r. SECRET S E C R E T HEADQt«J?TERS 1ST TAIK DESTROYER BRIGADE Auth: CO, 1st TD Brig Office of the Brigade Corintjider Inlt! i//ACB/jOU/d ^ • Datei^L lloroh 1945.. •APO 403,-United States Amy 1 March .1945 .TAJIK DESTROYER IIIFOHI.I/'.TIOH ) LETTER ilUIIBER 5 ) SECTION I CWIUL/vTIVE REPORT OF TAIfK DESTROYER WIITS SECTIOM II TANi: DESTROYERS II: COflBAT SECTIOH III TANK DESTROYER TACTICS SECTION IV IKTELLIGEIICE NOTES SECTIOU V TECHiilCAL NOTES SECTION VI CK/iHGES IN TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT SECTION VII • COUBAT TIPS SECTION VIII TAirK DESTROYER TiJOOP LIST SECTIOH I CU!,IULAT1TO REPORT OF TANi: DESTROYER UNITS TO 28 FEBRUARY TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL .TOTAL * ROUNDS • ROUNDS * TTALIOK TA!TKS SP GUNS ARTY k AT GUNS • ROUNDS FIRED FIRED DESTROYED • DESTROYED DESTROYED FIRED DIRECT INDIRECT 602 38 8 41 8276 4757 3519 603 58 21 13407 6323 7084 607 58 23 23 61316 7967 53349 609 22 3 9 14597 1041 13656 610 91 2 26 8100 . 4327 •3773 .631 (1) 691 6 . .2 - 1 11192 1968 9224 704 55 • • 16' ' • .. 1581 937 644 705 . 43 •' • "S' - 2 21398 6398 . 15000 773 109 17 46 11668 8500 3168 774 5 1 11 30010 7763 • 22247 803 19 12 15 13010 2862 .• 10148 808 6 ' 8 35375 3958 31417 811 34 5 5 7456 2090 5366 GIB 33 5 14 21437 3093 ^ 18344 Others *+ 115 15 90252 30429 59823 In addition to the tanlrs and self-propelled, anti-tank, and artillery guns destroyed as shown above. Third Arny Tank Destroyers have also destroyed 384 machine guns, 600 pillboxes, and 915 other targets, including artillery prime movers, GP vehicles. Ops, AAA guns, troop trains, ammunition dumps, airplanes, etc. (1) Not yet in action. • • » Reports on rounds fired ounulative to 18 February. •* Destroyed by tank destroyer battalions formerly in Third Array, but nmY assigned to ether armies. SECRET' , • TANK DSSTSOYE^S iir COISAT •.....„:.;,.>: 4:,.., 'SOSM' V.p:_ DESTROYBR BATTALION (ll-lb) i ' • : ' " .. ' ' A tigar tank was hit between the sponson and track about'the middle of the tank v/ith an HE round T-106 fused.' A penetration v;as obtained and the explosion •of the tank's Iffi completely destroyod the vehicle. The tanl: destroyer commander had called for ARC but in his excitement the loader loaded the wrong round. The range v.-as 150 yards. (Commanding Officer, 60Srd Tank Destroyer Battalion). 610TH TANK DEgTRO.YEE,.3i'>TTiaiO:! (?l-3;0: a. On 6th Fnbruary, 2nd and o'd platoons of Company D supported the In• fantry Regimant/s, attack in oapt-ari:ig 3.''AIiDS""..'.SID (9881), hisavily fortified town in the SlEOFRIEfi Ll/ffi,' fired <^0 rounds ATC cad £2 rounds Iffi (7 T-105 fuses) neutra• lizing 19 pillboxes and destroying 1 Hark Y trnl:. In addition they fired 1000 rounds of .50 calibor machine gun airmiunition in aiding the infantry in successfully repqlling an enenj' counterattack that follcnr.'oc' the occupation of tho tovm. Captain Duchossois, B COTipany's Commander, cocr.iented on tho attack as follows: . '-./, '.. "At 0730, the foot troops fought for tiia lino of departure to capture tvro pillboxes which could not be fired upon by t)io tank destroyers or tan!:3, and could not be by-passed because of the limited routes of approach. ' "After tho capture of thoso pillboxes, tho tank destroyers and tanks movod.out, ono ^platoon of tank dostroyors and one platoon of tanks supporting, each of tho two assault companies. • "7.'o movod across tho lino of departure as a tank dostroyor, tank, infan• try tccja — infantry, a tank, and a tanl: destroyer followed by more infantry, another tank, and tank dostroyor. T7c used this formation bocauso of tho poor . visibility, tho limited routes of approach and uncertainty of the dofinito loca• tion of all fortifications. "The infantry advanced um;il they v/ora hold up by a fortification. V.'hon this'happened, tho tankers 'olosod-up' tho npc/turo v/ith machino gun fire followed by tho tank destroyers firing sevjral rounds of 90mn. "Usually the Jorri9S v/ould put some v.'hito article out of the ombrasuro, • but thoy v/ould not cono out' to surr-Tider until tho infantry moved in and brought thon out. ' •• • "TTe did not have to destroy tho fortification to make tho Jerries surron^ d;ir. It v;as only necessary to sho-.v thin that unloss thoy did, thoy would all \)0 killed. • . "Tfa used this procedure on all the pillboxes in tho tovm, and by 1730 thb town was taken and thoro v;aro only a fev,- Jerries still holding out., • "During .the entire attack, foot