquisite beauty scenery of the county. Then pass by Yileimute Lake, visit The Irtysh Grand Canyon located deep in the Altay Mountains. It’s a National Geological Park where we can visit the Irtysh River, Siberian birch forests and grassland. View Shenzhongshan, also known as Amir Sarah Peak, the relative height of 351 meters. Looks like an up-turned stone bell. Transfer to Burqin. After dinner enjoy your leisure walk at the local night market. Hotel (local 4*) : Friendship Peak Hotel/ similar 第 4 天 布尔津 3HRS 禾木 1HR 贾登峪 (早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐) 早餐后, 乘车进入阿勒泰山。乘坐区间车前往【禾木村】, 一路风景的优美, 可与美国优胜美地国家公园及瑞士阿尔 卑斯山国家公园景观相比, 一点不逊色, 甚且认为更多了一分清静与质朴。极目远眺阿尔泰山主峰-友谊峰常年不化 的积雪, 在阳光的照耀下, 熠熠生辉。而后登上观景台拍摄禾木落日! 酒店 (准 4*) : 白桦林度假酒店/ 同级 Day4 Burqin 3HRS Hemu Village 1HR Jiadengyu (B/L/D) After breakfast, transfer to Altai Mountain, then proceed to Hemu Village by shuttle bus, view the beautiful scenery along the way, just like passing the shy spring, amorous summer and charming autumn, the whole kanas scenic site wore winter coat being silent. There were mountains covered with snow and quiet village without air pollution and noise that called the last pure land in the world----the dreamlike fairy tale world----snowy village Hemu. Then boarded the viewing platform to take shooting of Hemu Village sunset! Hotel (local 4*) : The Brich Forest Resort Hotel/ similar 第 5 天 贾登峪 (早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐) 早餐后, 驱车前往国家级【喀纳斯自然景观保护区】- 含区间车; 途中游览额尔齐斯河, 这是我国唯一注入北冰洋的 河流, 全长 2969 公里, 途经【卧龙湾】、【月亮湾】、【神仙湾】。月亮湾因 河段曲流彷如一弯明月而得名, 蓝绿色的河水一望无际, 将连绵而成的白 桦林一分为二, 其间线条分明煞是好看。沿途观 “金山” 阿尔泰山的雄伟 与秀丽, “银水” 额尔齐斯河 (中国唯一流入) 的自然风光, 水草丰美, 牛羊 成群, 哈萨克毡房如繁星点点落在无垠的草原上, 景致如画, 美不胜收。后 驱车前往【喀纳斯湖】, 它位于布尔津县境内。喀纳斯是蒙古语, 意为峡 谷中的湖, 是一个深山密林中的高山湖泊。图瓦族人, 依然过着逐水草而 居的游牧生活。帐篷、毡房、牧群就是他们的全部, 而生活在此的牧民、 草原、炊烟冉冉都是人间仙境, 世外桃源。后进入喀纳斯景区 乘坐环保车登上【观鱼亭】, 俯瞰喀那斯湖全景, 站在亭上有羽化登仙之感。 酒店 (准 4*) : 白桦林度假酒店/ 同级 Day 5 Jiadengyu (B/L/D) After breakfast, transfer to Kanas National Geopark (include shuttle bus) whose name means rich, beauty, mysterious and enigmatical in Mongolian, is the most alluring resort in Northern Xinjiang. En route to Kanas Lake, passby Dragon Bay, Crescent Moon Bay and Sacred Bay. The color of Kanas Lake varies according to the seasons and weather. Sometimes it's blue, sometimes green, while sometimes it's as white as milk. Kanas is Mongolian, meaning the lake in the canyon, is a mountain lake. After that we can visit the Ethnic Tuva Village. They still live in the nomadic life. There is a pavilion named Fish Watching Pavilion on the other bank of Kanas Lake to overlooking the panorama of Kanas Lake panorama. Hotel (local 4*) : The Brich Forest Resort Hotel/ similar 第 6 天 贾登峪 6.5HRS 克拉玛依 480km (早餐/ 午餐:黄面烤肉/ 晚餐) 早餐后, 专车前往文明于世的【乌尔禾魔鬼城】- 含小火车。