Contents 目錄 2 Chairman and CEO’s Message 主席和行政總裁的話 4 Corporate Highlights 企業年度概要 5 About Hong Kong Housing Society 關於香港房屋協會 Our Approach to Sustainability 可持續發展方針 6 7 Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessment 持份者參與活動及重要性評估 10 The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 聯合國可持續發展目標 12 Corporate Governance 企業管治 Greener Homes and Workplace 綠色家園及工作間 16 18 Green Buildings 綠色建築 21 Energy and Carbon Emissions 能源與碳排放 24 Waste Management and Material Use 廢物管理及物料使用 29 Water Conservation 保護水資源 Community Building 建設社區 30 31 Care for the Elderly 關愛長者 38 Care for the Community 關愛社區 42 Serving Hong Kong 服務香港 Talent and Culture 人才與文化 48 48 Staff Welfare 員工福利 53 Occupational Health and Safety 職業健康及安全 58 About This Report 關於本報告 59 Awards and Recognitions 獎項及嘉許 71 Performance Summary 可持續發展表現摘要 76 Corporate Membership 機構會籍 2 Chairman and CEO’s Message 主席和行政總裁的話 Aspired to be a world-class housing solution provider and innovator 香港房屋協會一直致力解決住屋問題和不斷 with a global vision, Hong Kong Housing Society never sheds its 創新,以達到世界水平。同時,我們亦不遺 responsibility in ensuring the sustainable development of Hong Kong. 餘力地推動香港的可持續發展。除了應付香 Beyond tackling the challenges brought by housing shortage and 港房屋短缺及人口老化帶來的挑戰外,我們 our ageing population, the Housing Society is well prepared to play 亦已作好準備,為建設更環保、宜居及長者 its part in transforming Hong Kong into a greener, more liveable and 友善的香港擔當重要的角色。 age-friendly city. From businesses to daily operations, we embrace sustainability as an 無論在業務發展或日常營運上,可持續發展 integral part of our core values, striving to minimise our ecological 已是房協信念中不可或缺的一部分,驅使我 footprint and utilise resources in a sustainable way. Through the 們盡心竭力減少生態足跡及更負責任地使 application of green building principles, such as environmentally 用資源。我們秉持綠色建築原則,採納環保 sustainable designs and construction methods, we minimise energy 的設計及建造方法,將項目發展過程中的能 consumption, water usage and waste generation, as well as provide 源消耗、用水和廢物生產量等盡量減少,並 a healthy living environment for our home buyers and tenants. In 為業主及租戶營造健康的生活環境。而在日 terms of daily operations, the ISO 14001:2015 certified Environmental 常營運中,房協的不同部門亦會根據獲ISO Management System guides the execution and evaluation of our 14001:2015 認證的環境管理系統,執行及檢 environmental policies and initiatives across divisions. 討環境政策與措施。 An inclusive and harmonious community is vital for a city’s sustainable 和諧共融的社區亦是城市可持續發展的重 development. For over seventy years, the Housing Society has been 要一環。過去七十多年來,房協緊隨著社會 providing affordable housing and related services to address the 發展的步伐,一直為市民提供可負擔的房屋 people’s housing needs in tandem with the city’s development. In the 及相關服務,滿足市民在不同年代的住屋需 past year, we have enriched our “Transitional Rental Housing Scheme” 要。去年,「過渡性房屋出租計劃」和「未補價 and “Letting Scheme for Subsidised Sale Developments with Premium 資助出售房屋 — 出 租 計 劃 」兩 個「 暫 租 住 屋 」 Unpaid” under “T-Home”, and launched the “Flat for Flat Pilot Scheme 項目均有進一步發展;我們亦推出了「長者業 for Elderly Owners” to better utilise the existing housing resources, 主 樓 換 樓 先 導 計 劃 」, 期 望 盡 量 善 用 現 有 的 benefitting the wider community. Furthermore, to nurture the future 房屋資源,讓更多市民能安居樂業。此外, generations of housing management professionals, we have provided 我們向修讀房屋相關學科的年青人提供獎學 scholarships and internship programmes to young people in relevant 金和實習計劃,為房屋管理業界培育新血。 