Past, Present, and Future By Mark Duncan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en Wheeler 4-6-0 28 Atlantic 4-4-2 28 Pacific 4-6-2 28 Introduction 6 Mountain 4-8-2 29 General Service 4-8-4 29 Evolution of the Peninsula 7 EMD GP9 30 Fairbanks-Morse Trainmaster 30 Agriculture and Estates 7 EMD SDP45 31 The Beginning of the Suburbs 8 EMD F40-PH2 31 Canneries 8 MotivePower MP36PH-3CC 32 The Rise of the Port of San Francisco 9 Comparison of Peninsula Locomotive 32 Peninsula Highways 9 Trolleys 9 Peninsula Passenger Cars 34 Peninsular Railway 9 Suburban Coaches 35 San Mateo Interurban 9 Gallery Coaches 35 The Growth of Silicon Valley 10 Bombardier Bi-level Coach 36 The Decline of the Port of San Francisco 10 Budd Coaches 37 Peninsula Freeways 11 Why are Passenger Cars so Heavy? 37 Peninsula Railroad History 12 Maps 38 Background 12 San Francisco Bay Area 38 First Attempt 12 San Francisco to Broadway Stations 39 Second Attempt 12 Burlingame to Palo Alto Stations 40 Third Attempt 12 San Carlos to Capitol Stations 41 San Francisco & San Jose Railroad 12 Dumbarton Extension West 42 Construction 13 Dumbarton Extension East 43 The Southern Pacific 14 The Buyout 15 Peninsula Depots 44 Leases and Kentucky 15 San Francisco 45 Edward H. Harriman Era 15 Fourth & Townsend 46 Bayshore Cutoff 16 Potential Changes 46 Dumbarton Bridge Cutoff 16 SBC Park 46 San Jose Cutoff 17 San Francisco Yard Tower 47 Other Infrastructure Changes 17 Mission Bay 47 Impact of Competition 17 22nd Street 48 The End of Southern Pacific 18 Port of San Francisco 48 Peninsula Commuter Line Decline 18 Illinois Street Multimodal Bridge 48 Caltrans 18 Golden Gate Railroad Museum 48 Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board 18 Paul Avenue 49 Peninsula Timetables & Fares 19 Bayshore 49 New Bayshore Station 50 Timetables 19 Schlage Lock 50 The Start of Baby Bullet Service 21 Bayshore Yard 50 Additional Baby Bullets 22 Brisbane Dump 51 Peninsula Fares 23 Brisbane Tank Farm 51 Payment Collection 24 Mount San Bruno Antenna Hill 51 Peninsula Passenger Locomotives 25 South San Francisco 52 New South San Francisco Station 52 American 4-4-0 27 South San Francisco Yard 53 Mogul 2-6-0 27 U.S. Steel Bridge Division 53 Maintenance of Way Shed 85 Oyster Point 54 Section Tool House 85 Colma Creek Bridge 54 Newhall Yard 85 San Bruno 54 College Park 86 New San Bruno Station 55 College Park Tower 86 Tanforan Park 56 Lenzen Maintenance Facility 86 Lomita Park 57 Caltrain CEMOF 87 Hillcrest Grade Separation 57 San Jose Diridon 87 Millbrae 57 HP Pavilion 90 New Millbrae Station 58 Del Monte Cannery 90 Millbrae Public Art 60 Tamien 90 Broadway 62 Capitol 91 Burlingame 62 Blossom Hill 91 San Mateo 63 Coyote 91 New San Mateo Station 64 Morgan Hill 92 Hayward Park 65 San Martin 92 New Hayward Park Station 65 Gilroy 93 Bay Meadows 65 Hillsdale 66 Future Caltrain Extensions 95 Proposed Hillsdale Station Relocation 67 Transbay Terminal 95 Belmont 67 Train and Bus Station 95 New Belmont Station 68 Redevelopment Area 96 San Carlos 68 Caltrain Railway Extension 96 New San Carlos Station 69 Salinas Extension 97 Redwood City 69 Dumbarton Service 97 New Redwood City Station 70 Union City 97 Redwood Junction Tower 70 Centerville 98 Port of Redwood City 70 Newark Station 98 Atherton 71 East Menlo — Willow Road Station 98 Menlo Park 72 Electrification 99 Palo Alto 74 High Speed Rail 99 Homer Avenue Pedestrian Tunnel 77 California Avenue / Mayfield 78 Peninsula Railroad Safety 100 California Avenue Outside Boarding 79 Grade Separations 100 Los Gatos Cutoff 79 San Francisco County 100 San Antonio 79 San Mateo County 101 Castro 79 Santa Clara County 102 Mountain View 80 Modern Grade Separations 104 New Mountain View Station 80 Peninsula Signaling Equipment 104 Libby Cannery 81 Semaphore Signals 104 Sunnyvale 81 Colored Light Signals 105 New Sunnyvale Station 82 Automatic Block Signaling 106 Westinghouse Marine Division 82 Centralized Traffic Control 106 Lawrence 83 Speed Signaling 107 New Lawrence Station 83 Grade Crossings 107 Imperial Margarine 83 Track Signaling 107 Santa Clara 84 Signal Control Houses 108 New Santa Clara Station 84 Track Safety 109 Santa Clara Tower 85 Operations 110 Maintenance of Way 110 Safety 111 Signal Inspection 111 Track Inspection 111 Equipment Maintenance 111 Train Dispatching 112 Infrastructure Changes 112 Funding 113 Income 113 Expenses 114 2005 Fiscal Emergency 114 Freight Traffic 115 Current Peninsula Freight Traffic 115 Gravel 115 Contaminated Dirt 115 Cement 115 Lumber 115 Coal 116 South San Francisco Yard 116 Mission Bay Turn 116 Broadway Local 116 South City Switcher 116 Future Freight Traffic 116 References 117 Railroad Books 117 Magazines and Societies 118 Local History Books 118 Photograph Collections 118 Southern Pacific Web Sites 119 Acknowledgements 119 )/-* 0/%*) $!-! -! /$*0.) . *" **&. *) 1-%*0. .+!/. *" -%'-* .*(!+-*1% !+*-/-%/*-%) !+/$)'4.%.*" .+!%6 -%'-* *(+)4 /$!- **&. -!.. /$! 2*-' 2% !$%./*-4*"-%'-* .*-!3(%)!''/$!-%'-* /%1%/%!. 2%/$%) #%1!) #!*#-+$% -! /%'' */$!-. 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