在克拉玛依市乌尔乐乡东南三公里, 有一处独特的风 蚀地貌, 定名为风城, 人们习惯称它为“魔鬼城”。方圆约 10 平方公里, 地面海 拔 350 米左右, 据考察大约一亿多年前的白垩纪时, 这里是一个巨大的淡水湖, 湖岸生长着茂密的植物, 后来经过两次大的地壳变动, 湖泊变成了间夹着砂岩 和泥板的陆地瀚海, 地学上称它为 “戈壁台地”。千百万年来, 由于风雨剥蚀, 地面形成深浅不一的沟壑, 裸露的石层被狂风雕琢得奇形怪状, 在起伏的山坡 上, 布满血红、湛蓝、洁白、橙黄的各色石子,宛如魔女遗珠, 更增添了几许神 密色彩, 内城地处风口, 四季多风。每当大风乔来, 黄沙遮天, 大风在风城里激 荡回旋, 凄厉呼啸, 如同鬼哭, “魔鬼城” 因此面得名。后续前往克拉玛依市, 维吾尔语意即《黑油》。从 1955 年起已开始在此地区进行大规模石油勘探开采 至今已年产原油 632 万吨。途中参观号称【千口油井】的油田作业区的机械不 断运作, 一动一静, 摇晃不定情景壮观而有趣。沿【友谊大桥】进入石油城市克拉玛依! 酒店 (4*) : 博达银都酒店/ 同级 Day 6 Jiadengyu 6.5HRS Karamay (B/L/D) In the morning, drive to Karamay en-route visit the Ghost Town (include mini train). It likes an ancient city that was built in thousand years ago. It is a workout of the nature during the passing years. When you are crossing the town, sometimes you can hear noises of the wind, like you are walking in the ghost land. After lunch, transfer to Karamay, and visit Karamay Oil Field, the hundred kilometers spread of oil derricks and nodding. Drive along the Friendship Bridge to the city of Karamay which means the black oil city – the regions first oil town developed since 1955. Hotel (4*) : Boda Yindu Hotel/ similar 第 7 天 克拉玛依 7HRS 伊宁 550km (早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐) 早餐后, 沿途天山北坡经济带。【果子沟】的另一个名字是 “塔勒奇达坂”, 有 “伊犁第一景”之称, 它位于霍城县城东 北的 40km 处, 是 312 国道乌鲁木齐---伊犁公路的必经通道, 它的北端出沟口便是著名的塞里木湖。果子沟全长 28km, 山势高峻, 遍布高大的银杉。前往游览【赛里木湖】被誉为亚洲最美的一颗明珠, 这里的风景美不胜收, 碧蓝的湖水 被雪山围绕。远处的牧羊人悠闲的放牧, 这一切俨然一幅油画呈现在您的面前。游毕继续驱车前往伊宁市, 此地为伊 犁哈萨克自治州的首府、经济、政治及交通的重镇, 也是多种民族渗杂聚居之地, 使伊宁市呈现出多元化的城市风貌。 酒店 (4*) : 华域大酒店/ 同级 Day 7 Karamay 7HRS Yining (B/L/D) After breakfast, drive along northern slope economic zone of Tianshan Mountains. Visit Guozigou - hailed as "the most famous tourism resort in Ili. End North of the Guozigou with a total length of 28km is Sayram Lake. En route visit the Sayram Lake, is a fairyland with wonderful natural scenery. The lake is like a brilliant emerald inlaid in the basin surrounded by Tianshan Mountain. The water in the lake is very pure and clear. Then drive to Yinning city - the capital city of Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, as well as the economic and cultural center. Ili is known as a garden city because of its rich rainfall. Hotel (4*) : Huayu Hotel/ similar 第8天 伊宁 4HRS 巴音布鲁克 270km (早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐:野蘑菇炖鸡) 早餐后, 车赴【巴音布鲁克草原】- 含区间车!