disciplines. Together with the newly established professional youth 加上新成立的「房協獎學金同學會」,築成與 network, Hong Kong Housing Society Academy Alumni Club, we wish 新進專業人士的溝通橋樑,將我們的專業代 to pass on our experiences and ensure the sustainable growth of our 代傳承,為業界的長遠發展作出貢獻。 industry. Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2019/20 3 Our journey towards sustainability relies upon our effective corporate 房協得以在可持續發展路程穩步前行,有賴 governance, prudent financial planning, and an innovative and flexible 我們行之有效的企業管治、審慎理財及重視 culture. These allow us to be adaptive and resilient in responding to 創新和變通的企業文化。這些特質有助我們 the ever-changing markets. While Hong Kong is facing unprecedented 在瞬息萬變的市場環境下快速應變和保持穩 challenges associated with COVID-19, the Housing Society has been 健。在新冠肺炎疫情為香港帶來前所未有的 responsive in providing a range of relief measures, including rent 挑戰期間,房協亦馬上推出一連串的紓困措 concessions and the distribution of anti-pandemic supplies, providing 施,包括租金寬減及派發抗疫用品,與我們 timely aid to our residents during these difficult times. 的住戶共度難關。 We are pleased to serve as Hong Kong’s “housing laboratory”, and we 房協有幸能以「房屋實驗室」的角色服務香 will continue our commitment in creating a better living environment 港,矢志繼續為廣大市民創造更宜居的環 for our people. Earlier this year, we have conducted a stakeholder 境。早前,我們收集了持份者對房協可持續 engagement exercise to help identify and prioritise sustainability 發展的意見,藉此識別出重要議題,並依據 material topics that concern our stakeholders. The findings formed the 持份者的關注程度將議題排序。調查的結果 backbone of this issue of Sustainability Report, and at the same time 構成了本報告的骨幹,同時成為我們訂立長 serve as a basis for us to devise long-term sustainability strategies. 遠可持續發展策略的基礎。在我們策劃未來 We endeavour to meet our stakeholders’ every expectations, 發展時,定必會盡心竭力,回應持份者的期 addressing their needs when formulating our next course of action. 望和需要。 Walter Chan Kar-lok James Chan Yum-min 陳家樂 陳欽勉 Chairman Chief Executive Officer and 主席 行政總裁兼 Executive Director 執行總幹事 香港房屋協會 2019/20 年度可持續發展報告 4 Corporate Highlights 企業年度概要 Echoing the Low Carbon Charter, the Housing Society commits to reduce 響應低碳約章,房協承諾以二零一二 / 一三年度 為 基 準 年,在 二 零 二 九 / 三零年度前減少 14* 13% residential projects have been certified by of our corporate carbon emission by 2029/30 BEAM or BEAM Plus for New Buildings with 2012/13 as the baseline year 個住宅物業發展項目獲得「建築環境評估法」或 企業碳排放量 「綠建環評」(新建建築)認證 The Ageing-in-Place Scheme served 「樂得耆所」居家安老計劃於 Over Received 二零一九 / 二零年度為 超過 獲得 102,073 34,800 39 elderly tenants (frequency) in residents participated in the awards and certificates in 2019/20 and have established Housing Society Community’s recognition of the community partnership with 名住戶於二零一九 / 二零年度參加了 contributions by the Housing 名長者住戶(人次)提供服務;自開展以 Society, our staff and residents 來,已 與 859 個 獎 項 和 嘉 許,肯 定 房 協、員 工 和 住 戶 events in 2019/20 的社區貢獻 340 個「房協之友」活動 organisations since launch 間機構建立合作關係 Since 2006, the Housing Society Award Over offered to housing and elderly-care students 向員工提供超過 scholarship amounting to near 自二零零六年以來,「房協獎助學金計劃」已向修讀 # 房屋或長者護理相關學科的學生頒授獎助學金近 25,000 hours of training and development provided HK$ million to staff members 港元 7 百萬 小時的培訓和發展機會 * including Provisional and Final 包括暫定及最終評級 # for permanent and contract staff 適用於長期及固定任期員工 Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2019/20 About Hong Kong Housing Society 5 關於香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society (“Housing Society”) was established in 香 港 房 屋 協 會 (「 房 協 」) 於 一 九 四 八 年 成 立 , 總 1948 and is headquartered in Hong Kong. We are an independent, 部設於香港。