roconnaissanoo v:as made difficult by hor.vy onomy small arms and artillery fire. Although tho gun ooimandors could not , always loavo the tank destroyer, they all had a jood idea of v.'hat tho town looked liko, v;hore to e:icounter nost of tho fortificatiorj, and what routes should bo uaod This knowlodg..! was made possible through a study of a drav.dng of the tovm, and f. thorough briefing by tho platoon leader. ' • "V,fo found thL.t vra had to keep a tank destroyer right behind the lead tank booauso our routes of approach were such that unless a tank destroyer \;as up thoro inicially, it would bo impossible for other tarn: d.;stroyers to pass tho tanks in order co fire oii the pillbox. As a result, th'- loading tank destroyer and tank did the majority of the firing. "It is absolutely necessary to have ocrr-.ur.ic at ions v.-ith not only tho in- ,fantry, tut tho tankers also. One of tho simplest v.'ays to accomplish this is to have leth taik destroyer and tanl: platoon leaders equipped v:ith 300 SCR radio sot JT t'.'.o irifautry frequency." b. On the i.iorning of February 8, 1945, the 3rd platoon, Conpany C, commcaidod by Pir-i-c .'.^..outcnunt John S- rfamnes, moved into a snail v.'oods on the crest of a hill "".hi ya-ds eaac oi tho tcv/ri of NIEDEPJCSIIEN. The missicn of the unit was to support .;he r.d/ar.eo of Cempaiuy K, f _^Infantry Regiment, noving up free tho southeast to capture th- tmn.i. By prcno-ui recorinaissanco, prir.rj-y firing positions iK.d boon s.-lected for ono section to moyo through the v.'oods to its outer edgo and firo • .ithtr at the tcvn itself or the approf.ches from the north :sA v.est. About 0930 'lours, iji enemy "lark V tank was observed approaching the toY.-n along the road '.•unnin- c:.3t-i/cs.-; out of tmm. Tho ruigo at tino ef first observation v/as approxl- .-ictaly ;>.i0n yai . Tho first gui:, first section, oom-.and-d by Sergnant Ed Flahorty., •.''th Ca:-pe-ar. Zd:-in I-, Ailjy,, gunner. Toe 5 Leonard Rosano, driver,'Pfo John Lr.ndcru. lead, r, „r.O f.'c Cha;^io3 Devucqua, radio operator, iraediatoly novod into • 6JL0JI! T/.riC DESTROYER BATTiJJO!; (H-3G_) (Cont-d) ' •:. position and prepared to fire on the onem;.' v^liirl,- Fire was hold until tho tarJc , was 800 yi-.rdJ from Sorgo,-.nt Flah-:rty'a po3itio'.i> ...t n/hioh time Corporal Ailoy j fired four rounds A-RC.. l:it-iing tho -ifohicl^ i'li ti left sponson, directly belov; > tho turret, with th, fourth round. Tho tcjik imi..".diatcly burst into fleiies, male- Ing it impossible for'any of tb,j cro\.' to o-scape. - - i The unit rom:-'.ii;od in tiiis .positiou vn^til tho'.opnr:ia:iding officer of a supporting infijitry coni-ai-i^- o;; t'.'io ri^j'at flej.k co:;taotod-'th:- pl.'itoon leader and informed him tliat thro'- euom" t::.-ak.<; had movjc into position and were cutting units of tho 1st Dattalioa Ii'if Jit'ry, oi:-. our loft flan!: te ribbons., v/ith oachiao'gun , , i . , and tank cannon f ire i Plaoia;-; foe 'r.:A sootio:. i;-. ccnmand cf Sttff Se-go'.nt Eldrod o fC^ Cunninghcjn, the uni-i; lor.dor i.iovod :;hc Ist 3;:ctioi:, into'positien to fire on thoso K;:. -vohicles. One' vohiolo. due to muddy conditions, bogged da\-.'n and vras unable te . mo-ve into n position v/horo it ooi.;ld ef;^ootively fire.. Tao' second vehicle, 1st .'. section, comnandou by .Surg-;e.nt Bort Corbiu a-.;d ere-..' ir.jmbers Oorpo:'al Robert Van- ^ derhovon, gunner., Tec" 5 Jcs.iph Fyrto, driver, T-.iC 5 Vlaite'i- Burnotc, loedor, end ; K'V.- Pfc Carl S'taoho\-;ski. radio opcrito;-,. moved -into position in a $r,\ 11 section of ^:-i--.. woods and opened fii'o at 2500 yard.^ on a Mar'r V p.nr.ther. The first shot sot tho ] VGhicle on fire and all members of the orov; porishod in tho flames. Tho othor ] p;^;;. - tT.-o vehicles i.'rrnodlately disappeared over thj o;-oHt of tho hill, moving av,'a_y from ' tho infantry positions. ' • . • ; ^^•-•: - ' • - • -. ' • 5 oV. -In'both oircui.istanoos, the closo cooporation betv.eon tl-io infantry and y/. ' tanl: destroyer unit loaders enabled tho gun crov;s to. bring effoctivo firo on the ] -'&•'••' enemy tanks, vjitii a r.ininu:-:! of time and mover.ieut. (Comianding Ofiic-)r, GlOth Tank '] .|;'.;;: Destroyer Battalion). • _ ', • '\ I'k SgiST TAIJi: DSSTROVS'? RATL^LIOir (VoY/od): _ .V.'/, • . T.'hilo in position t.ear the to,,n of TILLET, Dolgiim, th-;; 1st section, 2nd ' j platoon of Company C got in some good profitabl.-- shooting.
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