Trenton Line

Trenton Line

SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS and MAJOR HOLIDAYS )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 1- DDD7UHQWRQ7UDQVLW&HQWHU DD/HYLWWRZQ7XOO\WRZQ D %ULVWRO DD&UR\GRQ (GGLQJWRQ) )) ) ) ) )) )) )) ) DD&RUQZHOOV+HLJKWV D 7RUUHVGDOH D +ROPHVEXUJ-XQFWLRQ 7DFRQ\ %ULGHVEXUJ D 1RUWK3KLODGHOSKLD' '' ' ' ' '' '' '' ' 72&(17(5&,7< & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ '' ' ' & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ '' ' ' & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ' ' ' ' & D 7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ 7UDLQFRQWLQXHVWR ² &+( &+( ² &+( ² &+( &+( &+( ² &+( &+( &+( VHH'HVWLQDWLRQ&RGHV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 & D 7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ D 1RUWK3KLODGHOSKLD %ULGHVEXUJ 7DFRQ\ D +ROPHVEXUJ-XQFWLRQ D 7RUUHVGDOH DD&RUQZHOOV+HLJKWV 7275(1721 (GGLQJWRQ) )) )) ) )) )) ) )) DD&UR\GRQ D %ULVWRO DD/HYLWWRZQ7XOO\WRZQ 1- DDD7UHQWRQ7UDQVLW&HQWHU $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 D - Stops to discharge or pick up passengers, but may depart ahead of schedule F - Stops to discharge passengers on notice to conductor and pick up passengers standing on platform in position visible to engineer NJ Transit Riders – For connecting services at Trenton Transit Center, please consult NJ Transit timetables or for updated train information. FOX ELM DOY CHE service information operate onaspecialschedule.Please checktheSEPTAwebsiteforupdated Severe WeatherSchedule: shown herearesubjecttochangewithoutnotice failure tomakeconnectionsorforshortageofequipment.Theschedules experience ordamageresultingfromerrorsintimetables,delayed trains, Disclaimer: Labor Day,ThanksgivingChristmasDay(SpecialSchedule) Regional RailMajorHolidays: be designatedasyourQuietRideCar 7:00 p.m.)with3ormorecarsopenforpassengerservice.Thefirst carwill QuietRide Car: Guide orthewebsiteforcompletefareinformation Fare paymentoptions: Schedule Times: unlessotherwisenoted * AllConnectingServicesareSEPTABus,TrolleyorHighSpeedRail © SEPTA9/21 927W.BerksSt Market Stbetween10th&12thSts 16th St&JFKBlvd 30th &MarketSts 30 Broad St&GlenwoodAve 2202 BridgeSt 4938 DisstonSt 215-331-9301 4783 RhawnSt 215-637-7575 9648 JamesSt 799 StationAve(offI-95) 1099 StreetRd 751 BristolPk 790 WashingtonSt 215-946-4251 8301 BristolPk 83 S.ClintonAve TEMPLE UNIVERSITY TEMPLE STATION JEFFERSON STATION SUBURBAN PHILADELPHIA NORTH BRIDESBURG TACONY JUNCTION HOLMESBURG TORRESDALE HEIGHTS CORNWELLS EDDINGTON CROYDON BRISTOL LEVITTOWN CENTER TRANSIT TRENTON STATION LOCATIONS STATION BRS =Broad-RidgeSpur MFL =Market-FrankfordLineBSLBroadStreet th STREET STATION STREET Fox Chase Elm Street Doylestown Chestnut HillEast SEPTA Availableonallweekdaytrains(Monday-Friday4:00a.m. Indicatewhentrainsdepartthestation does notassumeresponsibilityforinconvenience, cash,tickets,passes.PleasechecktheSEPTAFare DESTINATION CODES DESTINATION LNK LAN GLN Duringextremeweatherconditions,Trainsmay TRAVEL TIPS TRAVEL NewYear’sDay,MemorialJuly4th, Link Belt Lansdale Glenside 47m, 48,61,62,78,NJT MFL, BRS,17,23,33,38,44,45,47, 78, 124,125 27, 31,32,33,34,36,38,44,48,62, MFL, BSL,2,4,10,11,13,16,17, Amtrak, NJTAtlanticCityRailLine 44, 49,62,78,124,125,LUCY, MFL, 9,10,11,13,30,31,34,36, Line, NJTBusRoutes 127, Amtrak,NJTNECLine,River CONNECTING * SERVICES CONNECTING 4, 16,BSL 127, 128 78, 133 WTR WAR NOR 73, 84 19, 84 133 128 129 84 West Trenton Warminster Norristown TC T.T.6TRE-15 Bus REGIONAL RAIL REGIONAL • TempleUniversity • JeffersonStation • SuburbanStation • 30thStreetStation • NorthPhiladelphia • Bridesburg • Tacony • HolmesburgJunction • Torresdale • CornwellsHeights • Eddington • Croydon • Bristol • Levittown • TrentonTransitCenter To/From CenterCityPhiladelphia TRENTON Effective September5,2021 TDD/TTY: 215-580-7853 Customer Service:215-580-7800 LINE MONDAYS through FRIDAYS (Except MAJOR HOLIDAYS) SAFETY TIPS )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU • NEVER pass between cars when a =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 $0 train is moving • NEVER attempt to board a moving 1- DDD7UHQWRQ7UDQVLW&HQWHU Ĺ(YHQLQJ)DUHV train DDD/HYLWWRZQ7XOO\WRZQ • ALWAYS wait for the train to come D %ULVWRO to a complete stop BEFORE DD&UR\GRQ exiting (GGLQJWRQ ) )² ²) )²) ²) ²) ²) )²)²)²)² • NEVER ride in the vestibule or on the steps of a moving train DDD&RUQZHOOV+HLJKWV • NEVER lean against the train DD 7RUUHVGDOH doors DD +ROPHVEXUJ-XQFWLRQ 7DFRQ\ %ULGHVEXUJ $SSO\Ĺ D 