我們是根據香港法例《第一零 not-for-profit organisation set up by the Chapter 1059 — Hong 五九章—香 港 房 屋 協 會 法 團 條 例 》成 立 的 獨 Kong Housing Society Incorporation Ordinance. Being the “housing 立非牟利機構。作為香港的「房屋實驗室」, laboratory” in Hong Kong, the Housing Society develops quality 房協致力為不同社會經濟背景的市民建設優 housing and related services to address the ever-changing needs of 質居所和提供相關服務,配合他們在住屋上 our people across different socio-economic backgrounds. 不斷轉變的需求。 Our core businesses include property development, property 我們的核心業務包括物業發展、物業管理、 management, elderly housing and care, building rehabilitation, and 長者房屋及支援、舊樓維修及商業租賃。房 commercial leasing. The Housing Society operates on a self-financing 協以自負盈虧原則營運;因此,我們須審慎 basis. We take a prudent approach in monitoring the expenses in 地管理在人力資源、營運、物業發展和為社 staffing, operations, property development and providing housing- 區提 供 房屋相關服務的開支,以及在物業銷 related services to the community with the income generated by 售、租賃及投資方面的收入。透過有效理財, property sales, leasing and investments. By managing our financial 我們更能適應市場的變動,為任何突如其來 resources effectively, we are more resilient to market changes and 的風險和機遇做好準備,以維持房協健康及 ready for any unexpected risks and opportunities, maintaining a 可持續的長遠發展。 healthy and long-term sustainable growth. Housing Society’s Business Profile 房協業務摘要 Total number of employees: 92 projects and Serving 員工總數: 已 發 展 九十 二 個 物 業 項 目,共 服務二十個出租屋邨和十九個代管物業中的 1,482* 73,390 130,641 units developed population in 20 rental estates 個單位 and 19 managed properties 位居民 Total income: Total expense: Net deficit: 總收入: 總支出: 淨虧損: HK$ million HK$ million HK$ million 港元 975 百萬 港元 2,005 百萬 港元 1,030 百萬 Net asset value: 資產淨值: HK$ billion 港元 42.4 十億 * including permanent, contract and temporary staff 包括長期、固定任期及短期合約員工 More financial information can be found in the Financial Management section of Annual Report 2019/20. 更詳盡的財務資訊已刊載於二零一九/二零年度年報的《財務管理》章節。 香港房屋協會 2019/20 年度可持續發展報告 6 Our Approach to Sustainability 可持續發展方針 The Housing Society has been serving the needs of the Hong Kong community with the vision to be a world-class housing solution provider and innovator with leadership in quality, value for money and management. Our core values — customer, talent, quality and prudence, are fundamental to our daily operations in housing and related services, serving as guiding principles when pursuing corporate success. With sustainability as an integral part of our development philosophy, we are committed to preserving the environment and building a liveable community. 房協致力為香港社會解決住屋問題和不斷創新,以達到世界水平,並在 質素 、 物值及管理方面佔領導地位 。 房協的四個核心價值「顧客為本」、「人 才為基」、「優質為尚」及「資源為用」是我們賴以成功的企業信念,貫徹 於日常的房屋和社區服務營運當中。房協將可持續發展的原則融入企業 發展理念當中,並積極推動環保工作及建造宜居社區。 Our Core Values 我們的信念 Customer Talent Quality Prudence 顧客為本 人才為基 優質為尚 資源為用 Serve and satisfy the Shape an attractive working Provide quality products Maintain prudent expectations of environment for members and staff and services principles our customers 為委員及員工締造 提供優質的商品及服務
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