前往我国唯一的天鹅湖自然保护区 120km【天鹅湖】, 寻觅珍稀鸟类 优美的身姿。巴音布鲁克草原位于天山深处尤尔都斯盆地中, 是仅次于内蒙古的鄂尔多斯草原, 为中国第二大草原, 面积达两万两千平方公里。开阔坦荡的巴音布鲁克草原的【九曲十八弯】- 含电瓶车, 因有弯环曲折、水量丰沛的【开 都河】贯穿其中, 草原上沼泽遍布、湖泊成群、水草丰茂是新疆最大的高山牧场。 酒店 (准 4*):龙兴酒店/ 同级 Day 8 Yining 4HRS Bayinbulak (B/L/D) In the morning, drive to the Bayinbulak. Bayanbulak Grassland (include local car), it is the second largest grassland in China. Visit "Swan Lake" which is the national nature reserve by the government to looking for the graceful posture of rare birds. The terrain is mostly flat and encompasses a middle section of the Kaidu River also known under its ancient name Liusha River which is an important source of the region. The Kaidu River go through this grassland, formed a magnificent landscape of “The Eighteen Bend Landscape”. Hotel (local 4*): Longxing Hotel/ similar 第 9 天 巴音布鲁克 4.5HRS 库尔勒 330km (早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐 : 火锅) 早餐后, 乘车前往石油城市-库尔勒。沿途壮丽的天山风光。抵达库尔勒后游览【铁门关】。铁门关位于新疆维吾尔自 治区巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, 首府库尔勒市北郊 8 公里处。它曾是南北疆交通的天险要冲, 古代“丝绸之路”中道咽喉。 晋代在这里设关,因其险固, 故称 "铁门关", 列为中国古代二十六名关之一。而后观赏【孔雀河】。孔雀河是库尔勒 市最美的风景,是新疆巴州库尔勒市的 “母亲河” 。 酒店 (5*):康城建国酒店/ 同级 Day 9 Bayinbulak 4.5HRS Korla (B/L/D) In the morning, drive to the oil town of Korla. Visit the Iron Gate Pass. It is located in a canyon between the Korla Mountain and the Kuruk Mountain, about 8 km north of Korla, capital of Bayinguoleng Mongol Autonomous Prefecture in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It used to be a natural hazard of traffic in northern and southern Xinjiang. The ancient "Silk Road" middle road and one of the 26 ancient China gate pass. Continue to visit Kongque River which is the most beautiful scenery of Korla City and the "Mother River" here. Hotel (5*) : Kangcheng Jianguo International Hotel/ similar 第 10 天 库尔勒 6HRS 鄯善 300km (早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐) 早餐后, 沿干沟前往鄯善。抵达鄯善后, 游览【库木塔格沙漠】- 含区间车。面积 2500 平方公里的库木塔格沙漠位 于新疆鄯善老城南端, 站在城中就能看见金色大漠雄浑壮观的无限风光。它是世界上距离城市最近的沙漠,驱车而 行, 10 多分钟便可到达景区。面对茫茫沙漠,只见沙黄天蓝、云淡风清,令游 客们视野为之开阔,心情也顿时舒畅起来。 酒店 (4*) : 万州楼兰/ 同级 Day 10 Korla 6HRS Shanshan (B/L/D) After breakfast, drive through the dry valley to Shanshan. Visit Kumtag Desert (include local car)shuttle bus) with 2,500 square kilometer, located in the southern tip of Shanshan Old Town, stands in the middle of the city where you can view for the spectacular infinity of golden desert. It is the closest desert in the world to the city and can be reached by car about 10 minutes.
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