1RUWK3KLODGHOSKLD' '' '' ''''' '' '' '' '' '' ' ' 72&(17(5&,7< & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ '' '' '' ' '' ' & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ '' '' '' ' ' ' & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ' '' '' ' ' '² ' & DD7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ ² 7UDLQFRQWLQXHVWR ²²²²²&+( ² &+( ² &+( &+( &+( &+( &+( ²²&+( &+( &+( &+( &+( ² VHH'HVWLQDWLRQ&RGHV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 $0 $0 )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 & DD7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\² Ĺ(YHQLQJ)DUHV & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ ² & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ D 1RUWK3KLODGHOSKLD %ULGHVEXUJ 7DFRQ\ DD +ROPHVEXUJ-XQFWLRQ DD 7RUUHVGDOH $SSO\Ĺ 7275(1721 DDD&RUQZHOOV+HLJKWV (GGLQJWRQ )²)) ²) ²) ²) ²) ²²²)² )²) ) ² DD&UR\GRQ D %ULVWRO DDD/HYLWWRZQ7XOO\WRZQ 1- DDD7UHQWRQ7UDQVLW&HQWHU $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 $0 STATION AMENITIES D - Stops to discharge or pick up passengers, but may depart ahead of schedule F - Stops to discharge passengers on notice to conductor and pick up passengers standing on platform in SEPTA Bus Route 78 “Cornwells Heights Express” è SEPTA Parking available position visible to engineer offers early AM service from Cornwells Heights Station to é Accessible Station Center City Philadelphia and late night service, after Mid- G Ticket Office (hours vary, please check the SEPTA website for details) NJ Transit Riders – For connecting services at Trenton Transit Center, Ticket Offices at 30th St, Suburban & Jefferson Stations open 7 days a week please consult NJT timetables or for updated train information. night, from Center City Philadelphia to Cornwells Heights, on weekdays. Please consult the Route 78 timetable for details SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS and MAJOR HOLIDAYS )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 1- DDD7UHQWRQ7UDQVLW&HQWHU DD/HYLWWRZQ7XOO\WRZQ D %ULVWRO DD&UR\GRQ (GGLQJWRQ) )) ) ) ) )) )) )) ) DD&RUQZHOOV+HLJKWV D 7RUUHVGDOH D +ROPHVEXUJ-XQFWLRQ 7DFRQ\ %ULGHVEXUJ D 1RUWK3KLODGHOSKLD' '' ' ' ' '' '' '' ' 72&(17(5&,7< & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ '' ' ' & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ '' ' ' & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ' ' ' ' & D 7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ 7UDLQFRQWLQXHVWR ² &+( &+( ² &+( ² &+( &+( &+( ² &+( &+( &+( VHH'HVWLQDWLRQ&RGHV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 & D 7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ D 1RUWK3KLODGHOSKLD %ULGHVEXUJ 7DFRQ\ D +ROPHVEXUJ-XQFWLRQ D 7RUUHVGDOH DD&RUQZHOOV+HLJKWV 7275(1721 (GGLQJWRQ) )) )) ) )) )) ) )) DD&UR\GRQ D %ULVWRO DD/HYLWWRZQ7XOO\WRZQ 1- DDD7UHQWRQ7UDQVLW&HQWHU $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 D - Stops to discharge or pick up passengers, but may depart ahead of schedule F - Stops to discharge passengers on notice to conductor and pick up passengers standing on platform in position visible to engineer NJ Transit Riders – For connecting services at Trenton Transit Center, please consult NJ Transit timetables or for updated train information. FOX ELM DOY CHE service information operate onaspecialschedule.Please checktheSEPTAwebsiteforupdated Severe WeatherSchedule: shown herearesubjecttochangewithoutnotice failure tomakeconnectionsorforshortageofequipment.Theschedules experience ordamageresultingfromerrorsintimetables,delayed trains, Disclaimer: Labor Day,ThanksgivingChristmasDay(SpecialSchedule) Regional RailMajorHolidays: be designatedasyourQuietRideCar 7:00 p.m.)with3ormorecarsopenforpassengerservice.Thefirst carwill QuietRide Car: Guide orthewebsiteforcompletefareinformation Fare paymentoptions: Schedule Times: unlessotherwisenoted * AllConnectingServicesareSEPTABus,TrolleyorHighSpeedRail © SEPTA9/21 927W.BerksSt Market Stbetween10th&12thSts 16th St&JFKBlvd 30th &MarketSts 30 Broad St&GlenwoodAve 2202 BridgeSt 4938 DisstonSt 215-331-9301 4783 RhawnSt 215-637-7575 9648 JamesSt 799 StationAve(offI-95) 1099 StreetRd 751 BristolPk 790 WashingtonSt 215-946-4251 8301 BristolPk 83 S.ClintonAve TEMPLE UNIVERSITY TEMPLE STATION JEFFERSON STATION SUBURBAN PHILADELPHIA NORTH BRIDESBURG TACONY JUNCTION HOLMESBURG TORRESDALE HEIGHTS CORNWELLS EDDINGTON CROYDON BRISTOL LEVITTOWN CENTER TRANSIT TRENTON STATION LOCATIONS STATION BRS =Broad-RidgeSpur MFL =Market-FrankfordLineBSLBroadStreet

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